Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10590

Chapter 10590

110590 Chapter 10579-      4

Yuan kun laughed and stepped back. a gentleman doesn’t take what others like. Since brother Lin has already merged part of the 3000 great Dao, the remaining part should naturally be yours. No one can take it away.    

Lin Yi couldn’t help but smile,”so I have to thank you for your help, Yuan bro?”    

“Same to you.”    

Yuan kun turned around and walked towards the black bone. He didn’t make any stops along the way and directly walked into the black coffin. He reached out and pressed on the black bone.    

Lin Yi’s eyes twitched.    

He had experienced black bone’s terror before. Without the protection of the world’s will, even with the strength of his primordial spirit, he would be devoured by black bone in minutes.    

However, looking at Yuan kun’s current performance, he seemed to be completely indifferent to black bones “threat, as if there was no risk at all.    

The meaning behind this was really thought-provoking.    

“No wonder you’re the one I chose,” Lin Yi said, speechless.”You’re full of surprises.”    

The White bones represented the 3000 great DAOs that the ancient Saints had explored. Then, what did the black bones represent?    

Tian Sheng didn’t say it out loud, but Lin Yi could pretty much guess the answer.    

What was condensed in the black bones was the remnant will of the ancient Saints that were immortal!    

It was precisely because the remnant will was too powerful and terrifying that any primordial spirit that got close would be attracted and captured by it, and then completely submerged in it.    

Yuan kun was probably the only exception.    

Since he had a way to avoid being obliterated by a heaven saint’s primordial spirit, he naturally had a way to resist the erosion of the saint’s remnant will.    

One had to know that the more inherited a remnant thought was, the more powerful the power behind it was.    

If he could find a way to tame all the Saint remnant thoughts here, then Yuan kun would be able to obtain the cultivation insights of all the ancient Saints!    

Even Lin Yi couldn’t help but be envious of the huge opportunities.    

In comparison, although the 3000 great Dao represented by the White bones was also a heavenly opportunity, it was too rigid and lacked the explosive power that could make people reach the sky in a single step.    

On the other hand, if the black bones could tame all the remnant thoughts and obtain the Sage’s insights, they would naturally be able to master the 3000 great DAOs, and it would save them the long process of comprehension. Other than the greater risks in the process, the opportunities that the White bones represented were much more powerful!    

If it was someone else in Lin Yi’s position, they would’ve tried to destroy it.    

After all, Yuan kun was a formidable opponent in the future. If he was allowed to rise to the heavens in a single step, he would definitely ride on his head in the future.    

But Lin Yi didn’t.    

It wasn’t that he was being creative, but that there was no need to.    

Yuan kun was indeed an opponent that Lin Yi had to take seriously, but it wasn’t to the point where Lin Yi had to resort to extreme measures.    

In fact, letting Yuan kun obtain this opportunity and rise to the top was part of Lin Yi’s plan.    

Strictly speaking, even taking down Tian Sheng this time was just Lin Yi’s preparation for the future.    

At the end of the day, Yuan kun was an ambitious man, but he couldn’t compare to Lin Yi in terms of long-term planning.    

He was a man who thought highly of himself and saw everyone in his line of sight as a chess piece, but in Lin Yi’s eyes, he was just a chess piece.    

If it wasn’t for that, Lin Yi wouldn’t have chosen to team up with him. He would’ve done it long ago and gotten rid of all future problems.    

However, Yuan kun, who was lying in the black coffin, obviously didn’t trust him.    

Lin Yi only glanced at him casually, but he was like a bird startled by the twang of a bow-he closed the coffin without a word.    

“I guess you’re using my own yardstick to measure a gentleman?” Lin Yi smiled.    

After he finished speaking, he ignored the other party and turned to face the 3000 great Dao represented by the White bones.    

The New World had absorbed quite a bit of the 3000 great DAOs, and it was basically enough to build the outline of the internal cycle. However, if they could merge the 3000 great DAOs together, it would still be an indescribable benefit for both Lin Yi and the new World.    

Feeling Lin Yi’s gaze, white bones sat up on its own, but it didn’t look scary at all. Instead, it exuded a kind of simple, natural peace.    

White bones nodded at Lin Yi and turned into 3000 DAOs, entering the New World along with the traces it left behind.    

The New World instantly became incomparably abundant.    

If the previous new world was just a skeleton that barely outlined the outline of an independent world, then at this moment, after obtaining the complete 3000 great Dao, the entire new world exuded a sense of great depth from the inside out.    

Lin Yi could clearly feel that the New World was going through an earth-shaking change under the guidance of the world’s will.    

To be more precise, the New World was undergoing an all-round upgrade!    

The effect of this upgrade might not be obvious in the short term, but once the time dimension was extended, it was no exaggeration to say that the effect on Lin Yi was absolutely subversive!    

Before this, although the New World had all kinds of indescribable benefits, it also had a huge drawback that could not be ignored.    

That was, leveling up was too slow.    

Ever since he was fully bound to the New World, Lin Yi’s training speed was much slower than before.    

The advancement of each minor realm required a huge amount of effort that was tens or even hundreds of times more than those of the same level. Moreover, each time, it must be accompanied by a huge opportunity. Otherwise, it would be useless.    

The reason for this was that the previous new world only had a framework without a core.    

Any change needed Lin Yi’s hand to push it from behind. Once there was no external force, it would stop.    

As such, it was extremely strenuous.    

But now, the complete 3000 great Dao was like a perfect driving core for the New World. Even if Lin Yi didn’t do anything, it would evolve and level up under the mutual evolution of the 3000 great Dao.    

To put it bluntly, the New World now had the real hack function.    

In theory, as long as Lin Yi didn’t die, even if he didn’t do anything, the New World could evolve to an unimaginable level and help him!    

This was truly becoming stronger as long as he was AFK.    

However, the speed of such a fully automatic hack upgrade was definitely not fast. If it was too heaven-defying, even the heavens would not be able to stand it.    

Secondly, if the inner core of the 3000 great Dao was completely left to its own devices, no one knew what it would eventually evolve into.    

If the final result was very different from what Lin Yi expected, it wouldn’t be that easy to change it back.    

As a result, if he really wanted to control every step of the New World, it wasn’t realistic for him to completely let go and be a hands-off manager.    








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