Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10522

Chapter 10522

410522 Chapter 10511-     

Lin Yi asked, surprised.    

It wasn’t because he was surprised by the other party’s current strength. To be honest, although this kind of expert who specialized in the rules of power had a lot of impact on the scene, because his attribute was too single, it was easy for him to be targeted by other rules.    

Among experts of the same level, the comprehensive strength of this type of rule bending ability user was not considered strong.    

Even if it was just a pure head-on impact, the Dazhou College’s Xia wenqing that he had met before was definitely above this person!    

What surprised Lin Yi was that the opponent could use rule force in a place like this!    

He had carefully observed the strength of the skeletons along the way. They were not strong individually, far from the ghouls he had encountered at the beginning.    

Even if they could gather together and develop some powerful moves that were beyond their level, their threat was still limited to human practitioners who were at the Golden class full master level.    

If it were not for the rule power being suppressed by hundred Saints city, except for a few powerful individuals, most of the skeletons would at best be a group of cannon fodder undead beasts in the eyes of the crowd.    

The key was the expressions of the other people present. They were not surprised at all.    

In other words, not only this huge man named Shi Zhan, but the others also had the ability to use rule bending power!    

If that was the case, then the combat strength of this group of people was extraordinary. Even if they were in the core area of hundredth Saint city, they could cause a commotion.    


Shi zhanbao roared as he threw a punch. There wasn’t the slightest bit of gaudy. This was a display of extreme confidence in his own strength.    

However, just when everyone thought that Lin Yi was going to run, he stood there, not moving at all.    

“Is this guy scared silly?”    

They had to admit that Lin Yi’s performance just now really shocked them. His physical strength had indeed refreshed everyone’s knowledge, but this didn’t mean that he could take on Shi Zhan, who had released the rule of force!    

No matter what the situation was, using one’s physical body to fight against rule bending power, especially the rule bending power of a yellow class full circle venerable, was simply courting death.    

Even the most famous physical body expert in the divine Kingdom on land would not play like this.    

Just because you’re skilled in martial arts doesn’t mean you can take a bullet head-on!    

However, Lin Yi’s next performance changed everyone’s perception of him.    

It was a simple punch, but because of the difference in size, Lin Yi’s side was particularly vulnerable. In everyone’s eyes, he would be crushed without a doubt.    

In the end, Lin Yi didn’t move an inch while Shi Zhan flew away.    


The crowd instantly gasped.    

Everyone else was stunned as well, not to mention Shi Zhan. They all looked at Lin Yi as if he was a God in human form.    

Without any fluctuations of rule power, he sent Shi Zhan, who had comprehended the rule of force release, flying with his bare hands. If this wasn’t a human-shaped God-demon, what was he?    

Lin Yi frowned, ” it’s rule force, but it’s much weaker than normal. They must have used some special technique. May I ask how you guys did it? ”    

He had a divine body to protect him, so he could protect himself even in hundredth Saint city. After all, there were not many forces in the world that could break through a divine body’s defense.    

Even if he only had a primary divine body, he wasn’t someone who could be scammed by just anyone.    

However, if he could master the technique of breaking through the seal of hundred sacred city, it would naturally be better. Although his divine body was strong, his physical attack range was limited. If he really met a strong enemy, it would be difficult to take the initiative, and he would easily become a live target.    

Everyone was speechless.    

This time, true despair completely enveloped every one of their hearts.    

They could release their rule power like Shi Zhan, but under the suppression of hundred Saints city, they could not fully display their rule power.    

The key was that every time he used it forcefully, he would have to pay a huge price.    

Who would’ve thought that even at this point, they’d still be crushed by Lin Yi? how were they supposed to play?    

Everyone looked at each other, and finally, an older man sighed and said, “”Since things have come to this, we have no other choice. Let’s attack together. We don’t have much time left.”    

The rest of the people looked solemn when they heard this, and soon, they collectively made up their minds.    

There was no turning back.    

If she’d had a proper conversation with Lin Yi instead of making a move, things wouldn’t have come to this.    

However, since he had already made his move, he could only walk this path to the end.    

They weren’t naive kids, and they knew that it was hard for them to trust Lin Yi anymore.    

Even if they chose to admit defeat now, Lin Yi would never trust them again. The most likely choice would be to go all out and crush them all to death.    

If they were in Lin Yi’s shoes, they would make the same choice.    

This was not cruelty, but rationality.    

Lin Yi looked on coldly. He didn’t plan on making peace with these people.    

As human cultivators who had fallen into misfortune together with him, killing each other in this place was an extremely stupid thing to do no matter how he looked at it. However, since the other party had taken the initiative to provoke him, and it was obvious that they had already intended to kill him, he naturally would not leave any room for these people.    

After all, he wasn’t a soft-hearted old man.    

Of course, before that, he had to interrogate them to find a way to break the seal of hundred sacred city. Otherwise, all his efforts today would have been in vain.    

Just as everyone started to gather their rule force and Lin Yi was holding his breath, ready to kill, a familiar voice interrupted the dangerous confrontation.    

“Stop, he’s not an enemy.”    

Everyone couldn’t help but be surprised.    

They were all well-known experts outside, but at this moment, facing the owner of this voice, they all had a respectful expression.    

Lin Yi looked towards the source of the voice, and his eyes twitched when he saw the face of the person.    

It was an old friend from Jianghai Academy.    

The Sea King, Xiang Yusheng.    

When he first entered the repeat school, Xiang Yusheng was undoubtedly the ceiling. His strength was even above tyrant and the other five Giants, so Lin Yi had a deep impression of him.    

Speaking of which, Xiang Yusheng’s sudden departure from Jianghai Academy was, in a sense, a result of his own beating.    

During the Battle in the void, Lin Yi didn’t really win, but he’d made the previous King of space completely disheartened. From then on, he’d lost all thoughts of replacing the Tian family as the head of Jianghai Academy.    

He knew that as long as Lin Yi was here, he would never have to wait for that day to come.    








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