Red Storm

Book 2 - 2.1 The State of Pareia

Book 2 - 2.1 The State of Pareia

4A Bloodless Civil War     1

Compared to the things that happened, it was resolved too easily.    

Should he pity their stupidity?    

Or, should he blame the woman who made everything a mess?    

Book 2-2.1 The State of Pareia    

“What do you mean?”    

Librie shouted at Nurapa, the leader of the chiefs of the Oasis of Many Palm Trees.    

“I am saying that we cannot serve Orca-nim as Glow.”    


what I’m asking. What do you mean by that? Glow Baguna has passed away     

and his first and second sons are responsible for it. Shouldn’t that     

make it obvious that our Orca will succeed the position of Glow?    

Nurapa looked around at the other chiefs before speaking.    

“In the history of Pareia, we have never served a boy who has not even completed his coming-of-age ceremony as the Glow.”    


will be an adult next year so why it that such a big issue? You lot,     

are you trying to make it so Yulian or Pere can be the glow?”    

“If those two really did murder the Glow, how could they be Pareia’s Glow?”    

Librie glared at Nurapa at his response.    

“That means that all of you still don’t believe my side of the story.”    


is not it. We are trying to let you know that it is time for Pareia’s     

Glow to move to a different family. We must decide on a new Glow at the     

gathering of the Chiefs.”    

“Blasphemy. You’re against our Orca becoming the Glow because you are trying to take the position for yourself.”    

Nurapa looked around, as if to ask for help.    

Yarumaha of the Deep Deep Oasis started to speak, as if he understood Nurama’s intentions.    


is not what Nurapa is trying to say. If there is nobody in the Provoke     

family to take on the position of the Glow, it is only fitting for the     

chiefs to gather to determine a new Glow. As Nurapa mentioned, there has     

never been a case where a boy who has not had their coming-of-age     

ceremony has taken the position of Glow. Librie-nim, as you mentioned,     

we can wait until Orca-nim completes his coming-of-age ceremony next     

year, however, what kind of traits does Orca-nim show that says he will     

make an outstanding Glow?”    

Librie started to get nervous seeing that Yarumaha, the most revered chief, agreed with Nurapa’s suggestion.    


wasn’t it. She needed Orca to take the position of Glow and start     

building up his power base so that they could fend off Yulian and Pere’s     

attempt at retribution.    

Because of her nervousness and anxiousness, Librie ended up saying something that ended up making the Desert warriors angry.    


Orca has earned the trust of the Silence Empire. If that boy becomes     

the Glow, we can receive the protection of the Silence Empire. When that     

happens, we won’t need to worry about something like the Shuarei     

anymore, so our Orca must become the Glow.”    

All of the chiefs     

instantly frowned after hearing what Librie had to say, and even Janet,     

who had been quietly sitting in the back started to frown as well.    


useless woman can’t even eat the feast that I’ve prepared for her. Did     

sje think they would be jumping up in joy if she mentions us? I really     

can’t understand this woman.’    

That’s what Janet thought about     

Librie’s speech, and he also started to think that it would be hard to     

set a puppet Glow here in Pareia. However, it shouldn’t be a big issue.    


managed to get rid of Yulian and Pere, who would have been a thorn in     

their side, and with all of Pareia shaking like this, he could regain     

the things that he thought he was going to lose. None of the chiefs will     

be able to go against their requests.    

‘All we have to do is sit     

back and watch before returning with the things we want. If we are     

lucky, we will also be able to set up a puppet Glow as well.’    

Internally, Janet had a devious smile, and he decided to just quietly watch how the situation goes.    

Sanatu, who had the worst temper of all of the chiefs that have gathered, started to shout at Librie.    


when have we decided on Pareia’s Glow with Silence’s permission! Since     

when did our warriors of Pareia feared going to war with the Shuarei?”    


past at whether their temper was good or bad, Librie had left a large     

scar on their pride. That was why all of the chiefs were glaring at     


The shocked Librie urgently looked towards her father     

Duripue and Janet for help, but Janet just shook his head while Duripue     

was regretting the actions he took while being manipulated by this     

terrible daughter of his. (TL: His name is different than in the manhwa)    

However, he could not just sit back and watch.    

Duripue got up from his seat and started to calm the angry chiefs down.    


sure that is not what she meant. The news about Glow Baguna’s passing     

has surely spread throughout the desert. I’m sure there will be a tribe     

drooling at taking our Pareia’s lands, and the Shuarei will also not sit     


The mumbling in the paoe quieted down after hearing     

Duripue’s words. That was the thing they had to pay the most attention     

to right now.    

“Let’s first return to our individual oasis and     

prepare out defenses. We will leave the work of the Glow to Librie-nim     

for now. Not because she is my daughter, but because Librie-nim has the     

command according to the rule of the Desert. Nobody has any complaints     

right? Once everything has settled down, the chiefs can gather together     

to decide on a new Glow.”    

Because what Duripue has said was true,     

the other chiefs agreed and started to exit the paoe chatting with the     

people they were close with.    

Once everybody left, Duripue started to speak to Librie.    

“You made a mistake.”    

“What did I do?”    

At Librie’s retort, Duripue sighed internally before shaking his head.    

It was certain that she made a grave mistake. However, it was already spilled water. Duripue just had to convince his daughter.    

“What did you plan on doing by touching their pride? You need their support in order for Orca to become the Glow.”    

“Father, even you heard what they were saying.”    

Duripue let out a sigh before starting to speak.    


It may be temporary, but currently, you are Pareia’s Glow. Speak your     

mind but go with their plan for the time being. You need to stall for     

time. Orca just needs one year to finish his coming-of-age ceremony. You     

can start trying to convince them at that point. We need to highlight     

Orca’s abilities and earn him some merits he currently does not have, so     

that there won’t be any issues of him becoming the Glow. We need to     

make sure there won’t be any issues even if Yulian or Pere try to cause     

any issues in the future. Do you understand what I am saying?”    

After listening, Librie felt that what Duripue had said was right and nodded her head.    

On the other hand, as they were heading out of the paoe, Sanatu started to speak to Yarumaha in a grumpy voice.    


I cannot believe Librie-nim’s words. Yarumaha-nim, you were there at     

that time too. You were there when Yulian-nim convinced us with his     

extremely passionate speech. But for him to murder Glow Baguna and cause     

a rebellion on that same day? Logically, no, even if you consider     

Yulian-nim to be abnormal, does that make any sense?”    

Yarumaha just silently shook his head.    

“Stop just shaking your head and say something.”    

“What would an old man like me have to offer?”    


say things like that. I’m sure you know just how much everybody is     

focusing on your words now that Glow Baguna has left this world. I     

believe there is a high chance that you will become the Glow if the     

chiefs get to decide on the new Glow.”    

Yarumaha shook his head again at Sanatu’s words and started to speak.    

“You cannot select me. I am too old to be the Glow and none of my children have the aptitude to be the Glow.”    

“Then are you just going to sit back and watch?”    


have many thoughts going on as well. However, if we start getting on     

each other’s bad sides because of the Glow selection, we will be eaten     

up by the Shuarei and that devious Silence. That is why I am holding     


At Yarumaha’s words, Sanatu, as well as the other nearby chiefs all admired his wisdom.    

He definitely saw things differently than they did.    

“Then what do you plan to do?”    


we must prepare our defenses. There is no way the Shuarei will let go     

of this opportunity. The Wikaly tribe to the north has been aiming for     

us as well. Tell the warriors to not let down their guards. The Young     

Glow brothers are not dead yet.”    

Everyone looked at each other     

after his meaningful words. They couldn’t tell the reason this wise old     

man said the last thing that he did. Yarumaha looked around at the     

chiefs looking at him with blank expressions before speaking again.    


are you just standing around? Prepare to return to your individual     

oasis as soon as possible. Don’t forget what I just said as well.”    


that, he headed towards his paoe. As he was leaving, the remaining     

chiefs stared at Yarumaha’s back before hurriedly heading back to     

prepare to head back to their individual oasis.    


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