Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 428 - Prize

Chapter 428 - Prize

0Talent should be treated like one, as this was the general rule and view of this world.     

In this world, as long as you have the relevant talent, you would be able to have the appropriate status, and you would be able to enjoy the cheers and adoration of the others. You wouldn't have to worry about things that ordinary people were concerned about.     

It wouldn't be easy for such a talent to do everyday things, let alone have him work in a place like this. It would be seen as an insult.     

And was Chen Heng a genius? He was, without a doubt.     

He was so powerful. Whether as a martial artist or a Beastmaster, his strength was enough to shock others, making people feel astonished.     

And for such a genius, he would probably have enjoyed the treatment of being a superior person respected by countless people if he were in any other place.     

But now, he was here, working in such a place. What was the reason for this?     

Yang Ke could not help but think of this, looking at the scene before her.     

In the distance, Chen Heng was still busy by himself. He did not seem to realize Yang Ke's arrival.     

Yang Ke could not help but take a step forward and strode forward, wanting to take a closer look at the area. However, a figure silently walked over and directly stopped her.     

"Miss Yang, what do you want to do this time?"     

Fang Yuan looked at Yang Ke in front of him with respect on his face. At this moment, he said, "If there is anything you need, just let me know. There is no need to come here personally. Besides, it's a fact that you defeated the child. I don't think there's a need for you to continue to suppress him."     

He looked at Yang Ke and said respectfully, as he didn't want Yang Ke to come forward and disturb Chen Heng.     

During this period, Chen Heng was working very hard, and he seemed to have gradually forgotten about what had happened before. But now, it might provoke him if Yang Ke continued to go forward. Fang Yuan was reluctant to let it happen.     

In Fang Yuan's opinion, the outcome of the competition was already destined. If he lost, he lost. But after losing, she continued suppressing others. This was a bit too much.     

Various thoughts flashed through Fang Yuan's mind. At this moment, he looked respectful but with a hidden resistance.     

Looking at Fang Yuan's expression, Yang Ke only shook her head and said, "I didn't… I'm just a little curious..."     

She looked at Chen Heng in the distance and said softly, "Why would a person like him stay in such a place?"     

Hearing this, Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment before his expression eased up a little.     

He thought for a moment before saying, "This is something that can't be helped."     

"Can't be helped?"     

Yang Ke turned around and looked at him with some doubt.     


Standing there, Fang Yuan sighed softly and said, "With Miss Yang's situation, you might have received the best training since you were young and enjoyed the best treatment in every aspect. However, in this world, not everyone can enjoy such treatment..."     

He sighed softly as if he had thought of something, and his heart was slightly moved. "In this world, even if some people have enough talent, their background has restricted their progress. Many people might struggle in poverty in places you are not aware of. Many people are struggling for a meal."     

"For these people, to have a chance to use their strength to go on and support themselves and their families is already a challenging thing to do. There are things that a lucky child like you, Miss Yang, may never have thought about. Yet for him, it is something that he has to face."     

Standing where he was, Fang Yuan sighed softly and then continued to explain, "I do have a rough idea of Lu's situation. He is different from the vast majority of the people in this academy… He comes from an ordinary background and is merely a commoner. His parents cannot help him, and to a certain extent, they even need his support."     

"Compared to the majority in this academy, he can only rely on himself for everything he needed to advance. For people like him, a job that you all look down on his only choice."     

He spoke softly and said with a sigh.     

"I see..."     

Listening to Fang Yuan's words, Yang Ke was a little stunned. At this moment, she seemed to be somewhat moved, and her emotions gradually became a little complicated.     

"Miss Yang should know how difficult these two paths are for martial artists and Beastmaster. If you want to go down these paths, you'll need to put in a lot of effort."     

Fang Yuan continued to sigh, and he said softly, "I'm sure you know how difficult it is for Lu to walk all the way to this point without any support."     


Yang Ke was silent, then nodded slowly and agreed with Fang Yuan's words.     

Indeed. The path was never easy in this world, whether it was a martial artist or a Beastmaster.     

If martial artists wanted to walk this path, they needed to temper themselves at every moment and required a large amount of medicine to nourish their bodies and nurture their strength.     

Although the path of a Beastmaster wasn't similar to that of a Beastmaster, it also required a large amount of evolution fluid to nourish one's spiritual power where one's body was constantly tempered, allowing one's spiritual ability to strengthen and become stronger.     

These two paths undoubtedly required a large number of resources to support them. If one didn't have enough resources to support them, it would be challenging to walk down the path successfully.     

For Chen Heng to walk his way to this point without any support, it was hard to imagine how difficult it would be.     

Thinking of this, Yang Ke became even more silent. Looking at Chen Heng's figure in the distance, her heart became increasingly complicated.     

In the distance, under Yang Ke's gaze, Chen Heng's figure slowly appeared. His long robe was dyed red by blood, and his entire body was filled with the stench of blood, looking terrifying and somewhat dirty.     

However, even so, he still appeared calm. There wasn't the slightest bit of excess restlessness or other emotions. Anyone who looked over would feel that he was extraordinary.     

Yang Ke's gaze gradually changed, looking at Chen Heng, and she suddenly stepped forward, wanting to say something to Chen Heng. However, in her heart, this impulse only lasted for a moment, which she resisted in the end.     

'Even in such a situation, he grew and walked his way until this stage…'     

She muttered to herself, as many thoughts could not help but flash through her mind.      

This was the first time she had met someone like Chen Heng. She had also met some geniuses who were ordinary people in the past, yet they did not have the calmness that Chen Heng has now. Instead, they were filled with impetuousness and arrogance. In comparison, Chen Heng belonged to the other extreme.     

"In this world, nothing is simple..."     

Fang Yuan's voice continued to sound, "Sometimes, the problem is right there. You can't just ignore it if you want to. Of course, the problem itself is sometimes critical, but sometimes it's not."     

"What's important is to have the heart to face it calmly and be ready to change. Lu is such a person, without a doubt."     

"He comes from a humble background and can not be compared to anyone else. However, he has never said anything about difficulties or complained about them. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person like him would stay in such a place."     


Listening to Fang Yuan's words, Yang Ke inexplicably nodded her head, agreeing with what he said.     

At this moment, the way she looked at Chen Heng also changed. She seemed to have a complicated feeling.     

However, she did not intend to go and chat with him, as she did not want to disturb Chen Heng.     

"Please help me pass a message to him."     

She thought for a moment and then continued, "The previous competition has ended."     

"Tell him to get ready and go to receive his prize. That is something that belongs to him. I believe that with this money, he will be able to waste less time and become stronger."     

She said softly to Fang Yuan, then she turned around and left.     

In the distance, Chen Heng raised his head as if he had sensed something and looked in the direction she left.     

Not far away, Fang Yuan watched Yang Ke slowly leave and walk to the other side. He could not help but heave a sigh of relief in his heart.     

In the past few days, Chen Heng has appeared very calm. He seemed to be very normal. There were no changes in him other than working even harder.     

The impact of the previous failure seemed to be fading, which was what he was happy to see.      

It was precisely because of this that he did not want to see Yang Ke come over and disturb Chen Heng, as he was afraid that he would disturb Chen Heng's current state, making him even sadder.     

"But, is the result of the competition out now?"     

He shook his head, turned around, and left the place too.     

Soon, he returned to the previous location and conveyed the news to Chen Heng. Chen Heng appeared very calm as he heard the news as if he wasn't surprised.     

"Got it."     

He nodded and smiled, looking very relaxed. Then, he turned around and continued to work.     

In the following period, everything was very calm. After about two days, Chen Heng walked out of his workstation and went to another area.     

In front of him was a very spacious high-rise building, and people walking past had a unique temperament as if they were not ordinary people. Chen Heng walked among them and blended into the crowd instantly, appearing inconspicuous.     

"A prize of three million?"     

Looking at the woman in the hall, Chen Heng looked surprised. He seemed to be a little surprised, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"     


In front of Chen Heng, the person in charge of the settlement of the prize was a quiet-looking woman. She looked at Chen Heng with a professional smile on her face and said, "We have already calculated the prize, and this is the amount. There is nothing wrong."     

"If I remember correctly, the prize for the third place should only be one million."     

Chen Heng frowned and was a little puzzled. The prize for this competition was indeed very generous. As long as one was selected as a top ten contestant, they would receive a price no less than hundreds of thousands.     

Chen Heng could theoretically get a million dollars plus other rewards as the third-place winner. Yet it was not as much as three million dollars, no matter how he calculated it. There must be some problem with this.     

Sitting there listening to Chen Heng's words, the woman was stunned, and she quickly began to search on her computer.      

After some investigation, she found the answer.     

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