Red Storm

Book 2 - 2.3 Yulian’s Course of Action (II)

Book 2 - 2.3 Yulian’s Course of Action (II)

2Book 2-2.3 Yulian’s Course of Action (II)    

Yulian got out of his thoughts and continued on.    

“I also need some strong pirmas.”    


course. I will prepare everything for you. However, not everything in     

the world goes the way you want it to go. In the case that an oasis has     

already promised their loyalty to Orca, wouldn’t it be pretty dangerous?     

So I will give you 1,000 warriors. With over 1,000 warriors, you should     

be able to escape from such predicaments.”    

As Dejaine was worrying about potential dangers like a wise old person, Yulian shook his head and responded.    


we’re being honest, I have an ally who is greater than any army in the     

world. If he goes with me, I know there is no way I will fall into any     


“Who is this ally? He? You are talking about one person?”    


it is a single person. However, he is someone that all of the Red Storm     

warriors and I could attack together and he still wouldn’t bat an eye.     

Rather, he would be able to overpower us with a single finger. He is a     

very strong individual.”    

“Are you perhaps talking about the old man who cured your poison yesterday?”    

“He is my master. He is quite violent but he cherishes me, so you don’t have to worry.”    

Dejaine was full of curiosity at Yulian’s words and decided to ask.    


saying that old man’s abilities are really that great, huh? When I saw     

him yesterday, I could tell that he probably had some amazing skills,     

but enough to easily take down you and all of Red Storm attacking     


“Hahaha. My father was in awe as well.”    

“Fine. Since you put it that way, I will no longer worry. So, when do you plan on departing?”    

“Glow Dejaine-nim, while you are preparing the warriors and pirmas, I will finish getting the Red Storm warriors ready.”    

“I understand. I will get them ready right away.”    

“Thank you very much.”    

Dejaine pointed at Yulian with his finger before saying one last thing.    

“Do not forget the promise.”    


Yulian laughed loudly before nodding his head and leaving Dejaine’s paoe.    

There actually wasn’t much to get ready.    

All he had to do was say something that will get them fired up.    

‘Librie. The woman whom I once called my mother. I will show you that the punishment for rebelling is quite severe.’    


thought like that as he started to walk quickly. He planned on leaving     

as soon as Glow Dejaine finished getting everything ready.    

Yulian was able to see Pere, who was watching the Red Storm warriors practice.    


As Yulian called out to him in a loud voice, Pere turned his head and looked towards Yulian.    

Seeing Pere who looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t say anything, Yulian spoke first.    

“Thank you. I tried to look for you yesterday to tell you, but I was not able to do so. Pere, thank you very much.”    

As Yulian thanked him and grabbed Pere’s hand, Pere had a nervous look on his face as he moved his hands away before speaking.    

“Do not be like this. It is embarrassing.”    

“I never imagined that it would be you who saved my life.”    

At Yulian’s words, Pere spoke as if he was angry.    

“What did you think of me...did you see me as someone who would betray my brother?”    


but didn’t you have your own ambitions? If you had left everybody     

behind and ran away to inform the tribe, everybody would have died and     

you would have become the Glow. At first, I was surprised that you     

didn’t do that.”    

“I am also a desert warrior and a man of the     

Provoke family. I do not use such underhanded tactics. Plus, hyung,     

I…..I wanted to beat you fairly and become Glow, I wouldn’t do it like     


“That is why I am both sorry and thankful to you. I’m sorry     

for being so stupid that I didn’t know your feelings, and thankful that     

you helped me realize it.”    

Pere looked away at Yulian’s words and started kicking the sand under his feet as he started to talk again.    


the thing you said then … about unifying the desert and making sure     

nobody can look down on us, hearing that, I realized that your ambition     

is at a different level than mine. All I had been thinking about was how     

to show that I was better than you to become the Glow……”    

“I’m very thankful that you understand my dream.”    


you are Pareia’s Glow from here on. So please don’t speak to me that     

way. Once you officially become the Glow, I will even start speaking     

formally to you. Also, this Pere, swears my loyalty to you from now on,     

so do not worry about that.”    

At Pere’s words, Yulian was extremely touched and pulled Pere in for a hug.    

“Knowing that us brothers will combine our will to reach for the same dream, this hyung of yours is extremely excited.    

Pere tried to push Yulian away as he answered.    

“Even I am still not used to this new me. Please stop being like this. It’s uncomfortable.”    

Seeing Pere speak as if he was shy, Yulian smiled looking at his younger brother.    

This was the brother who had never called him hyung before; it was normal for it to be awkward.    

“Did you figure out your plan?”    


hid his awkwardness and asked. Yulian revealed his thoughts to Pere.     

Pere nodded his head and agreed with Yulian’s decision but asked some     


“Hyung, I believe you are right. However, won’t it be     

dangerous? If even one thing goes wrong, we cannot return alive. If it     

is an order, I will follow you, but I cannot agree to such a dangerous     


Pere seemed to have the same concerns as Dejaine Nellisi. Yulian’s plan was quite reckless.    


travel through all of Pareia’s oasis with less than three hundred     

warriors trying to convince the chiefs. With the internal affairs in a     

mess like right now, Pareia’s situation will be known by other tribes.     

The Shuarei, as well as the increasing number of tribes drooling over     

Pareia’s oasis, will have put the security at each oasis on high alert.    

Yulian convinced Pere.    


need to believe in what father has continued to do all these years. I     

also need to believe in the things you and I have done until now. If we     

try to take things back by force, there will be too much damage on both     

sides and Pareia will become the weakest tribe in the desert. If that     

happens, our dream will become at least ten years further away.”    



believe that Pareia’s chiefs are not such pushovers. They have eyes and     

ears. Once they realize everything that has happened is Librie and     

Silence’s Janet’s doing, it will be easy to convince them.”    

As Yulian spoke convincingly, Pere had no choice but to agree.    

“If you say so, I will follow you. What is it you want me to do?”    


you have to do is show them that you are with me. We just have to     

instill the belief in them that us brothers will work together to help     

Pareia rise up like a storm.”    

“I guess, since we are not going to     

fight them. Hyung-nim, I understand your intentions. Then I will prepare     

as well. Anyways, those warriors are quite amazing.”    

“What do you     

think? Aren’t they just full of energy? They are extremely important     

warriors who will help us achieve the dreams for Pareia.”    

“Hyung-nim, I am envious of you. If I knew things would be like this, I would have made some warriors to be with me as well.”    


is the problem? You and I are no longer separated. I will make you one     

of the leaders of Red Storm. Get along with them. We are now all one.”    

Pere became emotional once more at his brother’s words.    


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