Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 240 – Awaken

Chapter 240 – Awaken

1This woman was very mysterious, and she had been hiding within the Flowing Cloud Sect for some purpose.     

It seemed that she was not simple at all and was a very special person.     

So just why was she here?     

Chen Heng could not help but start to consider this question, which only she could give him the answer to.     

As such, sitting there, he raised his head and looked at the woman.     

Gao Yue fell silent for a moment before giving a slight smile.      

"Sir must be joking," she said as she looked at Chen Heng, "There is no relationship between myself and the Demon Sect. If I had to describe our connection, it would be more of a deep enmity."     


Hearing this, Chen Heng was a bit surprised, "Pray tell."     

"A few decades ago, a new Demon Sovereign appeared in the Demon Sect. That Demon Sovereign's cultivation was overwhelming, and it surpassed the Profound Understanding realm. Even among Demon Sovereigns, he was extremely powerful. Under his lead, the Demon Sect continuously expanded outwards, pillaging nearby Kingdoms to strengthen itself. That was the source of the disaster in the Yue Kingdom 30 years ago."     

She sat down opposite Chen Heng as she continued, "The place where I was born was destroyed by them, and I was forced to escape to the Yue Kingdom and hide in the Flowing Cloud Sect."     

"So it's like that."      

Hearing Gao Yue's words, Chen Heng thought for a moment before nodding, "I never thought that Miss Gao would have such a background."     

"My ancestors had some connections with the Flowing Cloud Sect's seniors, so I was able to successfully come to the Flowing Cloud Sect and hide until now," Gao Yue explained.     

As they talked, she explained everything about herself.     

She was from the Rou Kingdom, which was a kingdom established by ancient cultivators. It had a long history, but it had long since gone into decline. It had not been able to stand up to the Demon Sect, and it had been destroyed and devoured.     

As for Gao Yue, she had been a Princess of the Rou Kingdom and had been the only person in the Rou Kingdom's royal family to escape.     

"Sir can investigate the details if you want," Gao Yue said as she lightly smiled, "After all, the entire Flowing Cloud Sect is in your hands now, and it would be a simple matter for you."     

"Perhaps," Chen Heng said as he smiled, before asking, "What about Junior Apprentice Sister Hou? Given her cultivation, how could she escape from the Flowing Cloud Sect's prison? I'm sure you had a part to play in it."     

This was just a guess on his part.     

If it was so easy to escape from the Flowing Cloud Sect's prison, then the Flowing Cloud Sect would not be the head of the three major sects.     

Evidently, there was someone helping Hou Juan escape.     

"Indeed, that was me," Gao Yue met his gaze and directly nodded.     

In actuality, even if she wanted to deny it, she would not be able to.     

Hou Juan was currently in the Flowing Cloud Sect and would soon wake up.     

After she woke up, Chen Heng would know everything.     

Rather than being exposed, it was better to say everything clearly.     

After all, what she wanted to do was not anything she had to hide.     

As such, she told Chen Heng everything that had happened.     

Hearing her words, Chen Heng could not help but inwardly frown.     

"You did all of this, but what is your goal?" he asked as he looked at Gao Yue, "She had nothing to do with you, so why would you do that?"     

There was no connection between Gao Yue and Hou Juan, and yet Gao Yue had done so much for Hou Juan. She had drawn the Flowing Cloud Sect's attention and had given Hou Juan a One Qi Pill, giving her the opportunity to leave.     

Just what was her goal?     

Was it worth it?     

Chen Heng knew that even though Hou Juan looked quite ordinary, she was someone who possessed Fortune.     

However, Gao Yue did not know about this, so why had she done all of this?     

Chen Heng's expression was calm, but he could not help but feel curious as he looked at Gao Yue and waited for an answer.     

Gao Yue lightly laughed before lowering her head and saying, "I'm just sowing some good karma. Perhaps sir does not know, but I know that Miss Hou's identity is not so simple.     

"Her body contains a unique divine bloodline, which has been dormant this whole time, which is why she was like that.     

"If Miss Hou's divine bloodline awakens, her potential will explode out, and she will have hope to surpass the Profound Understanding realm and even reach the Sage realm," she said softly.     

"Sage realm…" Chen Heng nodded in understanding.     

This world's Sage realm was about a half-step away from True Lord.     

The Demon Sovereign had been at that level.     

The strongest among the Sage realm would essentially be equal to a True Lord.     

This was about the same as Chen Heng's peak in the past.     

If Hou Juan really could reach the Sage realm like Gao Yue said, it was not surprising for her to act like this.     

After all, Hou Juan was a potential future Sage realm cultivator.     

"However, divine bloodline…"      

After hearing Gao Yue's words, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

There were records about divine bloodlines in this world—legends said that there were gods who had descended and walked the world. The bloodlines they left behind were called divine bloodlines.     

Ordinarily, those with divine bloodlines would be incredibly strong and exceed ordinary people's potential.     

If Hou Juan had a divine bloodline, perhaps she really would be able to reach the Sage realm like Gao Yue had said.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng thought for a moment before asking, "What was that One Qi Pill?"     

"The One Qi Pill is a high-grade medicinal pill from the Rou Kingdom. There are not many of them, and I only have two left."     

Looking at Chen Heng, Gao Yue smiled and understood what he was thinking, and she stretched out her hand.     

It was a small wooden box, which she put on the table in front of Chen Heng.     

Opening the wooden box, a dense medicinal fragrance wafted out.     

Inside was a golden medicinal pill.     

There were intricate inscriptions on the medicinal pill, making it look quite unique.     

"This is a One Qi Pill?" Looking at the medicinal pill in the wooden box, Chen Heng felt quite interested and took a serious look.     

"That's right," Gao Yue nodded, "This pill has miraculous effects, and it can allow one to temporarily break through to a higher level of cultivation. However, it is incredibly dangerous—the side-effects range from light to serious, and serious side-effects include damaging one's cultivation foundation."     

"Even so, this is an incredibly precious medicinal pill, and it is indeed high grade," Chen Heng said.     

For this medicinal pill to allow a personal to temporarily gain the strength of one cultivation level higher, it was quite terrifying.     

"I will give this One Qi Pill to sir as a gift," Chen Heng smiled as she looked at Chen Heng, "However, at the level that sir is at, it will not be of much help to you.     

"If sir uses this One Qi Pill, it might help a bit, but it will not allow sir to break through by one cultivation level."     

"It's fine," Chen Heng nodded and was not surprised at all.     

Breaking through to different realms required different amounts of energy.     

Increasing one's cultivation from Foundation Building and from Chen Heng's current cultivation were two completely different things.     

As such, this was quite normal.     

In actuality, for this One Qi Pill to have some effects on him was already quite remarkable.     

The two of them continued to chat about many things.     

After a while, Gao Yue officially stated her goal.     

She hoped that when the time was right, Chen Heng would accompany her to the Rou Kingdom to take back something.     

There was a historical remnant within the Rou Kingdom, which was quite dangerous.     

Only someone who had surpassed Profound Understanding and reached the peak of the Sage realm had the qualifications to enter.     

"This historical remnant is our Rou Kingdom's greatest secret, as well as the most important thing."     

Gao Yue's expression became serious before directly kneeling in front of Chen Heng, "I just hope to retrieve one thing; sir can take everything else. Afterwards, if sir wants me to, I can stay by sir's side and do some washing and cooking for sir."     

She spoke incredibly earnestly and seemed quite serious.     

After a while, she received Chen Heng's answer and walked out of the room.     

"Rou Kingdom…" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

"It seems that I've been pulled into something interesting again," he muttered as he looked at the sunlight outside.     

Soon, a few days had passed, and not much had changed.     

The Flowing Cloud Sect remained the same as before, but it just had an extra Enforcement Elder.     

The Flowing Cloud Sect's Guardian Formation being destroyed did not seem to affect this ancient sect much at all.     

Under the leadership of the Sect Master and the various Elders, the disciples went about their business as usual.     

It was as if nothing had happened, and everything seemed quite calm.     

Moreover, the new Enforcement Elder was incredibly powerful, but he did not do much to disciples and was instead quite kind to them.     

As such, the Flowing Cloud Sect returned to its normal state in just a few days.     

This news made other factions feel quite surprised.     

The other factions within the Yue Kingdom had been paying close attention to the battle between Chen Heng and the Flowing Cloud Sect.     

After hearing that the Zhang clan's clan leader was heading to the Flowing Cloud Sect, the Yue Kingdom's various factions knew that a big battle was about to unfold.     

They had all made preparations and had been waiting for the Zhang clan's clan leader to fall so they could also charge in and devour the Zhang clan's assets.     

There was a reason why the Zhang clan had become the fourth largest faction in the Yue Kingdom.     

Under Chen Heng's leadership, the Zhang clan had become many times more powerful, and it had controlled many more assets.     

Before, the Flowing Cloud Sect had only acted against Chen Heng because of the Zhang clan's assets.     

However, the conclusion made everyone feel quite shocked.     

After the Zhang clan had gone to the Flowing Cloud Sect, a large battle had unfolded, where the Flowing Cloud Sect's six Elders had all been defeated. The Flowing Cloud Sect's Guardian Formation had been destroyed, and this was all done by the Zhang clan's clan leader alone.     

This kind of strength could be called number one in the Yue Kingdom, and it made all observers feel shocked.     

What happened next was even more startling.     

After destroying the Guardian Formation, everyone expected him to destroy the Flowing Cloud Sect and have the Zhang clan devour it.     

This would be a massive disaster, rivalling even the demonic cultivator disaster 30 years ago.     

Many factions had been preparing to act, and they had been waiting for the Flowing Cloud Sect to fall so they could go and bite at the Flowing Cloud Sect's corpse.     

However, none of that had happened.     

The Zhang clan's clan leader had reconciled with the Flowing Cloud Sect, and he had become an Elder there.     

Many people felt completely dumbfounded.     

Soon, news of Chen Heng becoming an Enforcement Elder and being the next Sect Master spread.     

After hearing about this, many people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.     

They had been hoping for the Flowing Cloud Sect and the Zhang clan's clan leader to battle it out so they could rush up and devour the one who had lost.     

They had never thought that such a thing would happen.     

After this, in a sense, the Flowing Cloud Sect and the Zhang clan had fused together, causing both of these factions to become even stronger.     

This evidently was not what many people wanted to see.     

However, even if they did not want to see this, what could they do about it?     

Given the situation, they could not do anything.     

Over the past few days, not only had things returned to normal within the sect, but Hou Juan had also begun to wake up.     

Early in the morning, sunlight shined on the ground, bringing a feeling of warmth.     

Within the room, Hou Juan was dressed in a robe as she lay on the bed, her face looking quite pale.     

Over the past few days, Hou Juan had received the best treatment. Not only did she consume large amounts of spirit medicines and spirit pills every day, but there were also people especially sent to give her massages.     

Despite how much she was being taken care of, her face was still quite pale.     

It seemed that the side-effects from taking the One Qi Pill still lingered, and they had not completely disappeared.     

However, by now, she had started to wake up.     

As her eyelashes lightly trembled, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around.     

The faint light was a bit too bright for her at first, but she soon got used to it.     

After her consciousness recovered, Hou Juan looked around at her surroundings.     

It was a luxurious but unfamiliar place; she was no longer in the wilderness.     

In front of her, a familiar person was standing there.     

It was a very handsome young man, who had a tall and straight figure. He wore white robes and was currently looking at her.     

Under the faint light, she could see his handsome looks and gentle expression.     

Looking at this young man, Hou Juan was a bit startled and quickly came to her senses, "Senior Apprentice Brother!"     

"You're awake?"      

Looking at Hou Juan waking up, Chen Heng nodded and gave a slight smile, "You've slept for a long time, it's time to get up."     

"Senior Apprentice Brother…"      

Lying on the bed, Hou Juan asked, "Where is this?"     

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