Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

1"H-He did?"      2

Maxi blinked, hardly believing her ears.     

Princess Agnes looked equally as uneasy. She irritably swept up the golden locks that had come loose and dangled on her forehead. As she anxiously studied Maxi's face, her scrutiny reminded Maxi of a knight gauging the strength of a weapon.     

As if to confirm Maxi's resolve, the princess squeezed her hands and said, "The knights managed to calm him down, but… he is not in good humor. Do you think you'll be all right?"     

Maxi's expression grew troubled. Just what had her father done for the princess to have such a reaction? She knew that he was not the kind of man who would ever lose his composure in front of the nobles. After all, he had perfectly played the part of a benevolent and indulgent father.     

Though he flogged her in front of the servants, he would press his cold lips to her cheek like a doting parent in public. That was the kind of man he was. She wondered what had gotten him so agitated.     

Full of fear, Maxi cleared her throat. "May I ask w-what made him… so angry?"     

"Well, clearly he was upset because of what you've been through, and…"     

Agnes swallowed dryly and looked down as if she did not know how to continue. Maxi almost laughed at the absurdity of the notion. Her father would not have batted an eye had he been told that she had died.     

It was possible that he was not angry but simply keeping up the charade. No doubt he was obliged to call on her to maintain his image.     

Her tension easing a little, Maxi got out of bed. She should be able to bear ten minutes. After all, had she not endured him for twenty-two years?     

She steeled herself. Since the Duke of Croyso cared greatly for appearances, she did not think he would strike her while she was under the princess's protection. She was a Calypse now, not a Croyso, she reminded herself. Her father could no longer treat her as he pleased.     

"I will get dressed… a-and be down in a minute."     

Princess Agnes lingered as though she wished to say something else, but she pressed her lips together and left the room. Though the princess's behavior was perplexing, knowing that the Duke of Croyso was waiting downstairs sent Maxi into a rush of preparations in order to appear presentable.     

Light spilled from the drawing room door into the corridor. Maxi's stomach twisted into a knot as she approached. Standing just a few steps away, she hesitated for a moment before squeezing her eyes shut and entering the lavish room.     

"My lady."     

Standing by the door, Sir Elliot respectfully offered her his hand. Maxi awkwardly took it and strode across the room. Ursuline Ricaydo was also present, and he had a hostile gaze aimed at her father.     

The Duke of Croyso stood with his hands clasped behind his back.     

Maxi's heart turned to ice. One glance at his cold eyes was all it took for her to know that he was furious.     

"What a long time it's been, daughter."     

Her father's voice was ominously gentle. When Maxi merely stood frozen, his lips curled into a smile.     

"Will you not greet your father?"     

Hearing the veiled threat, Maxi hastily opened her mouth. "A-A long time… indeed, Father. I-I am glad to see—"     

"I've heard everything," he said, cutting her off. "How extremely difficult it must have been for you."     

Lowering himself into a chair with thick silk upholstery, the Duke of Croyso fiddled with a button on his garment. His tone was cryptic when he spoke.     

"Everyone in the capital is talking about you. I felt terrible when I heard the news."     

"Your Grace!"     

It was Elliot, who had been quietly standing behind Maxi. Anger rose on the duke's face at the knight's impertinence.     

"Can you not see that I am talking to my daughter? It is not a conversation you dare intrude on."     

"We have orders from Sir Riftan to protect her ladyship."     

"Are you implying that I am a danger to my own daughter?"     

"But her ladyship doesn't—"     

Elliot abruptly stopped himself and darted a glance at Maxi. Unable to grasp what they were talking about, Maxi looked from one person to the other in confusion.     

The Duke of Croyso let out a sigh. "I've already told you of my intentions, have I not? My daughter deserves to know the truth. I hope you are not suggesting that you are more concerned for her welfare than I am."     

The color drained from Maxi's face. How could this man utter such barefaced lies with a straight face?     

Ignoring her stunned gaze, the duke haughtily raised his chin and said, "I would like for you to leave us now. I wish to speak with my daughter alone."     

The two knights exchanged glances before turning to Maxi. She reluctantly nodded.     

"P-Please give us a moment. I will be… j-just fine."     

"Then, we will be in the room right across the hall. Please call us if you need anything."     

The knights turned around and left the room. When she heard the door close behind her, Maxi anxiously clutched her dress. Her father's gaze was like a knife hacking into her. The venom in his eyes made all her muscles tense.     

However, instead of immediately throwing threats at her as she had expected, the duke remained quiet. It was an ominous silence. Unable to bear the torturous stillness any longer, Maxi spoke first.     

"M-May I ask… why you came—"     

"Prepare to leave for Croyso Castle immediately."     

Maxi froze at the unexpected words.     

The duke fixed his gaze on the window as though he could no longer bear to look at her and continued grimly, "I am in the process of securing Rosetta's marriage to the royal family. I cannot allow you to remain here. Be prepared to leave today."     


Maxi was so flustered that she was at a loss for words. A look of sheer contempt suddenly flashed across her father's face.     

"What on earth made you think you could crawl into the capital in the first place? You should have remained quietly in that hinterland… How dare you come here and shame me?" the duke snarled, his voice growing more and more vicious.     

Trembling, Maxi clasped her hands. Her father no longer had the right to order her around. The only person who had authority over her actions now was her husband, therefore she had no reason to shake in fear. Repeatedly reminding herself of this fact, Maxi spoke as calmly as possible.     

"I have… n-no intentions of impeding the marriage talks. My husband… will be here to t-take me home in a few days. I will quietly remain in the princess's residence… until then."     

"Are you disobeying my command?" the duke asked, his voice growing lower ever so slightly.     

Against her will, Maxi's reply turned into a plea. "I c-cannot leave… w-when Riftan will be here any day now. Wasn't it your wish… th-that I… preserve this marriage?"     

"That is exactly why I'm taking you away from here!"     

The duke shot to his feet and strode over to her. Maxi went to clutch the door handle, but her father was faster.     

He yanked her back and hissed in her ear, "What man would keep a woman who can't bear him any heirs? Did you think that he would take you back to his estate when he returns to the capital? You wretched fool! Will you not be satisfied until you've shamed our family in front of all the nobility?"     

"I-I don't understand…"     

"Practically everyone in Drachium Castle is gossiping about your miscarriage. What kind of fool must you be not to know that you've lost a child?!"     

The words refused to sink in. All Maxi could do was look up at her father with a blank expression. A miscarriage? What on earth did he mean? Her hearing became muffled, and her face turned white.     

As if his anger grew hotter by the minute, the duke violently shook the half-dazed Maxi.     

"King Reuben raised concerns about Rosetta's ability to conceive by mentioning you. He blatantly mocked me by saying that it worried him that Rosetta might not be fertile just like her sister! Tell me, how does it feel now that you've managed to damage your sister's prospects as well? How do you intend to take responsibility if this marriage talk falls apart?!"     

"I-I… I've… n-never had a… m-miscarriage! There must be a… m-misunderstanding…"     

His face contorting with rage, the duke raised his hand. Maxi squeezed her eyes shut, but the blow never came. When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw her father breathing heavily in an effort to restrain himself.     

Turning away from her, he picked up the ivory cane propped against the chair. He straightened himself as though tired of arguing with her.     

"There is no need for more words. You are to leave this place before that low-born arrives. We must avoid a divorce until Rosetta's marriage is finalized. I will not condone both a divorce and a broken engagement… I will not allow you to dishonor the Croyso name and turn me into a laughingstock!"     

"I… c-cannot leave. I will talk to Riftan… o-once he arrives! H-He has told me th-that he has no intention of d-divorcing me. I-It's true!"     

Maxi clung to her father's cloak. Despite his face twisting viciously in response, she could not stop herself. It felt like the ground was shaking, and she found it difficult to steady herself. Her head was a jumble of thoughts.     

"I-I am certain… th-that my miscarriage is a misunderstanding as well. No one… h-has told me of it. I am m-merely unwell… because of magic—"     

"Must I have you dragged home?" said the duke, cruelly slapping her hand away.     

Maxi gazed up at him in utter disbelief. Then her eyes began to burn, and she shook with violent sobs. Spinning on her heels, she opened the door with trembling hands and fled.     

Having heard the raised voices, Ursuline, Elliot, and Princess Agnes rushed out of the door at the opposite end. Running over to them, Maxi pleaded like a supplicant begging for an answer.     

"D-Did I really lose a child? T-Tell me it isn't true. M-My father is mistaken, i-isn't he?"     

"Maximilian…" said Princess Agnes, her face crumpling in anguish.     

Seeing the answer on the princess's face, Maxi lost the strength in her legs. She staggered, and Elliot caught her just before she collapsed. Maxi scrubbed at her face and vacantly stared at the floor. One by one, flashes of once-baffling words and behaviors came rushing back to her addled mind.     

The fact that she had been unconscious for a week. The pitiful gazes. The way everyone had been treating her so delicately. Riftan's pained expression…     

Some invisible force had her in a stranglehold. Maxi struggled for breath.     

"W-Why… Why didn't you tell me? Why?"     

"The commander ordered that we never speak of it," Ursuline replied stonily.     

"You were in a critical condition, my lady. Not only were you drained of mana, but you were bleeding profusely. You could have died. We didn't think you would be able to bear the shock of losing a child…"     

"The… The shock of… losing a child…" Maxi muttered in a stupor, placing her hand on her abdomen.     

Their child had been right here one moment, then gone the next. She did not know how to accept that fact.     

Being informed of a miscarried child she had not even been aware of did not immediately fill her with anguish. It felt more like a part of her became paralyzed. A vague sense of loss settled within her.     

Unable to cope with this sudden truth, Maxi stood stupefied.     

Princess Agnes patted her on the shoulder. "I know it pains you, Maximilian… but there will be other children. The fact that you are safe and well is what matters most."     

Maxi looked blearily up at the princess, whose beautiful blue eyes were filled with pity. Suddenly, her heart clenched painfully. She knew very well how difficult her mother's labor had been, and how she had suffered countless miscarriages before she finally bore Maxi. Whenever her father spoke, it always involved some sort of jab at her mother's incompetence.     

Maxi had seen firsthand the fate that awaited a woman who could not produce an heir. Rosetta's mother had grown weaker by the day until, unable to leave her bed, she had passed away. Her heart shrunk with fear.     

No, Riftan was different. He would never subject her to such cruelty.     

He might not be as cruel, but…     

Maxi bit her lip. Her chest panged with anxiety as she recalled his grim expression. Riftan might just be holding himself back from blaming her despite feeling resentful. After all, he had implored her to stay out of danger. Considering how stubbornly she had gone against his wishes, she would have nothing to say if he blamed her for killing their child through her recklessness.     

Overwhelmed with despair, Maxi buried her face in her hands. Uncontrollable tremors racked her whole body at the thought that Riftan might not want her anymore.     

Elliot desperately tried to console her. "Please, my lady. It's all in the past now. You mustn't be distress—"     

"I-It's not i-in the past for me!" Maxi screamed, pushing his hand away.     

Elliot looked down at her with a pained expression, and Maxi suddenly felt sick. She backed away.     

At that moment, the Duke of Croyso gripped her arm from behind. Maxi stifled a whimper as the gold ring on his bony finger dug into her flesh.     

Wrapping an arm around Maxi's shoulders, the duke turned to the knights and intoned, "I will be taking my daughter to Croyso Castle. Recuperating at her childhood home will be better for her."     

The knights cried out their objections.     

"Sir Riftan will be here soon! Without his permission, we cannot—"     

"I will not have my daughter become gossip fodder for those frivolous nobles. You are being extremely inconsiderate."     

The duke let out a sigh and turned his attention to the princess.     

"Is there anyone in Wedon ignorant of the marriage talks that happened between you and my son-in-law, Your Highness? How do you think your loyal servants view my daughter?"     

Princess Agnes's face flushed at his rebuke. "There is nothing between me and Riftan!"     

"And do your servants think the same?"     

Her face pale now, the princess glowered at the duke before glancing off to the side. The servants standing in the corridor ducked their heads in unison.     

The duke clicked his tongue. "It will only be a matter of time for malicious rumors to spread throughout the castle. I cannot allow my daughter to remain here any longer. I will take her back to Croyso Castle, so you may tell Calypse that he can come for her if he so wishes."     

Unable to object, Princess Agnes pursed her lips.     

Ursuline had been glaring at the duke throughout the altercation. He now turned his gaze to Maxi.     

"My lady… do you wish to return to Croyso Castle?"     


Maxi shrank into herself. She had been standing in a daze, barely listening to the exchange as though it had nothing to do with her. The duke's hand on her shoulder tightened, threatening her into submission. Though his vicious grip filled her with terror, she was even more afraid to face Riftan.     

"Yes…" she mumbled, her voice empty.     

Her eyes burned with hot tears. She bit her quivering lip and barely managed to suppress the sobs that threatened to spill out.     

"I want… t-to return to Croyso Castle."     


Dead leaves fluttered on the wind like moths. Through the carriage window, Maxi vacantly stared out at Croyso Castle as it loomed nearer.     

A cold, northeastern gust buffeted the hill, doing justice to Etherias's reputation as 'the season of wind.' Migrating birds formed a surging black river against the blue sky, while ripe wheat fields rustled like a sea of gold.     

The magnificent prison Maxi had been confined in for so long rose from the chilly autumnal scenery, flaunting its opulent beauty.     

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