Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

3Chapter 225      4

Chapter 225 Asking to be Killed    

When the iron gate closed, the rebirth monolith at the top of their heads began to slowly descend . According to Elder Tu Fang, they only had two hours .     

If they couldn’t kill their opponent in two hours, the rebirth monolith would fall, and their fates would be the same as those two ‘drawings’ from before .     

Wu Qi unsheathed his longsword, and the aura of the peak mid Tendon Transformation realm immediately erupted .     

“This son of a bitch was actually hiding his strength!” raged Wilde . When he had fought Wu Qi, Wu Qi had clearly not possessed such power!    

“Foolish kid, that’s obvious . This is a life and death battle, not a normal fight . Who would hold anything back?” scolded the old man .     

“Bastard, if I had known he was so sneaky, I would have smashed him with my club!” Wilde regretfully raged .     

“Ah, just watch calmly . ”    

Wu Qi’s completely unrestrained aura astonished everyone . Even from hundreds of meters away, they could still sense an incredible pressure . Wu Qi was much, much stronger than those previous two law enforcers .     

Tang Wan-er and the others were incredibly worried now . But then seeing how calm Long Chen looked atop the death-deciding stage, they calmed back down a bit .     

The current Long Chen did not appear angry, nor did he appear nervous, nor did he appear afraid . His eyes were merely completely calm, a calmness that was even a bit frightening .     

There was not even the slightest emotion of his face . It was like he was just a spectator watching this .     

“Now that you’re about to die, you suddenly decide to be calm?” Wu Qi raised his sword . The space around it was constantly trembling from its might .     

“The person who will die is you,” Long Chen icily replied, his bone blade resting on his shoulder, his aura constantly rising .     

His huge divine ring appeared behind him . Even the huge rebirth monolith was unable to block it from crazily absorbing energy from heaven and earth .     

Long Chen’s aura quickly rose, going from a small kitten to a fierce tiger .     

At the same time, a rumbling came from his body . His aura caused the space around him to become unstable .     

“What sound is that?”    

Everyone could hear an extremely odd sound . It was almost like the roaring of a river .     

Wilde’s master, Ling Yun-zi, and Tu Fang all looked in shock at Long Chen . They had found the source of that sound .     

“It’s the sound of his blood flowing…” Tu Fang muttered to himself .     

That was the roaring of Long Chen’s blood . That was something that would happen when people entered the peak of Blood Condensation .     

But for most cultivators, if that sound was able to be heard even a meter away, that would already mean they were extremely powerful .     

If that sound could be heard over a couple meters away, that meant a person’s qi and blood had reached a shocking point, that their physical body was without compare . Even Gu Yang with his powerful physical body was only able to let that sound transmit out thirty meters .     

But now Long Chen’s blood sounded like the pounding of a war drum . It could be clearly heard even five hundred meters away, and it even echoed along the surrounding mountains . It was truly shocking .     

This fight was not the same as when he had fought Gu Yang . Although Long Chen detested Gu Yang and them, they were all cultivators who were struggling for resources . And so he didn’t completely hate them .     

But Little Snow’s miserable state had completely infuriated him . That desire to slaughter, which he had suppressed for so long, finally erupted .     

Long Chen had always been a bit afraid of this desire for slaughter within him . He could sense that this desire came from the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art .     

This desire had erupted out of his control once before . That was when his whole family’s lives had been at stake . At that time, Long Chen had killed that white-robed man .     

But by now he had realized that that white-robed man was actually only slightly stronger than the secular world’s Tendon Transformation cultivators . He wasn’t even close to the same level as the Tendon Transformation experts in the monastery . That was the difference between coming from a weak sect and a powerful sect like the Xuantian Monastery .     

Facing a true peak mid Tendon Transformation expert now, Long Chen also didn’t hold anything back, completely letting out his desire for slaughter .     

Only when he no longer suppressed that desire would the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art reach its peak state . His blood roared, and countless golden particles flowed within it, his aura becoming increasingly powerful .     

“Not bad, but it’s unfortunate you’re only a brat in the Blood Condensation realm . Today, the only one who will die is you! Maybe you should say some final words to your friends now; otherwise you won’t have a chance later,” sneered Wu Qi .     

The energy from Long Chen’s body immediately doubled .     

Pointing his bone blade at Wu Qi, Long Chen icily said, “Put away your infantile words . If you try to give me, Long Chen, a psychological blow, then that will just reveal your own heart’s terror .     

“Do you think I can’t see the panic in your eyes? You’re afraid, afraid of being unable to kill me in the time limit and dying with me .     

“You want to break my confidence, hoping to use words to break my spirit . Don’t bother .     

“In my life, I, Long Chen, have been attacked by countless enemies . I’ve experienced countless life and death battles, and I’ve walked out from the line between life and death . Do you really think your juvenile methods are able to shake my confidence?”    

Long Chen’s voice was full of disdain . His powerful confidence made is that no one doubted the veracity of his words .     

Song Mingyuan and them were astonished . If what Long Chen said was true, then he had really experienced absolutely terrifying things .     

“Tch, rubbish . Since you don’t want to be more tactful, then you can just die now . ” Wu Qi roared and rushed at Long Chen, ruthlessly slashing his sword at Long Chen’s face .     

His attack was extremely fast; as soon as he had moved, his sword had already practically reached Long Chen . His footwork was extremely sly .     

But what shocked everyone was that Long Chen acted as if he didn’t see Wu Qi’s sword, stabbing his bone blade at Wu Qi’s stomach .     

The bone blade was over three meters long . The instant Wu Qi’s sword would slice through Long Chen’s face, his bone blade would also definitely pierce through his stomach .     

This was a move to bring down an opponent with you, a suicide move . But Long Chen’s expression was still completely calm . There was not even the slightest ripple . It was as if he didn’t even care about his own life .     

But while Long Chen might not care about his life, Wu Qi definitely . He was absolutely horrified .     

He quickly brought back his longsword to block Long Chen’s bone blade . With his powerful Tendon Transformation cultivation base, Long Chen’s full force stab was blocked by him .     

“As expected, you’re afraid of death,” ridiculed Long Chen icily .     

“Bastard!” Wu Qi roared . Although he had blocked Long Chen’s bone blade, the power that had been behind it made his heart grow cold, almost injuring his inner organs .     

He knew that all of Long Chen’s power had been concentrated on that bone blade . If he had been thrust through by it, the power behind it would have erupted like a volcano and he would definitely have died .     

Wu Qi roared and strange lines appeared over his sword . A cold ray of Sword Qi slashed down on Long Chen .     

But what was outside of everyone’s expectations was that Long Chen also raised his bone blade high into the air .     

“Parting Wind Slash!”    

Long Chen again seemed to act as if he still didn’t see Wu Qi’s attack . A terrifying blade image appeared, slashing down on Wu Qi . This was clearly another suicidal attack to bring them both down .     

Wu Qi was horrified; his Sword Qi would definitely kill Long Chen . But Long Chen’s blade image would also cut him to pieces .     

It was already too late to dodge . He went all out to tilt his Sword Qi, bringing it clashing against Long Chen’s blade image .     

When the two collided, Wu Qi immediately coughed out a mouthful of blood and retreated a couple steps .     

That injury wasn’t because of just Long Chen’s blade image . It was the effect of both their attacks . In order to forcibly change the direction of his Sword Qi, he had ended up receiving an internal impact . In ordinary times, that was just a slight shock and nothing to worry about .     

But Long Chen’s full strength blade image had then crashed down on him . His Sword Qi had ended up losing over half its power because he had forcibly changed its path, causing him to be injured .     

Seeing Wu Qi cough up blood, everyone’s hearts jumped . Wu Qi was clearly incredibly powerful . But in front of Long Chen who was risking his life, he was unable to do anything at all .     

As for Long Chen, he was completely calm . Even after two exchanges that could have cost him his life, his expression still didn’t change . That kind of icy calmness was absolutely terrifying .     

Wu Qi became infuriated . He had all kinds of powerful attacks, but both times he was forced back by Long Chen .     

Just as he was preparing to once more attack him, Long Chen’s bone blade appeared before his face, just about to cut off his head .     

He hastily twisted his head and jumped back . He just narrowly managed to avoid Long Chen’s attack .     

But unfortunately, he had forgotten one thing . This was not the outside world, but the death-deciding stage . It was only a couple hundred meters wide .     

After Long Chen’s previous two attacks, he had already been forced near the edge . Now that he had jumped back…    

With a loud bang, everyone was dumbfounded to see Wu Qi’s head slam into an iron pillar .     

But it went without saying that his peak mid Tendon Transformation power was extremely great . Despite having shot back like a cannonball and then crashing into the pillar, only a trace of blood flowed down his head .     

However, he was still extremely dizzy for a moment, stars appearing in his vision . But then realizing what situation he was in, he quickly recovered .     

He had only just recovered from that bout of dizziness when he saw Long Chen’s bone blade’s cutting a strange arc towards his stomach . It was so fast that he didn’t have time to dodge .     

In his fright, he threw his sword right at Long Chen’s heart . His sword wasn’t as long as Long Chen’s bone blade, so in order to force him back, he had to throw his sword . That way his attack would arrive a bit faster and Long Chen would have to dodge, allowing him to escape his present predicament .     

But what appalled everyone was that Long Chen still ignored the blade, continuing his attack .     

Two weapons cut through flesh . Long Chen’s bone blade stabbed through Wu Qi’s stomach . But a sword was sticking out over Long Chen’s heart . For a moment, everyone was deathly silent .     


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