Second World

Chapter 119. Deciding the Boss Loots

Chapter 119. Deciding the Boss Loots

2Queen Magenta was clearly unhappy that Jack still dared to mouth off at her. She said heatedly, "If we fail because of you, not only will White Scarfs pay for the coins, our Wicker Witches experts will also hunt you down as a punishment for wasting our time."     

"I will join the hunt for free," Warpath added with a wicked grin.     

"Can we not fight among ourselves?" Silverwing said with annoyance. "The other group is about to enter."     

They turned and saw Scarface, Red Death, Blackjack, and Manager Steelhand leading six other players towards the dungeon entrance. One by one, they disappeared into the portal. Its liquid-looking surface rippled each time a person passed through the portal.     

Jack could see their worry from the grim expressions that Silverwing and Queen Magenta exhibited. The players that had gone into the dungeon were well-known experts, especially Red Death, Scarface, and Blackjack. Jack had not fought any of the players from Corporate United, but he had heard about them from his past VR games. Especially Supervisor Killmonger, he was still a teenager, but he had gained great fame from the last popular VR fighting game.     

"We should get moving," Silverwing said to the others.     

Queen Magenta was clearly concerned about the other group as well; she no longer continued with her bickering. She ordered her group to prepare to enter the dungeon.     

Silverwing approached Jack and asked, "Are you ready?"     

"Yes, but I wouldn't expect much cooperation from their side," Jack said, indicating the Wicked Witches people.     

"Don't worry about them," Silverwing said. "We have agreed on a formation where they're the vanguard while we cover the rear and sides. So we will cover our area, and there won't be much need for cooperation."     

"Really? Why do they want to be vanguard? They will suffer the brunt of monster attacks, won't they?" Jack asked.     

"They want to get higher rankings," Sinreaper explained, joining the conversation. "From our past skirmishes into the dungeon, we deduced that each monster kill contributes to the ranking points."     

"I see. No wonder they were willing," Jack chuckled. "But then, wouldn't it be bad for our team if they get the high rankings?"     

"It might, at first," Sinreaper said. "But in our several dives into the dungeon, not once did we reach the Boss. From the information in the library, we will need to kill the Boss to clear the dungeon. We hypothesize that the Boss will provide more ranking points than killing minions. We will let them exhaust their strength to clear the minions while we preserve our strength to go against the Boss. This way, we will score higher in the ranking."     

"It's a gamble then," Jack said.     

"It's an educated bet," Sinreaper replied as he adjusted his glasses.     

"All right, I don't mind either way. Just tell me what you want me to do."     

"At the start, you can just lay low at the back," Silverwing said. "When we reach the boss, I hope you can do your best to deal as much damage as possible."     

"All right," Jack nodded. "But I think you should be preparing to hear some more criticism from that granny when she sees me slacking at the back."     

"Don't worry about her," Silverwing said again.     

"By the way, here are the potions you requested," he handed Jack five bottles of Basic Healing Potions.     

"Thank you; I will pay you for these."     

"Nonsense," Silverwing waved him off. "You are helping us in this dungeon; the least we can do is provide you with some support items."     

Jack nodded his gratitude and accepted the potions.     

"I have to arrange the rest of my people before we enter the dungeon. You can relax here for a while," Silverwing said, then he walked away with Sinreaper.     

When Silverwing was out of earshot from Jack, he asked Sinreaper, "Can you see his level now?"     

Sinreaper shook his head. "Actually, not only can I still not see his level, this time I cannot see anything, including his name."     

"How is that possible?" Silverwing was astounded.     

Sinreaper shook his head again. "I don't know. He probably wears something that masks his information."     

"That guy is full of surprises," Silverwing said as he glanced back at Jack. "I truly think that inviting him for this dungeon was the right call."     

"I agree," Sinreaper said.     

"Are you guys ready?" Selena asked not long after. The others from the Wicked Witches had gathered near the dungeon entrance.     

Silverwing looked around, then asked Bluedaze, "Still no news from Grimclaw?"     

Bluedaze shook her head.     

"Damn! Where the hell is he?" Silverwing cursed. "No choice then. Honeycomb, you come with us."     

The woman called Honeycomb nodded. They then walked over to the silvery portal that was the dungeon entrance. When they arrived, Queen Magenta scanned the group and immediately complained, "Are you kidding me? Where is Grimclaw? Are you telling me you are leaving your strongest member behind? Are you being serious about clearing this dungeon?"     

"I apologize; he is indisposed at this moment," Silverwing replied. "Don't worry; Honeycomb here is also a capable Fighter."     

Queen Magenta screwed up her face in an ugly scowl as she said, "That girl? Are you kidding? Never heard of her before. First a useless nobody, now another nobody. It will be a miracle if we clear the dungeon."     

"At least we will get three gold coins," Warpath commented from the side.     

Queen Magenta felt much better after hearing it.     

They were about to enter when Jack called out, "Wait!"     

Queen Magenta glared at him, "What now? Are you going to offer another bet?"     

"Sort of," Jack said with a grin. "We all know you are all interested in the first clear item, but what about the Boss loot? How are you planning to distribute it?"     

"Certainly none of it will be your share," Queen Magenta replied mockingly.     

Silverwing was more reasonable, "What do you propose?"     

"There will be ranking, right? I propose the player with the highest-ranking gets first priority to pick the loot."     

"Hahaha," Warpath laughed. "You are talking as if you are sure that you will be the highest-ranking. Has that lucky coincidence during the tutorial period caused your head to grow too big? So now you can't even differentiate between reality and fantasy? You are not even gonna survive until the Boss!"     

"Mister Warpath's words are exactly what is in my mind as well," Queen Magenta added.     

"Well, if that is true, what are you both afraid of?" Jack countered.     

"Who is afraid?" Warpath shot back.     

"So, we all agree with my proposition? First rank gets the priority?"     

Warpath and Queen Magenta looked at each other. They were not afraid that Jack would take the Boss loot. They were just annoyed and unwilling to agree to an idea that came from him.     

"I think that arrangement is quite reasonable," Silverwing gave his opinion. He added, "Unless, of course, your side is not confident you'll get the highest ranking."     

"Who is not confident!?" Both Warpath and Queen Magenta said at the same time.     

"Fine, we will distribute the loot based on ranking," Queen Magenta said finally. "Are we done? Let's enter already!"     

She then turned and strode into the silvery portal. Warpath, Selena, and another level 13 female Ranger entered after. Jeanny looked back at Jack and said to him before entering, "Good luck! Let's cooperate inside."     

"At least there is one who is friendly," Sinreaper commented to Jack with a smile.     

"Before we enter. Here, I have a stat-boosting meal for everyone," Jack said as he took out the Chicken Soups he had prepared.     

"How much stat does it boost?" Silverwing asked.     

"10% for every stat."     

"Then you'd better eat ours. Here, for everyone," Silverwing said as he took out five pieces of chicken wing and offered them to everyone.     

"So, you have also have prepared stat-enhancing foods?" Jack said as he took the chicken wing.     

"Of course, I was just about to share them when you offered yours. I'm sure the Wicked Witches group also ate a meal that gave them a buff before they entered."     

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