Unrivaled Tang Sect

Chapter 71.3: White Tiger Duke's Mansion

Chapter 71.3: White Tiger Duke's Mansion

3Chapter 71.3: White Tiger Duke's Mansion    


to the lord Duke.” Wang Yan lead the inner courtyard disciples and     

outer courtyard disciples behind them in bowing to the White Tiger Duke.     

The Duke wasn’t just the marshal; he also stood at the apex of nobility     

on the entire continent. Naturally, they’re manners couldn’t be     


The White Tiger Duke shook hands with Wang Yan, then said, “Everyone, please step inside. Let this Marshal act as a host now.”    


Yan smiled, then replied in a neither servile nor overbearing manner,     

“There’s no need for Lord Duke to be so polite. We’ve come this time to     

carry out our mission. It’ll be enough if Lord Duke can just give us     

some clues to help us out. We know that you have a multitude of problems     

to deal with every day, so we won’t bother you too much.”    


White Tiger Duke didn’t attempt to remain, he simply nodded slightly.     

“Since that’s the case, Elder Du, you’re in charge of taking care of     

these distinguished guests. If any of you wish to join the army once     

you’ve graduated, the Central Legion of my Star Luo Empire’s Western     

Army will always have its gates’ open to you. You might not get paid     

very well here. However, this is the best choice for men who want to     

accomplish something in life.”    

Ma Xiaotao suddenly spoke up, “Lord Duke, are you looking down on us women?”    


White Tiger Duke was slightly stunned. He couldn’t help but reveal a     

trace of astonishment on his face when saw Ma Xiaotao; from his point of     

view, the young and beautiful woman in front of him held a wild aura.     

Furthermore, she clearly wasn’t weak.    

“It’s not that I’m looking     

down on you, but because there are many inconveniences for women within     

the barracks. However, your cultivation is another cup of tea. If you’re     

willing to follow this marshal after graduating, I’d be honored to     

accept you.”    

Ma Xiaotao revealed a brilliant smile, then remained silent; she looked very pleased.    


Yan was somewhat helpless. Even though he was the leader of the group     

in name, he was still inferior to Ma Xiaotao when it came to     

cultivation. Naturally, he couldn’t restrict a brilliant student like     

her. He apologetically said, “Lord Duke, we won’t bother you anymore     


“Alright then. I hope that I’ll have the chance to meet all     

of you again.” Once he’d said this, the White Tiger Duke turned towards     

the leather tent and entered it.    

Huo Yuhao felt like a heavy     

weight had been lifted from his shoulders when he saw the White Tiger     

Duke disappear into the leather tent. He’d never felt this nervous     

before—not even during his fight against Wu Feng when he was much     

weaker. Currently, he felt like he was about to collapse.    

Du Leisi     

led them to another tent, where he allowed them to rest after he’d     

arranged for some food to be brought to them. Afterwards, he went to     

gather the information that they needed. Before he left, he glanced at     

Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao with a somewhat doubtful look in his     


Wang Yan said, “We’ll rest for six hours after we finish     

eating, then head into the Ming Dou Mountain Range. I’m confident that     

we’ll have the information we need by then.”    

Everyone was somewhat     

exhausted after yesterday’s journey. Their current task was to ensure     

that their bodies were in peak condition before they set out for a fight     

in the mountains.    

Xu Sanshi couldn’t help but ask, “Teacher Wang,     

since the White Tiger Bodyguards beneath the White Tiger Duke are so     

strong, why hasn’t the Duke simply sent them to eliminate the bandits?”    


has,” Dai Yueheng replied for Wang Yan, “however, if he sends too many     

people, they’ll catch wind of it and run away. Contrarily, if he sends     

too few people, it won’t be of much use. The bandits from the Hand of     

Death are both rather strong and extremely crafty. They might even have a     

few spies planted within the army. Father has sent several people in     

the past to eliminate them, yet they’ve all returned without any success     

and a large number of losses. The area in which the bandits have     

stationed themselves is an extremely sensitive part of the border, thus     

the Central Legion can only endure silently, in order to prevent a     

needless war. As students of Shrek Academy, we’re different; we aren’t     

restricted by any countries. As such, we must make sure to thoroughly     

wipe them out this time.”    

Once they’d finished eating, everyone     

immediately began meditating and recuperating. This was already a     

familiar task to the inner courtyard disciples, while Bei Bei, Xu     

Sanshi, He Caitou, and Jiang Nannan were relatively older, thus they     

were able to take everything in somewhat quicker. However, Huo Yuhao’s     

trio were merely twelve years old. This task was truly a bit too early     

for them. From another standpoint, they were just kids.    


this matter had been decided by Elder Xuan, and nobody present could     

change that. Wang Yan clearly understood that Elder Xuan hadn’t done     

this in order to allow the preperatory team to directly participate in     

the massacre. Rather, he wanted them to experience what a mission was     

like first-hand, and hasten the growth of their mental maturity. No     

matter how good the academy’s tests and live-combat training was, it was     

still incomparable to the improvements gained from a real battle in a     

situation like this. In reality, the main combatants in this mission     

would be the seven from the inner courtyard.    

Elder Xuan didn’t     

enter their barracks, as he wasn’t willing to concern himself with     

government officials. With his strength and status, he alone could     

represent Shrek Academy. However, an old man like him would never lose     

track of his students. Furthermore, he was confident that he could carry     

these young people through a battle if need be.    

After six hours     

of meditation, everyone’s exhaustion had been swept away. Noon had     

already passed, and after they’d eaten the lunch that Du Leisi’s men had     

left for them, Du Leisi himself brought over the information that the     

Central Legion had gathered over for them.    

According to the     

information he’d gathered, the Hand of Death mainly carried out its     

activities in and around the central region of the Ming Dou Mountain     

Range. When they had a designated target, they’d rush down the mountain     

and plunder them at the greatest possible speed. The entire bandit group     

numbered around three hundred in total, all of whom were young men in     

the prime of their lives. Of them, about a tenth of their entire group     

were soul masters. Unexpectedly, nobody knew who the leader of their     

leader was; the only thing they knew was that he was at the very least a     

Soul King. Nobody knew exactly how strong he was.    

The reason why     

there was so little information about them was because the Hand of Death     

never left any survivors; their methods were extremely brutal.    


most recent piece of information was from roughly half a month ago:     

They’d fled into the Ming Dou Mountain Range after looting a group of     

merchants. This report also included the general direction in which     

they’d fled.    

The army only had this much information because there     

was a possibility of a quarrel if they were to enter the domain of the     

Sun Moon Empire. As such, the Western Army couldn’t help them out at     

all, to the extent that they couldn’t even bring the flying-type soul     

tools they’d been lent into the mountains.    

However, time was of     

the essence; they still had to participate in the Continental Advanced     

Academy Soul Duelling Tournament. Hence, they immediately set off once     

they’d obtained a map. They first flew to the entrance to the mountains     

under the guidance of the White Tiger bodyguards, then descended and     

handed back their flying-type soul tools. After that, they immediately     

entered the Ming Dou Mountain Range and began to utilize the map     

provided by the army to navigate the mountains.    

“Maintain your     

formation. Dai Yueheng, Chen Zifeng, and I will remain in front.     

Control-type and auxiliary-type soul masters will remain ten meters     

behind us. Huo Yuhao, come over here. Follow me, and make sure to keep     

your Spiritual Detection up. Bei Bei, Xu Sanshi, you two keep up the     

rear. Let’s set off!”    

The person who’d sent out their commands was     

their leader, Ma Xiaotao. Huo Yuhao felt very depressed when he was     

expropriated by her. Thus, he could only follow her orders and release     

his Spiritual Detection Sharing.    

His omni-purpose skill once again     

helped enormously. In complicated terrain such as a mountainous forest,     

the three-dimensional image provided by his Spiritual Detection was an     

enormous benefit. Even though Huo Yuhao could only extend it ten meters     

from him, these ten meters were still enough to allow everyone to enjoy     

its benefits.    

With Ma Xiaotao’s trio leading the way, they     

travelled forwards at an extremely rapid pace. The effectiveness of Chen     

Zifeng’s Soulchasing Sword was extremely evident; as he hold his sword     

in front of them, the brambles in front of them were all cut apart     

rather quickly. Combined with Dai Yueheng and Ma Xiaotao’s strengths,     

they were easily able to cut a smooth path through the foliage in front     

of them. They’d already penetrated deep into the Ming Dou Mountain Range     

by the time that the sky had begun to dim.    

When Wang Yan saw that the sky was beginning to dim, he reminded Ma Xiaotao, “Let’s let everyone take a rest and eat something.”    


Xiaotao nodded. “Everyone, let’s rest where we are for now. Don’t light     

a fire, so that we don’t alert them inadvertently. I’m afraid that     

we’ll have to continue our search throughout the night.”    


students sat in a circle to rest, but Teacher Wang Yan soundlessly left.     

Ma Xiaotao didn’t pay any attention to the fact that he’d left.     

Instead, she turned towards Dai Yueheng, who was next to her, and said,     

“Dai Yueheng, your father’s rather handsome.”    

“When my father was     

young, he was the number one noble of our Star Luo Empire,” Dai Yueheng     

indifferently replied, “it wasn’t because of his looks, but because of     

his ability. He didn’t enter our Shrek Academy to study, but rather     

followed his father onto the battlefield at the age of thirteen. He     

began as an ordinary soldier, then was able to accumulate enough merits     

to be promoted to a squadron leader, then a team leader, then a mid-team     

leader, then a large-team leader, then a battalion commander, then a     

regimental commander… all the way up until he managed to become a Legion     

Commander at the mere age of twenty-three. At that time, nobody knew     

where he’d come from. After a large battle, my father achieved     

outstanding merits, and was called to the imperial capital to hold a     

post. When he accepted a reward from His Majesty, His Majesty recognised     

him due to the similarities in his appearance and my grandfather’s.     

Overjoyed, His Majesty entrusted the Western Army’s Central Legion to     

him. Furthermore, he even stated that ‘with Dai Hao, the empire will     

have no worries for a hundred years’ in front of all of the ministers.”    

Ma Xiaotao’s eyes lit up. “If you put it that way, is your father still a hero?”    


Yueheng revealed a trace of pride in his eyes. “My grandfather said     

that father’s talent is comparable to that of our ancestor’s, the leader     

of the first generation of Shrek’s Seven Monsters. Father is now     

forty-three years old, and he’s commanded the army for twenty years     

already. How could the number of battles he’s participated in be limited     

to just a thousand? You know how strong the Sun Moon Empire is, but my     

Star Luo Empire’s western border has always been invulnerable to attack.     

That’s all due to the presence of my father! If we were to say that     

only one person could be called a hero in my Star Luo Empire, then that     

title definitely deserves to go to my father!”    

Ma Xiaotao’s eyes immediately brightened even more. “Then how many wives does your father have?”    



Yueheng was stunned, and his gaze immediately turned somewhat strange.     

“Only my mother. In our generation, there’s only my brother Huabin and     

I. My father’s extremely self-disciplined in the field of women. He’s     

always said ‘if a man can’t control his lust towards women, he won’t     

have any large accomplishments’. Why do you ask?”    

Ma Xiaotao stared at him, “Can’t I admire him? A man like your father is definitely a true man. You should learn from him.”    


light flickered through Dai Yueheng’s eyes. “Once we’ve finished this     

task, I’ll have completed thirty Guardian missions. Once I’ve graduated     

from the academy, I’ll enter the army. However, I won’t stay in the     

Western Army; I’ll head to the North, even though there are fewer wars     

there. I want to follow the same path as my father: I want to carve out     

my own path, solely relying on myself.”    


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