Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

1Maxi, who had been busy jotting down Ludis's request, looked up in surprise. Rodrigo stood at the door, looking distressed.     

"W-What is it?"     

"A man by the name of Rob Midahas is at our gates with thirty knights. He claims to be a nobleman from Southern Livadon but has no identification to prove it."     

"R-Rob Midahas?"     

Maxi frowned. The name was unfamiliar. Livadon lay to the west and was an ally of Wedon, and as such it was the kingdom that Wedon interacted with the most. But the nobles of Wedon did not necessarily know the names of Livadonian nobles. Maxi, who had led a cloistered life at Croyso Castle, could hardly be expected to know them. She gave Rodrigo an embarrassed look.     

"D-Did he say w-why he was h-here?"     

"He says he's come all this way to meet the Lord of Anatol and offer his friendship."     

"Then c-can't we just l-let him in?"     

"My lady, we cannot let armed men into our land without confirming their identity first," Rodrigo said in an unusually stern tone.     

"The area surrounding Anatol is beset with monsters, so merchants and mercenaries who come to Anatol do often carry weapons, but they are only allowed entry if they can provide proper identification or show their family crest. It is a precaution in case anyone attempts to pillage our land while the lord is away."     

The color drained from Maxi's face. She could feel her attendant holding their breath in fear. She stood frozen, never having faced such a crisis. Soon, however, she managed to will herself to be calm.     

"Who would d-dare p-pillage the land under the R-Remdragon Knights' protection?"     

"We can never be sure, my lady," a voice interjected.     

Maxi turned to see who the speaker was. Ruth must have heard the news, for he was speeding toward them with a grim look on his face.     

"Everyone in the continent knows that our knights are at the capital attending the victory celebrations. It's suspicious that they're visiting us while the lord is away."     

Maxi felt nauseous.     

"D-Do you also think th-they're here to attack us?"     

"It's certainly possible. As the hero of the Dragon Campaign, Sir Riftan received a large portion of the treasure found in the dragon's lair. Those blinded by greed might try to steal it, even at the risk of making an enemy of the Remdragon Knights."     

"W-Will we have to f-fight them, then?"     

"If he continues to be unreasonable. But he has thirty knights with him…"     

Ruth frowned before continuing.     

"If these men are real knights, they'll be difficult to deal with. Even a low-ranking knight is worth ten sentries, so if there's a high-ranking knight among them, there's going to be trouble."     

Maxi swallowed hard. Ruth seemed to be anticipating a full-blown confrontation.     

"Matters get worse if this man really is a Livadonian noble. He might take offense at us refusing him entry and use his political influence to retaliate, or even start an armed conflict. The ceasefire may have stopped the war among the Seven Kingdoms, but we continue to see petty conflicts among the nobility."     

"Th-Then what sh-should we do?"     

"What would you like to do, my lady?" Ruth asked back, his gaze firm.     

Maxi flinched and hunched her shoulders. As lady of the castle, it was her duty to keep Anatol safe in Riftan's absence.     


To her horror, her teeth were chattering. Maxi bit her lips and tried to regain her composure.     

"I-I'll go to th-the gates and try t-talking to him myself. I'll d-decide what to do a-after I've d-determined who th-these people are."     

"Yes, I think that's a good idea," Ruth agreed readily. "I'll accompany you. And in case this escalates, we should bring the castle guards with us. Rodrigo, go inform Sir Obaron and Sir Sebrique of the situation."     

"R-Right away!" Rodrigo said before sprinting away.     

"Come with me, my lady."     

Ruth began to walk away. Maxi handed the parchment in her hands to an attendant and rushed after him. When she finally reached the garden, she saw Qenal approaching with two horses. Ruth quickly took the reins from him.     

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"     

"I-I do."     

Maxi nodded, though she had never ridden a horse so large on her own. With the help of a servant, she clambered onto the lean brown mare. She had to grip the reins and press her thighs against the saddle to keep herself from falling. Satisfied by her performance, Ruth mounted his own horse.     

"The guards should be waiting for us at the training grounds. Follow me."     

Ruth galloped out of the garden. Maxi followed suit. When they passed through a gate, Maxi saw about thirty guards standing in formation. An elderly, white-haired knight stood at their head. When Ruth approached, the knight turned his horse around.     

"I heard some rabid bastard is causing a ruckus at the gates," he growled, tapping the sword at his waist. "This old thing was starting to miss the taste of blood."     

"You won't be fighting them, Sir Obaron. Your task is to protect her ladyship."     


The old knight glanced at Maxi with a disappointed look. Maxi suppressed the urge to shrink back and nudged her horse forward.     

"Th-Thank you, S-Sir Obaron."     

The old knight sheepishly scratched his cheek with a thick finger at her cautious greeting.     

"Rest assured, my lady. With me here, those fellows won't be able to cause much trouble."     

He then returned to his place at the head of the guards and swiftly led them out of the gates. Ruth galloped after them, signaling with his head for Maxi to follow. She trailed behind them as they crossed the drawbridge, the pounding of hooves making her heart race. Her anxiety only grew stronger as she galloped through the grove that she had visited with Riftan not so long prior. She clenched her teeth to avoid biting her tongue.     

Maxi followed the guards down a steep hill and across the bustling town below. She was terrified, never having ridden at such speed before. Her hands shook as she gripped the reins as tightly as she could. After what seemed like eons, the rampart finally came into view, and one of the guards stationed above the gates rushed out to meet them.     

"You're here!"     

Ruth and Sir Obaron leaped off their horses. Maxi was able to dismount only with the help of a guard.     

"Where is this man who claims to be a Livadonian noble?"     

"He's just outside the gates. This way."     

"This way, my lady."     

Maxi followed the men up the rampart on stiff legs. Once she reached the battlement, she saw thirty young men on horseback. Their faces were tanned, and they were dressed in heavy robes with a long sword at each of their waists. Ruth looked down and addressed them loudly.     

"Which among you is the nobleman?"     

"It is I, Rob Midahas!" the man on the chestnut horse answered.     

Maxi peered at the speaker. He had light golden-brown hair and a bulky frame, and he appeared to be in his mid-thirties. He squinted and stared straight up at Ruth.     

"Are you the Lord of Anatol?"     

"I am a mere servant. Our lady is here on behalf of the lord."     

Ruth calmly pointed to Maxi, who was standing next to him. When the stranger's sharp gaze fell on her, she instinctively took a step back. The man curled the corners of his lips into a sneer.     

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you've been informed that I am Rob Midahas, the Lord of Kaysa, an estate in Western Livadon. I come to befriend the Remdragon Knights after hearing about their victory over the dragon. I hope you'll welcome me in."     

Maxi glanced at Ruth, but he remained standing with his arms crossed. He plainly had no intention of answering the man. Trying to loosen her rigid tongue, Maxi slowly opened her mouth to speak.     

"I-I heard… you h-have nothing to p-prove your identity. I c-cannot allow… unidentified individuals t-to enter!"     

"We lost them on our journey here. Your cleric can confirm my identity once you let us in."     

"A-Anatol does not welcome unidentified g-guests. Th-This is our lord's command, and we cannot d-defy his orders. C-Come back when y-you have new i-identification."     

The man furrowed his brows and answered in an irritated voice.     

"I can't understand a word you're saying. Let me speak to someone who can talk properly!"     

Maxi blanched at the blatant insult. She froze, but Ruth soon stepped in front of her as if to defend her.     

"You're speaking to the Lady of Anatol. Mind your manners."     

"I only spoke the truth! I can't understand her!"     

Maxi clutched at her robe, suppressing the urge to flee. She mustered all her courage to speak once more.     

"A-As I've said… C-Come back w-when you have y-your identifications w-with you! I w-will not open the g-gates!"     

"We passed through monster lairs to reach Anatol! And you want us, weary travelers, to turn back without rest?"     

The man's voice grew more menacing and his attitude more domineering. Maxi shrank back, her lips trembling. With a furious look on his face, the man began to shout even more loudly.     

"Is the Lady of Anatol so uncharitable?"     


"I will return with hundreds of knights if you deny me entry now. I won't forget this insult!"     

"W-Without identifications, I c-cannot—"     

"Your cleric can confirm my identity! I've said that already!"     

As the man's demeanor continued to grow more threatening, a familiar sense of dread paralyzed Maxi. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead.     

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