Second World

Chapter 118. Monopolizing the Dungeon

Chapter 118. Monopolizing the Dungeon

3Jack didn't bother to speak in a low voice; hence, Queen Magenta heard his words. She turned around and hissed angrily, "What did you say just now?"     1

Jack pretended not to hear her and, under her glare, just walked towards Bluedaze. Jeanny was having trouble trying to stifle her giggle.     

"What's the deal with those people from Death Associates and Corporate United?" he asked Bluedaze.     

She looked at him for a moment and glanced at Jeanny, "What's the deal between you and those Wicked Witches girls?"     

"Nothing, I just met them on the way," Jack said honestly.     

Bluedaze eyed him for a moment longer before finally answering his question, "Those two guilds found out about this dungeon. We don't know how they found out, probably through the info in the library, the same as us. Anyway, now they are also trying to clear the dungeon. And, similar to us, those two guilds have partnered up to pool their resources."     

"So, what's the commotion?" Jack asked. "Can the dungeon only be entered one at a time? Have they entered first, and now we have to wait until they come out?"     

"No, there is no limitation like that, just a limitation of each group having a maximum of ten people."     

"Then what's the problem? Just go in and see who can clear the dungeon before the others."     

"You are thinking about this too simply," Bluedaze said. "With so many big guilds coming to these ruins, there are sure to have been people watching. There will likely be many more guilds finding out about this dungeon soon and making their way here. When that happens, our chances of getting the item we want will go down even further. Right now, we are discussing mounting a joint security team to prevent the others from going into this dungeon, at least until we have gotten the thing we had come for."     

"So you are monopolizing the dungeon?" Jack frowned. "That's rather tyrannical, don't you think? What happened to fair competition?"     

Bluedaze rolled her eyes at him, "Haven't you heard the saying 'might makes right?' Even if we don't agree, the other three guilds will cooperate in monopolizing the dungeon. If that happens, we will be the ones to suffer. If those small guilds and independent players want to complain, then they should just complain that they're weak."     

Jack was reminded again why he had always hated being in a guild. It just did not feel right. Gaming was supposed to be fun, but those over-competitive guilds made it into a live-or-die experience. They fought over in-game resources and bullied weaker players and guilds who came for the same resources, completely ruining those players' enjoyment of the games.     

Jack had had several confrontations with such guilds in past games. He was tempted just to say goodbye at this moment and leave this mess behind. But then again, this world can't be wholly regarded as a game. Still, being a bully did not sit right with him. He figured he would just help them this one time to repay the favor Silverwing had done him. After this, he would put some distance between them.     

'Peniel, do you know what item these guilds are trying so hard to get?' Jack silently asked the hidden Fairy.     

'I can make an educated guess if it is the first clear reward from this dungeon,' Peniel answered him.     

'What is it?'     

'It should be the Guild Creation Token.'     

'Guild Creation Token?'     

'Yes, it is an item that allows you to form a guild without paying the fee to the Guilds Association.'     

'There's a Guilds Association? But I thought they were already guilds? What's there to create?' Jack asked in confusion.     

'They are calling themselves guilds, but they are not yet real guilds recognized by this world, only informal gatherings." Peniel replied. "To become an actual guild, they need to go to the Guilds Association to fill in an application and pay a fee. They also need to have at least thirty people willing to be guild members. Once that's all done, then the guild will be formed.     

There are benefits to being a member of a world-approved guild.  Guilds can receive special quests that are only available to guild members. Guilds also have the chance to purchase land and build guild-specific structures provided that they have the funds. The benefits increase as the guild levels up.'     

'There are levels for guilds?' Jack asked in surprise.     

'Of course,' Peniel answered. 'The most obvious difference in guild level is how many members they can have. A first-level guild can have at most five hundred members; after it upgrades to level two, that doubles to one thousand members.'     

  'What's the cost for starting up a guild using fee in the Guilds Association?' Jack asked.     

"Ten gold coins," Peniel answered.     

'That's cheap,' Jack said.     

Peniel had the urge to come out and slap the guy's face. 'You have guts to belittle ten gold coins just because you were lucky enough to successfully raid a Monster Settlement and get a large stack of gold coins!  It will take a very long time for most of these groups to gather such an amount.'     

Jack pondered this information. No wonder they were so desperate to clear this dungeon.     

"It seems like the talk is over," Bluedaze said when she saw Silverwing and Queen Magenta coming towards them. Scarface and Manager Steelhand had also turned away back to their entourage.     

"How did it go?" Bluedaze asked when Silverwing approached.     

"Each of us will provide twenty people for the security detail around the dungeon entrance," he said. "Each of us will also only send one group in at a time. We can partner up among our four guilds, but if one of our members enters the dungeon in a group, then the next one can only enter after the first one comes out. We'll follow this agreement until one of us gets that item."     

Bluedaze nodded her understanding.     

There was a commotion around the dungeon entrance; they looked over and saw three people come out of it and go towards the Death Associates group.     

"That's the Death Associates scout group," Bluedaze informed Jack. "They've been sending scout parties non-stop since they found out about this dungeon yesterday. It seems like their determination to get the item is no weaker than ours."     

"That is true, and they seem to be ready to send their main force in now," Silverwing commented when he saw Scarface and Red Death getting ready while listening to the scout group's report. "Just as we will be entering with Wicked Witches, they will be entering with the experts from Corporate United. It might be a race between our two groups when we enter."     

"Even if they fail, they can retreat to the entrance?" Jack deduced, looking at the three people who came out a moment before.     

"Yes," Bluedaze answered, "the ones who die will be sent back to the capital, but if you are sure you can't proceed, you can safely exit again from where you entered."     

"You already planning to escape before you go in?" Warpath was, as usual, intent on picking a fight with Jack.     

"That's what happens when you pick a newbie," Queen Magenta joined in, then she turned to Silverwing and said seriously, "I have to say this; if we fail because you brought a useless member, I will partner up with Death Associates or Corporate United next. I have no intention of wasting my time."     

Silverwing, who usually smiled, was now wearing a somber face instead. This expedition was becoming more annoying all the time.  First, this Wicked Witch woman keeps on acting as though White Scarfs were weaklings needing her help when it was actually an equal partnership. Second, two new strong competitors have appeared. And, third, that bloody Grimclaw was still nowhere to be found! He had the urge to snipe back at Queen Magenta, but he kept his calm and said instead, "There is no need for you to worry; we always give our best."     

Queen Magenta glanced at Jack, "That doesn't seem to be the case."     

"The three gold coins bet is still on, right?" Jack shot back at her.     

She replied with a smirk, "Of course, if I have the chance to get free money, why shouldn't I?"     

"Likewise," Jack retorted.     

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