Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

0Chapter 461: 461     

“Fuck off!”    

Suddenly, an icy shout rang out like spring thunder . It contained endless killing intent and fury . A single palm viciously slapped across Yin Wushaung’s face, sending her flying .     

The unpleasant sound of bones breaking rang out . Her jaw shattered and her teeth flew out, shocking everyone .     

“Long Chen!” Everyone was startled to see it was Long Chen who had finally taken action .     


The world rumbled . That pearl atop Long Chen’s head disappeared . At this time, Long Chen’s eyes had turned bloody, and he was already on the verge of going berserk .     

However, he bitterly held back from that point . Because of his fury, his body was quivering .     

As soon as his body had become capable of moving again, he had attacked . But he had still been too late .     

He did his best to suppress his rage . If he hadn’t held back just now, then Yin Wushuang would have directly exploded from his power . However, her hand had still been on the dagger that was piercing through Ye Zhiqiu’s chest . If Long Chen hadn’t held back, Ye Zhiqiu would have also been blown to bits .     

Long Chen’s recovery caused everyone’s expressions to change, and they all retreated in terror .     

“Long Chen…” Ye Zhiqiu let out a soft cry . As soon as that dagger had pierced her, she had sensed a fierce poison spreading within her . She was already beginning to lose consciousness . But looking at Long Chen’s face, warmth appeared in her eyes .     

At this moment, Long Chen’s body was trembling as he held her . As a pill cultivator, he was proficient in all poisons and could instantly tell that this dagger had contained a mixed poison . There had been at least a hundred different toxins in it .     

When those toxins entered a person’s body, they would treat the body as a battlefield, beginning to clash against each other, destroying the body from the inside .     

“Quickly consume this . ” Long Chen hastily fed Ye Zhiqui an antitoxin pill . But he knew that this kind of pill wouldn’t be able to save her life . At best, it could postpone her death for a short while .     

To suppress this kind of poison would require at least a fifth tier antitoxin pill . But Long Chen didn’t have any . That filled him with grief and pain . Such a fairy-like woman would die just like this .     

He thought of the days they had passed together . He thought of when the three of them had formed an alliance to snatch the Profound Spirit Fruit . He thought of how they had cultivated together . Although Ye Zhiqiu had always been icy, Long Chen knew she was actually extremely kindhearted .     

Now he saw a faint black qi was starting to surface on her face . The poison had already reached her brain, and there was no hope at all . His tears streamed down .     

Long Chen was filled with regret . If he had had just one more drop of the divine life liquid, perhaps he could save Ye Zhiqiu’s life . But right now he was completely powerless .     

“Long Chen, don’t cry . A hero capable of supporting heaven and earth shouldn’t cry for a woman . I don’t want you to be laughed at by others…” Ye Zhiqiu’s life force was growing weaker and weaker . She raised a hand to wipe away Long Chen’s tears .     

She continued, “I really was very happy those days when I accompanied you . The only regretful thing is that those days were just temporary . I won’t get to see you standing at the peak of the world .     

“Long Chen, didn’t you always want to see me smile? Then I can let you see it one time…” Gently caressing Long Chen’s cheek, a smile appeared on Ye Zhiqiu’s face . It was like a lotus flower had bloomed, sad but beautiful beyond compare .     

Once that smile bloomed, Ye Zhiqiu closed her eyes . Her life force faded away . However, her mouth was still frozen in that smile . She had accomplished her promise .     


Long Chen let out a beastial, heart-rending cry . He tightly held that beautiful corpse .     

The current Long Chen no longer appeared as imposing as before . Instead, he seemed like a helpless child who had lost his companion and was powerless to do anything .     

Meng Qi, Chu Yao, Tang Wan-er, and the others had long since reached the point of losing their voices from sobbing . When a hero cried, the entire world was filled with grief . The only sound right now was Long Chen’s crying .     

The distant, spectating Righteous disciples couldn’t help tearing up when they heard that . They were all disciples who came from poor backgrounds, but it was those that came from poor backgrounds that had the most sincere emotions .     

Long Chen was a peerless genius, one who could arrogantly look down on all, one who could suppress the peak experts of seven prefectures .     

But when he lost his companion, his grief affected everyone . In this world, where the weak were prey to the strong, such emotions were truly hard to come by .     

As for those disciples that had attacked him, they were all surprised . None of them had thought that Long Chen would cry like this, without any regard to his image, because of one woman .     

Huo Wufang, Han Tianyu, and Yin Luo glanced at each other and attacked at the same time . They wanted to take advantage of Long Chen’s grief to kill him with a single attack .     

“Fuck off!” Long Chen suddenly roared, and a powerful sound wave caused heaven and earth to rumble . At the same time, an incredibly berserk aura erupted from his body, and he raised his blood-colored saber .     


Huo Wufang, Han Tianyu, and Yin Luo were all blown back miserably into the distance .     

Everyone was startled . Just now, that had just been a random wave of his saber . But he had managed to send three peak experts flying .     

Long Chen didn’t feel any excitement from this power . His face was still covered with tears, his eyes still filled with pain . He gently rubbed Ye Zhiqiu’s face .     

“Yao-er, help me look after Zhiqiu . ” Long Chen gently handed Ye Zhiqiu to Chu Yao .     

Chu Yao was sobbing noiselessly . She also didn’t have the power to suppress such a highly toxic poison . To have to just watch as Ye Zhiqiu died, she was filled with pain .     

The person who felt the most pain would have to be Tang Wan-er . It was because Ye Zhiqiu had helped her block a fatal attack that she had been forced into using her body to save Long Chen . That made her feel endless remorse .     

Long Chen was being extremely gentle, as if he was afraid of waking up Ye Zhiqiu . Only once Chu Yao and Tang Wan-er had taken her did Long Chen slowly stand up .     

He wiped away his tears . Along with that, he wiped away the grief on his face . What replaced it was an icy killing intent .     

“Long Chen, let’s work together to kill all these bastards!” Mo Nian also felt grief to see Long Chen like this, and he tried to raise his mood .     

“No need . Revenge is best done personally . ” Long Chen shook his head .     

Long Chen slowly took a few steps towards the Righteous and Corrupt experts that had attacked them . Currently, there were less than thirty thousand of them left .     

As Long Chen walked forward, Huo Wufang and the others’ expression were grave . They involuntarily retreated . They sensed endless killing intent from Long Chen’s icy expression .     

“I was wrong . Today, I finally understand that I was always wrong . The Nine Star Hegemon Body Art is not trained in this manner . ” With his blood-colored saber resting on his shoulder, Long Chen muttered to himself as he walked .     

Mo Nian and the others were startled . Had Long Chen begun to babble nonsense because his injuries were too grave? But that also didn’t seem right . They had no idea whether they should follow Long Chen or just stay where they were .     

Hegemon… Hegemon Body Art… In other words, to become a domineering hegemon looking down arrogantly at all . Anyone who refuses to submit to me will be destroyed . My cultivation path is one of walking across countless corpses .     

Long Chen suddenly stopped . He slowly raised his blood-colored saber . “Being tolerant and cowardly will only bring humiliation and pain . From today onwards, I swear on the weapon in my hand that I, Long Chen, will no longer concede to anyone .     

“On my cultivation path, if people block me, I will kill them . If gods block me, I will murder gods . I will use the bones of my enemies to forge my cultivation path, and blood to decorate it .     

“You will all be witnesses to my oath, and you will also be my first stepping stone on my cultivation path . I will use your blood to write my life’s overture . ”    

Long Chen’s voice was calm . It didn’t contain any emotion . And yet, it still caused people to feel a chill . Each one of his words contained a powerful will, as well as an unquestionable determination .     

Long Chen slowly closed his eyes . Suddenly, an unprecedented aura surged into the sky .     

His divine ring once more appeared behind him . At the same time, a pillar of light soared into the sky . The originally dusky sky began to boil . A huge maelstrom hundreds of miles wide formed . At the center of the maelstrom was Long Chen .     

His FengFu Star and Alioth Star quickly circulated . But this time was different from before . This time, their energy was sent directly to his Dantian .     

His originally empty Dantian now had a pearl-like bead in it .     

The bead now looked just like a shining star . After receiving the FengFu Star and Alioth Star’s energy, it began to slowly circulate .     

Following it’s circulation, a powerful primal chaos aura filled the air . That was what allowed his divine ring to cause such a huge disturbance .     

After merging with the bead, Long Chen seemed to become the master of the Jiuli secret realm . This world’s spiritual qi was crazily surging towards him .     


Two stars had appeared in Long Chen’s eyes . One was brightly lit, while the other was still very dim .     

In that instant, Long Chen’s aura erupted like a volcano . Astral winds raged, harsh light crossed, and the entire void rumbled along . The entire space seemed on the verge of exploding .     

At this moment, Long Chen had exploded with unprecedented aura . Huo Wufang and the others’ expressions completely changed . The current Long Chen was like a hibernating dragon that had been awakened .     

“Don’t be afraid! He’s just one person . Kill him together!” Huo Wufang shouted, and flames soared out of his body, runes revolving around him .     

Han Tianyu, Yin Luo, Xue Wuya, the mustached man, and all the others also erupted with their strongest aura . This was a true life and death battle . If Long Chen didn’t die, then they would . They had to fight all-out .     


Huo Wufang and the others roared, charging straight at Long Chen .     


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