Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Hah? I told the truth

Hah? I told the truth

4" Ahem, did you have a good time at the town?" seeing that they were drifting off course, Shen Li cleared his throat and asked the thing that was the most important among everything else. He needed to change the topic or else who knows how bad Yu Dong's expression might get, just look at that sullen expression it looked like she would strangle anyone who tried to look at her son in the wrong manner.     3

Hearing his words Yu Dong calmed a little, it would be hard for her to say that she wasn't ruffled by what they said, humph what do they mean by that her daughter in law might not be willing to indulge little bun's temper if she can't even indulge him this much then she might not as well get married to her son, end of the story. What was there to think about this? However since they have dropped the matter she would look too petty if she continued to harp on it so it was better for her to not say anything, and she also didn't show them a bad expression and answered " It was good, the shopping for the wedding is mostly done, so I don't need to go to the town for the rest of the month." Then she remembered about the small gifts that Fang Chi has brought, so she quickly added " Chi brought you all some gifts, so, he might be coming tomorrow to visit."     

Perhaps due to the last time they saw Fang Chi cry, the three of them had a good feeling toward Fang Chi, when they heard that he bought gifts for them while he was already on a tight budget, the three of them couldn't help but feel a bit upset as they looked at each other then turned to look at Yu Dong again.     

" Surely, it's not necessary right?" asked Ye Liu, he thought that spending an extra sum on the three of them while Fang Chi needed to save it for his wedding, Ye Liu thought that it wasn't right of them to just take Fang Chi's gifts like that. After all, they knew in what kind of conditions Fang Chi and his grandmother was living in, it wasn't easy for them to go make all the arrangements for the wedding by themselves but because they had their own pride they were not willing to accept a single cent from Yu Dong, at such a husky strung time, they shouldn't add troubles to Fang Chi's problem even if they couldn't help him, right?     

Yu Dong understood what Ye Liu meant and she was relieved after finding out that her husbands had good feelings towards Fang Chi and were worried about him, she smiled and patted the back of his hand then cracked her stiff neck to relieve some of the stress and tension, " I did say that it was unnecessary and he can always buy something for you three later on but he was adamant. That's why when he comes to see you three tomorrow, just take his gifts. Think of them as his goodwill."     

When Yu Dong put the matter like that they couldn't say anything, those gifts that Fang Chi bought for them were certainly filled with his honest feelings, if they refused then it might hurt Fang Chi's feelings. So, the three didn't discuss anything about this matter any further.     

" I cooked some radish pancakes and porridge for dinner, I will go and heat up the food for you," said Shen Li as he handed Yu Dong a towel to clean her feet then turned around and walked into the kitchen. While he was heating up the food, Yu Dong cleaned her feet and then picked up the foot basin before dumping the dirty water outside.     

She placed the foot basin and sat down on the chair next to Chen Mi before taking the towel from him and started drying his hair. The mers of this era had long hair that was thick and black. It was rather difficult for them to take care of their long hair, especially if the mer was as impatient as Chen Mi would start to tug and pull when his hair didn't dry quickly. " How many times have I told you to dry your hair gently, don't always tug and pull, if this goes on you will be the first mer who will go bald."     

Chen Mi pouted as he threw his head and looked at her upside down as he unhappily spoke " I will not. Don't say such things, you should know by now that a mer cares most about his beauty."     

Yu Dong smiled in amusement before she straightened his head up and finished off drying his hair. " If you are so worried about your beauty then you should at least take care of it properly."     

Ye Liu who was sitting next to Chen Mi laughed. " You are asking for a miracle, Dong Dong. Everyone in the family knows that Mi cannot sit still for long"     

" Brother Liu!"     

" What? I am saying the truth."     

" Alright, that's enough." Shen Li who returned with the piping hot food, immediately put a stop to the rising argument before it could get serious, he placed the dishes on the table and wiped his hands on the apron that Yu Dong has brought out of her space. " You two are already so old yet you are fighting like three-year-old kids."     

" but brother Liu teased me first."     

" I did not, I just said what was the truth."     

" See"     

Shen Li had a headache, the two of them had long shed their wariness and were now as playful as a bunch of young kids. Seeing them fight like this he turned around to look at Yu Dong who was silently eating her meal, with an exasperated expression he looked at her and pointed at Chen Mi and Ye Liu who were bickering and growling at each other, he placed his hand on his waist and exclaimed, " are you not going to say anything?"     

Yu Dong who have just taken a bite of porridge choked, she glanced at her two young husbands who were so busy bad-mouthing each other that they didn't even have any idea what was going on in their surroundings and shrugged, " What can I do, it's not like they listen to me."     

Shen Li "…." That's true but can you at least try before giving up like that? What happened to your authority as the head of the house.     

Yu Dong munching on her pancake: I ate it.     

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