Guide to raise my cutie husbands

What else can I do ——2

What else can I do ——2

4---------      4

Yu Mai let go of Yu Dong's thigh and stumbled back as if he received a heavy shock but no one could blame him for reacting as such because Yu Dong was the one who had always doted on him with all her heart and she listened to everything that he said to her but today, that same Yu Dong asked him to sit down and not make a fuss! How can Yu Mai not be shocked?      

She even threatened him that she will punish him if he was to make a fuss!      

"Sister …sister have changed! Uwahhh!" Yu Mai cried as he turned on his heels and then ran away to his room. A helpless look flashed in Yu Dong's eyes but she toughened her heart and did not stop Yu Mai such that she could coax him, she had treated them so well that they all have become spoiled!      

Since it was her fault then she will be the one who will be taking the strict role this time. It was one thing to tease her but it was another thing to hide something so severe from her and even have her sign a paper when she was unconscious! If they did it to someone else, they might end up in yamen, in fact, if she was to complain about this, they really might go to prison!      

She understood their reasons but she did not wish to agree to their way of dealing with the things which was why a beating was inevitable!     

With that, she turned on her heels and walked towards the kitchen from where she took out a small wicker stick and headed back to the living room before coming to a stop in front of the four mers.      

" Hands out and not a word, you understand?" Yu Dong told them.      

When Chen Mi and Fang Chi saw that they will really be hit, they could not help but tremble, after all, one of them was the youngest mer and the other's heart was as soft as tofu. Even Ye Liu who was usually tough could not help but stiffen up, when Shen Li saw the three of them stiffening next to him, he sighed and then said to Yu Dong,      

" I was the one who came up with the plan, so you might as well hit me instead of them," Shen Li knew that he was with a child so Yu Dong will go soft on him but the rest of them… he could not bear to see them get hit because of him!      

" Oh, so you do know that you are in the wrong?" Yu Dong coldly looked at Shen Li while she placed the other end of the wicker stick on the floor while holding one of the ends in her hand. " Do you even know that taking a signature without the permission of a person is considered a criminal offence? You could all be sent to the prison!"      

" While I understand what you were trying to do for our family, there is no need to go to such extreme lengths! If you had tried to talk to me calmly, it is not like I would have not listened!"      

In fact, she might have tried to talk her way out of the situation but that did not mean that she was a fool who did not know how to act when the situation called for it!      

There was no need to go to such extreme lengths! And one of those which was almost illegal!      

When the others heard that taking signatures without permission was a criminal offence they were startled as they took a look at each other and did not know what to say—— how come taking the signature of their wife turned out to be a crime?      

They were feeling really helpless and seemed to have realised why Yu Dong was angry, it was not because she was upset with their actions but because they took her signature which was considered a crime in the town!     

In the end, they could only stretch their hands in front of them and let Yu Dong hit them with the stick. Though the stick looked like it was very thin and was not going to hurt when Yu Dong hit them with it, they could not help but hiss in pain.      

" Oww, it hurts!"      

" I am sorry, I am sorry!"      

" Be a bit gentle, I am with a child, Dong Dong!"     


" Ahh damn it!"      

Though Yu Dong did hit them, it was not more than just a couple of hits, even the skin on their palms did not turn red. Once she was done hitting them, Yu Dong dropped the stick on the side and said strictly, " I will have you four known that though I am letting you off easily this time… if you dare to do something like this ever again, I will not go as easy on you! The next time it will be your bottom which will be smacked until you can no longer sit and you will definitely suffer then, understand ?"      

The mers no longer dared to say anything against Yu Dong, she was truly scary when she was mad. They thought that Yu Dong will not hit them but turns out that they were thinking too much!      

Yu Dong glanced at their aggrieved expressions and was really amused, " Why are you showing that expression when I am the one who is going to suffer? What kind of promises you even made me make huh? From giving you pocket money to go to the most expensive restaurant to teaching you how to grow mushrooms and giving you a share of the money, I don't think that there is anyone who should be more aggrieved than me?"      

When the mers heard Yu Dong's words they were both surprised and startled, they were startled because they did not expect Yu Dong to remember the promises that they have written on the paper and they were surprised because ——     

" Dong Dong, are you saying that you will fulfil those promises?" When Shen Li heard Yu Dong's voice, he thought that she will not listen to them surprisingly she agreed?!     

Yu Dong raised a brow and then replied in a calm voice,  " If not? You already made me press my thumb on that paper what can I do other than follow what you wrote?"      

As she finished speaking she did not forget to add, " Now do you understand how dangerous a thumb thumbprint"     


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