Stellar Transformations

Book 11 - Chapter 12

Book 11 - Chapter 12

2B11C12 – Let the more violent come!    

With loose     

immortals on one side and loose devils on the other, many masters all     

around watched him; Qin Yu was not a single bit worried. Instead, with a     

calm laugh-like look, he said: “How was I able to make both loose     

immortals and loose devils to not care about their hatred toward each     

other and instead gathered together here.”    

“Heavenly Flames Fiend, you’re brave.” Wukongxue said with a smile.    

“Wait.” Qin Yu raises his hand, “Heavenly Flames Fiend? Who are you referring to?”    

Wukongxue can’t help but be startled.    


Yu quips: “I really don’t know what’s happening to you loose immortals     

and loose devils. You don’t know where I come from and you don’t know my     

name. You just sticked the title of “Heavenly Flames Fiend” to me,     

truthfully, this title is too old fashioned.”    

Seeing Qin Yu be     

surrounded and is still able to talk naturally. Reverend Ming Liang     

can’t help but admire Qin Yu’s courage, even though he hates Qin Yu.    

“Right, didn’t someone give me the name ‘Reverend Heavenly Flames’?” Qin Yu looked around.    

Reverend, generally only loose immortals with a respected position are referred to as Reverend.    


this, Reverend Ming Liang’s face changed color. Back then he got too     

excited when he heard Qin Yu burned down YinYue Palace and made     

‘Reverend Heavenly Flames’ the pride of the Immortal Faction. Who knew     

his school was also getting burned.    

“You stop this nonsense.”     

Reverend Ming Liang shouted, “You destroyed my Qingxu Temple and killed     

almost all my Qingxu Temple disciples. Today, I will kill you to avenge     

my fallen disciples.”    

Dame LianYue’s looks sent chills: “Heavenly     

Flames Fiend. You burned the Yinyue Mountains and destroyed my Yinyue     

Palace. If I don’t kill you, how will I face my seniors?”    

“Want to     

kill me? Come, let’s go.” Qin Yu said in a relaxed voice, like death is     

not the slightest threat to him. But then Qin Yu gave a puzzled look,     

“Reverend Ming Liang, you want to kill me and Dame LianYue also wants to     

kill me. But I only have one life, so who is going to kill me first?     

This is the difficult problem.” Wukongxue, Reverend Ming Liang, and     

everyone else felt extremely weird.    

This Heavenly Flames Fiend has a mysterious origin, unusual powers, and his speech is also strange.    

Like he doesn’t mind people killing him.    


Ming Liang, if you are willing to give Heavenly Flames Fiend to me, my     

Yinyue Palace will gift you 3 low-grade Immortal weapons. Okay?” Dame     

LianYue said to Reverend Ming Liang, it’s very clear that she wants to     

kill Qin Yu for revenge.    

Low grade Immortal weapons, although     

valuable, can still be made by masters at Dame LianYue’s level, however     

they requires a bit of precious materials.    

“No.” Reverend Ming Liang didn’t even hesitate.    

Dame LianYue’s expression slightly changed.    


Ming Liang continued: “LianYue, this Heavenly Flames Fiend is too     

mysterious. Even surrounded, he’s not a single bit nervous or worried.    

It’s very possible… he has secretly prepared some sort of plan.” Reverend Ming Liang stared at Qin Yu.    

“Ah, how did you know?” Qin Yu said with a surprised look.    

Reverend Ming Liang smiled: “No need to act, you think I didn’t know you are ready to escape?”    

“Think you’re so clever.” Qin Yu disdain.    


Reverend Ming Liang, Wukongxue, and everyone tightens around Qin Yu.     

With top masters from both the loose immortals and loose devils here,     

they don’t believe there’s anyone that can stop them and they have Qin     

Yu in the bag.    

Now, their only problem is who should be the one to kill Qin Yu!    


Ming Liang say to Dame LianYue: “LianYue, I know both you and I hate     

this Heavenly Flames Fiend, but if we continue on like this, who knows     

when we’ll finally kill him. I think…we should attack the Heavenly     

Flames Fiend together, no matter who kills him first, let us consider     

everything avenged.    

Dame LianYue thought for a moment, with how     

high Reverend Ming Liang’s position is, for him to offer this compromise     

is quite rare. She also can’t desire too much.    

“Since Reverend     

Ming Liang say so, I’ll also take a step back. Okay, we’ll attack him at     

the same time, no matter who kills him; we’ll consider it avenged.”     

Dame LianYue said, a purple sword came from her hand.    


Ming Liang’s eyes shined: “Purple Dawn Sword, even taking out Yinyue     

Palace’s treasure, looks like I can’t hold back now.”    

A sword tip slowly emerged from Reverend Ming Liang’s palm; it was a broken sword tip, only 1 Cun long. (about 3.33 cm)    


since Reverend Ming Liang practiced 《DianXingJue》 (点星决), he mostly uses     

his extremely concentrated holy power when he battles, rarely using     

weapons. This time, he brings out his own weapon.    

“HaHa…” Qin Yu laughs.    

“Moron.” All the loose immortals/devils looked at Qin Yu as if he is dead meat.    


Yu laughed: “The valuable weapons Reverend Ming Liang and Dame LianYue     

brought out leave little to be desired, but… my fighting skills are not     

great, however my escaping skills are very powerful.”    

Even now, Qin Yu still did not care.    


me see how you’ll escape, LianYue, let’s go.” Reverend Ming Laing     

shouts coldly, at the same time, the 1 Cun sword tip in his hand turned     

into a radiance flying toward Qin Yu.    

Even Dame LianYue was angry,     

without a bit of mercy, the purple sword in her hand turned into a     

purple light speeding toward Qin Yu.    

At the moment Reverend Ming     

Liang and Dame LianYue attacked, a dark green light came from afar, at     

an appalling speed, looking at the direction of the dark green light;     

they judged… the dark green light will collide with Reverend Ming     

Liang’s 1 Cun sword.    

“There’s another master!”    

Being aware     

of possible accidents, a red light flew out of Wukongxue’s hand. Flying     

at an oblique direction, it arrived earlier and collided with the dark     

green light. Qin Yu escaped from Wukongxue last time; of course he was     

being careful this time.    

“Peng!” (Sounds of sword colliding)    


prepared attack from Wukongxue and the green light was on par with each     

other, 2 sides collided, the space shooked open, leaving a small rift…     

this makes Wukongxue surprised of the other’s power.    

To be on par with him.    

How many are there in the Mortal World?    

Now Dame LianYue and Reverend Ming Liang’s attacks arrived at Qin Yu.    


little smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face. To be smiling in the face of     

death, he caused Wukongxue, Fire Devil, WuHei, Reverend LanBing,     

Xueyuyang and the other masters to feel very strange.    

Prince of Black Flames Ring (黑焱君之戒)… Gravitational Field    


than ten meters around Qin Yu have already been under the effects of     

the Gravitational Field. When the one Cun sword and the purple dawn     

sword enter the field, The directions of the attacks can’t help but be     

affected and Qin Yu moved his body up to dodge.    

The Purple Dawn Sword pierced Qin Yu’s thigh and the one Cun sword pierced his waist.    

Originally, Reverend Ming Liang and Dame LianYue were aiming for Qin Yu’s Dantian.    



Yu’s waist and thigh exploded, showing two gaping holes. Fresh blood     

stained all over his body,like a broken sandbag, Qin Yu falls     

powerlessly down into the snowy plains below.    

“Look at you die.”     

Dame LianYue and Reverend Ming Liang watched as Qin Yu falls to the top     

of the snowy plains and prepares to attack again.    

However, at that moment…    

Dame LianYue, Wukongxue, Reverend Ming Liang and the others noticed that as Qin Yu was falling down, he had a huge grin!    

“No!” Wukongxue felt something was not right.    


the moment Qin Yu hits the snowy plains, his whole body was completely     

gone, only leaving a bit of fresh blood at the spot where he fell. His     

whole body completely vanished, in front of so many masters, he     


“He escaped.”    

Wukongxue, Dame LianYue, Fire Devil, Reverend Ming Liang and the other masters searched, using their holy/devil senses.    

12th tribulation masters have a incredibly far holy/devil senses.    


absolutely did not teleport, when I fought that mysterious master back     

then, the space is still disturbed, he could not have teleported. But     

where could he have run off to?” Wukongxue looked all around carefully.    

Reverend Ming Liang and the other masters could not believe.    

From under their eyes, that heavily injured Heavenly Flames Fiend disappeared.    


what happened? How could that Heavenly Flames Fiend escape, even if I     

was under these situation, I would not be able to escape so silently.     

Now the space is still disturbed, leaving no way to teleport, so how     

could he escape? In this short time, how could he escape out of my holy     

sense range?” Reverend Ming Liang goes crazy.    

Dame LianYue have a killing aura.    

“How did this Heavenly Flames Fiend run away?”    


gave a wry smile, helplessly said: “You guys don’t know this, but last     

time that Heavenly Flames Fiend took my attack and fell to the ground,     

in a blink of an eye, he was gone, just like now, I was not able to find     


WuHei was surprised: “He has such magic (神通)? No wonder he said his escaping skills was high.”    

Suddenly all the loose devils remember Qin Yu’s words.    

“HaHa… everyone, didn’t I say my escaping skills are very powerful.” Qin Yu’s voice echoed throughout.    

“It’s the Heavenly Flames Fiend!” Dame LianYue shockingly said.    


and Reverend Ming Liang was startled, WuHei, Fire Devil, Xueyuyang and     

the other masters could not believe it. All the masters again searched     

with their holy/devil sense, but were unable to find even a breath of     

Qin Yu.    

“No need to search, it’s impossible for you to find me. In     

fact, Reverend Ming Liang, Dame LianYue, I really don’t like the sight     

of you loose immortals and loose devils, so this time I went and burned     

your schools. Now that I’m satisfied, from today onward, I would not     

appear anymore.” Qin Yu’s voice echoed with a sense of laughter.    

Wukongxue, Reverend Ming Liang, and the other loose immortals/devils’ mind flared with impatience.    

They clearly hear the Heavenly Flames Fiend’s voice, but can’t find him.    

“Never coming out?” Dame LianYue became anxious, “does that mean I’ll never be able to have my revenge?”    

Reverend Ming Liang is also filled with anger.    


From today onwards, you would not be able to find me. Naturally… you     

would never have your revenge.” Qin Yu’s voice once again echoed. “Okay,     

I don’t have any more time to waste with you all, I have lots of things     

to do, Everyone, Goodbye.”    

Finishing, Qin Yu’s voice disappeared from around them.    


when Qin Yu began speaking, all the loose immortals/devils masters kept     

searching with their senses, but still not a single breath of Qin Yu.    

“He left, there’s no way to find him.” Wukongxue shook his head.    

Back then, when Wukongxue was chasing Qin Yu, it was the same situation.    


Flames Fiend, run if you can, I, LianYue swears. Even if I can’t have     

my revenge, my Yinyue palace disciples will forever remember this great     

shame, there will be a day; my Yinyue Palace will pay you back with      4

interest!” Dame LianYue shouts with hysteria.    

“Unless you never come out, like a cowering turtle, otherwise…” Reverend Ming Liang’s face was livid.    


Since you guys said such harsh words, if I don’t show up, others would     

say I’m timid.” Qin Yu’s voice once again sounded.    

Reverend Ming     

Liang and Dame LianYue can’t help but smile a bit; their biggest worry     

was if that Heavenly Flames Fiend disappears like this, how could they     

exact revenge. Looks like… their force strategy worked.    


Okay.” Qin Yu smiled coldly, “Reverend Ming Liang, Dame Lianyue, you two     

are fighting for so long because of the Heaven-Sundering Diagrams. But     

you haven’t announced the secret of the Heaven-Sundering Diagrams yet,     

why are you not announcing it?”    

Reverend Ming Liang, Dame LianYue and all the other masters who knew the secret shook a bit.    

Can the existence of NiYang Realm be revealed?    


disclosed. Mortal World’s most powerful force, Chaotic Astral Ocean,     

could join in, once that ill-tempered invincible master ZongJue joins,     

that would be terrible. Whether it is Wukongxue or Reverend Ming Liang,     

they both need to step aside for Zongjue.    

“Niyang Realm, the home     

of a Level 8 Mystic Immortal, the treasures inside should be     

earth-shattering.” Qin Yu’s voice sounded again.    

“How did he know?” Dame LianYue and the others asked in shock.    


you guys threating me, okay, I used to think burning the Immortal/Devil     

Faction’s number 1 school was enough, but now it seems, Teng Long     

Continent is not in chaos enough. Let me add another factor in. Pengmo     

Island ZongJue and me are friends, I’ll tell him this news, I’m sure     

Teng Long Continent will get a little more rowdy then, it’ll only be a     

bit more violent than a reign of terror, HaHa…” Qin Yu’s laughter     

gradually dissipates.    

Dame LianYue, Reverend Ming Liang and the others became quiet.    


strongest, Chaotic Astral Ocean joining and also that ZongJue… Teng     

Long Continent will face a never before seen reign of terror.” Knowing     

the strength of the Chaotic Astral Ocean, Reverend Ming Liang felt a bit     

of regret, his and Dame LianYue’s force strategy seems to have     

backfired in the end.    

Wukongxue looked solemn: “Remember when we     

tried to kill Heavenly Flames Fiend and there was a dark green light.     

The power of the one who attacked is not below mine!”    

Suddenly, Reverend Ming Liang thought of the dark green light.    

A master with powers not below Wukongxue, Who is it?    


most powerful Chaotic Astral Ocean and the invincible ZongJue. At the     

same time, the Dragon Clan that’s hiding in the shadows hasn’t showed     

their hand, the one referred to as the invincible FangWen. Also that     

mysterious Heavenly Flames Fiend and the mysterious master who shot that     

dark green light… Teng Long Continent is entering an unprecedented     

period of chaos.”    

The real reign of terror, the real chaos, have only just begun!    


chapters were originally translated by jchen at stcon, and he retains     

all rights to these chapters. We have tried to but been unable to     

contact him. For ease of reading and to help centralize the community,     

his . jchen, if you see this and come back and have any objections,     

please let us know and we will take it down and/or work with you on how     

you want to handle it!]    

End of B11C12    


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