Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 251 – Changes in 30 Years

Chapter 251 – Changes in 30 Years

3"What a good place…"      4

After walking around the Flowing Cloud Sect, the Daybreak Saintess sighed and said, "It's a pity that this is not our Daybreak Sect…"     

As she looked at the surrounding scenes, she was filled with admiration.     

Mortals could also come here to cultivate and compete with others.     

There was no conflict in this kingdom, and all people lived stable and happy lies.     

She had once dreamed of such things, but had hidden them in her heart. Now, she had seen her dreams come true in this place.     

This made her feel quite awed.     

However, she did not forget her goal in coming here.     

Soon, she made a request to see the Flowing Cloud Sect's Sect Master.     

As the Daybreak Saintess, she naturally had not come here for no reason.     

To the Daybreak Sect, the Yue Kingdom was just a remote place, and if it was not for special circumstances, they would never come here.     

The reason why the Daybreak Saintess and the others had come here was to rope in the Flowing Cloud Sect to join the Daybreak Sect's camp.     

As the war between the Daybreak Sect and Demon Sect became more and more intense, both sides were being whittled away at, forcing them to look to outside factions.     

The Flowing Cloud Sect was one of them.     

If it was the original Flowing Cloud Sect, to such a massive creature like the Daybreak Sect, it would not have been worth mentioning.     

However, the current Flowing Cloud Sect had unified the Yue Kingdom many decades ago and had done many things, making it so that the Daybreak Sect could not underestimate it.     

As such, the Daybreak Saintess and the others had come here to rope in the Flowing Cloud Sect.     

After all, if they did not do this, others would. The Daybreak Saintess guessed that the Demon Sect's ambassador was most likely on the way as well.     

Even if she could not convince the Flowing Cloud Sect to join them, as long as they were not tempted by the Demon Sect and did not join them, that would be fine.     

Time gradually passed.     

A few days later, the Daybreak Saintess' request was accepted.     

The Daybreak Saintess came to a spirit garden, and right after entering, she was greeted by the fragrance of spirit grasses, which made her feel fresh and cool.     

"It's almost comparable to the Daybreak Sect…" the Daybreak Saintess inwardly sighed and thought to herself.     

As the Daybreak Saintess, she had a very high position in the Daybreak Sect and had enjoyed most things in the sect.     

She could sense that the vitality of the spirit veins in the core of the Flowing Cloud Sect was not any inferior to that in the Daybreak Sect's core.     

This made her feel quite surprised.     

She silently continued onwards and looked around.     

When she walked to the end, she saw a young man.     

He was slender but had a tall and straight figure. He stood there by himself, and hearing her footsteps, he slowly turned.     

Under the faint light, his appearance seemed quite handsome, and his expression was calm as he nodded, "Nice to meet you."     

"The Daybreak Sect's people pay their respects to the Sect Master."     

The moment she saw Chen Heng, the Daybreak Saintess' heart trembled and she instinctively felt anxious as if she was under great pressure.     

The young man looked quite normal, and all of his actions looked like those of an ordinary person.     

However, this person had an air about him that made her feel terrified, as if this was not an ordinary person but a demon god.     

Her heart tightened and she bowed before telling him of her goal.     

"The Daybreak Sect's Sect Master is inviting me to form an alliance?"     

Standing there and hearing the Daybreak Saintess' words, Chen Heng paused for a moment before smiling, "That sounds pretty good for him."     

"Sect Master…"      

Hearing Chen Heng's words, the Daybreak Saintess felt quite nervous and wanted to explain.     

Chen Heng waved his hand, cutting her off.     

"No need to say anything else," Chen Heng shook his head, looking like he had already made a decision, "My Flowing Cloud Sect will not go out within 30 years."     

"30 years…"      

Hearing this, the Daybreak Saintess raised her head, feeling quite surprised.     

They were currently embroiled in battle, and many sects were observing and were not planning to act for now.     

But wasn't 30 years a bit too long?     

Was he just saying this, or did he actually mean it?     

The Daybreak Saintess could not help but wonder to herself.     

If it was anyone else, she would not take them seriously, but this person…     

The Daybreak Saintess felt that he was not lying.     

After all, she could tell what this person was like from the changes in the Yue Kingdom.     

If he was telling the truth, this would not be bad either.     

To the Daybreak Sect, the best case scenario would be to drag the Flowing Cloud Sect onto their side.     

However, if they could not do this, the Flowing Cloud Sect remaining neutral would also be quite good.     

Thinking to there, the Daybreak Sect raised her head and gave a slight smile.     

"We will not push the Flowing Cloud Sect then," she said softly as she looked at Chen Heng, "However, if your esteemed sect decides to come out, then please consider our Daybreak Sect."     

The two of them chatted for a while longer before she turned and left.     

Chen Heng continued standing there by himself as he watched the Daybreak Sect, thinking to himself.     

"Another person with Fortune, eh…"     

In his vision, he could see a deep black haze above her head.     

This was tribulation aura, and it was incredibly dense; it was far greater than on anyone else Chen Heng had seen.     

Compared to this tribulation aura, even the tribulation aura that Hou Juan had did not seem like much.     

Apart from the tribulation aura, her Fortune was also quite striking.     

Her faint golden fortune was more outstanding than Hou Juan's, and it indicated that her accomplishments would be greater than Hou Juan's in the future.     

Chen Heng was not surprised about the tribulation aura.     

In this great tribulation, the Daybreak Sect was one of the main characters.     

As the Daybreak Saintess, it was to be expected that she would have such a dense tribulation aura.     

What surprised Chen Heng was the interaction between tribulation aura and Fortune.     

The Fortune above her head was being gradually corroded by the tribulation aura.     

It seemed that even Fortune could barely resist the corrosion of the tribulation aura.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng inwardly shook his head.     

In the end, Fortune was not invincible.     

Of course, this was relative—if one had enough Fortune, then it would be a different discussion.     

"After a few days, the other side should be here," Chen Heng thought to himself.     

Since the Daybreak Sect's people were already here, the Demon Sect's people should not be too far away.     

He just wondered when they would arrive.     

However, Chen Heng did not care much.     

What he had said to the Daybreak Saintess were not lies.     

He indeed was not preparing to go out for 30 years, and he would just silently cultivate within the Yue Kingdom.     

Based on his divinations, the great tribulation would reach its peak in 30 years.     

When that time came, even if he wanted to run, he would not be able to.     

However, during those 30 years, he could still become stronger.     

In the distance, a light breeze blew, bringing with it the scent of fresh grass.     

Chen Heng stood there as he looked at the scenery and smiled.     

"Come, come…"      

His expression was calm as he said softly, "Let me see what the future will hold…"     

Time passed peacefully.     

Soon, 30 years had passed.     

After 30 years, the world had changed much.     

Outside the Yue Kingdom, the Daybreak Sect and Demon Sect's intense battle had resulted in the destruction of many sects and factions.     

A chaos unprecedented in history had unfolded.     

This was a crisis, as well as an opportunity.     

During this disaster, many factions had been destroyed, but many people had risen up and become accomplished.     

Within the Yue Kingdom, the situation was still stable, but there were more and more refugees coming in from outside.     

"There are more and more refugees…"      

Under the sunset, outside a city, a middle-aged cultivator was busying about with a serious expression.     

Much had changed in 30 years.     

By now, Liu Yang had become a middle-aged man. He was a Foundation Building cultivator and had entered the Inner Court.     

However, right now, his expression was very serious as he looked out.     

The war had intensified, and many refugees were seeking asylum in the Yue Kingdom.     

The Flowing Cloud Sect had sent out many disciples to take care of various tasks.     

Liu Yang was one of them, and he had come to the Yue Kingdom's border to maintain order.     

By now, he had been here for a few months.     

The things he had seen in the past few months made his emotions feel quite heavy.     

"Has the outside world already become like this…"     

After hearing about the situation in the outside world, Liu Yang felt quite gloomy.     

Over the past 30 years, he had occasionally travelled outside the Yue Kingdom, and he knew what the situation was like.     

Not only were many cultivators and mortals oppressed, there were all kinds of natural disasters.     

As time went on, ordinary commoners could not continue to live in such conditions, and they became refugees.     

This was the result of the war.     

As the cultivators battled, the mortal kingdoms also fought.     

In this world, mortal kingdoms were also a part of cultivation sects, and they had close connections.     

This was why mortals' lives had greatly changed.     

In recent years, the number of refugees entering the Yue Kingdom had increased every year, until it had reached a terrifying level.     

Thinking about this, Liu Yang felt quite troubled and could only sigh.     

"I can only hope the sect will support them…" he silently thought to himself.     

At the end of the day, he had the entire Flowing Cloud Sect behind him.     

Perhaps other places would ignore these refugees, but the Flowing Cloud Sect would not.     

The seniors would definitely spend a great deal of effort to settle them down, and they would not abandon them.     

"When will the next batch of food be delivered?" someone in the distance shouted.     

It was just that there were too many people and all kinds of voices, making it difficult to hear.     

Just as Liu Yang was about to speak, his attention was caught by something.     

"Is that…" he raised his head and looked into the sky, a look of surprise appearing on his face.     

In the air, the sounds of the air being torn could be heard as magic energy rippled.     

They were cultivators flying through the air, and they seemed to be heading outside of the Yue Kingdom.     

"It's my Flowing Cloud Sect's cultivators' aura…"     

Standing there, Liu Yang muttered to himself, "Is the sect preparing to move out?"     

Over the past few years, there had always been voices clamoring for the sect to expand out, and they had always been very loud.     

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