Unrivaled Tang Sect

Chapter 71.2: White Tiger Duke's Mansion

Chapter 71.2: White Tiger Duke's Mansion

3Chapter 71.2: White Tiger Duke's Mansion    


that they’d recovered, everyone once again ascended into the air. After     

being tormented by Elder Xuan, they all began to enjoy the feeling of     

flying slowly. At the very least, their complexions improved somewhat     

from doing so. If one were to use Elder Xuan’s previous speed along with     

both his strength and his flying-type soul tool as references, they’dd     

be able to calculate that Elder Xuan would be able to travel to any     

corner of the entire Douluo continent within a week. Huo Yuhao was     

growing more and more curious about Elder Xuan’s true strength. The     

latter shouldn’t be just any Titled Douluo; it was likely that even Dean     

Yan Shaozhe wouldn’t be able to compete with Elder Xuan in cultivation     


At that moment, the sky had already begun to brighten; the     

sun had risen from the east and bathed their bodies in a faint golden     


A large military camp slowly appeared in front of them. This     

camp was set up right next to the mountains, while a few more camps     

were visible in the Ming Dou Mountain Range itself.    

The word     

‘military camp’ was somewhat inaccurate; the undulating cotton walls to     

the west of the camp were over thirty meters tall and nearly fifty     

meters wide. Just how large of a project was this!?    

Even though it     

wasn’t quite daytime yet, an endless number of military carriages that     

were carrying blocks of stone away from the mountains could still be     


At that moment, Dai Yueheng was flying relatively close to     

Huo Yuhao. Their relationship had deepened slightly after their previous     

talk. He smiled and asked, “Yuhao, is this your first time visiting an     

army camp?”    

Huo Yuhao nodded.    

Seemingly familiar with the     

matter, Dai Yueheng explained, “The southern, eastern, and southeastern     

regions of our Star Luo Empire borders the ocean. We’re second only to     

the Sun Moon Empire in size. Our army consists of two sub-armies: the     

Eastern Army and the Northern Army. Of these, the Eastern Army is the     

most important, as it has to guard against the Sun Moon Empire. Its     

total military strength numbers around five hundred thousand.”    


Ming Dou Mountain Range has treacherous and ever-changing terrain,     

making it extremely hard for troops to march through. Furthermore, every     

country now has specialised soul masters who scout the mountain range     

every day. Both the Sun Moon Empire and our empire station our troops at     

a relatively low-lying part of the mountain range that’s advantageous     

for them, of which there are only three in the entire mountain range.     

The mountain range itself spreads towards the south, and takes up almost     

two-thirds of the border; the other third is a soul beast-containing     

forest that’s around half the size of the Great Star Dou Forest. This     

forest is known as the Great Ming Dou Forest, and is an area populated     

by a variety of soul beasts. It isn’t as dangerous to us soul masters as     

the Great Star Dou Forest, but it’s even more dangerous than the former     

to an army. This is due to the fact that the soul beasts there are even     

more aggressive than the ones in the Great Star Dou Forest. It’s     

because of this, that we’ve stationed our troops at relatively low-lying     

parts of the Ming Dou Mountain Range.    

“Oh, right. Yuhao, I haven’t asked you this yet, but where are you from?”    


Yuhao had originally calmed down somewhat when he heard Dai Yueheng’s     

explanation, but his expression changed yet again when he heard this     

question. He lowered his head and said, “I’m also a citizen of the Star     

Luo Empire.”    

“Oh? Which part of the Star Luo Empire? I didn’t     

think that we’d be fellow citizens!” The smile on Dai Yueheng’s face     

grew much larger.    

“A small village near Star Luo City,” Huo Yuhao replied, “I’m sure that you wouldn’t have heard of it.”    


Yueheng chuckled. “Even better! Not only are we fellow citizens, we’re     

even from the same area. I also grew up near Star Luo City!”    


the two conversed with each other, they arrived at the army camp.     

However, the White Tiger Bodyguards who were leading the way didn’t     

descend. Du Leisi, who’d led the pack, raised his right hand and     

released something similar to a flare that released a multicoloured     

array of light. Afterwards they continued forwards unobstructed.    


Huo Yuhao was able to tell with his visual acuity that a large number     

of defensive fortifications had immediately reacted the moment they’d     

approached the barracks. A somber atmosphere seemed to have pervaded the     

entire camp. Even though it was still early in the morning, a large     

number of soldiers had already begun their training drills. Not only     

were they orderly, but they also released an awe-inspiringly murderous     

air; they seemed like a pack of iron-blooded lions.    

“The Eastern     

Army has the most elite troops within the Star Luo Empire,” Dai Yueheng     

proudly said. “The hundred thousand men from the Central Legion you see     

in front of us are elites amongst elites.”    

Even though Huo Yuhao     

hadn’t ever seen his biological father before, he was still somewhat     

aware of the inner workings of the White Tiger Dukedom. As the marshal     

of the empire, the White Tiger Duke commanded the Eastern Army. At the     

same time, he was also the Legion Commander of the Eastern Army’s     

Central Legion. The amount of trust that the Star Luo Empire’s imperial     

family had in him could be seen from this. Supposedly, the hundred     

thousand men in the Central Legion were enough to rival the combined     

fighting strength of all of the other soldiers in the Star Luo Empire.     

Although this was somewhat of an exaggeration, the strength of the     

Central Legion could be clearly seen with a single glance.    


flew past one barrack after another. Once they’d flown for nearly     

fifteen minutes more, a large, leather tent appeared in their field of     


This leather tent was much larger than the other army     

tents. Furthermore, it was hexagonal in shape, and was made entirely of     

dark-brown leather. There weren’t too many guards around it. Only two     

squads of the White Tiger Bodyguards, each of which numbering about     

thirty, patrolled the perimeter.    

Huo Yuhao’s gaze quickly landed     

on a single person who was standing in front of the large tent. Although     

their figure was somewhat unclear, he was still able to sense a     

startling pressure from them; it was the sort of tyrannical pressure     

that came from the combination of a powerful cultivation and an aura of     

slaughter. That person seemed to be training his fists, though he hadn’t     

released his martial soul. His movements were simple and succinct, yet a     

muffled explosion of air would appear whenever he punched outwards.    


Leisi, who’d been flying in front, slowed down, then descended along     

with everyone behind him. They began to sense the violent fluctuations     

in the air when they were a hundred or meters in the air.    


Yuhao focused his gaze and was able to clearly see the man in front of     

them. He was currently facing towards them, his golden hair fluttering     

freely about in the wind. His upper body was naked, which revealed his     

rugged, copper-colored muscles. His tall figure was almost two meters in     

height, and one could see just how stalwart his chiseled face was from     

the side.    

His seemingly slow movements had a very natural and     

flowing tempo to them. Every step he took and every punch he released     

were followed by a muffled explosion of air. The valiant undulations of     

qi and blood he was releasing had reached the very pinnacle, which in     

turn caused Huo Yuhao to feel his blood roil about somewhat as he     

continued to stare.    

That man slowly pulled back his fist, then     

stood up straight as if he’d sensed their arrival. He exhaled, inhaled     

deeply, then released a lion-like roar. A gale instantly erupted in the     

several hundred meters surrounding the leather tent; it truly resembled     

the descent of an actual lion. The stern aura coming from him caused     

every single disciple of Shrek Academy to feel their hair stand on end.    


pressure that Ma Xiaotao emanated during battle was already relatively     

astonishing, but she was still quite a ways away from the tall man in     

front of them.    

Is that him?    

Huo Yuhao was stunned, and     

all sorts of mixed feelings suddenly arose in his heart. He’d never     

expected to meet his father in such a situation. Was this the man that     

his mother could never forget? The man who she held no regret for, even     

when she lay on her deathbed?    

As everyone slowly landed, the     

foremost Du Leisi had already stepped forward. He bowed slightly and     

said, “Marshal, the young master and people from Shrek Academy have     


Everyone was able to see his full appearance at this     

point: He didn’t look a day over thirty, and his facial features were     

proper. His deep azure eyes each contained flickering pupils. He looked     

somewhat thin, yet his entire body gave off a metallic feeling. This was     

especially true of his gaze, which flickered like an enormous blade as     

it swept across everyone, which caused them to involuntarily stop     

moving. However, his gaze quickly turned warm.    

Handsome, stalwart,     

tall, and an iron-blooded temperament. When they saw him, even the     

Heaven’s Chosen of Shrek Academy felt like serving him. An extraordinary     

splendor repeatedly flickered through Ma Xiaotao’s eyes; a steel-like     

man like this was just her type.    

Dai Yueheng stepped out of line,     

then took a few quick steps forward. He kneeled down in front of that     

tall man, then said respectfully, “Father.”    

There was no doubt     

about it—the tall man in front of them was definitely the current     

Iron-Blooded War God who stood above everybody in the Star Luo Empire,     

Dai Hao. He was also Dai Yueheng and Dai Huabin’s father, as well as Huo     


The moment Dai Yueheng said the word ‘father’, Huo Yuhao     

felt all the blood in his body surge towards his head. His eyes     

instantly turned red, and he was nearly unable to control the flood of     

emotions he felt.    

It’s him, it’s him! This is the person my     

mother was harmed by, yet couldn’t forget. He’s the father I’ve never     

seen before! It’s truly him…    

His mother’s smiling face instantly filled every corner of Huo Yuhao’s spiritual sea, and he nearly began to cry.    


Dong silently stepped to the side, blocking Huo Yuhao from view. At the     

same time, he stretched his right hand out, planning to sober him up by     

grabbing his sleeve. However, he didn’t think that his hand would just     

so happen to grab Huo Yuhao’s special area.    

Wang Dong’s body     

stiffened, and he immediately let go as if he’d been electrocuted. His     

pretty face instantly turned bright red, but luckily everyone else had     

been captivated by the White Tiger Duke.    

Oddly enough however, his     

grab was incredibly effective. Huo Yuhao only felt his lower body     

tighten up, and his originally teary eyes vanished. The mixed feelings     

in his eyes subsequently transformed into those of astonishment. Even     

though Wang Dong hadn’t used much force, the feeling of being assaulted     

caused him to wake with a shudder.    

“What’re you doing?” Huo Yuhao whispered astonished.    

Wang Dong acted as if nothing had happened. “Waking you up a bit.”    

“Then do you want me to grab that part of your body when I wake you up next time?”    

“Screw off…”    


what had happened, Huo Yuhao’s heart had stabilised quite a bit after     


this interruption. Furthermore, he and Wang Dong were standing in the     

back, which had made their actions difficult to notice.    

At that     

moment, Dai Yueheng stood up and whispered a few words to the White     

Tiger Duke Dai Hao, who then took a few large strides and smiled.     

“Greetings to Teacher Wang Yan and the various talented students from     

Shrek Academy.”    


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