Red Storm

Book 2 - 3.4 Librie (I)

Book 2 - 3.4 Librie (I)

0Book 2-3.4 Librie (I)     1

Librie was extremely nervous.    


was regretting the fact that she did not follow Janet to the empire.     

Librie had never expected Yulian to get here so quickly.    


should be doing well right? I know he can win. I heard they have a large     

army, but they said the warriors of the largest oasis are the strongest     

of Pareia’s warriors. Father also has many veteran warriors. I’m sure     

he will win.’    

Librie was asking and answer her own questions like that as she nervously waited.    

She suddenly heard footsteps outside of the paoe and the cloth hanging over the entrance of the paoe was starting to be lifted.    

“Father, how did it go? Yulian… did you defeat Yulian?”    

The moment Librie turned her head to the entrance and shouted, a stoic voice responded as the cloth was lifted.    


Librie turned pale at this familiar voice.    

Yulian and Pere slowly entered the paoe.    



Pere’s voice, which was full of forcefully suppressed anger, followed     

Yulian’s voice, Librie’s legs turned to mush as she just plopped down on     

the ground.    

Fear had filled her mind.    

Soon, fear had taken over her sanity and ignited the survival instincts that rested deep inside of her.    


quickly kneeled and crawled over to Yulian. Yulian just looked toward     

Librie who was slowly approaching him with emotionless eyes.    



place where the traces of her crawling ended was under Yulian’s feet.     

What she had grabbed was the clothes around Yulian’s ankle.    

“Will you kill me? You wouldn’t? Right? You wouldn’t kill me, someone who was a mother to you in the past, would you?”    


by the fear that she will die, Librie didn’t care how she looked. All     

she did was hold on to Yulian’s ankle and beg for her life.    

“I know I was wrong. But you won’t kill me, will you?”    


Seeing that Yulian did not have a response, this time, she grabbed onto Pere’s pants as well.    

“Pere, right? You know that at one point, I really did take care of both of you. You both know that.”    

There was a time like that.    


she mentioned, there was a time when everyone was happy. Mairez,     

Yulian’s birth mother, Baguna’s first wife, and the Mother of Pareia.     

When Mairez was alive, they were so happy something like this could     

never even be thought about.    

“Why did you kill her? Was there a reason for you to even kill my mother?”    

As Pere coldly spoke to Librie, Librie’s face turned completely white.    


that… I had no other choice. Right, I had no other choice. Seina only     

cherished Yulian. She cared more about Yulian than you, her own flesh     

and blood. There was no way she would go along with my plan. I needed     

her gone so that I ……”    

Yulian cut Librie off as he started to speak.    


killed our father the Glow, and you killed Seina, the Mother of Pareia     

as well. But you wish to live? You really must have a thick skin. Not     

only am I full of anger, now I’m also sad.”    

“Does that mean that you must kill me? Hmm? Is that what you are trying to say?”    


about the love we used to share, thinking about the fact that as you     

mentioned, we once called you mother, I will give you the opportunity to     

commit suicide. Please stop making yourself look bad and pay for your     

sins on your own.”    

Pere started to shout at Yulian’s words.    


cannot do that. You absolutely cannot do that. I understand letting     

Duripue do it because he was a warrior and made the right decision as     

the head of the family, but not this woman. Absolutely not.”    



mother … my mother will weep in the afterlife. Father died because he     

had the position of Glow, but for what reason did my mother have to die?     

She must be so full of resentment that she won’t even head to the     

guardian. My mother was a pure woman, but to be poisoned to death     

without knowing what happened, she won’t be able to peacefully head to     

the guardian because of this resentment.”    


Yulilan let out a long sigh listening to Pere’s anger-filled shout.    


must rip her into pieces until she dies to set an example. This woman     

needs to feel the pain of breaking apart a family and the resulting pain     

in our heart. That is the best course of action.”    

Although these     

were not her biological sons whom she gave birth to, hearing her eldest     

son saying kill herself, and her middle son saying she needs to be     

ripped into pieces, Librie understood that no matter what happened, she     

was going to die today. Once she figured that out, she just started to     

shout in anger.    

“It’s not like I wanted to do something like this.     

Your so called father, my so called husband. If he had not acted that     

way, I would have accepted everything as my fate and just lived in     

peace. But do you know how your father acted after Mairez was killed?”    

Librie’s eyes were full of anger.    


obviously didn’t look for me, but he didn’t even look for Seina.     

Pretending to be a man full of purity, he just longed for Mairez each     

and every day. If he was going to be that way anyways, why didn’t he     

just die with her? Of course I knew that he was obsessed with Mairez     

from a long time before that.”    

Librie started to shake in anger.    


you know how Seina and I ended up marrying your father? It was at     

Mairez’s request. After being married for three years and not becoming     

pregnant, she told him to take in more wives. Once your father rejected     

her request, she cried and cried until she convinced him. He then     

married Seina, and after only having two sons, it was then that I     

entered this family.”    


“Do you think I married your     

father because I wanted to? Because my father was the chief of an oasis,     

I was forced into this family for the sake of solidarity between oasis.     

However, if he even cared for me just a tiny bit, I wouldn’t have done     

something like this. Right, I wouldn’t have done something stupid like     


Librie could not stop her tears from flowing. She hated     

herself and hated her dead husband. Even she couldn’t tell where things     

started to go wrong.    

“Do you think your father said a single nice     

thing to Seina or me since Mairez passed away? Seina had always been an     

understanding person, and since she liked Mairez as well, she could     

suppress her feelings and live like that, but I couldn’t do it.     

Actually, I probably could have suppressed those feelings. If it was     

only me being insulted, I could have endured it. But what about my     


Librie started to shout again as she pointed to Yulian and Pere with her finger.    


as the eldest son, you will become the Glow. Pere, you were born with a     

naturally gifted physique so your future looks bright as a fearsome     

warrior. But what will become of my Orca?”    



was born with the Provoke blood just like the two of you, but he has     

been weak since he was born. He doesn’t have a firm resolve either. He     

is a kid who quietly lived under the shadows of his two outstanding     

brothers. While your father was paying attention to the two of you, he     

didn’t even seem to realize that Orca existed.”    

“Librie, that’s where you are ……”    

Yulian tried to say something but Librie was jumping up and down as she continued to shout.    


the two of you understand the feelings of a mother watching her son be     

treated that way? It wasn’t enough that she was insulted, but watching     

her own flesh and blood be insulted like that as well, what kind of     

mother could just watch and let that happen?”    

Librie’s continuous     

tirade rang throughout the paoe. After screaming for so long, her voice     

was now hoarse and she had expended a lot of energy. Even so, Librie     

still did not give up on shouting.    

“That is why I had to come up     

with a way to forcefully lift Orca up to see the sun. That is why I did     

this. You both might be thinking that this was unfair, but us mother and     

son are the ones who really have been treated unfairly!”    


and Pere just blankly looked at each other. They could not even think     

about what to say. In the end, there was a lack of communication.    

His father’s indifference, the two of their lack of interest, and Librie’s lack of understanding had caused this travesty.    

Yulian finally started to speak after a long time.    

“Do you know? Right before father was poisoned, do you know what the three of us were discussing?”    

“Why should I care? I’m a dead bitch anyways.”    

At Librie’s cold retort, Yulian let out a long sigh before continuing on.    


Right before Orca came in with the poisoned alcohol, we were talking     

about Orca. In fact, father scolded the two of us saying that Orca was     

continuing to get weaker because we did not take good care of him. He     

told the two of us to become Orca’s guardians. Did you know about this?”    

“I cannot believe you. How can I believe anything you say at this point?”    

She didn’t want to believe it. All that would remain if she lost this anger was resentment.    

“I guess there is no point to say something like this now.”    

Yulian was conflicted. Even Pere could not say anything. The fault lied with everyone in the family, not just her.    

“However...however… no matter what, I will never understand someone like you who tried to hurt their family.”    


You already decided to kill me, so what is the point in saying anything     

else? Kill me! Whether you rip me apart or hang me to death, do     

whatever you want. Even after death, my soul will curse you forever. I     

will make sure to curse you so that I can watch the two of you die a     

miserable death even while I am in hell.”    

Librie started to shout again.    



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