Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 402 - The Opportunity to Ascend to the God’s Throne

Chapter 402 - The Opportunity to Ascend to the God’s Throne

0Chen Heng had done many things in the Karo Kingdom that were not pleasant for many of the noble families in this country.     

He had taken a considerable portion of the profits from many things belonging to those noble families into his own hands.     

It was also why others would not welcome these things, which was typical.     

Under normal circumstances, the attitude of the Church of Nature should be the same as those of the noble families, and they should have a strong dissatisfaction towards these matters.     

After all, Chen Heng did not take special care of them nor treat them equally.     

Some time ago, Chen Heng had already been prepared to offend some people. Yet, he wasn't afraid of offending these people.     

After all, there weren't too many powerful forces in the Karo Kingdom.     

There weren't many noble families left, yet every one of them could fight. However, even if all of them were added together, Chen Heng wouldn't frown at all.     

As for the Church of Nature, although it was known as the church where the Gods resided, it was already weakened. At this moment, it didn't have much power left.     

Their Gods had long fallen into silence. For God knows how many years, they had never shown their faces. At this moment, they were most likely either asleep or dead.     

In such a situation, Chen Heng naturally would not be afraid of these Gods.     

Even the Dusk Cult, who had a divine weapon and the God of Dusk behind them, Chen Heng would offend them just like that.     

Not to mention the Church of Nature, which was still a problem for them whether their Gods existed or not.     

If they had the strength to fight against Chen Heng, why didn't they make a move when the Dusk Cult was wreaking havoc in the Karo Kingdom.     

It was precisely why Chen Heng had never put them in his eyes from the beginning to the end.     

However, not putting them in his eyes was one thing. Chen Heng had long been prepared to be ostracized by these people or oppose them.     

However, based on Guluo Mary's words, it seemed that not only was the Church of Nature not ostracized by his actions, but they also seemed to be quite cooperative.     

Chen Heng could not help but reveal a slightly surprised expression. At this moment, he seemed to be somewhat surprised.     

In front of him, Guluo Mary gave him a gentle glance, as if she felt that his reaction was typical. "Before I came here, he also met the pope of the Church of Nature."     

"They seem to want to meet you."     

"Is that so?"     

Hearing Guluo Mary's words, Chen Heng's interest was piqued. A slight smile appeared on his face, and then he said softly, "What do they want to do?"     

"I don't know."     

Sitting in front of Chen Heng, Guluo Mary shook her head and then said, "However, they seem to be very sincere."     

"Is that so..."     

Chen Heng nodded and then said softly, "Then let's try."     

"Your Highness, please help to inform them that I'm waiting for them here."     

"Since they want to see me, I will do as they wish."     

He said softly.     


Upon hearing Chen Heng's words, Guluo Mary seemed a little surprised, but she still nodded without any objections.     

After that, time slowly passed. A few days later, an uninvited guest came and paid a visit.     

It was an old man dressed in a long green robe. His face was ancient, but he looked peaceful, calm, with an amiable temperament and demeanour.     

Behind him were a few apprentices. They followed behind him and looked around with some restraint.     

They looked very cautious and maintained an intense state at all times since arrival.     

"Is this the place..."     

The old man raised his head and looked at the courtyard in front of him. At this moment, this thought flashed through his mind.     

The manor appeared in front of him under his gaze.     

Perhaps to ordinary people, the manor in front of them seemed to be nothing special. However, to the old man, it was very different.     

A faint and inexplicable aura emerged from the surroundings, bringing a faint divine aura.     

This was the characteristic of a divine existence that had stayed here for a long time. Although it was weak, it did exist.     

This aura was the most sensitive for priests like them, and they could feel it at this moment.     

The old man's expression was still calm, sensing this aura. At this moment, he could not help but clench his fists, and his body subconsciously tensed up.     

"Please follow me."     

In front of him, the servant who led the way said softly to the old man.     

"Sorry to trouble you."     

The old man's face revealed a smile as he spoke at this moment.     

Led by the servant in front of them, they slowly walked forward, arriving at the depths of this manor.     

They saw the person they wanted to see this time within this manor.     

Chen Heng was standing in the manor, sitting there alone, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.     

It was not until the figures of the old man and the others appeared in the distance that he raised his head as if he had sensed something and looked in their direction.     

In an instant, their gazes intersected, and an inexplicable feeling emerged.     

The moment Chen Heng's gaze landed on him, the old man's body subconsciously trembled, and then he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into his eyes.     

In his perception, Chen Heng was like a glorious sun, and his soul was filled with the majesty and aura of a God, an aura that could make people tremble.      

It was like an inexplicable blasphemy that they did not dare look directly at him. It made people feel an inexplicable fear.     

Even the green-robed old man in front of him did not dare to look directly at him and could only lower his head to avoid being burned by the powerful aura on Chen Heng's body.     

Without a doubt, this kind of feeling was terrifying. If one had not experienced it before, one could not imagine.     

Behind the old man, the few servants who followed him appeared to be typical.     

Some things, the more powerful they were, the more profound they felt.     

Although these servants were also Priests, their levels were not as high as the green-robed old man. They did not feel it too profoundly. Hence they avoided that kind of feeling.     

After entering this place, these servants stayed behind and stayed in the outside world.     

Only the green-robed old man went forward and walked into the courtyard in front of him.     

"Greetings, Your Highness… I am Sloan."     

The green-robed old man slowly walked forward. When he arrived in front of Chen Heng, his expression instantly became respectful.     

"Your Highness..."     

Hearing this address, Chen Heng raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him. He could not help but smile. "I am not some Highness..."     

"You have awakened the divine blood and are not mortals. Naturally, you deserve the title of Your Highness..."     

Sloan said this with a respectful expression.     

He seemed to have sensed many things from what he felt just now.     

Chen Heng could not help but smile as he sat upright in his seat and listened to the old man's words. He suddenly felt that it was somewhat interesting.     

In this world, the so-called Highness could refer to another kind of existence besides the royal family members.     

That was the high deity and the son of God.     

In this kind of situation, the other party had discovered something by addressing him like this.     

"What do you know?"     

He looked at Sloan in front of him and asked softly.     

"That night..."     

Sloan stood in front of Chen Heng and looked at him respectfully. He lowered his head and said, "I witnessed the entire scene of Your Highness fighting with the Dusk Cult..."     

"If you know about the Dusk Cult, why didn't you attack earlier?"     

Sloan's words revealed a lot of information, Chen Heng could not help but turn around and ask him.     

From his words just now, it could be seen that Sloan and the Church of Nature behind him had known about the existence of the Dusk Cult long ago.     

This was not a strange thing.     

Although the Dusk Cult was mighty, it was far more superior to the Church of Nature in terms of strength.     

However, in the Karo Kingdom, the Church of Nature was the one of local influence that had taken root in this country for countless years.     

For an ordinary person, it was tough to discover the traces of the Dusk Cult.     

However, this was not the case for the Church of Nature.     

Various thoughts flashed through Chen Heng's mind as he sat in his seat.     

"It's not that I don't want to..."     

Faced with Chen Heng's question, a bitter smile appeared on Sloan's face. "It's just that the difference in strength is too great..."     

"In the past, we had a great battle with the Dusk Cult."     

"But we weren't their match at all and could only curl up and couldn't interfere in other matters..."     

"The Dusk Cult is too powerful in the Karo Kingdom, and we are no match for them."     

He spoke of the reason, and Chen Heng was a little surprised.     

According to him, the Church of Nature and the Dusk Cult had already fought in the Karo Kingdom.     

And the result of that fight was undoubted that the Church of Nature had lost.     

Because of this, the Church of Nature had been curling up since a long time ago and no longer appeared.     

But the Dusk Cult had become more and more rampant, continuously expanding its power in the Karo Kingdom.     

'This was perhaps why the Church of Nature had fallen to such a state in the Karo Kingdom.'     

Thinking of this, Chen Heng could not help but nod, and then he said softly, "I heard from Her Highness Guluo Mary that you wanted to see me."     

"Now, you have come."     

"Can you tell me your purpose?"     

Sitting upright in his seat, he spoke softly and went straight to the point.     

Chen Heng himself did not initiate this meeting with the Church of Nature. The Church of Nature requested it through Guluo Mary.     

Chen Heng chose to meet them because he also wanted to know what their motives were.     

He looked at Sloan in front of him and waited for his answer with interest.     

Under his gaze, Sloan's expression gradually became serious.     

He first stood up in front of the servants at the side, then looked at Chen Heng and bowed respectfully.     

"On behalf of the Church of Nature, I would like to extend an invitation to you."     

He said solemnly, "We hope that we can form an alliance with you to deal with the coming era..."     

"An alliance?"     

Chen Heng was a little surprised to hear the old priest's answer from his seat.     

He did not expect that the Church of Nature would send someone to negotiate with him for this purpose.     

"However, to form an alliance..."     

Various thoughts flashed through his mind as he sat there. Chen Heng raised his head and looked at Sloan, standing before him. Then, he smiled and asked, "Why?"     

"You need our strength to help you, and we also need your strength to fight for a future for us..."     

In front of him, Sloan said solemnly, "Your Highness should also feel it..."     

"A brand new era is coming. In the following time, the Gods will return one by one and reappear in this world..."     

"A brand new era is coming?"     

Chen Heng repeated this sentence, but he could not help but feel a little puzzled at this time.     

The priest said that he should have felt it too...     

However, in reality, Chen Heng did not feel anything.     

However, looking at Sloan's solemn face, he did not say anything. He only nodded, indicating for him to continue.     

"A few years ago, the various churches had begun to move frequently..."     

In front of him, Sloan continued to speak, explaining to Chen Heng, "Your Highness, Do you know what this is for?"     

"What is this for?"     

Chen Heng looked at him, his face still calm, and said softly.     

On the surface, he seemed very calm, but in fact, he did not know.     

"For the return of the Gods..."     

Sloan took a deep breath and then said, "The former God fell into a deep sleep and is slowly recovered through a long sleep..."     

"And now, the drastic change of the world has ended, and the former God is about to return."     

"To welcome the return and arrival of the God, each church will start their actions and gather power in various ways to bring back the Gods they believe in as soon as possible..."     

He said so and then asked another question, "Your Highness, do you know what was the purpose of Dusk Cult's previous actions?"     

"Although they hunted noble bloodlines in the past, they were extremely restrained and rarely exposed their actions."     

"Just like before, they massacred the noble families on a large scale and even targeted Her Highness Guluo Mary. This has never happened in the past."     


Although the Dusk Cult was notorious, they surely knew it.     

Therefore, in the past, they were cautious. They would never hunt on a large scale within the same area and only create some accidents.     

As they had a clear understanding of themselves, there would soon be the encirclement of various churches if they were exposed.     

If that happens, they would be in great danger. Thus, in the past, they rarely made such a large-scale operation.     

However, before this, they had deviated from their norm and chose to control the king directly. Then, they hunt through the king's large-scale massacre of the noble families in the Karo Kingdom.     

This situation was not expected. For the Dusk Cult, it could be regarded as abnormal.     

Chen Heng had doubts about this before, as he did not understand the underlying reason.     

But now, it seemed that the answer had been revealed.     

The years of silence of the Gods had passed, and the upheaval in the world had been completed.     

This also meant that the Gods who were in silence were about to return to this world and again descend into the world of Gods.     

The Dusk Cult's previous actions would have been prepared for this.     

"So that's how it is..."     

Chen Heng sat in his original spot and listened to Sloan's words. All sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind. At this moment, he had some understanding.     

But then, he looked at Sloan, and some thoughts flashed through his mind.     

'The Dusk Cult had launched a large-scale blood sacrifice to welcome the return of the God of Dusk. What about the Church of Nature in front of him?'     

'They had specially come to meet Chen Heng. Were they also hoping to use Chen Heng's power to achieve the purpose of bringing the God of Nature back?'     

At this moment, this thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind.     

Under his gaze, Sloan continued to speak, "The situation before us is undergoing a drastic change."     

"Your Highness, if you have our help, you will also have a brand new opportunity in the coming era..."     

"Opportunity, such as?"     

Chen Heng smiled when he heard this and asked in return.     

"The opportunity to ascend to godhood..."     

Under Chen Heng's gaze, Sloan took a deep breath and answered.     

As soon as he finished speaking, the place immediately fell silent.     

Around them, the few servants and guards who were initially waiting at the side could not help but stop breathing. At this moment, they subconsciously looked at Sloan with an expression of disbelief.     

The opportunity to ascend to godhood...     

Chen Heng could not help but frown as he sat upright in his seat.     

'How could such a thing be said so casually?'     

He raised his head and felt the reactions of the servants around him. Feeling a little helpless, he waved his hand.     

A vast amount of spiritual power surged out and spread in all directions, affecting these people.     

Instantly, the faces of the servants around them showed a stunned expression.     

Then, in their minds, the memories related to the previous incident quickly disappeared, and they had already forgotten this part of their experience.     

Then, they instinctively left this place and headed toward the outside world.     

Soon, only Chen Heng and Sloan were left on the spot.     


After chasing away the servants around him, Chen Heng looked at Sloan in front of him and continued to say, "Now you can tell me..."     

"What do you mean by the so-called opportunity?"     

God was the highest existence in the world of Gods and also the top of this world's power.     

Chen Heng did not know about the so-called God's power. However, from the performance of the divine weapon and some of the power revealed in the divinity, one could understand how powerful the Gods in this world were.     

This could be said to be standing at the peak of this world, the ultimate existence.     

And now, before him, Sloan said that he had the chance to become a God.     

This could not help but arouse Chen Heng's interest.     

He became serious and looked at Sloan in front of him, wanting to hear his explanation.     

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