I Can Extract Everything

The Might of Rank 3 Talisman

The Might of Rank 3 Talisman

2"Tch!" Qin Yi clicked his tongue.      

Another stack of talismans flew out from Qin Yi as more than a dozen attacks passed through the air and struck the Fire Crows, causing them to fall to the ground one after another, with red liquid flowing from their bodies.      

The Fire Crows that were still alive uttered mournful cries.     

With this, Qin Yi thoroughly angered the group of Fire Crows; they flapped their wings and flew toward Qin Yi.     

The Peak Rank 2 Fire Crows and the other three Rank 2 Fire Crows flew over to Qin Yi.     

A red fire cage suddenly emerged and trapped Qin Yi.     

Although Qin Yi's body was covered with thunder armor, he could still feel a terrifying heat coming from the fire cage.     

Suddenly, he saw several Fire Crows open their mouth, and then massive fireballs flew toward him with terrifying momentum.      


The fireballs exploded when they hit Qin Yi, creating a massive earthquake on the ground and billows of smoke.     

Unexpectedly, Qin Yi remained unharmed, other than white steam rising from his body.     

The Thunder Armor God Talisman was a Rank 3 talisman; Its defensive power is extremely powerful. Possessing this talisman was equivalent to possessing a defensive-type Spirit Artifact. As such, even the combined attacks of several Rank 2 Fire Crows couldn't penetrate its defenses.     

The Thunder Armor God Talisman could be used continuously. However, the longer it was used, the faster the power within the talisman diminished.     

When its power is completely exhausted, the Thunder Armor God Talisman will become an ordinary paper talisman.     

Therefore, Qin Yi did not want to waste the Thunder Armor God Talisman's power by prolonging his fight against the Fire Crows.     

Qin Yi flipped his right hand over, and another gleaming yellow talisman appeared in his hand.     

His face showed an expression of reluctance. Ultimately, he activated the yellow talisman, and then countless yellow arcs appeared and gathered together, which gradually turned into a yellow thunder spear about ten feet long.     

Qin Yi forcefully threw the yellow thunder spear at the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow.     

In the sky, the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow looked down at the billowing smoke with a proud expression. It thought the enemy had finally died, but suddenly a flash of yellow thunderlight shot out of the billowing smoke at lightning speed and flew upward toward it.     

Before it could react, the yellow thunderlight had already hit its body and burst open, creating a large piece of yellow lightning and engulfing its figure and a dozen Fire Crows nearby.     

After five breaths, the yellow thunderlight dissipated, and the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow lay on the ground, breathless. A large hole appeared in its body, which was scorched black and emitting a burnt smell.     

The surviving Rank 2 Red Crows uttered a strange cry. After witnessing the death of their leader, they are frightened and panicked.     

Qin Yi was about to use another treasure to kill the remaining Fire Crows, but suddenly he saw them flying frantically in the direction they came from. Their speed was even faster than when they came.     

Since the leader was dead, naturally, it didn't make sense for its underlings to continue fighting.     

Seeing this scene, Qin Yi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.     

The might of the Thunder Spear God Talisman is extremely powerful. Even the bursts of lightning from the Thunder-Winged Panther were slightly inferior.     

Unfortunately, the Thunder Spear God Talisman is a one-time item. That was why Qin Yi was reluctant to use it.     

Nonetheless, at least he managed to achieve his goal and kill the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow without getting injured.     

Qin Yi immediately removed the Thunder Armor God Talisman from his body and discovered that only one seventh of power remained within it. He estimated that it could still be used another three times.     

After carefully storing it back into his space ring, he walked over to the corpse of the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow.     

He could see a miniature transparent Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow floating above the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow's body.     

Without further ado, Qin Yi sacrificed the Soul Crystal and absorbed the Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow's soul into it.      

The process is easy and seamless.      

After a few breaths, he returned the Soul Crystal to his space ring.     

"Haha, mission completed!"     

Qin Yi placed both hands on his hips and grinned in satisfaction.     

Encountering the Fire Crow was pure coincidence. Initially, he had intended to find a relatively powerful Rank 2 magical beast marked on the map, but he didn't expect that a group of Fire Crows would deliver them themselves to him, and among them was a Peak Rank 2 Fire Crow.     

The Fire Crow was in the upper ranks among the Rank 2 magical beasts in the Roaring Beast Mountain Range.     

Although Qin Yi was happy that Fire Crow became his first soul beast, he was still confused.     

According to the map, the Fire Crow's lair was very far from here, but how did they come here?     

Did something drive the Fire Crows from their territory to this place?     

For a moment, Qin Yi's head filled with thoughts.     

"Wow! Fellow Daoist, you're so powerful!"     

Suddenly a rough voice rang into the ears, causing Qin Yi to turn around reflexively.     

It turned out that the voice came from the man in the red shirt whom Qin Yi had seen earlier.     

Qin Yi looked at him with a strange expression.     

Didn't he just run away?     

Why is he back again?     

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for your help. My name is Sun Tianhu, and I am a Black Beast Hunting Team member. I don't know what I should call you?" Sun Tianhu bowed his head slightly in gratitude as he introduced himself.     

"Black Beast Hunting Team..." Qin Yi muttered this name and thought something.     

He heard from Xu Yuan that many cultivators formed teams to hunt magical beasts in the Roaring Beast Mountain Range.     

Qin Yi is familiar with some famous hunting teams, but he had never heard of the Black Beast Hunting Team...     

Noticing Qin Yi's strange silence, Sun Tianhu immediately explained: "Naturally, Fellow Daoist has never heard of our hunting team. After all, our hunting team was formed recently."     

The newly formed hunting team tended to have a weak sense of belonging and trust issues. As a result, when they encounter a strong enemy or many enemies, they prioritize personal safety over advancing and retreating together.     

This just happened to the Black Beast Hunting Team.     

However, this cannot be blamed on the leader of the hunting team either. After all, their overall strength is weak, and they don't have much treasure. Also, they were outnumbered. Thus, fleeing individually is a better choice than the entire team members being annihilated. They can regroup again after the storm ends.     

"It turned out a newly formed hunting team..." Qin Yi nodded and asked, "So, how did Brother Sun provoke the group of Fire Crows?"     

"Fellow daoist is joking. How dare we provoke the group of Fire Crows? They just appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. We have no choice but to flee separately." Sun Tianhu smiled wryly.     

"Forget it. My name is Collector. You can directly call me Collector. By the way, Brother Sun, do you sell that cub?" Qin Yi asked, pointing his finger at the small magical beast inside Su Tianhu's cage.     

Sun Tianhu was slightly taken aback. He realized something and said: "If Brother Collector wants this cub, I can give it to you as a token of gratitude for saving my life."     

As he said that, he passed the cage to Qin Yi.     

"Really? You're good, Brother Sun, thank you~" Qin Yi impolitely accepted the gift.     

Of course, he couldn't accept it for nothing.      

He killed the Fire Crows because he wanted to, not because of Sun Tianhu. In this way, Sun Tianhu owed him nothing.     

"I will give this talisman to Big Brother Sun instead." Qin Yi took out a brown talisman and handed it to Sun Tianhu.     

Sun Tianhu originally wanted to refuse, but he immediately changed his mind when he realized the talisman was an Earth Escape Talisman.     

Escape talismans are like live-saving talismans. They were expensive, and not many Talisman Masters could make them.     

Sun Tianhu had used up all escape talismans on his hands to escape the Fire Crows' pursuit. Therefore, he couldn't refuse this sudden coming Earth Escape Talisman.     

"Happy transaction~" Qin Yi said with pleasure.     

He received the cub of Cloud-Winged Tiger, and Sun Tianhu received the Earth Escape Talisman.     

Qin Yi and Sun Tianhu chatted for a while before they parted ways.     

Qin Yi also did not forget to introduce and promote his Mystic Treasure Store to Sun Tianhu.     

Sun Tianhu promised that he would visit his store when he was free.     

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