Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

0Chapter 148     

Chapter 148 Stealing Failure    

When Long Chen opened his eyes, Tang Wan-er immediately noticed and asked, “How did it go?”    

Long Chen smiled slightly and raised a finger . With just a thought, his finger immediately became covered by thin bolts of thunderforce, emitting a rumbling sound .     

Tang Wan-er covered her mouth, filled with disbelief . She had thought Long Chen’s plan had been completely crazy and absolutely impossible .     

But now Long Chen was clearly using thunderforce, meaning he had done what she had thought to be impossible .     

“How is this possible?” Tang Wan-er muttered to herself as she examined his finger that was covered with thunderforce .     

“Hehe, how is it? Are you convinced? Remember to treat me better now; that way you’ll be able to keep me firmly by your side .     

“Of course, that’s still not enough . If you really want to make our relationship more firm, you might consider other methods . For example, giving your heart to me,” said Long Chen with a serious face .     

“Tch, you? Do you think a rookie still at the mid Blood Condensation is worthy of my heart? Have you still not woken up?” Tang Wan-er raised her head disdainfully .     

“Wait, how did you learn my cultivation base?” Long Chen was startled .     

“When you fought with Zhao Wu after he used his Beast Transformation, your aura leaked out . Although you hide it extremely well, you can’t hide it from my senses . And I think it wasn’t just me who sensed it . Lei Qianshang should also have noticed,” lightly said Tang Wan-er .     

“Ah, as expected of monaster-class geniuses . Those kinds of senses are truly frightening,” sighed Long Chen . In the future he would have to be even more careful .     

He didn’t want to reveal his own cultivation base . That was because all the registrants were all at the peak of the late Blood Condensation realm . In other words, they were all at the ninth Heavenstage .     

And the majority were already at the great circle of Blood Condensation and could step into the Muscle Rebirth realm at any time they wanted . They had merely used medicinal pills to suppress their cultivation base .     

Perhaps he was the only one who was merely at the sixth Heavenstage . He didn’t want to stand out too much . It was uncomfortable to be the center of attention .     

“I’d say the monster would have to be you . You even have the ability to do such a heaven-defying thing . ” Tang Wan-er pointed to his finger .     

Although Tang Wan-er didn’t want to praise him, she had no choice but to admit Long Chen had truly shocked her .     

He was actually able to steal someone else’s core energy for his own use . That kind of ability was too shocking, perhaps even heaven-defying .     

Long Chen shook his head helplessly . “Ah, what heaven-defying . It was still a failure . ”    

“What? Didn’t you condense your own thunderforce?” Tang Wan-er said in shock .     

“Although I refined his thunderforce, my own spiritual qi is unable to transform into more thunderforce . In other words, all the thunderforce I have is the thunderforce sent to me by Lei Qianshang .     

“That means once I’ve used it all up, I’ll need to find another source to replenish it . Basically I wasted half a day’s work and didn’t get much of anything . It really is disheartening,” he dejectedly explained .     

Thunderforce was not the same as his flame energy . His spiritual qi was able to transform into flame energy . So as long as he had enough spiritual qi, he would never run out of flame energy .     

But his thunderforce was not the same . Once it was used up, it would be gone forever . He would need to constantly find a source to absorb more . Perhaps he would have to often fight with Lei Qianshang in the future .     

But of course, Lei Qianshang also wasn’t an idiot . Once time progressed, he would definitely suspect something . If he refused to fight Long Chen, Long Chen would only be able to run out of power .     

That was why Long Chen was so dejected . That wasn’t the same at all with what he had been hoping for . His hope of using thunderforce to temper his body had also failed .     

“Actually that’s already extremely impressive for your body to be able to contain lightning and thunder . But I do have a way to resolve your current problem . ” Tang Wan-er smiled slightly .     

“Really?” Long Chen asked surprised .     

“Of course . As long as you go there, it’ll resolve everything . ” Tang Wan-er pointed up to the sky . “When a huge storm unfurls and lightning and thunder crash down, you can go up there and gather thunderforce, haha . ” Tang Wan-er began to laugh .     

Long Chen disdainfully said, “Are you trying to make me receive heavenly punishment?”    

“Of course not! I’m just very enthusiastic, and I’m definitely a specialist at flying kites . As long as you say a single word, I am definitely willing to help you fly up,” laughed Tang Wan-er .     

Although she was laughing, Long Chen actually thought that was a good way to gather lightning .     

Seeing Long Chen was looking up into the sky and was thinking deeply, Tang Wan-er was startled and said, “I was just joking! You aren’t really thinking of trying, are you?”    

Long Chen nodded . “Your method really is not bad . When I’m ready to test it, I’ll definitely come find you . ”    

Dusting himself off, he began to collect some firewood . With a point of his hand, a spark shot out and immediately set the wood ablaze .     

“What are you think of doing?” asked Tang Wan-er .     

“I’m going to thank you for helping me . Although I didn’t succeed, I still have to thank you and treat you to a meal,” laughed Long Chen .     

Her face reddened . She knew he was talking about the matter of her giving him mouth-to-mouth . She both bashfully and angrily said, “Long Chen, if you mess around anymore, I won’t forgive you . ”    

“Don’t worry, it will be our secret . I won’t tell anyone even if they beat me to death,” he solemnly swore .     

Although she felt as if he had said that weirdly, she saw that he was serious and so she was relieved .     

Once the fire was started, it wasn’t long before it became a blaze . Long Chen took out ten Wonder Carps .     

“You actually have caught Wonder Carps?” Tang Wan-er was shocked .     

“Hehe, this is nothing . Tomorrow I’ll catch two dragons for you to eat with no problem . ” Long Chen took out a basin of water and began to scrub the Wonder Carps clean . He also took out their essence from their cheeks and put those beside the fire .     

“What kind of big talk is that? Dragons are divine beasts in legends . Whether they exist or not is unknown . How are you planning on capturing them?”    

“People need dreams . What if one day you achieve it? So dreams are definitely a must-have . Otherwise, would there even be any joy in life?” asked Long Chen .     

“Dreams and big talk are two different things . Don’t mix the two,” defended Tang Wan-er .     

“Ah, I won’t talk to someone without a sense of humor . It really is tiresome . ” Long Chen shook his head and focused on cooking the fish .     

“You…” Tang Wan-er frowned, but she then thought of something and sat down . “Long Chen, I’ve noticed you are extremely strange . Do you not know how to talk to others properly?”    

“Ah, this question . Well the crucial point is that I’d have to encounter a normal person first . ”    

“You scoundrel!” Tang Wan-er couldn’t resist anymore and gave him rap on the head . “Are you saying I’m not a normal person?”    

Long Chen didn’t retaliate or dodge . Letting her hit him, he turned to look at her . “Beautiful sister Tang Wan-er, do you feel you are normal right now?”    

She reddened and retorted, “I’m a very normal person . I only became like this because I encountered you!”    

“Ah, well the fish are done . Let’s eat . ”    

Long Chen handed over a cooked Wonder Fish to her . When she took she, she immediately smelled its alluring smell and began to drool . Looking at Long Chen, she couldn’t help feeling a bit bad .     

“Just eat . Only once you eat will you have the energy to sort me out,” joked Long Chen .     

She blushed and turned away, opening her mouth and taking a bite . She immediately exclaimed, “It’s delicious! No wonder it’s almost extinct in the human world . It’s the first time I’ve tasted it . ”    

She was happily surprised . The Wonder Carp’s great name was known to all, but as for the number of people who had actually eaten it, it was pitifully low .     

“Haha, as I said, treat me better and you can eat it often . And if you want to give me your heart, then hehe, you’ll have endless delicacies to eat . ” Long Chen was also eating, pleased with himself .     

“Hmph, that’s a nice dream . Do you think all women are as easy to trick as you hope?” Tang Wan-er had obviously already become accustomed to Long Chen’s method of joking and no longer became angry . She gave him a cold retort as she continued eating .     

After eating one, she didn’t wait on courtesy and grabbed a second one, eating it right in front of Long Chen without any bit of politeness .     

“Oh right, you can actually control flame energy . Are you a Pill Cultivator?” asked Tang Wan-er as she ate .     

“Yup, I’m a Pill Adept,” he answered .     

“That’s pretty good! Such a young Pill Adept definitely has a bright future . Why wouldn’t you choose to refine pills and instead came on the path of cultivation?” Tang Wan-er asked puzzled .     

“Do you think refining pills all day is interesting? The cultivation martial path is much more interesting . I can fight and pick up girls all day . Whoever I don’t like I can kick away easily . And when I see a beautiful woman like you, I can perhaps take some liberties with her . That’s how to live a life . ”    

“Scoundrel, you barely said a couple normal sentences before once more fooling around . Then does your Pill Cultivation master approve of you choosing the martial cultivation path?” she asked after rebuking him .     

Hearing that, Long Chen paused for a moment . Grandmaster Yun Qi’s image floated into his mind . That last scene of grandmaster Yun Qi transforming into ashes was still as fresh in his mind as if it had happened yesterday .     

“He should approve . ” Long Chen shook his head .     

“What do you mean ‘should’?” she said dissatisfied .     

“That’s because he’s already dead, so I myself don’t know his true thoughts . ” Long Chen smiled slightly, but his smile was somewhat mournful .     

Seeing that trace of sadness in Long Chen’s eyes, Tang Wan-er’s heart trembled . That was the first time she sensed the sorrow deep within his heart .     

“Ok, we’ve finished eating the fish . Remember, if you want to keep eating these fish, treat me a bit better in the future . I’ll leave first . ” Long Chen stood up .     

Seeing Long Chen was about to leave, for some unknown reason she was somewhat disappointed inside . As for why, even she wasn’t sure .     

“That’s right, Long Chen, have you collected all the jade tiles?”    

“No . ” Long Chen shook his head . In any case, he had more than enough time so he wasn’t in a rush . At this time there were still many fragmented sets and so it would be more troublesome to collect them all .     

“I have a full set here . I’ll give it to you . ” Tang Wan-er handed Long Chen a tablet .     

Unlike his tile, this tablet had all four Tian, Di, Xuan, Huang words on it . The four different tiles had merged into a single tablet and could no longer be separated .     

Long Chen smiled slightly and received it . “Ah, so this must be what it means to be kind to be the one who pays for the meal . Ok, thank you . But don’t think this small favor is enough for me to be unswervingly loyal to you . But if you want that, you can always try giving me your heart . ”    

“Get lost!”    

Tang Wan-er was irritated again . Long Chen had only been normal for a moment before once again messing around . She sent a kick at Long Chen .     

Long Chen laughingly dodged her attack and disappeared from the valley in just a few moments .     

Seeing Long Chen disappear, Tang Wan-er’s anger faded and she actually laughed . Sorting out her emotions, she also disappeared from the valley .     


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