Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

2Ruth rummaged through the cluttered desk and pulled out a glimmering red stone the size of Maxi's palm.     

"This stone contains a fixed amount of magic and functions as an energy source for magical devices. By placing one inside a device, ordinary people can use magic."     

Maxi studied the stone. Its surface shimmered mystically like red light reflected on rippling water. Holding the stone in her hands, she felt as if she had been given a glimpse into a strange new world. Her heart began to beat faster.     

"Now, if that satisfied your curiosity, shall we get started? If we don't finish this soon, I shall lose my tower."     

Ruth shoved a pile of books to one side to make room on the desk. Maxi set the stone down and listened attentively as he explained step by step how to make calculations and how to draw the complex designs.     

With Ruth's detailed directions, Maxi quickly grasped the task at hand, methodically adding and subtracting as she redrew the diagrams with a ruler. Though it was a complex task that she could not fully comprehend, she never found the work tiresome.     

They worked in silence. After a while, Ruth looked up from writing in the ancient language and raised his eyebrows.     

"You're better at this than I expected, my lady. It's close to perfect, I'd say."     

Unsure of whether this was a compliment, Maxi narrowed her eyes. "E-Even I can do th-this much."     

"I just meant that you've exceeded my expectations."     

Maxi looked at him distrustfully. She knew how little the sorcerer thought of her. Still, she was relieved that he was not berating her as she had feared he would.     

"I'm g-glad you f-find me helpful."     

Maxi continued to work on the heap of parchment with a faint smile. Just as her fingers began to ache from gripping the quill, the library door burst open. She turned to see Riftan striding toward them.     

Her eyes widened when she saw that he was clad in leather trousers and a black tunic instead of his armor, a sign that he did not intend to leave the castle that day. She had half risen from her seat to joyfully greet him when she heard his icy voice.     

"The servants tell me you've been here since early this morning. What do you think you're doing here?"     

Riftan ran his eyes over the piles of books and parchment on the desk. The displeasure on his face puzzled Maxi.     

"What's all this about?"     

Ruth seemed unfazed. "Isn't it obvious? Her ladyship and I are making the device you requested."     

"What I want to know is what my wife is doing here."     

"I've asked her ladyship for her assistance. If you recall, I informed you countless times that it was nigh impossible to finish the device by myself within a week."     

Riftan leaned over the desk until he was looming over the sorcerer. "Are you trying to get back at me by ordering my wife around?"     

"I didn't ask for her ladyship's help just to annoy you. She happens to be the only literate person in this castle who can also do arithmetic. It's not as if I could ask the knights for help now, could I?"     

"But you think it's acceptable to ask my wife?!"     

"R-Riftan, I really d-don't mind," Maxi quickly cut in.     

Riftan gave her a sharp look, making Maxi's shoulders quiver. But after all that Ruth had done for her, she could not allow him to be berated thus.     

Trying to keep her voice even, she continued, "I-It's not difficult, and more i-importantly, it's f-for Anatol. I d-don't want something s-similar to h-happen again."     

"I'll make sure it never happens again." Though Riftan's voice was now softer, he still looked irritated. "But there's no need for you to put yourself in danger."     

"And what danger could she possibly be in? Are you afraid she'll die from the prick of a quill?"     

"You're prone to starting fires with the flick of a hand! And why are you here instead of your tower? What if you start a fire?!"     

"What I'm making is a protective device. The chances of an explosion or a fire starting are slim to none! The worst that could happen is that the library becomes safer."     

Riftan scowled, irked that he had no further arguments to make. Maxi gently tugged at his tunic. She knew that the best way to stop two hounds from fighting was to separate them.     

"P-Please don't be a-angry. R-Ruth says i-it's safe."     

"I'm not angry, just worried." Riftan sighed. "Fine. Help him if you must, but don't overexert yourself. And Ruth, don't you even think about involving my wife in dangerous experiments."     

"Just what kind of person do you think I am?"     

"A loose cannon."     

With that, Riftan pulled Maxi toward him. In the past, a frown from him had been enough to terrify her, but strangely she now felt no fear at the fact that a large, angry man was pulling at her arm. His displeasure still made her anxious, but she knew that he would not hurt her.     

"That's enough for today," said Riftan, leading Maxi toward the door. "You can carry on on your own for the rest of the day."     

Ruth quickly rose from his seat. "Where are you going without your armor?"     

"Nowhere. Even I need days of rest from time to time."     

Maxi's eyes went round. Seeing the same surprise on Ruth's face, she surmised that Riftan rarely took rest.     

"But what about the intruders?"     

"I've sent a messenger to Livadon. They'll be released once I receive compensation. Until then, keep them alive in the dungeons."     

"What if his father refuses to pay?"     

"Then I'll cut off their—" Seeing the look on Maxi's face, Riftan stopped and waved his hands at Ruth. "I'll take care of it."     

"Fair. Enjoy your day off. It's well deserved."     

"How gracious of you."     

Maxi turned to nod goodbye to Ruth before exiting the library. In the corridor, bright rays of sunlight flooded in through the windows. Riftan looked out the window for a moment before turning to Maxi with bright eyes.     

"We'll need something warmer before we go out. It's a fine day, but the wind's chilly."     

"W-Where are we going?"     

"You have your own horse now. You should take her out before it gets too cold. I'll show you a good place to ride."     

Maxi's lips parted in surprise. She was pleased that he wanted to spend time with her outside the bedchamber.     

"B-But you m-must be tired. M-Maybe you should r-rest…"     

"I'm not an old man, Maxi. But if you insist on spending time in the bedroom…"     

Maxi caught her breath when she saw the desire in his eyes. Her face burning, she cast her eyes down. Riftan laughed softly and pulled her into a firm embrace.     

"It's tempting, but we are going out today. I want to show you my land."     


After changing into a dress more suited to riding, Maxi followed Riftan to the stables. With the help of the stable boy, she led her beautiful new white mare outside. Riftan followed behind with his mighty war horse, which Maxi immediately recognized as the one that he had ridden on their journey to Anatol.     

Riftan gently stroked the horse's neck. "You remember Talon, don't you? Aside from his fiery temper, he's as perfect a horse as you could wish for."     

"D-Do you like h-horses?"     

"I've dreamt of having one ever since I was a boy of ten. And Talon here is the best among all the horses I've had."     

Riftan rubbed his cheek against Talon's muzzle. The sight suddenly filled Maxi with jealousy. She turned away, mortified that she was jealous of a mere beast. According to the teachings of the church, nothing was more shameful than a woman's jealousy.     

Riftan stepped toward her. "Have you given her a name?"     

Maxi shook her head, trying to rein back her emotions.     

"N-Not yet."     

"You should choose one soon. She'll warm up to you faster if you call her by her name."     

"W-What should I n-name her?"     

"It's your horse. You should be the one to decide."     

After mulling it over, Maxi said, "R-Rem…"     

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