Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

1Though she sensed the slight shift in Sir Ursuline's manner, Maxi was too exhausted to feel baffled by it. She slumped in the corner of the tent and could do nothing but blink.     

There was no way to tell how long she sat staring into space. Eventually, she heard footsteps approaching before Ruth burst through the tent flap.     

"Are you all right, my lady?"     

He sounded anxious when he saw her haggard face.     

Worried that her cheeks were still tear-streaked, Maxi hastily wiped her face again. "I-I am all right."     

Ruth regarded her for a moment before heaving a sigh. "So, you got caught in the end. I actually thought we'd have a few weeks before he found out… I certainly didn't think you would be discovered in less than ten days."     

"I ran into him… a-at the spring…"     

When Maxi sullenly hung her head, Ruth shrugged his shoulders in resignation. "Well, what's done is done. It's not like we weren't expecting this. Where is Sir Riftan?"     

"H-He left… in a rage. He said he'll return once he has calmed down," Maxi murmured despondently.     

Ruth stared glumly at the tent entrance. "Then let's hope he'll be as calm as a sleeping infant when he returns."     

"It seems that you were already aware of her ladyship's presence here," Ursuline concluded after silently listening to their exchange.     

Ruth seemed to sweat as he avoided the knight's eyes.     

Ursuline opened his mouth as if to berate the sorcerer, but he stopped and shook his head.     

"You'll be facing the commander's wrath soon," he said coldly, "so I'll spare you my admonishment."     

"R-Ruth was… forced to keep it a secret b-because I implored him not to tell anyone."     

"Even so, he should have prioritized your safety and informed the commander."     

"Had I thought it would be a problem, I would've done so. But her ladyship has been doing well on her own. I figured there was no need to turn it into a bigger problem than it was."     

"It is not your place to make such—"     

Ursuline's rebuke was cut short by Elliot Charon and Ulyseon Rovar rushing into the tent. Seeing the shock on their faces, Maxi flushed and tried to arrange her disheveled hair.     

After gawking at her for a moment, Ulyseon rushed over, his face lit up with a wide smile. "My lady! You really are here! I didn't believe it at first. Have you been well?"     

The tension in Maxi's shoulders eased at the relief that at least somebody was happy to see her.     

"I have been… well. How about you, Ulyseon? A-Are you well?"     

"Haven't injured even a pinky, my lady. I'm not even allowed to fight on the battlefield! While the others fight at the front, all I've been doing is transporting weapons, tending to the horses, and cleaning armor," Ulyseon exclaimed discontentedly. He then looked her over with bright eyes. "In any case, you really had me shocked, my lady! How did you get here?"     

"I-I came with the support unit."     

Elliot had been staring at her with a vacant expression. He now looked utterly dumbfounded as he muttered, "Now that you mention it… I see that is a cleric's habit."     

Maxi blushed and tried to smooth her tattered clothes. "I-I have been… treating the wounded w-with the other female clerics."     

"You have been staying with the female clerics all this time?" he repeated like a parrot, giving her the same look as Ulyseon. Then, as if finally grasping the situation, he grew pale. "You came to this dangerous place without a single guard?"     

"The basilica's soldiers… protected us on our way here."     

Elliot's frown did not ease. "My lady! How could you be so reckless? Have you considered what could have happened if there'd been an accident?"     

After chiding Maxi, Elliot suddenly clutched his forehead and let out a groan. "If you came with the support unit, then you must have been at Serbin Castle when I was there. Have you known since then that she was here, Mage Ruth?"     

Ruth pursed his lips and looked away. Even so, his silence was answer enough.     

Elliot glowered at Ruth and barked, "Are you out of your mind?! Why did you not inform me of this right away?"     

"Let's say I wished to handle this problem as quietly as possible," Ruth said after a short silence.     

Elliot was speechless for a brief moment at the apathetic response before his face grew red. He began to berate Ruth.     

"Are you saying that you've been neglecting her ladyship because you couldn't be bothered? Sir Riftan will never forgive you if he learns of this!"     

"Sir Elliot! P-Please, stop. I was the one… w-who asked Ruth not to tell anyone. You mustn't b-blame him."     

Elliot's expression immediately softened when he saw how pale Maxi was.     

"I apologize for raising my voice, my lady, but we cannot let this slide—"     

"I truly am sorry for worrying you, but… I really am getting along just fine. I-I do not want there to be any trouble… because of me."     

Seeing her imploring gaze, Elliot bobbed his head in resignation.     

Ruth, who had been watching their exchange like a silent spectator, scratched the back of his head. "What do you intend to do now, my lady? Now that Sir Riftan has found out, you will no longer be able to stay with the female clerics."     

Maxi pressed her lips together. Ruth was right. Riftan would never allow her to remain with the other women. Even so, she could not leave Idsilla all alone when the girl had unwittingly come to rely on her so much.     

Not knowing what to do, Maxi was anxiously rubbing her forehead when her stomach emitted a low growl.     

A hot flush lit up her ears. She glanced up to see if anyone had heard and saw the knights, all of whom had keen senses, looking at her with wide eyes.     

She mumbled an excuse. "I-I have yet to have dinner…"     

"I will get you something to eat at once!"     

Ulyseon ran out of the tent while Elliot swiftly pulled out a chair from the table and motioned for her to sit.     

"You must be tired from tending to the injured men all day, my lady. You should rest. Is there anything else we can get you?"     

"I-I would like… to wash," Maxi said tentatively.     

Elliot immediately ordered a basin of water to be brought to the tent. The next thing Maxi knew, clean towels, a bar of soap, and a large basin full of cold water were being laid out before her.     

It had been a while since she had experienced such conscientious service, and she found the sudden attention rather disconcerting. Still, the clean, brimming water was too tempting to resist.     

When the knights stepped out of the tent to stand guard outside, Maxi ducked behind a partition to undress. It was her first bath in a week, and nothing could hold her back from it.     

She threw nervous glances at the entrance before she began to wipe herself down with a soaked towel. Though she was as sparing as possible with the water, the basin was half empty by the time she rinsed her face and body.     

The remaining water was for her hair, and it was not enough to thoroughly rinse all of the soap from her thick curls. Although it bothered her slightly, she felt better now that she at least smelled clean.     

After rolling her dirty garments into a ball and placing them aside, she found a tunic — likely Riftan's — and put it on. The tunic would have been just above the knees on him. On her, it reached down to her calves. She tied a belt around her waist and tentatively poked her head out of the tent flap.     

"I-I am done."     

"Your food is ready, my lady. Please let me know if you require more."     

Elliot had been waiting for her outside the tent. He handed her a tray full of meat, stew, bread, and wine. Maxi's eyes grew wide at the first sumptuous meal she had seen in a long time.     

"This is m-more than enough. Um… Do you know where Riftan is?"     

"The commander is at the ramparts. Do not worry, my lady. He should be back soon."     

Maxi accepted the tray with a sullen expression. Although she was famished, recalling Riftan's obstinate behavior left an unpleasant taste in her mouth. It felt as though she had munched on sand.     

She sat at the table and crammed the bread into her mouth. Halfway through the tray of food, fatigue and drowsiness flooded her. Maxi gulped down the remaining wine and sat on the cot, sleepily staring at the entrance. However, Riftan did not return even as the night grew deeper.     

They had finally reunited after months apart, and yet, was he so angry that he did not wish to see her? Her heart stung when she remembered the pain in his eyes. She had been expecting his anger, but she had never once thought that it would cause him anguish.     

Maxi buried her face on her knees. Should she have waited patiently in Levan?     

She wished to be by his side no matter the danger. If it meant she could be with him, she would gladly endure the hardships of a campaign.     

She decided to tell him as much when he returned — that being with him was what mattered to her the most. That being Maximilian Calypse made her feel more alive than ever.     

Her neck became strained as she waited for him. Eventually, tired and sated, she fell asleep. She awoke groggily to find a sturdy arm wrapped around her waist, and her eyes flew open.     

In the dim light of dawn, she could make out Riftan's sleeping, muscular form. She gazed up at his calm face in surprise.     

He must have lost weight in the past few months, as his face looked a little gaunt. Faint shadows darkened his eyes.     

Despite his anger, he had quietly laid next to her so as not to wake her. She felt constricted with emotion at the thought.     

Long strands of hair covered his forehead, and she brushed them aside. He looked younger with his hair swept up.     

She devoured him with her eyes before leaning in to give him a peck. When he did not wake up, she grew more daring. She stroked his stubbled chin and held her lips to his a bit longer.     

For someone whose body was as hard as iron, his lips were surprisingly soft. Maxi was caressing them when he suddenly grabbed her waist.     

"That tickles."     

Maxi hunched her shoulders as her face flushed crimson.     

"I-I'm sorry. Did I… wake you?"     

"I didn't get a wink of sleep."     

He opened his eyes, and they were lucid as he gazed at her.     

"I still can't believe that you're here."     

Maxi's heart sank at his brusque tone. She burrowed deeper into his arms.     

"I'm sorry for coming here a-against your wishes. Please, don't be angry with me."     

Riftan stiffened, then pulled her into a tight embrace. Relief flooded over her at his comforting warmth. Maxi pressed her face to his chest and breathed in. His masculine scent that filled her lungs warmed her heart, and she felt like a wanderer who had returned home after a long journey.     

"I really… missed you. That's why I came. I truly am h-happy to be here."     

"Damn it, don't think that you can settle this with sweet words."     

He slid his big hand behind her head and pressed her against him as though melding their bodies into one. Maxi could feel his heart pounding like a drum, and his neck pulsed rapidly. His long, calloused fingers combed her hair and hungrily stroked her nape.     

"I have no idea what to do with you. Goddammit, if I had my way, I would drop this war and take you back to Anatol myself. I truly wish that were possible."     

His words were so enticing that they made Maxi gulp. Of course, she could never ask such a thing of him.     

"I-I have no intention of being a hindrance. That is not why I came. I simply… wanted to be near you. And if possible… I-I want to help."     

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