It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



4Jayden wasted no time when he decided to take Apple to the doctor, while the woman was silent and didn't say anything, which worried Jayden a little.     

But, for now, the most important thing for Jayden was to get Apple checked first.     

While Jayden led Apple out of his office, he called Adrian to wait for him in the front lobby because they were going to the hospital.     

Of course, hearing the word hospital alerted Adrian, because it reminded him of the unpleasant events of the last few days, especially since they were about to go on a dangerous mission tomorrow.     

Meanwhile, after calling Adrian, Jayden then called the Tordoff family doctor, informing him of the current situation and asking the doctor to be prepared because he was now on his way to the hospital.     

And on the other hand, Apple was silent, giving absolutely no response or reaction at all regarding this. She was immersed in her own thoughts and this made Jayden even more worried about her situation.     

Was Apple angry about this? Was she unhappy about having a child? Because she got pregnant out of wedlock?     

If that was the case, Jayden didn't mind marrying her and taking her to the civil affairs bureau tonight.     

With the connections he had, even though it was past the working hours, he was able to make the marriage happen.     

"Are you okay?" Jayden asked. He stopped walking and looked at Apple's slightly pale face. They stood in the middle of the main lobby, where the employees around could get a good look at the two of them.     

In their perspective, Jayden and Apple were lovey dovey in the middle of the room, which made others envious while some of the girls felt their hearts broken at the sight of this scene.     

"I am okay," replied Apple after exhaling heavily. She tried to smile amidst the confusion of thoughts that plagued her right now. "Let's go now?" persuaded Apple. She tried to look cheerful, but she couldn't lie to Jayden.     

They both knew about it, but Jayden didn't mind it and hugged Apple by the waist and walked away.     

Jayden even deliberately slowed his pace so that Apple wouldn't feel rushed. He didn't want anything untoward to happen.     

And when they arrived at the front, Adrian was already waiting for them both.     

"We're going to the hospital now," Jayden said, then opened the door for Apple and put his hand on her head so her head didn't hit the car door frame.     

On the other hand, Adrian tried to see which of the two of them was sick, but it seemed that they were both fine. It was just that the vibe they were giving off was a little off.     

However, Adrian didn't have time to think about it because now he had to drive them to the hospital.     

Maybe, Apple wasn't feeling well or maybe her stomach was hurting from eating too much calamari today…     


"Great!" said doctor Bram with a beaming face when he announced the results of Apple's examination. "Looks like there will be a new member of the Tordoff family in the next few months."     

Doctor Bram was the Tordoff family doctor and he was very old now, but his eyes were still meticulous and he looked at Jayden and Apple with enthusiasm.     

"This will be Hailee and Ramon's first grandchild, the two of them will definitely be very excited!" he cried in a cheerful voice, meanwhile, Jayden thanked him for what he had done for his little family.     

"But, why are the results of the two test packs different?" Jayden asked in bewilderment, of course a wide smile appeared on his lips as he listened to this.     

Doctor Bram laughed his characteristic laugh. "Of course, the accuracy of each test pack is different, especially when the pregnancy is still in the early stages. This is perfectly normal, nothing to worry about."     

Jayden calmed down a bit when he heard those words and thanked the doctor.     

However, when Apple didn't say anything, Jayden asked for some time alone to be with his fiancée.     

Meanwhile, Doctor Bram didn't mind leaving the two of them, because it seemed that there were things that the two of them had to discuss now.     

"Honey," Jayden called, sitting down by Apple's bed. "What is it?" Jayden asked.     

And it was probably the hardest part for Jayden to know that Apple was not as enthusiastic as he was. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Apple, who was trying not to look into his eyes.     

"What are you thinking now?" Jayden wanted to know what thoughts were bothering Apple right now, because she looked so uncomfortable.     

Seeing Apple like this, Jayden had to contain his excitement at the news of him becoming a father. He had to hold back his crazy thoughts to brag about this in front of Misha.     

He had to tell his cousin that it was not only him who had a child, he would also have a child soon.     

"Tell me, what are you thinking right now? Hmm?" Jayden stroked Apple's cheek gently, but she still refused to look him in the eye. "Are you thinking about the calamari we left in my office?"     

Jayden tried to make Apple laugh and his joke helped, because Apple smiled when she heard that.     

"Of course not," said Apple with a sweet smile. "You can buy me more later."     

"Oh, of course, if you want, I can even buy the whole cafe," Jayden said a little arrogantly, but this method was successful enough to bring a smile back to Apple's lips.     

"Don't do that," she said softly, smacking Jayden's arm, but she laughed along with him.     

This may be a joke, but to Jayden, he would do it if Apple really wanted to.     

"So? What's bothering you right now?" Jayden asked very softly, trying not to sound urgent. "Is there anything you want?"     

Apple bit her lip and didn't answer right away, so Jayden threw up a few possibilities.     

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