Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

betting ten thousand gold coin

betting ten thousand gold coin

0"Things are looking quite interesting down there, that cheeky bastard is quite famous among women,"old man Leon mumbled as his gaze fell to the ground where a woman could be seen standing in front of the three women, and things looked somewhat heated between them.     

"so that's the xiao feng huh, she is indeed beautiful but why is she here after all their marriage is called off by her family and she hates yohan, then why is she here in the clan, and moreover someone is not happy seeing her here" Leon chuckled as his gaze shifted on diya, she is looking furious seeing xiao feng inside the lin clan and at the same time, jasmine and Natasha are looking confused seeing the furiousness on Diya's face.     

suddenly two more figures appeared in the sky and Leon tilted his head and looked at them with a somewhat confused gaze.     

"What are you doing here, I thought you were with lady kana, where is she, "Leon asked as he saw old man lin and elder song, hearing Leon's words old man lin took a deep sigh.     

"It's complicated, but what the hell is happening here, "old man lin asked as his gaze landed on the ground and saw xiao feng and diya along with Natasha and jasmine, elder song also followed old man lins' gaze and saw the heated situation down at the ground.     

"your grandson is quite famous isn't it, he caused all of this, that xiao feng girl suddenly popped up nowhere and looking for yohan, and on the other hand, your favorite daughter is somewhat not happy with her presence, while those two were confused and clueless as they didn't know anything that is happening there," Leon said.     

hearing Leon's words old man lin took a deep sigh and on the other hand, the elder song looked closely and his facial expression drastically changed"don't tell me these three beauties are yohan's partner"elder song whispered as he looked towards old man lin.     

"Yes, the one who is standing in front of the xiao feng is diya, and right behind her are jasmine and Natasha, "old man lin responded to the elder song.     

"I know xiao feng because she is close to my granddaughter as I told you earlier, but it has been a while since I saw her last, she has grown too much, and her cultivation based is increased drastically, she is very close to getting breakthrough in the core formation soul realm, on the other hand, that jasmine girl and Natasha are far behind from xiao feng, wait a minute something is not right"elder song mumbled as he shifted his gaze towards diya and he tried to examine her cultivation base but the moment he did that something blocked his spiritual sense.     

"don't bother because you are not that strong to see through her cultivation, "Leon said as he saw how hard elder song was trying to peek into diya's cultivation base, hearing those bold words and seeing a smirk on Leon's face. The elder song felt insulted.     

"You are still arrogant as you used to be, I thought you might have changed in those years but alas you can't change old habits, "elder song smirked as he looked at Leon with killing intent.     

"both of you stop it, you are not kind anymore, and Leon why didn't you stop them, you already know about Diya's condition, you can't let her go berserk, what will you do if something like hundred poison valley happened here, that time there was lady Evelyn who controls the situation, I don't want anything like that happened here, and you are watching shamelessly from sideline"old man lin exclaimed as he looked elder song and Leon and a moment later he focused on Leon who is caressing his old white beard.     

"it's a quarrel between women, there is nothing I can do about it, do you want me to get involved in their fight, do you think they will stop if I intervene and moreover its better to let them resolve their matters, it's not wise for us to butt in," Leon responded as he looked old man lin and shifted his gaze towards elder song.     

"Hey, jackass! I heard you are making lots of fortune these days and I see you have great confidence in that girl xiao feng, why don't we make bet like old-time," Leon said.     

Hearing Leon's words, old man lin took a deep sigh, on the other hand, the elder song's facial expression became serious.     

"What are you suggesting?"elder song said.     

"ten thousand gold coins on the line, if xiao feng wins I will give you ten thousand gold coins and if diya wins this battle you are going to pay me ten thousand gold coins, what did you say, "Leon smirked as he said those words.     

Hearing Leon elder song gulped and his gaze landed on diya, he couldn't feel anything from her and she was somewhat pissed and on the other hand, xiao feng was calm and composed as she looking diya.     

"Okay, let's do that, I don't believe any of those things which I heard from lin, both of you are underestimating xiao feng, she is a trained warrior from her childhood, look at her stance and that calmness on her face she is a prodigy, on the other hand, I can't feel anything from that child, both of you lost your minds, thinking highly of her"elder song responded as he looked, Leon.     

hearing him Leon merely gave him a smile and nodded his head and on the other hand hearing, elder song's words old man lin shook his head.     

"Bastard, I can see those ten thousand gold coins flashing in front of your sight, but I warned you don't cry when you lose those coins,don't you dare to underestimate her"old man lin exclaimed as he looked at the elder song.     

"Whatever you will soon know how powerful xiao feng is , I am also curious about diya, after all, I heard enough bragging about her from your mouth"the elder song responded as he looked at old man lin.     

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