Married to his secret crush

The End

The End

49 years later.      

Ren Mansion.      

''Brother, I confessed to my crush about my feelings and he won't talk to me anymore,'' the little girl pressed her hand dramatically on her chest as if she was hurt by her crush's indifference.     

Not getting a reply from her brother, she peeked at him through her long lashes, her hazel eyes were full of fat tears.      

The boy had his focus on the magazine in his hands, his silver hair fell on his brows.     

As he raised his head, his hair fell to the side, revealing a pair of ebony eyes, ''That indicates that he is not the one for you,'' the 8-year old pulled his little sister towards him and made him sit beside her, ''I tell you, Xiao Yue, I have seen that guy chit-chatting with other girls.''      

Han Liuyue sniffed, ''Really?"      

''Of course,'' Jun Zehan flashed a convincing dimpled smile at her, ''Have you seen this new dollhouse that I got for you? And I have brought a pair of crystal shoes as well.''      

''You did what?" The girl who was grieving over the loss of her first crush bolted up from the couch, her non-existent tears disappeared entirely.     

As he pointed his chin upstairs, she dashed towards the staircase without looking back.      

''Be careful,'' As soon as she was out of his sight, Jun Zehan leaned back on the couch, ''These guys must be sick of their lives… seducing my little sister when she just changed schools. Did they think they have it easy?" The corner of his lips tugged up in a foxy smirk.      

If Han Liuyue was here, she would have found this smile awfully similar to her mother's smile whenever she was up to something chaotic.      

''Young Master,'' Steward Gu walked towards Jun Zehan, ''They are here,'' he bowed.      

''Escort them inside,'' Jun Zehan smiled at the man but something… especially someone caught his attention. It was the girl hiding behind Steward Gu's back, ''You… Come out.''      

''Go ahead, Stella. Play with young Master. I will be back soon,'' Steward Gu stepped to the side, revealing the girl who had short red hair and beautiful big eyes.      

She was his precious daughter. Now that Steward Gu looked at her, he found it quite funny how he thought he never wanted to get married or have a family.     

But from the very beginning, Yu Mei told him that she will find him a wife. He never took it seriously though.     

But during the last few months of her pregnancy and till Jun Zehan was 6 months old, Yu Mei stayed mostly at home and Jun Zixuan also stopped going to the company given the wife-doting husband that he was. He wanted to stay beside her and help her with everything so that she would tire herself out from taking care of their son.     

Both of them worked from home and hence, the she-devil had the leisure to stick to her words. Claiming to be bored by the sight of him hovering around her all the time, she started setting him up for blind dates.      

But being the persistent person that he was, he rejected all the ladies politely. And being the stubborn person that she was, Yu Mei kept doing it until he met his 31st blind date.      

The woman who initiated the rejection when he, on the contrary, found her interesting and wanted to know her more.     

The blind date did not end well but coincidentally, they met again in the supermarket.     

Things spiraled and they exchanged contacts and continued meeting, eventually falling in love.      

They got married and had Stella.      

It was like a strange game of fate.     

Now that he looked back, he was glad that he went to all those tiresome blind dates diligently.     

When Steward Gu turned around and left, Jun Zehan looked at the little girl, ''Is it necessary to hide from me all the time?" He never understood why Steward Gu's daughter avoided him like a virus.      

He did not really care but be it the aunties, or girls in his school, they usually hovered around him like bees so Stella's attitude was rather bizarre compared to them.     

The girl quietly took a seat.      

Jun Zehan rolled his eyes.      

''Baby Hanhan~''      

Jun Zehan's lips twitched and Stella giggled, although she hid it quickly but he heard it anyway.      

''That's embarrassing, Aunt,'' Jun Zehan mumbled but Shi Luo did not pay him any attention as she came to her knees before smothering his face with wet kisses, ''Where is your Uncle?"     

''Did you look for me, babe?" Jun Boyan removed his apron and walked towards her before placing a gentle peck on her lips.      

Jun Zehan placed his palm on Stella's eyes and he rolled his eyes looking at their public display of affection. It went on 24X7.      

If it was not this pair of uncle and aunt then there were other pairs, including his mom and dad.      

Their house was just a love nest at times and they, the kids were unwanted stray birds stuck between these love birds.      

Shi Luo gulped as she looked at him. Sleeves folded, messy hair, a perfect dimpled signature smile that every Jun man had... He was just stunning, wasn't he?     

9 years have passed and she could not believe how in love they still were. It was as if they fell in love just yesterday.     

Jun Boyan smiled before pecking her lips again, "You look silly and so in love with me..." He whispered beside her ear.     

''Where is Shuang Jie?" Another voice was heard from the kitchen.      

''Ah Jin, shouldn't you greet me first?" Shi Luo frowned as she looked at the man who was in his early 20s.      

''Did you look for me? You looked for your husband first. What about the matchmaker? If I didn't pull back that day and you both didn't kiss each other accidentally, you would have moved at snail's pace,'' Yu Jinhai crossed his arms in front of his chest and pointed his chin at their intimate position, "And this would not have happened so easily."     

Shi Luo rolled her eyes, ''Just look at you being so petty…'' she ended up laughing. She could not quite believe that he was the same little boy who used to hover around them, crying at the smallest things.      

Back when Yu Jinhai was a teenager, he was so small for his age compared to the other kids but now that he stood in front of her, all tall and well-built, Shi Luo couldn't help but smile.      

Yu Jinhai stuck his tongue out at her before going back to the kitchen.      

''Where is Minsheng?" Jun Zehan asked, picking up the magazine.      

''He is coming over with Ah Shuang and Mu Shen and…''     


Shi Luo turned around to glance at the entrance. ''Here you are,'' she smiled at her son, Jun Minsheng.      

Shi Luo walked towards them. She patted Jun Minsheng's head before hugging Li Shuang and Mu Shen.      

Her gaze then shifted to the pair of twins who barely reached above Mu Shen's knees. One was a girl and the other was a boy.      

That year, after Han Jian Yu's and Mia's grand wedding, nobody expected another surprise… no, more specifically a bomb to drop on them when Mu Shen publically announced and let his fans know that he was getting married. Of course, the identity of the bride was secret to his fans, and also to them.     

And when they got the invitation with Li Shuang's name on it, all their faces were worth watching.      

That was because, initially, none of them took his wedding announcement seriously. They assumed it was some weird promotion for any movie or something like that.      

Shi Luo already expected that Mu Shen was interested in Li Shuang from the very beginning and she even told Yu Mei about it many times but the latter had always shrugged it off as a joke.      

What Shi Luo did not see coming was the marriage. She taunted Yu Mei for being short-sighted for 3-4 months and Yu Mei was left speechless because she truly didn't see this coming.      

But then... Shi Luo threw another jab at her. Her usual punchline.      

'How could you see them coming? You didn't even see yourself coming with Zixuan,' Her words contained double meaning and Yu Mei choked on air, 'What did you say? We are just friends? Look at you now! Just what kind of friends are you?'     

Mu Shen and Li Shuang had an intimate wedding and it was only after Li Shuang's position was stabilized in the company did they announce their relationship to the public 2 years later.      

And soon after Li Shuang gave birth to a pair of twins.      

The twins were closest to Han Jian Yu's and Mia's daughter, Han Liuyue, and as soon as they reached, they started looking for her.      

''She is playing upstairs with her dollhouse,'' Jun Zehan said before he glanced at Stella who was looking at him with sparkling eyes. He turned to look at Steward Gu, ''Can you please escort the three of them upstairs?"      

Steward Gu smiled before he took the twins and Stella with him.      

Jun Minsheng came to sit beside Jun Zehan, ''Brother, why don't I see the birthday girl anywhere?''      

''Nor do I see the birthday girl's husband,'' Li Shuang said, walking towards them.     

Meanwhile the birthday girl:      

''Baby, smile~" Mia clicked another picture of Han Jian Yu as he posed near the wall in that teacher's costume.      

Han Jian Yu's lips twitched when he watched her looking back and forth between the pilot's unfirm and the military uniform.      

''Hmm? Which one would you like to try next?" Mia sighed, her fingers fiddling with her long silver hair.      

''I'd try you,'' Han Jian Yu strode towards her and threw those uniforms aside before wrapping both his arms around her waist.      

Mia gasped, ''This was supposed to be my birthday gift.''      

''You have already dressed me up in countless outfits, from a stripper to a doctor, I have done enough role play already," Han Jian Yu pressed his forehead against hers, ''Shouldn't you accept the real birthday gift now?"      

''Real birthday gift?" Mia raised an eyebrow.      

That innocent façade. Han Jian Yu scoffed. She understood every single insinuation in his words but she had to act like she didn't, ''Me. I am your real birthday gift. Don't you think so?'' With that said, he carried her up in his arms before walking towards the Master bedroom without giving her a chance to speak.     

Mia did not have any complaints though.      

After living almost a decade as a human, Mia was starting to lose memories of her past lives. Neither she could remember what their kingdom looked like nor her parents' appearance. In a way, it made her sad, and sometimes she missed her powers.     

But living life as an ordinary human was a dream that she thought would never be fulfilled so she never regretted anything.      

When she told Han Jian Yu about her fading memories, he asked her about her birthday. Before that, he never asked her about it because she once told him that her birthday used to be the happiest occasion in their kingdom and her parents used to spend the whole day with her, leaving their work aside.      

He never brought up her birthday because he knew that she had memories attached to it that might make her sad. She was touched by his consideration. It was not until this year that they finally discussed it and she told him about it to which he hugged her and said that they are celebrating it this year.      

She could never bring herself to say 'no' to this man. He filled her life with all the love and care, gently caressing the scars that she had received in her past lives.      

He made her forget all the torments that she went through.      

He had her whole heart.     

''Ah! Jian Yu, we will be late for sure. Have you ever heard of a birthday girl being late to her own birthday party?" Mia hugged him as he pinned her against the wall before raising her skirt, ''I can already imagine Zehan's brooding face and your daughter will ask what we were up to.''      

''We can handle them. Zehan is mature and Xiao Yue is considerate,'' Their daughter was named after her. He chose her old name for their baby when he saw that it was a girl.      

He said that their daughter, Han Liuyue will have the life that she could never have as 'Xiao Liuyue'.     

Han Jian Yu unbuckled his belt and discarded his pants with one hand before entering inside her, ''Moreover, don't you dare act like you don't want me,'' he kissed her neck and tilted his head to look at her.      

The corner of her lips tugged up in a seductive smile and he hardened further as if it was even possible.      

She hooked her hands around his neck, ''I dare not, Your Highness,'' she captured his lips.      


''The birthday girl called me earlier saying that she wants to admire her husband's pretty face in some landscape first,'' Jun Zehan shrugged.     

Li Shuang's lips twitched.     

''Baby, why don't we go somewhere? I also want to admire your beauty," Mu Shen whispered to Li Shuang.      

Years ago, during their first time, Li Shuang had told him that she had no experience and he had promised that he will give her plenty of it.      

Mu Shen stuck to that promise.      

Li Shuang elbowed him, spotting the double meaning in his words.      

Although the kids could not hear what he said but Shi Luo who was standing right behind them heard everything.      

''Cringe,'' she made a face at Mu Shen who stuck his tongue out at her. It was as if Mia's dramatic self was not enough for them but Mu Shen also turned like her after falling in love.      

Haish, she missed Jun Boyan already. She turned around to walk towards the kitchen.      

''What about Zixuan and Mei?"      

''They are in Amaranthine, out for some business trip. Mei said that they will be back before night,'' Shi Luo answered before running to her husband.      

''Mom and Dad are not out on some business trip,'' Jun Zehan raised an eyebrow, ''It's their 617th honeymoon.''      

Shi Luo, who was on her way to the kitchen, almost tripped.      

Everyone: "_"     


''Ah… Why is it so difficult climbing here now? I used to be good at it,'' Yu Mei pursed her lips as she stepped on the branch near her leg.     

Jun Zixuan grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, ''I guess the tree got taller,'' he said.      

She rolled her eyes, ''Or you can just say that I have gained weight,'' she adjusted her high ponytail, pushing it behind her shoulder, revealing her halter neck top.      

''I find you sexier,'' he whispered beside her ear before biting her earlobe.      

The tips of her ears turned red. After giving birth to Jun Zehan, she gained weight. Her PCOS made it tough for her to lose weight but she kept up with her workout and Jun Zixuan handled her diet which helped her lose weight efficiently.     

Even then, she was a little curvier than before.      

Unaware of her thoughts, Jun Zixuan eyed her from head to toe, ''Why did you have to wear it?'' he said, looking at the halter neck top which was paired with jeans. Did she know how charming she looked? He had to block the views of those sophomores too.      

''What's wrong with this?" she looked at herself.      

''It attracts flies,'' They were in the Crystal University Campus, sitting on the tree where they first met and she asked him to not take the car inside to not attract attention.      

And walking all the way here, she was talking about all sorts of things, unaware of the attention she attracted.      

Jun Zixuan removed his black leather jacket before draping it over her. He pulled her into his arms, ''You will never know how much I want to hide you from the world.''      

Yu Mei peeked at him through her lashes. He was wearing a black T-shirt that clung to his body, highlighting his perfect muscles, ''Do you think I didn't see the girls drooling over you?" He was 32 now, hotter than before, and sigh… she could not get enough of him despite them being married for almost a decade, let alone the girls who were trying to do him with their eyes.     

''So, what do you suggest?" he bit her bottom lips.      

''Let's hide each other,'' Yu Mei suggested but soon after, she scrunched her nose, ''That sounded toxic.''      

Jun Zixuan laughed.      

Yu Mei punched his chest.     

He grabbed her fist before kissing her knuckles.      

They were here for work but then they decided to stay over for some time. And today, she suggested him they should go to meet his parents.      

Jun Boyan and Shen Lihua forgave Jun Zishen and so did Jun Zixuan but his relationship with his father was never mended completely. Everything was normal and Jun Zixuan's temper did not flare up around his father like it used to happen years ago but the scars that he had received in his childhood... the abuse he suffered in that house.     

Yu Mei knew that although the scars had faded, they were still there and somewhere in his subconscious, he refused to forget how his father was weak that time. He should have stood up for them but he didn't. The adult Jun Zixuan might have forgiven his father but somewhere, the young boy didn't.     

Initially, Yu Mei was uncomfortable with this observation of hers but then she realized that all of them have some scars.      

She also had a scar... named Han Jingyi. The woman was dead but she would still sometimes have nightmares and she would wake up in the middle of the night, calling Shi Luo in the middle of the night, asking her if she was fine or she checking if Jun Zehan was safely sleeping in his room.      

  Jun Zixuan would gently hug her and kiss her, calming her by saying that it was all over.      

Eventually, she realized she should do the same. She should kiss his scars the same way he kissed her. She should shower him with so much love that it would replace the hate he grew up in.      

And then, there was no looking back.      

After Shen Lihua and Jun Zishen got together, they had a confrontation with Old Master Jun and Old Madam Jun. While Shen Lihua assumed they were there to drive a wedge between them, contrary to their assumptions, both of them apologized to her and their son.      

Old Madam Jun even apologized to Yu Mei.      

Shen Lihua never got over the scars that she had received in that house but still, she did not hold any grudges. She moved into Jun Manor with Jun Zishen.      

Jun Zixuan never talked with Old Master Jun and Old Madam Jun and Yu Mei did not want to see their faces at all. She hated those two oldies with a passion, no matter how much time has passed.      

If not for them, the little Zixuan would never have suffered.      

Yes, she was a petty woman who held grudges!     

''We should better go back before night. I can imagine my baby's glare on us,'' Yu Mei shrugged off her distant thoughts.     

Jun Zixuan pulled her into his arms.      



''I never thought I will wake up as your wife one day,'' she sighed at the thought of it, ''Neither did I think I will marry you willingly after that.''      

''And I never thought that I would barge inside the girls' dormitory for someone.''      

Both of them ended up laughing at that.      

''Thank you...'' When he raised an eyebrow, she continued, ''For tolerating my disastrous cooking with that signature smile of yours, and for kissing me through all my tantrums and mood swings episodes. I know I have been handful...''      

''And you have been mine...'' he interrupted her, ''Given a chance, I'd go back in time to start it all over again. I'll happily suffer all that angst and pain if it meant for both of us to end up together forever.''      

''Like right now?" she smiled when he nodded.     

''To tell you the truth, back then, I also loved you. It was never only just friendship between us,'' When she was young, she always thought of him as a friend before she fell in love with him.     

But now after a decade, whenever she looked back to those days, she realized that Jun Zixuan was anything but a friend back in the university days.      

The pain, the disappointment, the sadness that she lived through when he disappeared from her life… there was a sense of betrayal in it.     

She wanted him to reach out to her maybe after weeks or after months or years. But he never came and she was left heartbroken which she always disguised under an 'I don't care' façade.      

Then waking up in the Ren Mansion, and falling for him all over again... It was not included in her plans but she was glad that it happened.      

She was glad that he happened to her.      

''To tell you the truth,'' Jun Zixuan cupped her face, ''…The happiest day for me was when I realized that the woman I love is none other than my first love, the one I hid from the entire world… My secret crush,'' he leaned closer to her before capturing her lips.      

She smiled against his lips, ''I hate you,'' she whispered when their lips parted.     

He laughed, panting softly as he pressed his forehead against her, ''I hate you more,'' he kissed the tip of her nose.      

Only they knew what it meant for them to hate each other.      

The end.      

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