Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 307 – Slay

Chapter 307 – Slay

4As countless people watched on, the mutated creature awakened in the end.      0

This was not the first mutated creature to awaken, but it was definitely the one with the most attention on it.     

After all, the one standing before it was the Protagonist.     

His power was incomprehensible, and researchers could not believe that a human could have such power.     

Now, he stood before the mutated creature.     

Facing this monster, which had pushed humanity to the brink, would the Protagonist be a match for it?     

Their hope and despair were all providing Chen Heng with greater power.     

Chen Heng was covered with the pure light of divine energy, and he could sense more and more faith threads connecting to him.     

This kind of feeling was incredibly real and felt quite unique.     

As the roars continuously sounded out, the savage monster could gradually be seen.     

It was incredibly massive and at least thousands of meters tall.     

It had seven heads, and each of them looked different.     

Its body was quite swollen and was covered with scales, as well as mysterious patterns that looked somewhat beautiful.     

Overall, it looked incredibly terrifying, and this was especially so for its eyes, which were incredibly intimidating.     

Right after it appeared, the monster gave off suffocating Nothingness energy.     

The Nothingness energy directly condensed into black fog, which spread out into the surroundings.     

In response, Chen Heng's expression was calm as he raised a hand.     

Within his body, the Divinities' energy rippled out.     

A divine skill rune appeared, turning into a barrier that sealed the mutated creature's surroundings.     

Light shone out, shredding away the Nothingness energy and leaving behind just the massive monster.     


Ahead, the savage monster gave a furious roar, as if it sensed Chen Heng's power.     

Its voice was like thunder, and anyone just standing before it would feel great terror.     


Chen Heng stood there and casually waved his hand.     

The surroundings began to tremble as a shocking scene unfolded.     

As Chen Heng's power spread out, massive mountains in the distance were uprooted before smashing down towards the mutated creature, under Chen Heng's control.     


Ahead, the mutated creature roared, and looking at the falling mountains, it did not hesitate to charge up.     


Massive sounds rang out as the mountains were shattered, but the mutated creature was not even wounded.     

Seeing this, the onlookers were completely dumbfounded.     

"This is impossible!"      

Looking at the screen, Liu Na was stupefied, not knowing what to say.     

Moving mountains to smash enemies—was this really something a human could do?     

Liu Na felt as if she was dreaming, and she could not believe that this scene was real.     

Beside her, Karos glanced at her and only shook his head, not saying anything.     

"You think this is a big deal?" he thought to himself, "Do you know how I felt when he ripped apart that Nothingness Beast?"     

From how Karos saw it, instantly killing a Nothingness Beast was much more difficult than moving mountains.     

Since Chen Heng could even insta-kill a Nothingness Beast, moving mountains seemed much more normal.     

Karos thought to himself as he continued to look at the shocking scenes.     

On the screen, large numbers of buildings were flying.     

In the distance, buildings began to rise up from cities, bringing with them their foundations.     

Under the control of Chen Heng's will, an entire city was uprooted and slammed at the mutated creature.     


This time, even Karos instinctively spoke, almost cursing out.     

This was too ridiculous!     

That was what everyone was thinking.     

The Nothingness Beasts and mutated creatures were incredibly powerful.     

However, uprooting mountains and even cities was completely different.     

For example, although a missile could easily blast apart a mountain, it could not uproot the mountain and preserve it.     

One was just simple destruction, while the other required much greater control.     

For the Protagonist to be able to do the former, he could already make many people go crazy.     

And now, he had done the latter as well.     

Even Karos grabbed at his own head, feeling like he was going to go crazy.     

The battle was still continuing.     

Roars sounded out as the massive mutated creature stood there, giving off a terrifying aura.     

An entire city flew at it, seeming like it was going to be buried. However, it still looked relatively uninjured.     

"As expected, that did not work either…" Chen Heng thought to himself as he looked forward calmly.     

By now, he had a good sense of the mutated creature's power.     

This mutated creature's power was incredibly great, and it was not inferior to any of the creatures he had seen.     

Moreover, it had incredible vitality and it would be very difficult to kill it with ordinary means.     

If he wanted to kill it, he would have to go all out.     

Following this, Chen Heng began to move.     

A faint whispering sound sounded out as Chen Heng finished creating a magic skill framework.     

As mental energy quickly rushed out, Chen Heng unleashed a magic skill.     

Massive amounts of divine energy gathered, forming an enormous golden sword.     

The golden sword looked holy and mighty, and it contained Chen Heng's boundless mental energy.     

In the next moment, with a thought from Chen Heng, the golden sword descended, slashing at the mutated creature.     

Ahead, the mutated creature continuously roared and its seven heads fell one after another. Its body suffered the same fate, and was cut thousands of times in an instant.     

Following this, the golden sword continued onwards, blasting apart the mutated creature's body and reducing it into mangled flesh.     

Its end was like that of the Nothingness Beast's; there was not much difference.     

A rain of blood began.     

After killing the mutated creature, its blood spurted into the air before falling back down, causing a rain of blood in this area.     

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.     

Karos stood in his laboratory, staring at this scene.     

For some reason, he felt that this scene was incredibly familiar.     

Only after a while did he realize why he felt this way.     

Wasn't this the same as when his Nothingness Beast had been destroyed?     

At that moment, he felt great pain in his heart.     

And now, the same thing had happened to the mutated creature.     

Thinking to there, Karos felt quite complicated, not knowing what to say.     

"Is it over?" Liu Na's expression was also complicated as she spoke.     

"Over?" Karos shook his head as he laughed, "It would be good if it was that simple…     

"For normal creatures, death is indeed the end. However, that is not the case for these mutated creatures…"     


Hearing this, Liu Na felt quite startled before quickly coming to her senses.     

On the screen, dense black fog appeared.     

As Chen Heng watched on, something seemed to rush out of the massive abyss before him.     

A monster's massive body appeared as it roared—it was the mutated creature from before.     

It had returned from the Nothingness and once again appeared. Its roar was filled with hatred and might.     

"This is…"      

Seeing the mutated creature, Chen Heng thought to himself, and thinking of what Karos had said, he muttered to himself, "An undying body?"     

After mutated creatures died, they would not immediately disappear and would instead revive.     

This was from the Kar civilization's records.     

It was because of this ability that the Kar civilization had been destroyed.     

If that was not the case, with the Kar civilization's power, they would not have been destroyed.     

Standing there, Chen Heng raised his head and looked ahead.     

A gory smell spread out; the blood from before was still there, and it seemed to contain an unknown energy.     

Sensing this, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

The presence of this blood meant that the mutated creature had indeed died. It was not a fake death and was indeed a real death.     

However, after dying, it had immediately revived and looked the exact same as before.     

From its furious roaring, it seemed to still remember Chen Heng and remembered being killed by him.     

This was very interesting.     

As Chen Heng thought this, he gave a faint smile.     

Ahead, a massive shadow rushed at him.     

The moment it revived, the mutated creature immediately roared and charged forwards.     

The ground shook as Nothingness energy spread out, covering this region.     

This area was immediately infected by the Nothingness energy.     

Boundless power spread out, covering this area; this was a terrifying power that could instantly destroy an entire city.     

However, facing this power, Chen Heng's expression was very calm and he continued to stand there.     

The light of the Nothingness energy covered the land and stabbed towards Chen Heng, but it was unable to reach him.     

Before it could reach him, a formless barrier opened, and divine energy rippled out, blocking everything from coming into contact from Chen Heng.     

Compared to before, Chen Heng's aura was even more powerful, making it so that the mutated creature's energy could not break through his barrier.     


Nothingness energy became even more active, as if it was being stimulated.     

A golden sword once again descended cleanly, heavily slamming into the mutated creature's body.     


A massive explosion once again sounded out.     

Countless gashes once again appeared on the mutated creature's body, and it once again exploded.     


Looking at this scene, Liu Na could not help but clap, but Karos' expression became serious.     

"He was able to kill it so easily again…" he said as he looked at the screen, a look of awe on his face.     

No one would have thought that the battle would go like this.     

A mutated creature, which could cause countless people to feel terrified, had been defeated so easily and one-sidedly.     

However, from how Karos saw it, this would not change the outcome of the battle.     

Compared to the mutated creatures which could revive an unlimited number of times, humans were far too weak.     

So what if he could easily kill it and reduce it to a pile of blood and flesh?     

As long as the Nothingness energy still remained, the mutated creature would not disappear. No matter how many times he defeated it, it would revive and even become stronger.     

So what if Chen Heng held the advantage now?     

He would die of exhaustion sooner or later.     

That was what Karos, as well as the rest of the world, were thinking.     

They sighed and did not know what to say.     

However, this battle was inevitably going to shock them.     

Looking at the revived mutated creature, Chen Heng gave a slight smile and headed forwards.     

As he walked, his boundless aura rippled, making him look extraordinary.     

This time, as he walked, his aura seemed to change.     


Nothingness energy once again descended.     

Boundless energy landed on the ground.     

However, this time, the one gathering this energy was not the mutated creature but another existence.     

Chen Heng walked on the ground, and large amounts of Nothingness energy condensed around him.     

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