Red Storm

Book 1 - 6.3 Incident with the Prince (I)

Book 1 - 6.3 Incident with the Prince (I)

0Book 1-6.3 Incident with the Prince (I)     3

Pareia’s Glow Baguna Provoke’s birthday celebration made everyone in the Pareia tribe very happy.    


speaking, the Glow’s birthday celebration wasn’t really about     

innocently celebrating the Glow’s birth; it was a means to bring the     

tribe’s people together. If that was not the case, there was no way     

Baguna would want to celebrate his birthday so extravagantly.    


because Baguna was a wise Glow, everyone in Pareia were truly     

celebrating his birthday, laughing and chatting away all night long.    


one of their hands was a large glass of alcohol, and in the other, a     

large piece of meat. Even the women were not being shy and     


Other than the women who were preparing and     

delivering the food, everybody else was acting the same way as the men     

were and enjoying the celebration.    

However, an incident occurred.    


the middle of a large area was where the largest bonfire was located,     

with many smaller bonfires burning around it. It was the location people     

were gathered and happily dancing the Fenaca (a traditional Pareian     

dance where you make a large circle and a small circle and dance     


Shareulo was not happy because of the arrogant punk and     

Janet’s declaration. Janet had come to him later asking for his     

forgiveness and used his eloquent speech to convince Shareulo to take     

part in the celebration.    

The desert alcohol was tasty, and their     

dance was also very pleasing to the eye. Since Shareulo liked drinking     

alcohol and playing around, Janet wanted to help Shareulo feel better.    

At Janet’s goading, Shareulo was drinking and watching the people dance, making him actually feel a little excited.    

As he was in the middle of emptying his glass, his eyes suddenly turned round.    


woman wearing a yellow blouse and matching skirt was spinning around     

dancing. Every time she spun around, her long red hair was creating a     

circle, forming a unique harmony with her yellow clothes. She was so     

beautiful you couldn’t help but open your eyes wide.    

Maybe if     

Janet was next to him, he would have stopped him. However, Janet was not     

there, as he was far away trying to handle Baguna who was watching the     

celebration in peace.    

Shareulo started to walk towards the beautiful woman. He then forcefully grabbed the beautiful woman’s hand.    

Having her hand grabbed by someone in the middle of her dance, Grace was surprised and stared at the responsible person.    

‘What the……’    

Once she realized who the perpetrator was, Grace slightly frowned. It was someone she knew.    

“I think you’ve had too much to drink, your highness.”    


spoke to Shareulo with a bright expression and calm voice, as if she     

was trying to console him. Shareulo responded in a slightly slurred     


“I did drink a bit. But who might you be?”    

“Please let go of this hand before we continue chatting.”    

As Grace slightly turned her wrist to move her hand out of Shareulo’s grip, Shareulo quickly grabbed her wrist again.    


would never imagine that there would be a woman who would resist my     

touch. Do you even know who I am? I am a prince of the Great Silence     


Shareulo’s lecherous personality was starting to come     

out. And of all people, against Grace Nellisi, the future Mother of     


“If I was single, I would have been happy to play with you, however, I am already a married woman.”    


was holding back her anger quite a bit as she said this. She thought     

that this moronic prince would step back based on her words. However,     

there was a reason he was called the moronic prince even in the kingdom.    

He was completely drunk and spoke with a red face.    

“The women here care about virtue? How funny.”    

“You are extremely drunk. Please go in and rest.”    

As Grace tried to remove herself from his grip once more, Shareulo put more power into the hand holding Grace.    


tried to forcefully remove her hand, but Shareulo had a surprisingly     

strong grip, and she could not free herself without using a lot of     

force. Of course, if it was anybody else, she would not have had any     

trouble. However, she needed to take into consideration Shareulo’s     


“Your highness, please let go of my hand. All of the     

daughters of the desert are precious, however, I am the wife of Yulian     

Provoke, the Young Glow of Pareia.”    

After hearing that this     

gorgeous woman was the wife of the arrogant punk who embarrassed him     

earlier, he held onto her wrist even tighter.    

“So what? If you come to me, all the riches that you desire will follow you. Stop pretending to be an innocent sheep.”    


could not hold back anymore and was about to use her free left hand     

when Shareulo suddenly pulled her hand and forcefully embraced her.”    


Grace let out a scream in shock, and the many tribe members around them stopped their dance to see what was going on.    


a brief moment, people were questioning what was going on, but a few     

warriors from Chalna Penaka’s camp who realized what was going on came     

running towards them. Red Storm’s Triquel was among the warriors.    


by the murmurs of the crowd, the angry warriors started to head towards     

Shareulo and Grace. Other warriors who realized the situation later     

started to head there as well.    

Seeing that something weird was going on, Shareulo’s knights also started to rush towards Shareulo.    

In this inevitably surprising situation, Grace thought about continuing like this and seeing blood, but quickly shouted.    



the same time, Grace ducked and spun around while pushing Shareulo’s     

arm with her right hand. Shareulo felt his body falling forward and     

needed to let go of Grace in order to prevent himself from falling on     

his face.    

As Shareulo was flailing both of his arms around and     

stepping forward to prevent himself from falling, the desert people were     

laughing at him as they watched. ‘As expected of our future mother of     

Pareia!’ This was the thought going through many of their heads.    


the end, Shareulo looked like an idiot as he faceplanted into the sand.     

Quickly getting himself up, his face turned red with extreme     

embarrassment. He could not think clearly anymore after being embarassed     

twice in one day.    

“Immediately restrain that bitch and make her kneel in front of me!”    

As Shareulo yelled towards all the knights who were standing around him, the knights looked at Shareulo with a blank expression.    


were the knights of the Silence Empire. Furthermore, they were the     

Royal Knights (the title only the best knights of the Silence Empire     

could receive), and cared a lot about their honor.    

From the     

beginning, they were embarrassed that they had to serve such a prince,     

but to order the knights who were supposed to protect women to restrain a     

woman and make her kneel? Was he truly a prince of the Silence Empire?    

“Can you not hear my order?! I said, immediately restrain that bitch and make her kneel!”    

As Shareulo yelled again, the Royal Knight in charge of the mission spoke up.    

“Your highness, I believe you have been drinking too much. I wonder if it would be better to discuss this tomorrow morning?”    

“Are you trying to make me look like a fool?”    


Shareulo continued to yell, the Royal Knight looked at his subordinate     

knights around him. Everybody had a perplexed look on their faces.    

“Are you going to disobey the prince’s order?”    


Shareulo who was yelling again, the surrounding knights all let out a     

sigh internally. The first order of the knights was unquestioned loyalty     

to the royal family. Especially as Royal Knights, this was extremely     


Although they did not want to do it, they slowly turned     

their bodies and looked at Grace. Their expressions all looked     

apologetic. They had to use force against such a beautiful lady.    


the Royal Knights headed towards her, Red Storm warriors immediately     

stood in front of Grace. Although they did not have any weapons on them     

as it was a time of celebration, they were planning on blocking the     

knights even with their bare hands.    

“Please step aside, valiant desert warriors of Red Storm.”    


Grace’s cold voice, the warriors defending her turned their heads to     

look at her. As Grace nodded her head, the Red Storm warriors looked at     

each other before awkwardly moving aside. However, they were ready to     

step back in immediately if need be.    

The Royal Knights looked at     

Grace with confusion as the warriors stepped away. They could hear Grace     

enunciate each word clearly in the continent’s language in their ears.    

“I guess men of the Silence Empire have no problems assaulting women who are married?”    


knights’ faces turned bright red. The Royal Knight who tried to     

persuade Shareulo stepped forward and respectfully spoke to Grace.    


ask for the lady’s forgiveness. We are knights who must obey the     

command of the royal family. However, if you stay still, we will put our     

honor on the line and make sure that you are safe.”    


daughters of the desert trust strong men and warriors. However, we     

detest men who are strong but have no pride. Do you even know the honor     

that you are talking about?”    

At this point, the knight could care less about what Grace had to say.    

‘She’s right, but the fact that we are trying to do this already shows that we have no honor.’    

The Royal Knight was thinking that way as he looked to his subordinates and sent a signal.    

‘When we return, I will retire.’    

That’s what the Royal Knight was thinking.    


they were continuing to be forceful, Grace could not hold it in     

anymore. Even if they were a strong Empire, with her identity as the     

Mother of Pareia, she could never kneel in front of them.    


seconds, both of Grace’s hands were holding onto her Sosoontas. The Red     

Storm warriors, as well as other warriors of the tribe also stood in     

front of Grace. They did not have any weapons, but they had made up     

their mind to fight with them, and the few women and children who were     

quick-witted ran to the paoes to quickly get the warriors’ weapons (TL:     

I’d like to watch them try to bring out the greatswords…).    

As the     

Royal Knights took out their swords, Grace’s Sosoontas created a cross     

in front of her body. Even though they were in an unfavorable situation,     

they would not use any cheap tricks like throwing sand in the knights’     

eyes to blind them. The warriors clenched their fists as they started to     

run forward.    

“What’s going on?”    

A cold breeze carried a booming voice between the warriors and the knights.    


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