One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 218 - Once and for All (1)

Chapter 218 - Once and for All (1)

1Chapter 218: Once and for All (1)    

Translator: Sissy That Walk    

The two girls panicked after they saw what a scene Di Chunhua had made, they were desperate to leave yet they failed. They started to wail, attracting the pedestrians by shouting “help me”, “they are hurting us.”.    

Soon there were a lot of inquiring eyes looking this way, the two girls were screaming and wailing, and calling the bodyguards names.    

The bodyguards had already made some noises by protecting Di Qiuhe and He Bai just now, the girls’ screaming only made it worse, they were not in a great position, just imagine, in a foreign country a bunch of strong manly bodyguards cornered two local girls, of course they’d look suspicious. It did not take the girls’ much efforts to get them some sympathy from the crowd.    

The situation seemed to be out of control.    

Di Chunhua, who was shamming faint, now rolled her eyes thinking should she take advantage of this opportunity and flee or not.    

“Shall we go take a look?” asked He Bai who was observing the situation with Di Qiuhe on the corner.    

“Nope.” Di Qiuhe shook his head, he frowned upon the scene, “Di Chunhua is still lying on the ground shamming faint, she surely will spring up and act recklessly if she sees me, so we’d better stay where we are now, safety first, I don’t want to risk it when I’m with you. Don’t worry, our bodyguards will take care of the pedestrians, they are professionals.”    

Thinking about how unruly Di Chunhua could be, He Bai nodded in agreement, he hoped the police officers could arrive soon.    

The bodyguards dealt the situation beautifully, they acted promptly when the two girls grabbed a lady’s arm for help. They explained the situation to the pedestrians in fluent English, and they called the police in front of them to calm the crowd down, they made it clear that by no means they were doing any harm to the girls, they were waiting for the police to come, and they pointed to the eroded road to everyone.    

The crowed gasped, they were shocked about the twist, two innocent looking girls should be so evil, the lady who was grabbed by them stepped back with fear. And others also stepped back, thinking the best solution was to wait for the police.    

Seeing the looks from the pedestrians turning from indignant to suspicious, the two girls knew they did not stand a chance of fleeing the scene with the crowd now, they burst into real tears. They cursed Di Chunhua for involving them into this.    

The crowd did not appreciate the way the two girls cursed in such filthy language, they were glad they listened to the bodyguards just now.    

Several minutes later, the police arrived, and so did the ambulance. The two girls and Di Chunhua who was still shamming faint were taken to the ambulance for “treatment”. The police officers branched out into three columns, one went to Di Qiuhe and He Bai, one went to check the thermos and the eroded road, one went to look for witnesses.    

The place was a bit isolated, they did not find any witness who saw the whole scene, luckily, the CCTV camera recorded it all. The officer who checked on the thermos and the eroded road reported to the sheriff with a serious look.    

The sheriff frowned upon hearing that.    

Neither of these victims was local, the offenders were minors, while one of the victims had so many bodyguards, he must be somebody. The sheriff was stressed, the case took place in art festival, he needed to deal with it delicately.    

First and foremost, he needed to minimize the impact.    

With that in mind, the sheriff walked towards Di Qiuhe and He Bai who were cooperating with the investigation, he made a self-introduction and asked, “Gentlemen, are the three ladies in the ambulance now the people who were trying to hurt you, do you know them?”    

Di Qiuhe shook hands with the sheriff and made a self-introduction as well, “The two girls who actually committed assault approached me saying they are my fans, I met one of them yesterday, and I met the other one for the first time. As for the lady who fainted, she was my step sister.”    

A touch of sadness flashed across his eyes, “She has always been hostile to me, pranks like this had happened multiple times before, but today is the first time I’ve seen her since my father divorced her mother along time ago. Officer, how is she now? Is she all right?”    

He Bai was impressed by Di Qiuhe, wow, what a loving big brother.    

The sheriff cried bitterness in his heart, ‘The victim is a public figure, no way can I minimize the impact. Luckily, the victim knew them, it looks like a family issue, but… ..’    

“I won’t call this a prank, this is intentional injury with odious social effect.” The sheriff corrected Di Qiuhe, he felt sorry for Di Qiuhe, ‘the young man just asked me how the girl was, the girl who tried to hurt him.’    

Such a handsome face, how could his step sister do such a thing!    

The officers who went to check on the ambulance had come back, the sheriff asked him for updates. The officer looked worried, he said, “None of them gave us any information, two kept crying while the other just closed her eyes and refused to talk.”    

“Closed her eyes and refused to talk? I thought she fainted.” asked the sheriff in confusion.    

“No, the doctor said she did not faint, it was all fake.”    

The sheriff was speechless.    

Soon an officer came to them with great news, “There is a lady over there saying she knows one of the victim, and she has heard someone talking over the phone on hurting the victim, she can help identify the suspect.”    

The sheriff asked the officer to bring the lady.    

It was Yan Yuan, she heard about this on the way to the auction, she was worried for He Bai and Di Qiuhe, so she came to check. She saw a crowd of people surround some Asian bodyguards and two girls, she knew it was about Di Qiuhe and He Bai.    

The officer brought her to the sheriff, she saw Di Qiuhe and He Bai immediately, seeing them safe and sound, she let out a sigh of relief and said, “Thank God, I thought it was you two who were in the ambulance, thank God you guys are okay.”    


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