The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

1Chapter 48     


Forty-Eighth Episode~ Emergency Request    

Translator’s Corner: Hey everyone! We’re back to normal action chapters and plot development! Enjoy~    

I head to the adventurer’s guild today and it is noisier than normal .     

The voices of the adventurers and the lively voices of the receptionist-sans resound .     

“Those here for the Evil Dragon King subjugation, please line up on the right~”    

“Individual participants and clan participation application, an addendum has been added to the wooden tag, so please confirm them~”    

The space in front of the reception desk is partitioned off with a rope down the middle .     

“-Those not involved in the Evil Dragon King subjugation, please come this way~ . To the left side~ . On this side of the reception desk, your requests will be accepted as before~ . The details of the urgent request are on this side as well~ . Anyone not accepting the Evil Dragon King request, please use this side~”    

The receptionist-san on the left side stretches out her arm and explains to the adventurers .     

It seems the receptionist on the right oversees the “Evil Dragon King Subjugation Request,” and the receptionist on the left is handling the “normal” requests .     

Is the crowd the reason?    

There seem to be a lot of adventurers participating in the Evil Dragon King subjugation .     

The adventurers waiting are beginning to form a line .     

I ask a receptionist-san near the partition about what is going on .     

Receptionist-san says the “Evil Dragon King subjugation” request has caused the adventurers to flood the reception desk .     

So, they hurriedly set up a rope for dividing and marked a place for different than usual request .     

The details sound like the contents the adventurers from the yakiniku shop talked about .     

In six days, there will be a gathering at 【Plaza of the War God Vaisu】 .     

It seems that they are going to attack 【Burdock Mountain】 like this .     

The “Non-search area” will be treated as a joint request .     

It is a joint request, so everyone wants to try and register at the same time .     

It is desirable for ranks beyond C, but there is no limitation to the number of people since they need a lot .     

So, I will participate as well .     

I turn to the request stuck to the board and look for the request slip for the Evil Dragon King .     


Client : Marquis Chardonnay Fon Anaheim    

Difficulty: N/A    

Request : “Evil Dragon King Burdock Subjugation” joint request .     

Subjugation Target : Evil Dragon King Burdock, Every Dragon Class .     

Time Period: In Six Days .     

Home Region: Burdock Mountain .     

Reward : 20 Gold coins upon subjugation regardless of rank .     

Subjugation Proof : As long the Dragon King is defeated, none is required .     

Precaution : Dragons live there, and since it is a non-search area expect a difficult journey .     


As long as the subjugation succeeds, I will get twenty gold coins .     

What a lavish feast . The probability of dying is high, but if everything goes well I will get paid .     

That is because there are a lot of people .     

Ma, I join the crowd as well .     

I pick up the Evil Dragon King subjugation tag from the metal box under the board .     

A participation number is written on the wooden tally .     

While holding that wooden tag, I join the line of adventurers partitioned off with a rope… Then after waiting my turn I submit my wooden request tag and adventurer’s card .     

They accept them .     

The time until the quest is six days .     

The armor I ordered from the Dwarf brothers should be ready by then .     

I am looking forward to getting the armor .     

Meanwhile, should I check the destination of the “Paredes Mirrors?”    

Or, should I look for requests?    

“Mirror of Paredes” = Gate magic .     

The twenty-four strange symbols on the small multi-sided Zohedron Trap sphere . Tracing the symbol activates the gate .     

I already have a mirror in my room at the inn, so where ever the gate takes me, I can return with that mirror .     

I do have to worry about it being stolen, but if it is stolen by someone with an item box I will give it up meekly .     

While thinking such a thing, I look at the board .     

In addition to the location of the other gates, how about a D or C ranked request this time…    

Oh? Next to the Evil Dragon King request is a big request paper .     


Client: Guild Master    

Difficulty: N/A    

Request: “Emergency Request: Ensure safety of metastasis formation .     

Subjugation Target: All dragon classes, various ant classes .     

Time Limit: From the same day the request is taken until safety is ensured .     

Habitat: Vallaida Insect Shrine    

Reward: 35 Gold Coins    

Subjugation Evidence: N/A    

Precautions: This is an urgent request of the guild . Above B rank party is suggested, must be at least C rank . If request is received, exiting the city is prohibited . Mandatory jump to Vallaida Insect Shrine . Preparations should be carried out before submitting to the guild .     

Note: Several clans are participating in this operation .     


Must be C rank, suggested to be above B rank .     

There is still further explanation written on the paper, so I read it .     


Dragons have broken through the ceiling of Vallaida Insect Shrine .     

More than half of the ceiling has collapsed .     

The falling debris has killed adventurers and broken through parts of the insect shrine, creating large holes into its depths .     

The pit seems to have reached the lower level…    

Soldier Ants, Long-Armed Ants and Armored Commander Ants, not only these, but even the Imperial Guard Ants that protect the queen have appeared by coming through the hole to the upper levels .     

The Dragon classes that are attacking include Wyverns, Drakes and Sonic Bangs . The flocks are fighting with the ants .     

The “Dragon and Ant War” has started .     

The Dragon and Ant war has spread . There are a great number of strong Dragons and Ants loitering around the metastasis formation .     

The emergency request is to ensure the safety of the metastasis formation in the destroyed Vallaida Insect Shrine .     

If possible, it would be good to set up a strong barricade .     

Destroy as many of the surrounding monsters as possible .     

Furthermore, as soon as this request is confirmed, all adventurers who accepted the request will receive 35 gold coins . This is ensured by the guild master of Hector’s Adventurer’s Guild, Carban Fafunade .     


Dragon and Ant War    

The reward is better than the Evil Dragon King request . I want to see the monsters before the Evil Dragon King request, so I should accept this request .     

Immediately, I take the wooden request tag and bring it to the reception desk .     

The available receptionist-san is one I recognize .     

The big-breasted receptionist-san .     

Her size is as splendid as ever .     

Once is enough, I would like to be unknown .     

“…This, please . ”    

I submit my card and wooden tag .     

“Hai . Ah, it’s Shuya-san . ”    

“Nyaa . ”    

“Fufu, Kitty-chan too . Her eyes are as red and cute as ever . ”    

You, your breasts are as good as ever…    

Having such thoughts, I smile slightly .     

“Rollo is saying hello, she seems to like you . ”    

“Ara, is that so? That makes me happy . ”    

Receptionist-san’s breasts sway as she strokes Rollo’s head .     

“N, Nya? Nyaa . ”    

Rollo seems distracted by the swaying breasts .     

Aside from that, is breast-san going to check my card and the request paper…    

“What about my card here?”    

“Ah, Yes That’s right . The adventurer’s card and wooden tag are verified . Immediately after accepting~, this is the urgent request, are you ready?”    

She asks while working promptly .     


“Yes . With an urgent request, it cannot be canceled and if you leave 【Hector】 without permission without carrying out the request, you will be exiled from the guild . In addition, this request seems quite serious, do you still wish to receive it?”    

Receptionist-san looks at the wooden request tag and talks anxiously .     

Exile . That is severe .     

However, since I will go as soon as I accept the request, I am fine .     

“…It’s fine . The reward is good, and I will be fine if I have to work hard . ”    

“Is that so? You seem confident . You easily defeated an officer the other day, so…it should be all right . Then, please put your hand on the crystal . ”    

“Yes . ”    

The crystal glows .     

“…With this the request is accepted . Please try and work hard on the request . Please go to the metastasis formation there . ”    

My card is returned with a smile .     

Receptionist-san is pointing “that way?” She is calling attention to the metastasis formation .     

“Ou . I understand . Again, I will be in your care . ”    

“Nn, nya . ”    

To say good bye the receptionist-san san, Rollo cries and stealthily jumps to my shoulder . (TL: I translated this wrong, but to lazy the change it . )    

I summon the black spear in my right hand . I lean the black spear on the shoulder opposite the black cat and go to the Vallaida Insect Shrine metastasis formation .     


Soon after I am transported, there is an ear-splitting roar-    

“It’s a Drake!!”    

The voice of a screaming woman .     

The area around the metastasis formation has changed .     

Adventurers are carrying simple boards and dirt .     

A small protective wall is built around the circumference .     

There is a female magic user behind the wall issuing commands to the adventures .     

“A group of drakes has appeared to the left . 【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】stay and defend . ”    

“Understood . You, hurry up and tell 【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】 . Reinforcements are being sent . 【Heaven Sword】and 【Kokudara】, take some people and go to the left side . ”    

The voice from early came from this woman .     

“Understood . ”    

“Yes . ”    

“Got it . ”    

Quickly, soldiers reply to the order and begin preparing .     

The reports end there .     

“-From the middle to the right side, a flock of Wyverns is fighting with a platoon of Imperial Guard Ants . The area of the battle is spreading . ”    

“Of course, I am aware . -Everyone, let’s hurry up the construction of the protective wall . ”    


“Ou . ”    

“I’ll fight hard!”    

All of the adventurers carrying sand bags in the area turn towards the commander woman and raise a spirited shout together .     

The commander woman only nods her head sternly at the adventurers and continues talking .     

“Let’s hurry before it is too late . While the A ranked monsters are fighting . ”    

I disregard the voice as news arrives again .     

“-Sir, a group of long armed ants has emerged on the right and a lot are heading this way!”    

“I see- that’s a lot . It can’t be helped . 【Heaven Sword】 and 【Kokudara】 stay here and do not head to the left flank . ”    

The members of both clans that have not gone yet return per the woman’s instructions .     

Everyone is running about in confusion .     

“-There is no other way . The left front will have to hold out . 【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】 is strong so they should be able to hold out . For now, I am giving priority to the defense of the metastasis formation here . If this place is destroyed all the adventurers will die, the enemy cannot approach the metastasis formation!”    


“The main objective is protecting the metastasis formation, while paying attention to the A ranked monsters fighting in the middle, let’s concentrate on the right!”    

The woman with a ponytail points with her right hand .     

The commanding figure of the woman is impressive .     




Adventurers are attacking the ants that draw near .     

I am there too; I look around the area to get a grasp of the situation .     

…Uhee, they are in a tight spot .     

The corpses of dragons and ants are scattered everywhere .     

Half of the ceiling has collapsed and the fantastic view of the canopy is gone… The thorny walls around the metastasis formation are also gone, and a large portion of the statue is collapsing .     


Fleeing, it no longer looks like the labyrinth .     

As if looking through the mind of the upper insect rank, the light shining on the insect shrine feels sadistic .     

A pterodactyl like creature is flying through the sky, intercepting the sunlight .     

“You there, you’ve been standing there for a while now, what are you doing?”    

Talking importantly is the magic using female commander who was giving out commands earlier .     

Her brown hair is gathered up in a ponytail behind her head .     

The size of her eyes is sweet, but her thin arched-eyebrows give an impression of an unyielding will .     

Her characteristics give off a hard feeling .     

However, it does not change that she is a beautiful woman .     

The image of an intelligent and talented woman .     

“…did you hear me? You, did you receive the request here on your own?”    

Seemingly irritated with me, she raised her voice as she asks .     

“Yes . ”    

“Re, really, you simply answered in affirmative . You seem to be confident, but all alone…”    

“The other day I solo skilled an armored commander ant . ”    

The woman seems surprised at my words and her eyes shake .     

She moves her hands as if to straighten her hair .     

“…Eh? That’s amazing . Perhaps, are you someone famous above B rank?”    

The intelligent looking woman’s tone changed suddenly and she becomes soft spoken .     

“No, I just became a D rank . ”    

“…Oh . That’s disappointing . Ma, work hard . ”    

She completely changes, fast!    

She quickly changes her appearance back to an unyielding woman .     

Maa, I am getting upset all on my own .     

However, should I receive instructions from the chain of command too?    

The woman seems to have already lost interest in me and is looking in the direction of what has become the battlefield .     

“By the way, you were giving instructions to everyone else earlier, do I need to follow your commands too?”    

I ask politely .     

“Not particularly . However, because of this situation, I’m participating as an adventurer too . I am close to the guild though, so I ended up taking command . ”    


The moment I am about to ask her name, a piece of flesh from an ant corpse comes flying .     

The conversation breaks off .     

My eyes shift to the right where it came from .     

There, still, the swarm of long-armed ants that appeared, is clashing with the adventurers .      3

“Whatever you were going to say, we can’t leisurely talk here . If you want to live, wouldn’t it be better to follow ‘my’ instructions? If you don’t want to die, please fight in this “circumference” as much as possible . ”    

The female magic user talks lively and turns on her heel, causing her ponytail to whip around .     

The woman reaches behind her back, takes a large staff strapped there, and brings it in front of her chest with a spin .     

That large staff, it seems amazing . Mana is overflowing endlessly .     

A flame appears from the tip of the large staff like one regulated by a gas burner .     

She approaches the ants with a big flame emanating from the staff .     

When they come within range of the magic, the female magic user stops .     

Then, she points the flame crowned staff at a group of ants .     

The woman holds the staff in both her hands .     

-Ooh .     

One by one, fireballs are shot from the large staff .     

Amazing, moreover the large staff is swung again and again, sending fire balls arching through the air toward the ants .     

The fireballs hit the ants directly, one after the other .     

Finally, she slams her staff into the ground and a pillar of flame erupts, strong enough to the flip the ants .     

Hee, such cool magic .     

Did that fireball and flame pillar combo have no aria?    

It seems impressive .     

If this woman is here, this area should be fine .     

The problem is the front .     

The sounds of roars have been going on for a while .     

I turn my eyes to the central part where the dragons and ants are killing each other in front of the metastasis formation .     

Large dark green Wyverns and black pink imperial guard ants .     

The fight is fierce .     

Both have big bodies but their attacks are fast .     

The long fangs in their mouths and long tails are the wyvern’s main weapons .     

At the end of the tail is a bone sword protrusion . I see shining green particles falling around those .     

That is definitely poison .     

It looks beautiful, but I understand it is bad so the color is unpleasant .     

A single blow of the poisoned tail hits the upper chest of an imperial guard ant but to no avail . The tail strikes the chest of the imperial guard ant but the pink hair only shakes and it is repelled .     

Amazing . It resisted a single strong attack easily like rubber .     

The amazing imperial guard ant is larger than armored commander ants .     

The helmet shape around the head is bound with some kind of resin, they have two sharp looking mandibles and the entire tip is pink .     

The upper part of the chest from the neck is covered in pink hair .     

It looks like a pink tie .     

The pink tie stands out and the six legs connected to its body seem dangerous .     

Each of its legs is of a size and thickness akin to the steel used when constructing buildings . The ends of the legs have sharp claws, barbed like fish hooks .     

There are only three of those large imperial guard ants, and they are in a fierce battle with the wyverns .     

The claws of the imperial guard ants are repelled by the hard scales of the wyverns so a balanced fight continues .     

After all, I can leave the decisive battle of the monsters alone for now .     


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