Everyone Else is a Returnee

Chapter 220: I’m Coming To Get You Now – 4

Chapter 220: I’m Coming To Get You Now – 4


[You have become a Dimensional Traveller. All resources consumed when     

teleporting between dimensions is reduced to 20%, and visiting     

previously visited dimensions will have a further reduced cost to 5%.]     


[You have acquired the passive skill, Dimensional adaptation. No     

penalties are given no matter which dimension you are in, and when the     

skill level rises, your understanding of that dimension increases and     

become stronger.]     


[You have acquired the passive skill, Fleet command. You can select     

members of your fleet when teleporting between dimensions. The members     

of the fleet may accompany the dimensional travel without any additional     

resources, and may share the effects of the Dimensional adaptation     



[You have acquired the active skill, Ruler of dimensions. When staying     

in one dimension for a long time, you become able to sense and prevent     

other beings who are trying to enter that dimension. The success rate     

increases as the skill level rises, and new abilities may be acquired.]    


Yu IlHan’s newly acquired class, Dimensional Traveller, had a     

peculiar point about it even when comparing it with other classes he had     

acquired until now. Perhaps it could be said that Yu IlHan had opened     

new paths connecting to a wider array of worlds, when he was busy     

looking forward and running until now. The more he understood about the     

abilities of his class, he even felt that all the walls blocking his way     

had suddenly disappeared.    


Liera, who was looking at Yu IlHan, also roughly seem to know what kind of power Yu IlHan had acquired.    


“Why is such an overwhelming power included in a subclass and not a main class……?”    

“There are people with this as the main class?”     


“No, there weren’t. Whether subclass or main class. At least within my knowledge, there weren’t.”     


“I knew it.”    


The most important ability, dimensional travel, was missing, but that     

wasn’t a problem since Yu IlHan already had that ability. No, Yu IlHan     

was quite sure that he had acquired this subclass precisely because he     

had the warp ability already.    


He liked the powers possessed by his class above all. The absurd     

amount of resources to warp was tugging on his mind all this time, but     

it had decreased by a large margin instantly!    


“That’s why classes are amazing…..”    

“Well, yeah, of course. Moreover, it’s a unique job despite being a     

subclass so I don’t even know what kind of abilities may be added to it     

in the future…..”    


Liera looked at Yu IlHan after saying that, and suddenly tilted his head.    


“But didn’t you say you can’t go over to other worlds?”    

“No, I can.”    


The reason he had accepted the Dragon’s army, and was making and     

supplying equipment to all of them was because Yu IlHan had the ability     

to go over to other dimensions. Liera’s head tilted once again.    


“Didn’t you say something about not having enough information…..?”    

“Well, yes, at that time, I was indeed lacking information.”    


However, not now. Yu IlHan now had the Record skill. Detailed     

information on anything he had come in contact to once before, will be     

etched into the core of Yu IlHan, so information needed for dimensional     

travel was nothing!    


“There are about 32 worlds I can move to right now. If I find traces     

of the people of Earth while going around the Earth, that number will     

probably increase.”    


Of course, Yu IlHan wasn’t planning to blindly search all those     

worlds and bring back the people of Earth. There was no meaning to that     

if strong monsters appeared on Earth and wiped them all out while he was     

bringing more! And moreover, it was realistically impossible to     

transport all those billions of people.    


“Then what are you going to do?”    


Liera’s question was reasonable. She would also act by Yu IlHan’s     

side since she had returned to 4th class. Yu IlHan appointed as the     

member number 1 of his fleet and decided to explain to her properly, the     

course of future action.    


“Although I think that this is not a mere coincidence….. what I was     

planning to do, coincides with the class I’ve acquired just now.”    



IlHan would go to numerous other worlds with his warp ability, and     

would make a certain organization of people with the ones that both     

wanted to go back to Earth, and yet were also willing to help redevelop.     

He would increase that number while going around many dimensions, save     

those in crisis, and stimulate the growth of Earth after coming back!     

Liera, who heard his words, exclaimed at the sheer scale of his     



“You, are thinking of becoming the medium that connects all people of Earth……?”    

“Earth will maintain its closed-off state before it leaps into a higher     

world. Of course, I won’t be able to meet everybody, nor would I be able     

to hear every one of their voices. However, I want to do the best I     

can. …….I’m sick and tired of being a loner now.”    


Disregarding the perpetrator, if Earth was frequently connected to     

other worlds, then the development of Earth will accelerate. Yu IlHan’s     

every action will urge the Earth’s growth into a higher world. This was a     

real two birds with one stone.    


Of course, this was a good thing for Yu IlHan personally as well,     

because unlike Earth, in which monsters were very scarce now since he     

and the Flying fortress had wiped them all out, in worlds where monsters     

and humans were almost equal in power, the hunting grounds will be     



“……And it will become busier at that time, huh.”    



“Then we’d need to go around without any time for rest, right? No leisure time, right?”     




This damn workaholic! Liera suppressed her urge to smack Yu IlHan on     

the forehead for replying without much of a reaction, and asked.    


“IlHan. So, what are you going to do now?”    

“I said I’ll be making the accessories that we would use, didn’t I?     

After that, I’ll make the equipment for the children using their     

information as the basis, and then finally go on to other……”    


Just as when Yu IlHan was fluently speaking about the tight schedule     

that he had come up with, Liera grabbed his wrist. When Yu IlHan turned     

to look at her to see what she was up to, Liera spoke with a smile.    


“Let us rest for a little.”    

“I’m not sure if I want to do that, but seeing that your eyes look scary…..”     


“Uwaaaah, I have no power in my body because I fell from a higher     

existence to a lower one so suddenly. I feel like I’d faint at any     

moment. I think my newly recovered skin will crack again. I think I have     

to have a deep rest on the bed right now.”    


How could she be any worse at acting? Yu IlHan laughed and replied to her.    


“I know that you’re tired so you don’t have to say it like that. It’s     

not like I need your help for the foreseeable future. You rest here.     

I’ll rest on my own later.”     


“No, I’m going to rest with you.”     




Liera strengthened her grip on Yu IlHan’s wrist. He, who felt a sense     

of danger, tried to shake her off, but was unable to. Liera’s eyes     

glistened mysteriously.    


“You know how I talked about a stronger punishment when you deceive me three times, no?”    

“Y, you did?”    


Liera pulled him and declared.    


“I lied.”    



The children were still absorbed in the attraction, and Yumir, who     

had stuck next to Yu IlHan all this time, was also passionate in trying     

the performance of his new gear. This, was the best opportunity.     


Letting go of this chance would mean that she would have to wait a few     

long years before the next one arrived. Liera’s intuition was great, and     

her actions did not contain any hesitation. A ferocious beast would not     

let go of any timing! Mystic and Orochi, who were watching this whole     

scene, also exclaimed.    


[That woman, her desires are going wild after she became a lower existence.]    

[This is a very interesting scene. To think I’d see master being swung     

around by another person when he always did as he wished until now.]    


Now that Liera had fallen to 4th class, Yu IlHan would be able to     

subdue her using force. However, Yu IlHan didn’t dare to do that since     

he was worried that Liera may not have completely shaken off the after     

effects of her 6th class being stripped. The victor was obvious.    


“Just two hours, no three……… six hours.”    

“It’s increasing!”     


“Yes, a daughter will be nice for the first child. What should we name her?”     


“You’re going too fast!”    


Yu IlHan, who had no romantic experiences, thought that this was     

plenty fast that they were progressing at, but to Liera, who had waited     

for hundreds of years, a lip-seal would neither make her satisfied nor     

would it ease the tension that had built up over the years.    


Moreover, there were too many people that liked Yu IlHan, including     

the angel Erta, that was now higher classed than her, as well as the     

humans Na YuNa and Kang MiRae! If she was relieved with just that, it     

was unknown when she would be struck in the back of the head.    


She couldn’t stay passive like until now. It was now time for her to strike back.     4


“This mood is so unromantic too. Ugh…….!”    


What do you mean a mood for romance? How can you be so cute – Liera became warm when she heard those words.    

However, that was that, and this was this.    


“Romance or mood.”    


Liera checked that there was no one around before they entered the     

bedroom, replied in a voice that only Yu ILHan could hear while closing     

the door.    


“Thorse are things that we can create now.”    





“It’s spinning! Spinny spinny spin! Uhaaah!”     


[Woooooow! My claws are becoming bigger!]    


The children enjoyed the Flying fortress theme park + education     

facility for hours and days. Yumir also flew around without considering     

the time as he was absorbed in testing the limits of his equipment.    


[Fuuu……Die! Die already! Die! Uaaaaaa, I can’t hear it, I can’t hear it! Dieeeeee!]    

[Maha prajna para mita…….]    


Mystic ardently obliterated the perverted demons that kept appearing     

on Earth, while Orochi closed his ears and eyes and fell into     



If Mystic was finding sacrificial lambs to pour her emotions into, in     

order to forget about something, Orochi was sinking deep into himself     

after forgetting everything.    


Yu IlHan and Liera’s ‘rest’ only finished after 3 days, much longer than the original 6 hours.    


“Are you satisfied?”    



“Then rest up. I’ll go and work from now.”     




Liera no longer stopped Yu IlHan. She only thought that his figure as     

he wiped the sweat on his body, and wearing clothes, was very sexy.    


In fact, she also had the urge to go boast to the whole neighborhood,     

but there was no neighborhood in the world right now. She had to let Yu     

IlHan go in order to find those people.    


[Die, di…….e, you’re done?]    

[You were noisy, building.]    


After letting Liera rest, Yu IlHan moved to his workshop, and only     

then did Mystic and Orochi start speaking again. They were too tired to     

get angry now.    


[Doesn’t master get tired or something……?]    

“I also just found this out, but.”    


Yu IlHan grabbed a hammer with one hand as if nothing happened, before speaking.    


“The range of effect of Transcendent regeneration is limitless.”(PR: Unlimited shots!)    





Even Mystic and Orochi were speechless after hearing that. Just who     

made such a weapon of mass ‘destruction’? Wait, it was himself wasn’t     



“Well, then. Back to work.”    

[An amazing guy indeed.]     


[Although it’s very awkward. I can only agree with you on that point…..]    


Yu IlHan used the remaining 5th class materials to make accessories     

for himself, Liera and Yumir. Now that he was 4th class, the number     

limit of his acessories was 6. Liera and Yumir were the same, so he made     

a total of 18.     


Four of them were Chaos, 5 were epic, and the rest were all legend.    


“Hm, it looks like I can reach 400% after all……”    

[You’re speaking of something amazing as if it’s nothing.]    


The abilities on the accessories were mostly centered around mana.     

Not only recovery speed, but some increased the maximum capacity, and     

some even had the function to store mana when the user was inactive, and     

use it in emergencies.     


5th class materials were ingredients that were very sensitive to mana, so it was not very difficult to implement what he wanted.    


“Well, then. Let’s make the equipment for the children.”    

[How long would it take to make armors and weapons for 9,300 people…..?]     


[If it’s master, around 4 days?]     


“Hey this is not mass-production, and is custom-production, so it’d take longer than that. Around a week, I guess?”    


If anyone heard that, they’d become speechless in shock. But just then, Yu IlHan abruptly raised his head.    


“Tch, nice timing.”    

[What timing?]     


“Timing of a new incident.”    


Yu IlHan put his hands on the workshop wall as soon as he finished     

saying that. His actions were simple, but the entire Flying fortress     

started to vibrate.    







“…..What was that?”    


The children that were enjoying attractions, and Yumir who was     

practicing a battle using his new weapon, as well as Liera who was     

laying on the bed with a happy expression, were all startled and stood     



[Wha, what is it?]    


Mystic asked as their representative. Yu IlHan, with his hands still     

on the wall, raised his voice to ring out through the entire Fortress     

and spoke.    


“Rest is over. We’re going over to Breya now.”    


The communication device that was dormant in his pocket for 3 years was emitting vibrations and light like mad right now.    

The signal was from none other than Na YuNa.    


Author’s notes    

I thought about how to express this, but I think this much is the best after all.    

We’re going to Breya!    


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