Help...My Wife is a Spy

Set Free

Set Free

4As Avaleigh cried in Emerson's arms, Emerson suddenly received a phone call. At first, he was planning to ignore it, but it kept ringing, so he eventually checked who it was and realized his brother was calling. He could ignore anyone but his brother. Especially when Jackson never called for small talk; his calls were always important. So, Emerson picked up.      1

"Emerson, where are you and Avaleigh right now? Have you seen the news?" Jackson asked anxiously. He knew Emerson was meeting with Avaleigh today and he had something 'special' planned.     

Emerson heard the urgency in his brother's voice and asked, "Why? Is something wrong?"     

"It seems like that reporter never gave up on investigating you and Avaleigh. He's released another article about the two of you. You need to be careful," Jackson warned.     

Just as Jackson said this, Emerson noticed some people looking at their phones and pointing at him and Avaleigh in disgust. He didn't know what the article was about, but he had a feeling that it was bad. At a time like this, when Avaleigh was already stressed, he didn't want to add to her pain, so he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the car before she noticed anything. He had to get her out of there before too many people noticed her and started asking questions.     

But, as soon as they stepped into the underground parking lot, a sea of reporters were already waiting for them. Someone had spotted them in the hospital and contacted the media.     

Avaleigh looked at the reporters in surprise and didn't understand why they were there. But, Emerson protected her well and helped her into the car before the reporters managed to ask anything.      

As Avaleigh sat in the car, she watched as the reporters started shoving their microphones towards Emerson and asking him questions. She knew that Emerson was a low key person that did not like attention like this and she felt bad for him. She had put this man through so much pain and stress. The first time they met, he was thrown into a scandal with her. After that, he had to protect her from a murderer. Then, he supported her while she made her comeback, and a moment ago, he just went through the heartache of knowing that she was ill and that she may never fall pregnant. Now, he had to put up with the harassment from reporters for god knows what!     

She couldn't bear to hurt him like this anymore...     

 Amidst the muffled sounds outside, she heard one particular reporter ask, "Mr. Wu, are you the CEO of AE Entertainment. Did you open the agency because Avaleigh asked you to? Have you ever considered that she's a gold digger that's just using you?"     

Avaleigh opened her eyes wide and unlocked her phone to check the news. That was when she saw the article about Emerson being the CEO of AE Entertainment and her heart began to ache. Emerson had done so much for her, but all she ever brought him was stress and pain...     

Suddenly, everything made sense. No wonder the agency treated her so well and gave her ridiculously good conditions. Danson even managed her personally when he was meant to be a director.     

Avaleigh lowered her head and a tear trickled out uncontrollably.      

Outside the car, Emerson ignored the reporters and walked around to the other side. Without saying a word, he climbed into the car and sat next to Avaleigh. He then gestured for Danson who was in the driver's seat to start driving.     

Not long after they left the hospital, Emerson suddenly heard some sniffling beside him. He glanced over worriedly and realized Avaleigh was crying.     

His heart immediately broke.      

He wrapped his arm around the fragile woman and comforted her, "Don't cry. I'm here..."     

Avaleigh cried even harder when she heard this. "That's exactly the reason why I'm crying..." she mumbled.     

Emerson looked at Avaleigh in confusion.     

"I don't want you to be here. I don't want you to go through all this because of me. You're Emerson Wu, the most eligible bachelor in Hong Kong. You can be with any woman you want. You shouldn't be with someone that only causes you stress and pain..." Avaleigh explained as she tried to wiggle out of Emerson's embrace.      

But Emerson hugged her tighter and did not let her go. "Don't be silly. I don't want to be with any other woman. You're the one that I love."     

Avaleigh heard this and her heart ached even more. Of course, she loved Emerson too and she wanted to stay with him, but she couldn't be selfish like that. "I'm no good for you..." Avaleigh whispered, "From the first day that we met, all I've brought you is trouble. Your life would be so much simpler without me."     

Emerson held onto the woman's shoulders and looked her in the eyes, "I don't want simple. I just want you...for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health..."     

Avaleigh heard these words and recognized them. This was something that people said for their wedding vows.     

At that moment, Avaleigh noticed the handsome tuxedo on Emerson's body which was different from his usual business suits. She had been so focused on everything around them that she only noticed it now. She then glanced at the white dress on her body and tears welled up in her eyes again, "Don't say that recklessly... Think about it, I may never be able to have children, or worse, I might even die... You don't want to go through that. I don't want you to go through that. You've done so much for me. The least I can do is set you free..."     

"I don't need you to set me free. I know what I'm doing and I am dead serious," Emerson replied as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little box.     

"I prepared this for you today and my intentions have not changed..."     

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