Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10601

Chapter 10601

210601 Chapter 10590-     3

The great substitute Big Shot, laughing Maitreya, had fallen just like that.    

Almost at the same time, all the leaders in all directions were shocked. They would never have thought that someone as strong as the laughing Maitreya would be killed in one hit!    

At the same time, the huge gravitational field caused by the laughing Maitreya went out of control and swept in all directions. Wherever it passed, the earth shook and the mountains shook. It was as if a small half of the God Kingdom on land was going to be destroyed.    

Lin Yi’s eyes twitched, but he didn’t stop her.    

He didn’t need to do anything at all. The out-of-control gravitational field was suppressed by the experts of the Alliance’s security Bureau who came after hearing the news. In the blink of an eye, everything returned to normal.    

“Lin Yi? Did you kill the laughing Maitreya?”    

A rough voice came from behind Lin Yi.    

Soon, four more powerful auras appeared in different directions, surrounding Lin Yi in the middle.    

Lin Yi turned back to look at the person. He was tall and had a white cape on his back, with the Eagle on it.    

“Alliance Security Department, Zhao Chen.”    

The giant man introduced himself, his eyes sharp and cautious as he looked at Lin Yi.    

The strength that Lin Yi had just displayed shocked him.    

Laughing Maitreya’s qualifications were there, and he was quite popular in the Alliance headquarters. He could be considered to have some friendship with Zhao Chen.    

This time, he sensed that something had happened to the laughing Maitreya and happened to be on duty nearby. He was ready to help the laughing Maitreya, so he had rushed over at full speed as soon as something had happened.    

No matter how he thought about it, as long as he intervened, in addition to the other Four Masters of the Alliance’s security Bureau who rushed over, it would be difficult for anything to happen to the laughing Maitreya.    

But who would’ve thought that in just a breath’s time, the reserve Big Shot, Maitreya, had been killed by Lin Yi!    

To be honest, Zhao Chen still felt that this was not real.    

He’d thought of laughing Maitreya falling halfway to the top, but he wouldn’t believe it even if he was beaten to death-laughing Maitreya would fall at the hands of a newbie like Lin Yi!    

“Alliance security?” Lin Yi asked. Are you here to catch me?”    


Zhao Chen shook his head. If he hadn’t seen that shocking scene just now, he would have captured him first.    

As the most powerful military organization in the Alliance of divine academies, the Alliance Security Bureau had a great deal of freedom and privileges that other departments could not imagine. Regardless of whether the other party was an internal member of the Alliance, as long as he wanted to capture them, he could get the endorsement of the entire Alliance at any time.    

But the problem was, he didn’t dare to.    

He wasn’t any stronger than the laughing Maitreya, and if Lin Yi could kill the laughing Maitreya in one hit, he could do the same.    

Although he represented the Alliance’s security Bureau, if Lin Yi did that, it would be the same as declaring war on them. The consequences would be unimaginable.    

However, in the end, his life was not more precious than the laughing Maitreya.    

If Lin Yi could kill the laughing Maitreya, he could kill him too. As for the price he had to pay, it was none of his business.    

“The responsibility of the Alliance’s security Bureau is to protect the Alliance’s safety. The conflict between you and the laughing Maitreya can only be considered as an internal conflict between the Alliance members. It is a personal grudge between the two of you. Strictly speaking, it does not involve the scope of our responsibility.”    

In the end, Zhao Chen chose to stand by and watch.    

After all, the laughing Maitreya was only a so-called substitute Big Shot, not a real big Shot.    

If something happened to the real nine powerhouses, it would represent the face of the entire Alliance of divine academies. The Alliance’s security Bureau would naturally take full responsibility.    

However, Xiao Maitreya was a so-called “reserve Big Shot,” but his true official status was just that of an experienced Alliance executive. Lin Yi, on the other hand, represented the new upstart of Jianghai college, and his status wasn’t much lower than the Alliance executive.    

In this way, they wouldn’t even be considered to be offending their superiors. There was a lot of room for discretion, and the Alliance Security Bureau had enough reason to intervene or not.    

It was obvious that Zhao Chen was ready to give Lin Yi face.    

He did have a good relationship with the laughing Maitreya, but that was only limited to the scene. Now that the laughing Maitreya was dead, it was needless to say what was more important.    

Lin Yi looked at him, surprised. that’s for the best. There’s no need to take personal grudges into account.    

“Who said it was a personal grudge?”    

A cold voice suddenly cut in, followed by the appearance of a thin man with a cold expression. Like Zhao Chen, he was wearing the iconic Goshawk cloak of the Alliance’s security Bureau.    

Zhao Chen’s face darkened slightly, and he introduced them, “”The river.”    

Lin Yi raised an eyebrow, his eyes darting between the two as he made a rough guess.    

Where there were people, there would be conflicts. The Alliance Security Bureau was a high-ranking organization with a flat internal structure. Except for the director and a few Deputy Directors at the top, all the members were equal. It was normal for them to have some disputes with each other.    

There was an obvious tension between this River and Zhao Chen.    

However, it was true that these two didn’t see eye to eye with each other, and Lin Yi wasn’t so naïve as to think that the other party was just trying to ruin Zhao Chen’s reputation. They’d jumped out at a time like this to target him!    

Hechi’s playful gaze swept across Zhao Chen before landing on Lin Yi. ” the smiling Maitreya is an important member of the Alliance headquarters and he has a special identity. His death will definitely have a far-reaching impact and will seriously threaten the Alliance’s security.    

“Lin Yi, I’m calling you on the Alliance’s security Bureau’s name, come with me,”    

He threw a pair of handcuffs at Lin Yi as he spoke.    

“Hechi, do you know what you’re doing?” Zhao Chen’s eyelids twitched.    

he Chi sneered, ” of course I know what I’m doing. I’m not a useless person. As a member of the Alliance’s security, I naturally have to nip any potential threats to the Alliance in the bud.    

With that, she glanced at Lin Yi with a half-smile.    

“Lin Yi, I’ll say this first-if you disobey the Alliance’s security agency’s summons, I have the right to use force on you.”    

“If you don’t cooperate or even resist, it won’t be a small matter.”    

I’ll tell you one thing. Being an enemy of the Alliance’s security Bureau is the same as being an enemy of the entire Alliance of divine academies. You’d better think about the consequences before you speak.    








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