Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 713 - In the Depths of Dragon Island

Chapter 713 - In the Depths of Dragon Island

3Brilliance radiated and ripples spread in all directions. Kalunu looked ahead, quietly watching the changes. Under his gaze, the huge Golden Dragon corpse before him lay there like a small mountain.       4

It was somewhat surprising for such a huge Giant Dragon corpse to stay here. After all, the corpse of such a powerful Giant Dragon would be a rare treasure, even for the Giant Dragon race themselves.     

The mortals in the outside world would strip the Giant Dragon naked, leaving nothing behind. Although the Giant Dragons were better off, they wouldn't just leave the corpse here.      

Upon closer inspection, there were indeed some unexpected discoveries. When Kalunu looked at the corpse, he seemed to be able to vaguely feel that there was an inexplicable obscure fluctuation rising from the corpse, looking in Kalunu's direction. This made him somewhat surprised, and he secretly frowned.     

The Giant Dragon's corpse was surprisingly alive. No, perhaps it was once dead. After all, this seal was once made by the Dragon God. However, if the god personally made a move, even if it was once unimaginably weak, it was not something that a mere ninth-rank fallen Giant Dragon could compare to.     

Therefore, it should have fallen in the past. Then, did the remaining spirituality on the corpse confluent and finally produce a brand new spirituality during the time of the seal? It was also possible.      

Many thoughts flashed through Kalunu's mind. Then, in the distance, the huge Giant Dragon corpse silently raised its head and stared at Kalunu and Carl with a cold gaze, carrying an inexplicable strange power. It has a strong sense of oppression as if it wanted to freeze one's entire soul.     

Kalunu was still fine in this regard and only felt a gentle breeze on his face without the slightest bit of pressure. However, Carl, at the side, suddenly shivered, feeling as if he had just walked out of a near-death experience.      

However, he knew in his heart that this was only an illusion. With the presence of this powerhouse beside him, not to mention that the other party was still in the seal, even if it came out, he probably would not be able to make waves.     

Thinking of this, he silently backed away and retreated behind Kalunu. Towards this, Kalunu only glanced at him and didn't say anything.      

"Let's go." Kalunu's voice sounded again.     

"Okay." Carl's heart suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.     

This place was very depressing even for a Giant Dragon like him, which he didn't want to stay any longer. He had been here for so long that he felt uncomfortable. So he immediately became excited now that he heard he could leave.     

His huge body turned into a Giant Dragon and roared at the sky without hesitation. The huge dragon might spread and shake the surroundings, directly suppressing the abyssal lifeforms around him. Then, he carried Kalunu and surged into the distance.     

At this point, the story here seemed to have come to an end.     


"I've forgotten." On the ground, the demonized Giant Dragon skeleton looked coldly at the sky, silently watching the Kalunu and Carl leaving.     

Then, a voice sounded again a moment later. He raised his head in surprise and saw a large hand pressing down and suppressing him directly, hitting the ground.     

The initially broken seal was glowing, and there were countless traces on it, sealing this place tightly.     

"Hmm, that's more like it." After casually placing thousands of seals on this place, Kalunu left with satisfaction, sat behind Carl, and prepared to go to the next place.     

Carl stared at the densely packed seals beneath him with trepidation and looked at Kalunu with fear, afraid that Kalunu would do the same to him. Fortunately, Kalunu did not have such intentions, and they left this area.     

"Where do you want to go?" Carl's deep voice sounded in the air as they reached a new space.     

"I think you know where the Dragon God is, right?" Kalunu said calmly, "Take me there."     

Carl's body trembled as he finally understood, "C-Can we change a place?"     

Kalunu didn't say anything and just looked at him quietly. Carl finally gave up, didn't dare to make a sound, then just flapped his wings and left. His feelings were extremely complicated at the moment. When Kalunu captured him, he knew that this day would come sooner or later.     

Kalunu had a strong Dragon God aura on his body. He was obviously a Dragon God who had returned from silence. Based on the habits of the Giant Dragon Tribe, the return of such a Dragon God would challenge the position of the former Dragon God and compete with him for the position of leader.     

Carl could foresee this day, but he did not want to play such a role in it. If he personally took Kalunu to the Dragon God's sleeping spot, it would be fine if Kalunu won. However, if Kalunu lost, he would be doomed sooner or later.     

"Would I become a needless sacrifice?" He was a little scared and terrified during the flying journey.     

However, regardless of his thought, he still didn't dare to do anything under Kalunu's gaze. Instead, he could only fly forward obediently, all the way to the core area of the Dragon Island.     

The Giant Dragon Tribe's flying speed was very fast. They arrived in a completely unfamiliar area within just a few days. If one looked carefully, this should be the core area of Dragon Island. Its surrounding environment was completely different from the outside world.     

Kalunu took a look. The Dragon Island was a land formed after the divine fell and was filled with a divine aura, which was even more obvious at the core. Here, the Gen Qi concentration was much higher than in other places, and the various laws among them were more obvious and touchable.     

It would greatly benefit the living beings, including the Giant Dragons, if they stayed in this place for a long time. However, unfortunately, there were not many living beings in such a divine place. Even on the surface, there was only a green grassland and forest, and no one there. However, of course, this was only an illusion.      

There were still obstacles as Carl surged into the area.     


An angry roar sounded from the depths of this area. As Carl surged into the depths, the area's guards finally reacted. A few huge Giant Dragons appeared and blocked his way.     

These huge Giant Dragons were huge and powerful. Each was at the eight, equivalent to a legend among human beings, and was nobler as compared to Carl.     

Golden Dragon, Silver Dragon, Guivre...     

Each of them had an extremely noble Giant Dragon bloodline, completely different from the White Dragons at the bottom of the dragon bloodline.     

"Carl, what are you up to?" An angry roar sounded from the front.     

Among the Giant Dragons, headed by the Golden Dragon, roared at Carl, "You are intruding on the great Dragon God's sleeping spot. Are you courting death?"     

'Do you think I wanted to?' Carl complained in his heart but could only remain silent. He did not dare to say it before Kalunu.     

However, he did not speak, but someone spoke on his behalf, "So what if I am?" A voice like Carl's sounded from his body, carrying a heavy and dignified tone.     

Carl was instantly stunned. No way. He subconsciously looked at Kalunu behind him, only to see Kalunu's gaze on him, carrying some faint encouragement. He instantly felt that the world was hopeless. However, it was a different scene in the eyes of the others.     

The Golden Dragon in the lead was somewhat bewildered as he looked at Carl. Yet, Carl's expression was calm from the beginning to the end, maintaining an inexplicable calmness. Even his words carried an inexplicable domineering and self-confidence, completely different from his previous appearance.     

'What was going on?' They were bewildered, but they finally decided to make a move after watching for a long time.     

No matter what, this was the Dragon God's sleeping spot. Carl would have to bear the consequences for barging in. They would be punished by the others later if they did not make their move. Thus, the few Giant Dragons finally made their move under Carl's somewhat fearful gaze.     

The huge, somewhat bloated Guivre roared and took the lead to charge forward. The faint sunlight radiated on its body, reflecting a faint gem brilliance. At the back, faint elemental particles undulated and appeared. Although it was obscure, it made people feel extremely dangerous.     

The Guivre was the fastest among the Giant Dragons. An adult Guivre was said to have a body that was even tougher than a high-level magic weapon. The Silver Dragon was a natural-born Master of Magic. It could naturally control elemental particles and cast powerful spells in the Dragon language.     

Meanwhile, the Golden Dragon was the overall strongest among the Giant Dragons. It possessed both a strong physique and magic talents. Moreover, it was born with great suppression ability for the other dragon bloodlines. The combination of these three Giant Dragons was terrifying to any Giant Dragon.     

Carl remained silent in the face of the trio's attack, though in reality, his heart was filled with fear, and his mind was almost blank under the impact of the three's dragon might. He felt that he was about to face a great disaster this time.     

A ray of gem brilliance flashed past, and Carl was about to crash into this place. However, instead, he subconsciously waved his claws lightly and collided with the Guivre's body. Then, a shocking scene happened. In mid-air, the Guivre's body flew straight out, as if there was a huge crack on its body.     

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