Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10579

Chapter 10579

010579 Chapter 10568-     

At the same time, the water doll that Wuji just threw out was taken by Lin Yi with a smile, entering the New World as well.    

“What the hell is this place?”    

The ultimate weapon Grandmaster, who had recovered, looked at the primitive environment around him and could not help but panic.    

Although this place was unspeakably primitive and backward, there was not even a decent biological creature, and on the surface, there was no threat to its existence at all.    

However, for some reason, it still felt an inexplicable fear from the bottom of its heart.    

In particular, the pair of celestial bodies that looked like pupils hanging in the air made it feel that everything about it had nowhere to hide.    

Most importantly, it felt an extremely terrifying and powerful will. Even with its strength, it seemed extremely small and insignificant in front of this will.    

And this will actually gave off an aura that it was quite familiar with.    

It was Lin Yi’s aura.    

This discovery made him even more horrified. He knew that Lin Yi was strong, but he didn’t think that Lin Yi was this strong!    

When the ultimate weapon Grandmaster saw the water doll that had entered with it and was floating quietly in the air, he had the urge to run away.    

But it didn’t dare to move.    

It was very clear that the enormous Supreme will was locked on its body. As long as it moved, it could not imagine what would happen next.    

Very quickly, a mocking voice was heard.    

“Yo, a new neighbor, not bad, not bad! Son of the sword, get out here, your new toy is here!”    

As he looked at the man in Beach Pants and flip-flops who was walking slowly towards him, the ultimate weapon Grandmaster felt his blood run cold.    

This fellow with a human appearance looked loose and unthreatening, but its strong instinct told it that the life level of the person in front of it was far above its own!    

Sometimes, intelligent creatures like humans could suppress their natural fear of superior beings, but for an existence like it, the level gap that was comparable to the suppression of bloodlines was enough to completely crush its mental defense.    

Just as it was in shock, it saw a devilish brat driving a large group of flying swords out from the bottom of the sea. After chasing and slashing at the sloppy man for a while, it turned its head and charged at it with shining eyes.    

At this moment, the ultimate weapon Grandmaster suddenly had the urge to cry.    

As the owner of this new world, Lin Yi didn’t have the time for this friendly welcome ceremony. His attention was still on the outside world.    

At this time, because the whole process had happened too quickly, the human cultivators and skeleton experts who had gathered in the distance could not help but look at each other collectively, not knowing what to do.    

With the temptation of the eternal saint’s blessing, Lin Yi was still a target they fought for.    

However, although they were in a superior position, they had not completely lost their rationality.    

Even with the saint’s blessing, which was a hundred times stronger, there was still a gap between them and Lin Yi.    

This kind of gap was not something that could be deceived by their self-confidence and self-deception. Once they took action rashly, even if they had more people, it was very likely that they would end up like Wuji.    

However, with such a huge temptation in front of them, they were not willing to give up.    

Therefore, they could only surround him.    

Lin Yi looked around and chuckled, “”Now, I will speak to Tian Sheng.”    

His voice spread throughout the entire city in an instant.    

All the human practitioners and skeleton Masters were stunned. On one hand, they didn’t know how Lin Yi did it, and on the other hand, they were curious about Tian Sheng.    

At this point, no one would think that Lin Yi was just trying to make things complicated.    

Since Lin Yi had done this, it meant that Tian Sheng must exist.    

Moreover, it was definitely not a small matter.    

To a certain extent, this could be considered the privilege of the strong. As long as it came from their mouths, no matter how ridiculous it was, it would always have an extraordinary persuasive power.    

In an instant, the entire city of one hundred Saints fell silent.    

Everyone was waiting for Tian Sheng’s response.    

However, he didn’t.    

The group of people closest to Lin Yi looked at him with suspicion.    

“If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine too-I’ll tear the altar down and see what’s buried underneath!” Lin Yi said with a smile.    

As soon as these words came out, the entire city was in an uproar.    

The human cultivators did not think much of it. The so-called altar was just a different kind of arena in their eyes.    

However, for the Holy skeleton clan, whether it was the 36 clans and 72 clans in power with vested interests, or the ordinary bottom-level people who were bullied, the altar had an extraordinary position in their hearts.    

The sage was their belief, especially after the Sage’s public voice, they believed in the various ancestral teachings passed down since ancient times like gods.    

The sacrificial altar was the place where the ancestors of the Saints rested in peace. It was a sacred place that could not be violated in their eyes!    

With that one sentence, even without the temptation of the saint’s blessing, the entire Holy skeleton clan would fight Lin Yi to the death.    

Unfortunately, Lin Yi didn’t care about what they thought and headed straight for the altar.    

The entire city was stirred.    

Countless skeleton Saint clan members rushed out with all their might, trying to stop Lin Yi’s footsteps. Unfortunately, everything they did was in vain in front of Lin Yi’s speed. They couldn’t even catch up with Lin Yi’s shadow.    

In less than half an incense’s time, Lin Yi was already in front of the altar.    

The person in front of him was the head of the zongheng family, su Zhang.    

“Are you going to stop me?”    

Lin Yi said faintly.    

He truly admired the other party’s previous performance.    

This was especially true after the Saint-level ancestors had issued a city-wide kill order, and the dog had still stood by Lin Yi’s side without hesitation. Even if it wasn’t a sign of loyalty, but just another big bet, Lin Yi still remembered this favor.    

It was a pity that they were now on opposing sides, but Lin Yi wouldn’t stop just because of that.    

Su Zhang laughed bitterly. as a member of the sacred clan, I really want to stop you. But I know that I can’t do it with my current strength. So, I might as well stay alive.    

With that, she stepped aside for Lin Yi.    

Not only that, but when Lin Yi passed by him, he blocked the group of skeleton Masters that were chasing him.    

Lin Yi couldn’t help but laugh,”you’re indeed made for the God of gambling.”    

Gamblers who put all their eggs in one basket could be seen everywhere, and it was not rare to see people who put their lives and the lives of their entire family on the line.    

However, it was rare to see someone like su Zhang, who had gambled so many times and, most importantly, got it right every time, in the world.    








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