Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Good luck

Good luck

2" pfft, hahaha" Yu Dong tried to hold back her laughter but in the end, she couldn't manage to do so, it was after all just too funny that Ye Liu was played by a baby who wasn't even a year old yet.     

Ye Liu was stunned at first but then he immediately turned red with indignation." You little brat, when did your daddies teach you to lie like that? Where did you learn it from?"     

Ye Liu wasn't angry but he still couldn't let little bun think that it was right to lie about such things, it might be a small thing today but if they didn't set little bun right maybe tomorrow he will lie again to escape responsibility. So, he immediately glared at the young brat, Ye Liu was the kind daddy while Shen Li was the smiling yet strict daddy and his biological daddy was nothing short of being a tyrant devil. Thus, when little bun saw that Ye Liu was angry with him, he was startled and looked at Shen Li who smiled at him with a hint of subtle warning " Bun Bun, it's not good to lie. If you don't tell the truth then we will have to take your milk pudding away and let Mai and Ruru eat it."     

Milk pudding was, of course, little bun's greatest joy in his life if it was going to be taken away then what will he do?  He turned his head towards his mother who silently looked away. Seeing his mother abandon him like this, little bun flinched … his mother …his mother actually left him alone in the den of three sly wolves! Little bun was being taught a lesson there was no way Yu Dong could interfere in the teachings that her husbands were giving him.      

In the end, little bun who was facing the punishment of losing his milk pudding had no other choice but to confess his crimes, however, even though he confessed to his guilt, it didn't help him at all,  as a punishment for telling a lie, little bun was dragged to his cradle without so much as smelling his pudding. That night, little bun realised just how hard life was, if you tell a lie you get punished but if you were to amend and tell the truth, you will still get punished. Uwaaa, this family was so unfair! He will run away from here! How can they be so cruel to him? He was still a baby! A baby!!     

However, little bun soon abandoned his plan of running from home. He was afraid that his daddies might not even come to look for him and even his mother came to look for him then his daddies would stop her… and since the house was ruled by his daddies then his mother would have no choice but to listen to them. If that happens what will happen to him? And there was also his milk pudding...if he left those bad daddies will eat it all!     

Humph, he will just go ahead and ignore them for a day or two for doing something like this to him!     

" Wasn't it too hard?" Yu Dong felt a bit guilty after seeing the sullen and red face of her son, he looked so pitiful like an abandoned rabbit in rain with his red-rimmed eyes and tears sticking to his lashes. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, maybe they were being too strict with him after all he was still a child, was there any need for them to teach him so harshly when he wasn't even five?     

" Dong Dong, you are going to spoil him rotten." Shen Li returned with a foot basin which was filled with warm water and placed it in front of Yu Dong's feet with an admonishing glare " You should be the one who should be the strict one here but you aren't, you clearly give into bun bun, every time he cries. That's not good teaching, he will think that he can get away with anything as long as he cries in front of you, what are you going to do if he offends someone he shouldn't in the future, are you sure you can deal with that trouble?"     

Yu Dong put her feet in the foot basin as she thought about what Shen Li had said and raised her finger, " actually, I think I ca-"     

" Wait, don't answer that." Shen Li pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed in annoyance, what did he expect from this mother who will become as long as her son was involved, he shouldn't have even asked that question! If little bun indeed got caught in any trouble with someone, even if Little bun was in the wrong, Yu Dong would still annihilate the other party. " I know that things in your world were different but this is not that world, bun bun is a mer, you might be willing to indulge his temper but do you think that someone else would indulge him like that?"     

Yu Dong who was relaxing  her cramped feet, scrunched up her brows as she looked at Shen Li and asked " He is my son, why would I need someone else to indulge him."     

Ye Liu promptly spoke from the side " Brother Li meant when he will get married."     

" Hah? What?" The expression that Shen Li, Ye Liu and Chen Mi saw on Yu Dong's face was so menacing that they were certain that they will never forget even if they were knocked on their heads with a hammer. Even though she was smiling, the smile was so threatening that all three of them suddenly felt sorry for their daughter in law.     

Chen Mi: "…." Looks like the road to marrying my son off will be a hard one.     

Shen Li and Ye Liu: "….." it will be nice if they only give birth to daughters     

Because if they gave birth to sons, Yu Dong won't let them get married! Future daughters in law, good luck!     

Somewhere several girls sneezed consecutively.     

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