Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

3Chapter 133     

Chapter 133 Beginning of the Trial    

That sphere of light was only a foot thick . On the outside, it looked like it was formed from countless strands of thread .     

But those weren’t threads, but countless, thin wind blades . It was as if countless blades had been compressed into a ball .     

Furthermore, within that sphere was a red liquid incessantly circulating . It was extremely odd .     

That sphere shot out completely straight . All the withered leaves and branches it passed by immediately turned to ashes .     

As it whistled over, the terrifying gales coming from it carved a long scar into the ground .     

Even Long Chen was shocked . Although Little Snow had told Long Chen he had his own special moves now, this was the first time he had seen one .     

This Qi Xin, he better block it head-on . If he dodges, I’ll really be screwed over, Long Chen incessantly prayed inside .     

Qi Xin turned pale from fright in the face of this attack . He almost choked, sensing it was a grave threat to him .     

“Skywater protecting the body!” Qi Xin shouted and his spiritual qi circulating . That ball of water surrounding him changed . Strange lines spread across it, turning it into a veined pearl .     

BOOM! Qi Xin had only just managed to set that up when Little Snow’s attack struck him . His attack was just like a meteorite striking the ball of water .     

Heaven and earth lost all color . Time seemed to slow down . Everyone felt as if the world was no longer as real as before .     

Suddenly some people let out startled cries and quickly jumped back . That was because the land had instead become a tide of water that was rapidly spreading .     

Those who were closer were directly swallowed by a wave of mud, coughing up blood as they were pushed further away .     

For a moment, everyone was fleeing for their lives . Within an area of over a mile, there was no longer anyone else present .     

That region had been flattened dozens of meters . At the center of the depressed circle was a deep crater . On one side was Long Chen atop Little Snow, looking at Qi Xin .     

The current Qi Xin’s hair was a mess and his clothes had also been torn . Even his aura was slightly chaotic . Obviously blocking that attack had cost a great deal of energy .     

Although he might look down on Qi Xin’s personality, Long Chen had no choice but to admit that Qi Xin truly was too strong .     

That attack of Little Snow’s had contained a merger of both wind and flame . The explosive power that resulted from that merger could destroy mountains . Just from looking at the completely destroyed region around them it was possible to see just how powerful it had been .     

But such a powerful blow had been blocked by Qi Xin . Furthermore, he wasn’t even injured . That kind of strength was too shocking .     

“How is it? Do you want to keep putting on a show?” asked Long Chen .     

“You… hmph, if it weren’t for your Magical Beast protecting you, I could kill you with a single slap,” raged Qi Xin .     

Although he said, Qi Xin was actually filled with horror . He had never expected that white wolf to have such a powerful attack .     

“So what? Didn’t I just say that a Magical Beast was also a part of person’s strength? By putting it like this, are you saying you’re not even as good as Magical Beast?”    

“Hmph, with such a powerful Magical Beast, you’re clearly just relying on your family’s power . Only a spoiled brat would shot off like this,” sneered Qi Xin .     

“You can show off too . Come, bring out your Magical Beast and show everyone,” shrugged Long Chen .     

Qi Xin’s face darkened as his steed was just a second rank Magical Beast .     

It was true that his family did possess third rank Magical Beasts, but they were precious military powers that couldn’t be easily moved out . Furthermore, those Magical Beasts weren’t flying ones, and so it wouldn’t have been convenient to bring them on this journey .     

If he really did bring out his Magical Beast now, it would be swatted to death in a single blow by Long Chen’s Snow Wolf . Although he was born in a large clan, even just a second rank Magical Beast was extremely valuable . He couldn’t let it die for nothing, and so he was mute in response to Long Chen’s provocation .     

Long Chen’s meaning was obvious . Even if he himself was weak, with the pressure from such a steed, who would dare easily attack him?    

That truly infuriated Qi Xin . Although his combat ability was high, his actual realm was low . That was because he had to keep himself suppressed at the peak of Blood Condensation . If he entered the Muscle Rebirth realm, he definitely wouldn’t fear Long Chen’s Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf .     

The atmosphere was now extremely awkward . Qi Xin wanted to attack but he also was intimidated . Little Snow was a Magical Beast, and so it was extremely likely it was capable of using such a powerful attack again .     

But Qi Xin didn’t dare take such an attack again . Even if he was more arrogant, he wouldn’t want to continuously receive such blows . That wouldn’t be prideful; it’d be just asking for death .     

But for him to retreat, that would be a great blow to his fame . How would he face those who relied on him?    

If it was to Lei Qianshang or Tang Wan-er then it would have been fine . They were experts on the same level, so it wouldn’t cause him to lose any face .     

But if he were to continue losing in front of this nameless youth, that would definitely be too embarrassing for him . In this current situation, he couldn’t retreat, yet he also couldn’t continue . Thus, Qi Xin was in an impossible position .     

Deep in the forest, Tang Wan-er was watching . In her eyes, Long Chen was acting like a spoiled brat, but she smiled .     

This scoundrel does possess some ability to force Qi Xin into such a plight . Hmph, as for your debt for offending me, we’ll have to settle that slowly .     

For some unknown reason, watching Long Chen gave her a kind of unknown excitement . Perhaps life in the Xuantian Monastery would not be as dry and dull as she had thought it would be .     


Just at this moment, a loud, melodious bell rang out in everyone’s ears, causing everyone to become excited .     

“The trial’s begun! Let’s hurry over!”    

No one cared any longer about Long Chen and Qi Xin’s battle . They all hurried towards the end of the valley .     

Qi Xin was relieved to hear that bell . Coldly glancing at Long Chen, he said, “I’ll remember you . I’ll definitely give you some extra ‘care’ in the monastery . ”    

After saying, he didn’t give even give Long Chen a chance to reply before rushing over with the crowd . Those people who were originally waiting with him also followed behind him .     

Even at this time, he still didn’t forget to act bravely . Long Chen shook his head . Jumping atop Little Snow, he gently rubbed Little Snow’s head . “It’s all thanks to you . Otherwise the person to lose face would very likely be me . ”    

“Wuwu…” Little Snow rubbed Long Chen with his huge head .     

“Hehe, ok, I know you still have more special moves . But we can’t kill anyone here . You have to restrain yourself a bit,” he gently comforted Little Snow .     

At this time Guo Ran had already hobbled over to Long Chen’s side . Long Chen lightly said, “Don’t act like you’re so in need of pity . ”    

Guo Ran laughed mischievously and gave him a thumbs-up . “Boss, you really are something! Even someone like Qi Xin was helpless to deal with you!”    

“Sigh, that was only because of Little Snow . Let’s hurry up and get to the trial . ” Long Chen and Guo Ran followed the flow of people .     

Exiting the valley, they arrived at a wide, open space . There were tens of thousands of registrants who had already arrived .     

Each person also had a Magical Beast obediently lying down behind them . With interweaving humans and huge Magical Beasts over this open land, it was an extremely spectacular sight .     

At the front was a huge gate three hundred meters high . It was extremely magnificent and exuded an ancient air .     

Atop the gate were the following bold and ancient characters:     

Xuantian Monastery    

. The words were written in a bright gold .     

It appeared that this grand gate was the entrance to the Xuantian Monastery . But Long Chen couldn’t see just where that loud bell sound had come from .     

Suddenly that huge gate began to slowly open . A large entrance tens of meters high opened up like a huge beast’s mouth .     

When that gate opened, an extremely dense spiritual qi poured over .     

Amazing! Long Chen thought to himself . This gate should be able to keep spiritual qi on the inside . Then that means this huge gate must be part of some grand formation .     

No wonder all these people would work to join the Xuantian Monastery at all costs! Just this kind of dense spiritual qi is enough to allow their cultivation speeds to multiply .     

Following the opening of the huge gate, a group of people walked out . They appeared to be in their twenties . They were all indifferently looking over these registrants .     

The person at the front was wearing black robes . This serious man’s gaze roved around, giving a sense that he was extremely capable and experienced .     

After looking over this large group, he said, “First let me introduce myself . I am the attendant in charge of welcoming you all and am also in charge of the trial to enter the monastery .     

“There is also another status I have . All of us are your senior apprentice-brothers . In other words, we are all registrants who came last time . ”    

“Three years ago, we were just like you . We also stood there as the previous generation welcomed us . ”    

Many people were surprised that the people to welcome them would be the previous generation’s disciples .     

But Guo Ran was completely calm . He had clearly already known about this . Once the crowd quietened down, that person continued .     

“Three years ago we were the same as you, filled with dreams and expectations . But now I will pour some ice water over your fires . This place is not at all the same as what you imagine .     

“This place is extremely cruel . It won’t be at all the same as your days in your families . This place is a hell, and so if you want to retreat, there is still a chance now . ”    

Hearing those grim words, a bad feeling immediately arose in everyone’s hearts .     

“Excuse me, but amongst the previous generation of senior apprentice-brothers, are you few the only ones who remain?” said one brave registrant .     

“Yes . All the more powerful ones have already left, leaving behind only us . That is because in our generation, we can only pad the bottom . ”    

“Tch, so it’s just cannon fodder people . Why’d they have to act so grand?” Some people quietly gave those people an evaluation . The reverence that they had had all mostly faded away .     

That person smiled slightly and didn’t react at all to that, seeming to have expected it . Sweeping his gaze over everyone, he nodded . “The time has arrived . Take out your registration cards . We’ll be going over everyone one by one . ”    

Everyone hastily took out their registration cards . That group of twenty-something men split up to examine them .     

Suddenly one person pointed at a registrant . “Where’d you get your registration card?”    

That person panicked slightly, but he immediately hid that up and icily said, “It was given to me by your monastery . Do you not even recognize it?”    

“This registration card isn’t yours . Although you’ve changed your appearance, you can’t trick me . You’re someone who killed for someone else’s registration card . ”    

That person’s face immediately blanched . Without even thinking about, he punched out at that person . But that fist was just a fake as he had already retreated, trying to flee .     

As for the man who had found him out, he smiled ridiculing and slowly raised his hand . That fleeing registrant was immediately horrified to realize he wouldn’t move any more . Most strangely of all was that his body began to float into mid-air . He wildly struggled and shouted, but he was unable to escape from that strange force .     

“Die . ”    

Blood rained down as that late Blood Condensation expert exploded in mid-air just like that .     


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