The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

4Chapter 25     

“N…here, ah, you!”    

“You’re awake?”    

I approach the now awake Yui .     

“Do-don’t come any closer, ita, why are you here…”    

Her forehead is wrinkled; she seems to be in pain .     

This is what happens when you push yourself even when it hurts .     

I place a finger on her lips .     

-shhi, I tell her to be quiet .     

Yui sees my finger and looking at my face stops talking .     

“Good, listen to what I say quietly . Your foot, if you move it forcibly does it hurt?”    

Yui nods .     

“Now, I’ll explain the situation . First, the injury to your foot is from you fall from a cliff . A rock was imbedded in your stomach, and you also had a fever, so, you have been unconscious until now . ”    

Then I separate my finger from Yui’s lips .     


“-By the way, didn’t I jump from the cliff top and save you? So, your so called savior is this guy . ”    

Like a high-pressure salesman I talk .     

“I am . But, you don’t need to express you gratitude . ”    

Yui responds with an upset face .     

I will help you even if you hate it . I do it because I like it .     

“There is no need for thanks . ”    

“…what kind of thing?”    

Her expression does not change very much, but she looks suspicious .     

“It’s because I look you . Now rest in bed . ”    

Hearing me Yui’s eyebrows lower and she frowns slightly .     

Seeing that I continue talking .     

“So, I will nurse you until you recover with the head of this house . ”    

Hearing what I say, she smiles .     

“You, are you stupid?”    

“Ah, I’m stupid . Why did I help you after the last time? Because I have a question and want to continue the conversation . ”    

“Ask me . ”    

“…First of all, it’s about this place…the forest here is shrouded in thick fog . But, you can relax . For some reason there no monsters here . We’re now in a house on a slightly elevated hill . ”    

Yui then looks around the room .     

I continue talking without minding it .     

“…So, after you passed out I wandered around the forest filled with thick fog . Luckily I happened to tumble across someone living here and they agreed to help . ”    

“I see…”    

“By the way, I told the husband of the couple living here that you and I are lovers . ”    


She seems to have become upset .     

Ma, that is how it is . I try to remind her .     

“You helped me, a professional killer . Why would you do something like that?”    

“Well, even if you ask…”    

“Do you understand?”    

A little forceful, I glare at her and talk .     

“…I…I don’t mind it . ”    

I do not know if my influence worked, but Yui seems to understand .     

And at that moment, the master of the house walks in wearing a robe .     

“Ah, your lover-san has come around . ”    

“Aah, uh, ya!”    

Speaking lively I hug Yui .     

I rest my cheek on her head too .     

Her cheeks seem to be a bit red, is it a coincidence?    

It looks like she is acting properly .     

“Haha, good, good . It looks like lover-san is able to eat now, but since she should stay in bed I’ll bring something to eat . ”    

“Ah, if it’s alright I’ll bring it . ”    

“Is that so? Then, please . ”    

After Danna-san lowers his head slightly he returns to the other room .     

“Then, I’ll bring you something to eat . ”    

She stays quiet with her head down .     

Ma, her attitude is cold but I think she will eat .     

I go to the next room to get food .     

Rollo follows next to me as well .     

The “noh mask” wife is in the next room, her posture is strait as a ruler, she is standing to the wide holding a wooden pedestal . (TL: Okay, creepy spooky . )    

A wooden bowl and spoon are placed on the platter and the bowl is filled with a white soup . An appetizing smell is coming from the steaming bowl .     

The smell is making me hungry .     

But, the lady rather than the cooking .     

The purple flower looks nice on the beautiful woman, but…    

Her expression does not change, it is strange .     

I am also curious about the forehead mark on the bald Danna…    

This woman is far too unnatural .     

The Danna pretending to not notice the woman’s behavior is odd as well .     

After the noh mask wife pushes the meal into my chest she withdraws .     

I stand there and receive it in silence, but I am growing increasingly interested in her wooden behavior .     

Rollo begins to squint her eyes and gather her legs beneath her like she is going to chase after the wife’ retreating figure .     

The cat seems to sense “something” about the wife .     

She is definitely suspicious, but I should bring this food to Yui now .     

I take the food to the room Yui is waiting in . She seems to be trying to move her body a little, and when I bring in the meal she smiles .     

I place the meal on the bed .     

“Sorry . But, it’s until the day after tomorrow . After that much time has passed…my foot will be healed . ”    

She should recover soon .     

The potion was really effective .     

“…Ah, understood . Then, would Yui like me to feed her?”    

“Iii, the shoulder wound is okay . I can already use my arm . ”    

“Is that so, then I’ll go get my own food . I’d also like to ask about the area around here . ”    

I go to the next room and the Danna-san and noh mask wife and sitting on straw cushions near the hearth with meals in wooden bowls in one hand .     

Seeming to have been enticed by the smell, Rollo is sniffing around the kitchen area before walking over to the side of the hearth .     

“You journey . It’s not much but please sit down and eat . I also prepared something for the cat . Here you go . ”    

The meal I am given seems to be the same as Yui’s meal .     

In the big iron pan in the center of the hearth there are root vegetables like potatoes simmering . It looks heavy and appetizing .     

I accept Danna’s offer and take a seat on one of the free straw cushions .     

I comfortably sit cross legged .     

“Then thanks, itadakimasu . Rollo, you’ll eat too?”    

“Nnnnnn . ”    

She climbed onto my knee and making a weird sound in her throat seems to want to eat .     

“Theta, get another serving . ”    

Danna-san gives her wife an order .     

His wife expressionlessly takes out another wooden bowl for the soup .     

And, taking a ladle she scoops out some of the soup from the pot over the hearth and pours it into the bowl .     

“Thanks . ”    

There is a strange tension .     

Bringing the wooden bowl to my mouth I break of a portion of one of the potatoes and put the spoon in my mouth .     

Hot, hot . Although I feel uneasy, this soup is delicious . (TL: Shuya is weak to food . )    

I quickly consume the think white soup filled with potatoes and white leaves .     

Although Rollo’s soup is hot too she laps the soup up with her tongue just fun .     

Even though she is a cat her tongue does not seem sensitive to heat .     

The Danna opens his mouth and exposes his white teeth .     

“Traveler-san, you seem to be okay with the meal . I apologize for Theta’s bluntness . ”    

“No, no, she is a beautiful person . ” (TL: Nah man, as long as she’s hot it’s all good -Shuya)    

His wife Theta’s expression changes for the first time .     

She laughs awkwardly .     

It is hard to describe, but I got goosebumps all over my skin after seeing her smile with that beautiful body .     

The reason is because the purple flower ornament in her hair is not very human .     

She is just like a “doll”…    

“Traveler, before you wandered into the magic fog and got lost, where were you going?”    

“…Hector . ”    

“I think that is southwest from here . It is difficult to tell because of the fog, but if you head west you should be able to find the highway . ”    

“Is that so . Good . ”    

Answering casually, Danna-san winks at his wife .     

Then, Theta-san suddenly stands up in the room that has fallen completely silent, and goes to another room on the other side of the kitchen . (TL: Okay, this is really creepy . She defs a zombie corpse . )    

“Oya, Theta already seems to be full . She went back inside because she felt satisfied . Please eat much of the remaining potatoes as you want . ”    

“Yes . Itadakimasu . ”    

I continue diligently eating the potatoes while I watch Danna-san’s back recede further inside .     

This white leaf is good, but my tongue is a little tingly .     

Ma, since this is the first proper meal I have had in a while I will eat it .     

I wolf down what is left in the pan .     

Eating eating .     

Should I go check on Yui now? Feeling satisfied I return Rollo to my shoulder and go back to the storage shed .     

Once I returned Yui has also finished eating and is resting .     

“…Looks like she ate . She should recover well . ”    

Everything seems fine .     

Good, good .     

“…You’re here…”    

I open my mouth while smiling wryly .     

“Don’t worry about it . Right now you are my lover . Since you finished eating I’ll take the tray . ”    

“T, thank you . ”    

Rollo comes down from my shoulder and curls up next to Yui’s side like she is anxious about her . Her small face turns to Yui’s hand and she licks the back of one of her fingers .     

Ah, Yui expressed her gratitude .     

At least she seems to have become obedient .     

Fufu, I chuckle to myself…now, I guess I’ll clean up .     

I pick up the tray with the empty dishes and carry it to the nearby kitchen .     

In the big kitchen there’s a cutting board on the counter next to a sack of flower, bottles of oil, vegetables, and a barrel in which potatoes are piled up .     

Below there is water jug, an earthen oven built on the floor, and a heavy iron pot is already there .     

Several different frying pans are leaned up again the nearby wall .     

Should I put the dishes in the big jug…?    

While I a hesitating about where to put the dishes in someone else’s house I hear a voice from the bac room . (TL: Don’t investigate . This is how bad things happen . )    

“Master, the remaining mana is below 30% . ” (TL: Master is in English . ) Activation limit approaching . ”    

“Understood . I will supply some now . ”    

A moment passes…    

“…How’s that?”    

“40% of Mana restoration completed…55% of Mana…restoration completed . ” (TL: Fill me up, master . )    

“Ku, I’ll stop here . This is the limit of my Mana…”    

“I am sorry, Master . ”    

They seem to be using some kind of magic .     

“Because I can take that Mana recovery potion, I’m fine . But, I’m still inexperienced . Despite the Magic technology being similar to the Magic Wogan Doll, it is difficult for me to synchronize my mind with the ‘Spirit Absorption . '”    

“No, master is a genius . You made me, and even led Sabido by the nose . ”    

“I won’t fall behind the Magic Clan . I was ousted from the clan, but I am an owner of a demon emblem mark . I am the eldest son of the Gustave Family . I am also the successor of the skill handed down generation to generation in my family . The people with the secret enchanting type skill amongst magic craftsman are few . ”    

“Yes . Master’s skill cannot be imitated by others . ”    

“That’s right . It’s probably because of my younger sister in the clan . Although the Magic Wogan Doll is made, despite this there are probably a massive amount of people that possess the required magic ore casting skill    

“Master’s family? I have not met them . ”    

“Ah, it’s in the past . I have you now, so I don’t need anything else . ”    

“Yes . Master . I am happy . ”    

It seems like they’re flirting .     

But what is this related to the magic clan?    

“However, if I was the maker of the magic wogan doll I might be able to use it on you…”    

“But, Wogans are scrap iron after all . Unlike me, the master must always be nearby, it will only function if it is supplied . ” (TL: The master here is 主人 or “shujin” which can mean head of household, proprietor, employer, or master, depending on the context . It feels more possessive . )    

“That’s right, the strong point is Theta’s magic essence conversion ratio . If the core of a berbaky and oil of a chimera to ragazer powder and the scales of an ancient dragon…”    

“Yes . Surely, if it is that then output will rise 85% . ”    

“Ma, it will take time to collect those items . Right now there are two ‘souls’ that can be used . So let’s be patient . Theta’s magic essence tolerance should increase markedly if I incorporate those . I can’t wait . ”    

“The soul sacrifice, that young man, is always looking at me . ”    

“Yeah . I cannot allow those eyes . But, Theta is a beautiful woman . A young man like that will get all wound up . ”    


“Hai . ”    

“But, the young man and woman are important sacrifices and will give power to your ‘Spirit Absorption . ’ It is important that they remain healthy so the two souls can be safely transfer to ‘here . ’ Because, first they are paralyzed . About this time…the medicine should be taking affect and they will be collapsing . ”    

“Hai . Master . ”    

Spirit Absorption? Paralysis? These are really dangerous words…    

This time is a dangerous magician .     

Right now we are suckers coming along just begging to be parted from their money? (TL: 鴨がねぎを背負って来る)    

That explains why this person lives in such a remote place . We should run away quickly .     

Ah, Yui…I hurry to the nearby room .     

“What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”    

“Damn it . We already ate the meal; the man here seems to be a dangerous magician . I overheard them talking about “souls” and “sacrifice” and giving us paralyzing medicine . We need to escape fast, can you more?”    

“Ah, my…ah, my arm is numb…”    

The paralysis is already setting in .     

“Rollo, go outside and be prepared to fight at any moment . ”    

“Nya . ”    

Rollo responds and then vigorously runs outside .     

“Gu, so, sorry . Numbness…”    

I should have been more careful .     

“Mou, the medicine is already taking affect . ”    

“…You, are you okay? I can move my mouth…but my arms are shaking, and there’s no strength in my legs…although this feels kind of funny…it must be a special narcotic…”    

“I’m fine . I just move the food…I didn’t eat it . ”    

“There’s no helping it now . ”    

“Understood . Let’s leave here first . I’ll carry you . ”    

I carry Yui .     


“What is it lover? I’ll help . Don’t worry . ”    

Yui nods and falls quiet .     

“Oya…are you going somewhere?”    

Crap, we were caught . I must deceive him .     

“Ah, Yui wants to go outside for a little while, feel the wind, look at the stars…”    

“Is that so, ha, I guess our lies are mutually transparent . I can’t let you leave like this . Theta . Block the exit . ”    

“Yes . Master . ”    

She came too . Theta is blocking the warehouse’s exit .     


At my signal, Rollo springs on Theta .     

“-W, what?”    

The bald old man cries out behind me, but I’ll ignore him for now .     

I hold onto Yui and rush outside . I run to where the popobumu is .     

I put Yui of the popobumu’s saddle a bit roughly .     

“Run ahead like this . ”    

Then I should slap the popobumu’s rear .     

“Wait . ”    

Yui calls out .     

Is she worried? But I must hurry .     

“It’s all right . Believe in me . I will not let them kill you . I’m also worried about the forest, but that couple comes first . Hurry up and escape on the popobumu . I will call you back right away once I kill the couple . ”    

“Wait, you absolutely can’t die . If you do I will kill you-”    

I ignore Yui and slap the popobumu’s rear .     

With her on top of the saddle the popobumu takes off and disappears into the darkness .     

It shouldn’t go too far .     

…It will return when I call for it .     

Now, I will return .     

I return to the shed where Rollo is fighting .     

When I run up the short hill to the front of the hut Rollo and Theta are in the middle of an intense fight .     

The jacket around Theta’s shoulder is torn and black blood is pouring from her right shoulder . But, her quick movements show that she isn’t bothered by the injury .     

Seeing the figure receiving, I am rooted to the spot .     

Theta’s arm transformed to a point like a sword . When the word arm collides intensely with Rollo’s feeler swords they make a hard sound as they are repelled and the collide again . They have each other in check . The purple flower ornament in Theta’s hair is shaking as she moves around .     

Rollo shows a glimpse of the divine beast .     

Powerful, throbbing limbs . Four claws scratch the ground and a cloud of dust rises .     

Sharpened claws swing at Theta’s feet . Theta receives a big cut above her knee, but doesn’t seem to feel any pain . She quickly counter attacks with her sword arms and tarts running after Rollo . Rollo calms down and dexterously avoids Theta’s attack .     

Theta runs after Rollo who runs away .     

The fight shifts from the entrance of the hut into a large garden .     

I can see the fight from the little light leaking out of the shed, since it is night outside, when the fight shifts to a dark place, I can no longer see the fighting figures of Theta and Rollo, I can only hear the sound of a bone sword colliding with a sword .     

I activate and ensure my vision .     

The fight between Rollo and Theta seems to be equal .     


“What on earth are you?”    

The bald man approaches shouting with a torch in his hand .     

“No, what, you mean…”    

“You ate a lot of the food with the special medicine in it . Yet you can still more easily…Are you not human?”    

“Whaaaat?” (TL: Whaaaat? Pft, watch chu talkin’ ’bout man . )    

Ma, he is right .     

“Besides, that black beast injured my wife, Theta . ”    

What? This old skin head in a robe…    

His expression gradually changes .     

Did too much blood rise to his head? And then did I anger him?    

“Theta, that? Your wife…isn’t she just a doll?” (TL: That wasn’t a smart thing to say, Shuya . )    

When the skin head man hears my provocation his face distorts and a blood vessel on his face pops out . It attracts attention to the unchanging mark on his forehead…he leans his head forward, and bares his teeth with a growing light of insanity .     

“Aaaaah? What did you say!? My wife Theta, isn’t a doll!!”    

He speaks in a rough voice while spitting saliva .     

“Is that so . Then that means, Theta isn’t human . ”    

“Joke later-”    

The bald skin head man mutters angrily and throws his torch into the nearby garden .     

A small light source is created in the darkness .     

The light of the torch casts the bald man in creepy shadows .     

The right hand of the bald man is held out, and touches a fingertip to a ring on his left hand . At that moment, the ring reacts .     

The helmeted black skull ring shines, flickering between black and red as two strings appear from its eye sockets . The threads extend into the ground, and the ground it touches suddenly begins to melt? Before long the ground begins to make a sound like boiling lava and the air begins to fill with a black and red smoke .     

What appears from the smoking ground is two skeletons, one of red bones and the other of black bones .     

He summoned these guys, skeleton knights .     

The skeletons are only made of bones, but their formed ribs are large and their forms look like a soldier or knight . They have a long sword that shines with a black luster in one hand and a shield in the other .     

The two skeleton knights seem conscious .     

Though their bones creak, they move to protect the skin head who summoned them .     

-I look with magic observing eye .     

They seem to have come from the ring .     

The ring contains mana . The thread coming from the ring seems to be mana .     

They are connected to the skeletons . There also seem to be rings that hold mana on his other fingers, shining faintly .     

The bald man is wearing a lot of magic tool rings .     

As I am looking a strong voice comes from behind the bone knights .     

“…Bone knights, protect me and attack when you see a chance! I don’t care if his soul isn’t captured!”    

As the bald skin head man issues out his order with a burning heart he appears before one of the bone knights, letting his robe billow .     

He turns a hand to me and points . N, he’s storing mana in his hand? From a ring shaped like a beast a fireball is suddenly created .     

-Swiftly .     

I quickly drop down and the fire ball flies over my head . The fire ball hits the ground where I was and explodes . The darkness suddenly becomes bright .     

That moment- A blade of mana comes from a different ring? But it flies . I hurry and swing down the black spear at the mana blade . The mana blade is broken by the black spear, divided-the wind blade goes to the left and right . A trace of a sword cut marks to ground to the left and right and a cloud of dust is kicked up .     

Yes . I was able to cut the mana blade .     

“What!? To move so fast, to see the wind blade in this dark night…you, after all you aren’t an ordinary person . Perhaps the guild?”    

So it really was a wind blade .     

Because it shines with magic observing eye I can still see it at night .     

Besides, what guild?    

“…No, I’m just a traveler . ”    

Unlike the question that appeared in my heart, I answer normally .     

“Fu, maa-”    

Ue, another fire ball .     

Like that, I continue avoiding flying fireballs and wind blades .     

He shoots the magic continuously so I have to be careful .     

They are endless . I move and knock down wind blades .     

Since it has come to this should I use ? The bald man saw that I stopped moving, and thinking it is a chance, the corners of his mouth lift in a smile .     

He holds up a different ring .     

Then with a *pika* and a blinding light and intense pain runs through my body like my heart is freezing .     

Ita- There’s a rumbling sound in my ears and the smell of burnt meat flesh reaches my nose .     

I am also surrounded by smoke . There is a black scar spread from my stomach to my chest .     

It buuurns, that guy, he used lightning this time . Too fast, all the rings on his hand seems to be magic rings .     

Not needing an aria is too inconvenient .     

Indeed, I can smell my flesh burning…    

Making a crackling sound, some of the leather clothing has been burned to cinders, and part of my body seared black is visible .     

But, despite how it looks, the condition of the burn was healed in an instant .     

Only the black tiger leather jacket I received from Shisho is intact .     

“I did it, I did it, I did it . Pitch black . ”    

The bald man is hopping from foot to foot turning about in a dance . (TL: Okay, now he just seems sad and pathetic . )    

His face is pale, and because his lips are discolored abnormally red, with the corners of his mouth pulled back he looks just like a clown .     

This man is a crazy bald clown .     

Without delay- I yell out .     

In response the robe wearing man’s expression collapses and he lets out an ugly “Uiiiii!”    

I will kill him with one blow .     

I eagerly thrust out my black spear .     

-A metallic sound .     

My stab is blocked by a shield . The shield the black bone knight is using .     

“-Ooh, quickly, bone knight!”    

The bald man cries out as his expression shifts .     

As he recovers he puts on a weird smile while he spits out saliva .     

I smile back .     

Decent reflexes- I move to the next action while thinking such praise . First, I activate .     

I make a fist with “distorted mana hand” and hit the red bone knight .     

With the red bone knight unable to hold up its sword after the sudden blow from the mana fist it retreats .     

I activate on my left hand at the same time- the chain first goes for the black bone knight that prevented my stab with its excellent reflexes .     

The black bone knight cannot keep up with the chain’s speed .     

The chain drills through the black bone knight’s jaw faster than a bullet, shattering it .     

Like that, I change the trajectory to smash through the head of the black bone knight and then destroy the neck and spine one after the other .     

On the other hand, the red bone knight struck by the big mana fist from has an indent in its chest, touching one knee it is downed .     

Big mana fist . It is strong .     

The red bone knight with the caved in chest somehow rises, and approaches while holding its shield .     

I send the Kukri sword to such a red bone knight .     

But, since the red bone knight was injured so much already, I turn it into training and hold the kukri sword with .     

I swing I move the kukri sword over to the red bone knight with a shaky sword attack .     

The red bone knight holds up its shield and it turns into a defensive fight .     

Now then . Without overlooking the gab in its defense I point the black spear at its lower body and fire of !    

The twisting black blade penetrates through the thick foot bone, destroying it . -Next I destroy the thigh bone . Then I destroy the back bone followed by the sternum .     

The red bone knight immediately collapses . Its knees give out and it falls to the ground .     

Furthermore, the chain that destroyed the black bone knight goes around and around to the red bone knight and penetrates its head . (TL: This is what I wanted to see the chain do . I feel really satisfied . )    

I crush the bones into pieces .     

The kukri sword, together with the chain and spear smash all of the red bone knight’s bones with synchronized attacks .     

Finally, the bones pieces are crush and strewn about .     

After having beaten the bone knights in only several seconds the bald man raises a frightened voice, and with a dumfounded expression his teeth chatter .     

That face, I am going to punch it .     

I ran at such a bald man .     

Leading with my left shoulder, I hold the black spear in my right hand and deliver a shoulder tackle with a shout .     

“Hiia . ”    

As expected, the bald man is a magician . Raising a ring with a scream he releases a fireball to counter attack .     

While advancing I use to break through the middle of the fire ball with the black spear .     

I dispel the fireball by destroying its core with thrusting .     

To the bald man, from the fireball he just released, my left shoulder appears .     

-It is over with this .     

Once again, taking strong steps, I at the chest of the bald man .     

That moment, “-Master,” Theta leaps in from the side to the bald man .     

The sound of meat tearing echoes out, and together through Theta’s back, I go through the heart of the bald man .     

The two skewered people fall down like marionettes with their string cut .     

“Ma, st, er…”    

“Shi, shi, Theta…gufu . ”    

He is trying to talk but blood over flows from his mouth .     

“…So . Zoru . D, dear…it’s enough . ”    

Then, the purple flower next to Theta’s ear falls next to Zoru’s face .     

“This violet?”    

“Gua, th, that’s right . A purple flower…eh, w, well, remember, Theta?”    

The Zoru that is spitting up blood opens his eyes wide when he sees the face of his wife, Theta .     

“Oh well…fufu, maybe this is the whim of god?”    

“It’s you . It’s you…Theta . Her beauty is one that doesn’t fade away like a purple flower…” (TL: I really pity these two . )    

“Zoru always says that, you gave me the violet…” (TL: They should also be really dead, not having their final words . )    

Are you serious?    

I sneak around and look at Theta’s face .     

Then, the face of Theta which had looked like a doll face had turned into the face of a really beautiful woman .     

Ooh, that’s amazing .     

Theta has had her chest penetrate by the black spear, yet she is smiling without showing any signs of pain, looking over her husband Zoru affectionately .     

From the wound in her chest, black blood flows out unceasingly .     

The black blood pours down the black spear then over Zoru’s robe and mixes with his in the mud, at last the black blood even ran down the affectionate eyes .     

Theta’s black tears mix together the tears on Zoru’s cheeks, the darkening tears flow over his cheeks, along the ground, and finally dyes the fallen violet black . (TL: Oh . )    

“…Theta . I wanted…gu . ”    

Blood pours out of Zoru’s mouth again .     

“Zoru . ”    

Theta shakes her head to Zoru’s words .     

To bring her body closer to her husband’s, she pushes herself along the black spear stuck in her chest, so that they may hug while each other’s blood pools .     

When Zoru is hugged by Theta, and evil spirit slips out, and his insane expression changes to a gentle one .     

“Zoru . Remember how we always strolled along the riverside of the Haym?”    

“Ah…I remember well . ”    

“Fufu, me too . …my last moments are good . ”    

Theta drops her neck, and closes her eyes weakly .     

As blood flows from Zoru’s mouth, he blinks gently, and looks at me .     

“Theta . -There is…more…traveling . ”    

Patching together those words…he dies with his eyes still open .     

He died…    

Rollo also seems to have noticed and turns her red eyes questioningly .     

After a short moment, while trudging along feeling empty, she rubs face head against by head, back and forth .     

Ah, Yui…    

Taking care of Rollo under my feet, I return to the place where I separated from Yui .     

Whistling, I look for the popobumu .     

I whistle over and over again and search .     

Then the popobumu returns while snorting “bubobubo”    

“Yui! Are you all right?”    

“…I’m okay . My body is numb and I can’t move…but you’re all right . ”    

“N? Were you worried about me?”    

“Baka…if you’re like that, should I kill you?”    

Again, she says something like that .     

She needs punishment, I sentence her to a bottom massage . (TL: No, stahp, my feelings aren’t ready . )    

“Kya, he, hentai!”    

“Hahaha, when you say something like that, aren’t you supposed to say I can never be a bride?”    

Her face turns beet-red .     

“Yui, your body shivers when I hold you . ”    

“Aan . Baka . ”    

It might be a result of the battle ending, but I repeatedly rub and massage Yui’s buttock . Pulling myself together, I ask about how she is feeling .     

“Which remind me, Yui’s important swords . I left them here . I made sure to recover them . ”    


“Well then, take a rest, I’ll take care of the bodies in the garden . ”    

“Understood . ”    


I take all of the valuable rings from the corpse’s fingers .     

There was no ring with the water attribute, but there was a ring with the darkness attribute .     

I will test this ring later .     

I dig a hole in the ground, and make a simple grave for Zoru and Theta .     

I put a ring on the gravestone, and place the violet dyed black with blood as an offering .     

Even though I killed you…    

Seeing these two at the end affect my heart some .     

I go to my knees, and pray Japanese style .     


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