Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 400 - The Island Made by God’s Corpse

Chapter 400 - The Island Made by God’s Corpse

1"Something doesn't feel right..."     0

Standing in the void and feeling the scene in front of him, Kalunu muttered to himself. Many thoughts flashed through his mind, "That divine aura is missing..."     

The Dragon corpse in front of him was indeed enormous. Its strength when it was alive was probably extremely terrifying, far beyond the current Kalunu.     

However, relatively speaking, it lacked that unique divine aura.     

It was not that it didn't have it; it was just skinny, didn't seem like a corpse left behind by God.     


Standing in place, Kalunu looked in all directions.     

There was much faint white radiance in the surrounding area at this moment.     

That radiance was like stars flickering in front of Kalunu's eyes. They were very eye-catching and instantly caught Kalunu's attention.     

However, Kalunu felt that although the stars' radiance far away was dim, they were nothing less outstanding than the ones in front of him; some of them were even brighter.     

At this place, was this Dragon corpse nothing?     

Were there many more powerful beings in it?     

Kalunu's face was calm, and various thoughts flashed through his mind while he stood on the spot.     

This place was an unexpected harvest, judging from the situation in front of him.     

Not only were the two Gods imprisoned here, but many other things were also imprisoned here. The Gods who built this prison took a fancy to this place; hence those who were especially imprisoned here can't be ordinary.     

Most of them were mighty beings when they were alive.     

And the corpses left behind by such beings were obviously incredibly precious. At least, it was what Kalunu thought.     

At this moment, not only did Kalunu possess divinity, but the dragon bloodline in his body had been completely activated. It was almost equivalent to a Giant Dragon in human form.     

With the strength of bloodline in his body, his hair and blood were all high-quality alchemy materials, which could be used to refine potions and make magic supplies.     

His bones were an excellent carrier for transcendence, setting up magic arrays, or even making magic tools.     

No matter what part of his body was, it could be an extremely precious and high-quality material.     

Even the current Kalunu had such value, not to mention the corpses left behind by the former powerhouses.     

Thinking of this, Kalunu could not help but turn around and look in front.     

In front of him, the huge Dragon corpse was still lying there. Its entire appearance looked particularly awe-inspiring. At a glance, one could not help but feel an inexplicable chill and a terrifying bloodline with majesty.     

Even though it had been dead for God knows how many years, the aura that was left behind was still awe-inspiring and terrifying.     

It was tough to imagine just how mighty this Giant Dragon was when it was alive and what kind of illustrious identity it had.     

"It seems to be a Black Dragon?"     

Kalunu stood there and stared at it for a long time before he roughly determined the race of this Giant Dragon.     

Then, he continued to walk forward and slowly approached.     

As his figure approached the corpse of the Giant Dragon in front of him, he felt more and more pressure.     

Fortunately, this Giant Dragon had already died, and its spiritual origin had long disappeared. At this moment, it only emitted the majesty left behind by its bloodline and did not possess any real damage.     

It was still acceptable to Kalunu.     

He walked forward and looked carefully. Then, he used all his strength to get some dragon scales from the dragon in front of him.     

There was nothing he could do.     

In terms of size alone, this Dragon in front of him was too huge.     

If possible, Kalunu would want to get rid of this Dragon completely.     

However, it was obvious that this was not a realistic thing to do.     

With the Dragon's size, even if he used all his strength, he would not be able to move it away.     

Even if he moved it away, there was no good way to deal with it for the time being.     

He might as well keep it here and slowly make use of it later.     

This thought flashed through his mind, but in the end, he only took some dragon scales and some dragon blood from the Dragon's corpse.     

The dragon blood was pale golden, didn't look like the blood in the corpse, but it was still filled with a vigorous vitality, where one could feel the power of the blood at a glance.     

To Kalunu, the majesty of the bloodline contained in the blood was apparent. To him, he could feel it even with his eyes closed.     

"It's convenient for me..."     

Looking at the blood in front of him, Kalunu thought of something and smiled.     

Before this, Kalunu had always wanted to upgrade some people in the Kobold Kingdom.     

However, due to the conditions and the scarcity of the Dragon bloodline, he hadn't been able to do it.     

But now, with this Giant Dragon in front of him, it was no longer a problem.     

The Giant Dragon in front of him probably had an extremely noble bloodline, even among pure-blooded giant dragons.     

If one directly took the blood of the Giant Dragon and used it, there was no need to purify it. Most of it would be able to baptize the Kobolds and help them awaken the Dragon bloodline in their bodies.     

Just like in the legends, the brave warriors who slew the Dragons would bathe in dragon blood and become even stronger after the Dragon blood baptism.     

Of course, the blood of the Giant Dragon in front of him could not be used directly.     

As the Giant Dragon had died for too long, there were some problems with it, so he needed to go through some procedures to purify it.     

But even so, it was enough.     

If all the Dragon blood in the body of such the Giant Dragon was taken out, it would probably be able to baptize many Kobolds and plant the seeds of the Dragon bloodline in them.     

This could be good news for Kalunu.     

Kalunu nodded to himself, then turned around and continued to walk forward.     

This time, he headed towards another star, following the light emitted from that star, and slowly moved forward.     

Then, he came to another place.     

As he got closer to that place, a faint divine majesty appeared in front of him, appearing within Kalunu's senses.     

Suddenly, Kalunu's spirit could not help but tremble, and he began to look forward seriously.     

Compared to where the Giant Dragon was before, this place in front of him was different.     

A faint God's aura slowly spread out within it, and Kalunu could feel it at this moment, which was very obvious.     

From the looks of it, it should be a place related to Gods.     

Sensing this situation, Kalunu braced himself and continued to look forward, slowly approaching that area.     

However, the situation before his eyes was very different from what he had previously thought.     

In front of him was barren land.     

In all directions, there were fragments everywhere.     

At a glance, this place was like a small path, standing alone in this place before him.     

At a glance, it was exceptionally unique.     

Coming to this area, the faint aura of God in the surroundings became even more apparent.     

Kalunu came and looked around.     

The area of this small island in front of him was not too small. If it were an average person, even if they walked for half a month, they would not be able to reach the edge.     

However, for Kalunu, the area was not too big either; it was just a clear area.     

Walking in the area in front of him, Kalunu wandered around.     

The scene in all directions began to appear in front of him.     

"T-The corpse of a God…?"     

Looking at the small island in front of him, Kalunu frowned, and then this thought flashed through his mind.     

There was indeed an aura of God on the small island in front of him.     

However, it was very faint. Although it existed, it was not noticeable.     

Everything around him looked ordinary, but a huge force was hidden inside.     

He continued to move forward and slowly walked on the small island in front of him.     

An inexplicable feeling emerged.     

In the surroundings, an inexplicable pressure emerged. Although it was not obvious, it was unique.     

This area looked like the corpse of a former God. After an extended period, it gradually became like this.     

However, on the small island, Kalunu also found something.     

"Power of Law detected, do you want to convert it?"     

In the core area of the small island, Kalunu gained something.     

In front of him, the words of the simulator appeared; it was apparent.     


Without much hesitation, Kalunu chose to confirm.     

Then, lines of words appeared in front of him.     

In his body, a brand-new divinity appeared, which was parallel to the original slaughter divinity in Kalunu's body.     

This surprised Kalunu.     

In front of him, a complete strand of divinity was preserved. This was not a bad harvest.     

Even if the Power of Law contained in it was not very thick, a complete strand of divinity was still a rare harvest.     

However, the corresponding domain of the divinity he had obtained in front of him seemed to be very different from his original domain.     

"It seems... to be fire?"     

Standing on the spot, Kalunu sensed for a while and came to this conclusion.     

The divinity in front of him was the divinity of the fire domain.     

It seemed to be completely different from the other divinity in his body.     

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he continued to explore ahead, preparing to walk to the area in front of him.     

Soon, he arrived at the core of this area.      

Within it, he had some new gains, and it was a tree bathed in flames.     

The tree's body wasn't huge, but it was only a meter tall. Its branches and leaves were very loose, and it looked like it was about to die of old age.     

However, the spirituality of it was astonishing. It felt like a ball of fire burning fiercely within Kalunu's senses, and it was exceptionally unique.     

The most eye-catching thing was the red fruit on the body of this tree.     

The red fruit looked very bright, like the most beautiful artifact, with a strange texture.     

A robust divine reaction appeared within it, with a strong aura of God on it.     

"This is..."     

Looking at this fire tree, Kalunu was a little surprised. He did not expect such a result.     

"The fallen God gave birth to a brand new life on his corpse, and it even bore fruit..."     

Standing on the spot, looking at the fire tree in front of him, Kalunu muttered to himself. Then, he continued to walk forward, approaching the fire tree.     

As his figure continued to approach, he saw it more clearly.     

On the fire tree, dense textures were shown, carrying some profound law and the aura of God.     

This was condensed from the essence of this small island. Every leaf and every branch on it were incomparably precious.     

It was the same as well for that scarlet fruit, with even a faint spirit within it.     

It was as if it had given birth to a life form, extremely unique.     

Standing under the fire tree, Kalunu could vaguely feel a faint fluctuation coming from within the fruit, and that feeling was apparent.     

The spirituality within the fruit was nurtured to a certain degree and had matured, and would most likely be nurtured and become a brand new life form in the future if no one interfered with it.     

And with its birth, once this life was born, the future potential would be huge.     

After all, this was a creature born from the essence of a God's corpse after his death. Regardless of its origin or nature, it was mighty.     

Once this creature was nurtured, its nature was comparable to a king among creatures like giant dragons. As long as it was matured, it would be able to reach a terrifying degree.     

Of course, in this area, all of this was meaningless.     

After all, what could it do even if this creature was successfully born in this prison?     

Without a suitable environment to grow, even if this creature was born, it could only die here in vain; nothing will happen unexpectedly.     

However, since Kalunu was here, the situation was naturally very different.     

In front of him, the creature seemed to have sensed Kalunu's arrival. A strange spiritual fluctuation appeared before his eyes, with curiosity and joy in it.     

At this moment, as if he had sensed Kalunu's existence, the yet-to-be-born creature was somewhat happy and expressed his emotions.     

In the surroundings, flames danced gently and surrounded Kalunu as if they were protecting him. It looked unique.     

Of course, even though the flames were huge, they were not hot. Their power seemed to have been restrained, giving people a very comfortable feeling.     

It was as if it was using this method to express its welcome to Kalunu.     

'It is fated.'     

Sensing the situation around him and the emotions coming from the little thing in front of him, Kalunu smiled as various thoughts flashed through his mind.     

He began to think about what would happen if he plucked the little thing in front of him in advance and gave it to someone else to use.     

He would probably obtain a good result and undergo an astonishing baptism, and even the current Kalunu would be able to experience an amazing transformation.     

However, the gains would not make up for the losses.     

Taking the fruit before him to baptize someone else would inevitably be a severe waste. Even if he could obtain an amazing transformation, the final result would probably not be as good as the little fellow in front of him.     

Instead of going through so much trouble, it would be better to take the little fellow in front of him away and properly nurture him.     

This seemed to be more cost-effective.     

Kalunu looked at the fire tree in front of him.     

From his point of view, he could see that there was more than one fruit on the fire tree in front of him.     

Above the fire tree, there were even more fruits. However, they were all green in color, and there was no spirituality within them, just ordinary fruits.     

From the looks of it, they had yet to mature.     

Although this small island was formed from the corpse of a God, the power within was not endless.     

After countless years, it is good enough that the power left behind was enough to nurture this fruit to maturity.     

As for the others, he didn't need to overthink for now.     

However, if he had the opportunity to transplant it to the outside world and allow it to absorb the power of the outside world to grow, then the fruits on this fire tree may not mature.     

After staying for a while and communicating with the spiritual body before him, he took a step forward and prepared to leave this area.     

As if it was able to sense Kalunu's intentions, the fruit on the ancient golden tree in front of him swayed, showing a feeling of reluctance to part with it, as if it was attached to Kalunu, unwilling to let him leave.     

Perhaps to Kalunu, he was the only existence that could communicate with it in this ancient and lonely region.     

It was the same.     

Standing on the spot, feeling the waves of emotions in front of him, Kalunu chuckled and said, "It's fine."     

"I'm only leaving for a while, and I'll be back soon."     

"After that, I'll take you guys out of here and go take a look at other places."     

He said softly as he looked at the ancient tree in front of him.     

As if it understood what he said, the branches of the ancient tree in front of him began to sway and emit light sounds like wind chimes.     

That spirit also carried some joy. Perhaps for them, leaving the area in front of him was also a kind of relief.     

After walking past the fire tree, Kalunu continued to move forward, slowly walking along.     

He explored this small island and passed through many areas along the way, discovering many things.     

This small island in front of him seemed to be God's corpse left behind after God was defeated.     

And for this kind of existence, even if it emitted just a little of its power, it was enough to affect the surroundings, slowly condensing many good things.     

This was the case on the island in front of him.     

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