Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Reborn in Cultivation World

Reborn in Cultivation World


Yohan was a gaming maniac, who loved playing the earth's most popular cultivation game. He was one of the best and famous players of the action genre in the cultivation era. But unfortunately, he died ridiculously while crossing the road and was hit by the Truck Kun.3

"Am I going to die like this? I was about to break through into the Heavenly Soul Realm. I waited six years for this day, but... damn you, Truck Kun, you ruined my whole life, I am a dying virgin, what a shame Dying like this," Yohan cursed the truck Kun from the bottom of his heart And died instantly on the road.

[Meanwhile, somewhere else]

A light struck on the young man who was walking in the middle of the road while thinking about the woman he loved. When he sensed that something hit him, he shouted at the top of his lungs. But before he could dodge or comprehend anything, he died instantly after getting hit by the lightning bolt.

The place where lightning hit became barren, and the sound of that lightning could be heard up to thousands of miles. the mob gathered around that place, to inquire what just happened, and their gazes went on the young man who was laying on the ground,his cloth is completely destroyed and becomes tattered after getting hit by that lighting, everyone thought that young man died after getting struck by that lightning.

But suddenly something unexpected happened the body of the young man started shaking violently like Fish withought water. He opened his eyes and raised his body into the sitting position.

"Where am I?" Yohan mumbled quizzically as he looked around and next moment he felt sharp pain in his head and the memories of his previous life started to flash into his mind.

"Did i survive from that accident?no this can't be I am somewhere else and I am inside a different body,yes indeed i reincarnated into a different body"yohan gathered his thought and closed his eyes; fortunately, soon enough, yohan started getting the access of the Memory of that young man, but he was only able to know a few things;he cant able to access more memories from this body,his facial expressions become dark as he come to know a few important things about his current situation.

"Shit! I reincarnated into a cultivation world, But why did I reincarnate into a Body of trash? is it because the young man who died have the same name,"yohan whispered to himself because the man who died was complete trash,yohan took a deep breath and looked around his body, his face become red when he found out that he was Sitting on the ground naked and people were looking at him with wide-open eyes.

Everyone is looking at him with wide-opened eyes as they couldn't believe what they just witnessed. The good-for-nothing trash was still alive after getting hit by that lightning strike.

Everyone knew this young man because he is good for nothing and very famous young master who was notoriously known for his deeds.

"You shameless bastard, what are you doing here in the middle of the road?,did you get hit by that lighting strike" A cold voice resounded in Yohan's ears. Yohan tilted his head behind to find the source of that cold voice.

A middle-aged man could be seen standing behind him maintaining some distance and looking at him with sharp gaze.

Yohan nervously gulped, seeing that middle-aged man, and few more hazy memories of his previous life started appearing in his mind regarding the middle-aged man. He figured out immediately the glaring man was his father. And the boy who died a few minutes ago was his son and his name was also Yohan, which justified the replacement at the exact moment.

The dead boy, who was now replaced by Yohan, belonged to a very wealthy and big clan and His father is one of the clan leaders of the Lin Clan which is the biggest clan inside the Northern Region in The Phoenix kingdom.

"Father!" Unconsciously, those words slipped through from his mouth as he looked Towards the middle-aged man.

Hearing those words, the old man roared in rage upon how disgraceful his heir was sitting on the ground naked around the red light District area, that middle age man cursed yohan seeing his own son messing up with his family's name,this is not new but still he felt disgrace and felt like killing him. When people saw that the patriarch of the Lin clan was looking very angry towards his only son, who is sitting in the middle of the road naked, all of them concluded the banishment of the heir!

Everyone was aware of the hot-temperament of the patriarch, and his nonchalant treatment under the influence of his anger. The madman was known to kill anyone without remorse, who dared to come in his path. Whereas Yohan was his only heir but the son was an eye sore loser and didn't have any talent in cultivation. On the other hand the rest of the kids of his age had already reached the Body awakening realm, but he was still incapable of awakening any kind of power.

"You shameless bastard! I am going to teach you a lesson today. You are fooling around here and there ruining my name. Do you have any shame or not? You ungrateful bastard!" Su Lin roared at him with a killing intent on his anger- creased face.

Seeing the threatening aura around his father, Yohan could not suppress the feeling of his stomach churning up in his mouth, hearing su lin the people around that place become terrified.

"Run for your life, if this guy loses his senses we are dead!" People were shouting as they scattered without bothering to help Yohan in any way.

Within a few moments the whole place became dead silent, only Su Lin and Yohan remained there looking at each other, but seeing the killing intent of his father yohan loses his consciousness and fell on the ground with his back.

"What are you implying to do with my grandson, huh? Do you intend to kill Yohan?" A voice resounded Su Lin's ear, snagging his attention and changing the whole atmosphere of the place.

"Father, when did you come?" Su Lin gulped and felt overwhelmed aura around him as he was surpressed by an Mountain mountains, he looked towards the sky, An old man with a white beard was standing in the sky. While his gaze was on his grandson, who were laying on the ground unconscious,naked.

Seeing his grandson, he sighed and exhaled profoundly and looked towards Su lin, " I will bring him with me. You can go ahead, I will see you in the clan later." The old man looked towards his son Su Lin and ordered in a cold tone, making Su Lin Tremble in fear.

"Yes father." Su Lin slightly bowed towards his father reluctantly obliging, he looked at yohan one last time before leaving.

Old man descended from the sky and approached the naked young man, and looked around his surrounding, the the surrounding area became barren because of the lightning strike.

"Tch, what a shame , Our Lin clan is becoming a laughing stock, but I am glad he is okay and that lightning didn't harm him, that bastard didnt even noticed that his son got lucky that he is still alive after that lightning strike, he should be happy that yohan is unharmed but I dont blame him either" The old man looked towards Yohan and took a long breath.

He scooped yohan in his arms, and the next moment he also disappeared from that place like he never existed there.


Author's note:

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