Second World

Chapter 1454. Escaping the Fort

Chapter 1454. Escaping the Fort

3One person beside Dograr who had a clear view of what was happening was Jobreak. He had a hard time processing what was happening before him. His Hurricane Calamity worked just fine on the other sides, but the side that was facing the stairs was as if all the wind energies had fallen into a bottomless abyss.     

Once all the winds finished entering Grace's palm, she felt as if a dam within her had broken. All the destructive energies flooded within her. Numerous damage numbers popped up above her, even when her HP had already fallen to zero.     

She slumped to the floor when both Dograr and Jobreak were still unsure about what was happening. The Generosity of Hope took effect then. It brought Grace back to life, which gave the two dwarves another round of surprise.     

Grace took advantage of the momentary stun from the surprise and activated Angelic Possession. Wings of light sprout behind her and all her attributes were increased. With the enhanced speed and strength, she grabbed Dograr and flew toward the window.     

Jobreak snapped back then. "Don't think you can escape!" He exclaimed.     

He threw one of his labryses and used Charge at the same time, but his danger sense warned him of incoming danger. He ignored the warning. Either preventing Dograr from escaping or killing him was more important than his well-being.     

He felt an explosion then, which came from David's Throw Grenade. David died but he also came back to life because of Grace's Generosity of Hope.     

Jobreak continued forcing himself forward, only to find David's gun right next to his face. David used Rapid shot. From such a close range, Jobreak was unable to dodge. The bullets hit his eye. The pain forced him to stop his charge.     

Grace sensed the incoming labrys. She had one hand on Dograr while the other swung her mace at the labrys. She received damage and a slight knockback from the impact. But with David stopping Jobreak, she was able to resume her flight and dashed right through the window.     

David ran to the window while Jobreak was still reeling from the pain in his eye. With one eye still open, he saw David running away. He wanted to stop David but Oswald came in between.     

"Let me play with you," Oswald said with a grin.     

"Grace!" David called and jumped out the window. As he fell, he threw the rope they used earlier to climb to the third floor. Grace caught that rope.     

David's fall was stopped as he and Grace held the opposite ends of the rope. Carrying two people was too heavy, even for Grace's enhanced strength. She started falling. She didn't try to fight the weight, she let herself fall slowly toward the ground.     

On the way down, she saw a large spaceship above the main gate raining down hell on the soldiers at the top of the wall. That was Paytowin's Mothership Bombardment.     

Paytowin was operating the mechanism that controlled the gate while his Beam Turret, Brave King, and the bombardment from the spaceship above kept the soldiers at bay.     

The main gate was slowly opening. Clearsky who was waiting below immediately led the prisoners out once there was a large enough gap for a person to pass through.     

David let go of the rope once he was around ten meters from the ground. He made a roll as he hit the ground. He suffered no damage.     

"Go! Get him out of here. We will rendezvous later!" David shouted at Grace.     

Grace nodded. With one load off, she could pick up altitude again. She went past the wall above Paytowin, who gave her the signal to not worry about them. She looked back at the keep and then used her companion token to unsummon Oswald, returning him to safety.     

While flying away, she saw Paytowin and Brave King fly out from the fort and join the prisoners who had run earlier. David also rushed out of the opened gate. Some soldiers came chasing after him. He shot at them while continued retreating.     

She didn't worry about them. They were capable players. Her priority was to get Dograr to safety.     

She used her wings tool after her Angelic Possession ended. She flew past several rock formations which was hard to pass on foot. This was so that any pursuer would have a hard time chasing after her unless they could fly. She was glad then that Jobreak didn't have a wings tool as well.     

After flying past the rock formation, she landed on the ground. She noticed that Dograr's face was pale. No wonder the dwarf was silent the entire flight. He was terrified.     

"Who… Who are you…?!" Dograr could finally speak again after taking several seconds to gather himself.     

"We came to rescue you," Grace said. "Boron is using you to force your sister into supporting his rebellion."     

"Rebellion?" Dograr said with surprise.     

Grace understood then that Dograr was unaware of what was happening in this country. Boron probably captured Dograr before he started his rebellion. Grace explained everything to Dograr.     

"That… That is terrible…!" Dograr exclaimed after hearing Grace's explanation. "I need to get to my sister!"     

"That is our intention. Don't worry, we will get you to her," Grace said. She summoned her unicorn. Her steed could run faster than her flying.     

"Come. We are going to your sister," Grace said and offered Dograr her hand. Dograr accepted. After hearing the explanation and remembering how Grace sacrificed herself to save him, he thought he could trust this elven woman.     

"What did you do, anyway?" Dograr asked after sitting behind Grace.     

"What do you mean?" Grace asked back.     

"The thing you do when you block the winds."     

"Oh, that. That is called martial arts. Something we outworlders practice," Grace answered.     

"Oh…? Fancy. I thought it was a skill," Dograr said. "It was very impressive whatever this martial art is."     

Grace chuckled. "It is called the Nine Yin Devouring Palm."     

'I haven't been able to master it, though,' Grace added in her mind. In its perfect execution, the Nine Yin Devouring Palm would not only absorb the destructive mana but also convert it into restorative energy. If Grace had mastered the ancient art, the Hurricane Calamity she absorbed earlier would not kill her but heal her instead.     

After experiencing the effectiveness of this martial art in a real fight, Grace vowed she would train harder and master the ancient art.     

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