Help...My Wife is a Spy

Lotus Li

Lotus Li

2Sasquatch sat outside the immigration office with frustration. Earlier on, the security guards actually listened to Lotus Li and kicked him out, so he was left with no choice but to spy on the office from a distance.     3

Every time a woman walked out, he would stare at their hands to see if there were any cuts, and when they noticed him, they would glare at him like he was a pervert. However, Sasquatch didn't care. He had a mission and he was going to complete it. At least, he wanted to prove to his new Captain as well as the rest of Interpol that he was a highly capable agent; perhaps, they would regret not picking him as Captain instead.     

But, as the office emptied out and the sky started to turn dark, he still did not see anyone that resembled Halia's description. Was she giving him false leads? Did this woman even exist?     

It was the end of winter and the daytime temperatures were pleasant, so Sasquatch only wore a t-shirt and a light windbreaker, but now that the sun was setting, he was beginning to feel the icy coldness.      

He blew into his hands to warm them with his breath and continued to wait. He was not giving up until the last person left the office.     

Finally, around 7pm, the lights of the office turned off and the last few people stepped out. That was when Sasquatch saw Lotus Li again. As well as her gloves and scarf, she now had a huge coat on her body. He glanced at her gloves and furrowed his brows. "It has to be her," he whispered to himself, "Everyone else has already left. She must have cuts hidden underneath those gloves." He had already looked at the hands of every woman that walked out of the building and none of them had any cuts; she was the only one left.     

He watched as Lotus crossed the street to the subway station and quickly followed her. He had to follow her and find a chance to remove her gloves. As it was still peak hour in Beijing, the subway station was extremely busy so Sasquatch couldn't just grab her in front of everyone. Thus, he decided to follow her to her destination and find a quieter opportunity to strike. His gut told him that she had to be the one. But, just as he followed her onto one of the platforms, she suddenly started running.     

"Wait!" she screamed when she saw there was already a train on the platform.     

Sasquatch immediately realized she was running for the train, so he quickly sped up his pace to follow her.      

Fortunately, the two of them squeezed onto the train, just as the door closed.     

Sasquatch breathed a sigh of relief. He almost lost her. How embarrassing would that have been? He got frustrated just thinking about it. The Captain would have been disappointed in him and she probably would have laughed at him behind his back.      

Just as he thought this, he looked around to check where Lotus Li was and realized - she was standing right in front of him!     

The train was packed, so he had run on right behind her and his chest was practically touching her back! Fortunately for him, there was no room for her to turn around. If she realized he was standing right behind her, how would she react?     

Sasquatch carefully peered over her shoulder to see where her hands were and saw that she had pulled out her phone. He secretly cheered on the inside; she would have to remove her gloves to swipe the screen. But, just as he saw her tug on one of her gloves, a man cleared his throat and nudged him. Sasquatch looked at the man. He was glaring at him like he had done something wrong.      

"That's not very appropriate," the man warned, trying not to make a scene if he didn't have to.     

Sasquatch looked at the man in confusion and quickly realized that it looked like he was trying to look down Lotus Li's chest. After all, sexual harassment was common on packed trains like this.     

He quickly waved his hands and whispered, "You've misunderstood..."     

But, before he got the chance to explain, the train pulled up at a stop and Lotus started to walk off. Sasquatch quickly followed her again as she put her gloves back on and put her phone away. He had missed his chance!     

Feeling a little frustrated, he followed her out of the station and across the road. He thought she was heading home and would eventually turn into somewhere quiet, but to his surprise, she ended up walking into a big gated complex. Sasquatch looked at the sign: it was an orphanage!     

He watched with curiosity as the woman waved at the staff and walked straight inside like she was a regular visitor.     

After a moment of hesitation, he knew he had to follow her inside. But, how? The security and staff weren't going to let some random person into the orphanage. What if he was a sexual predator/pedophile?      

Sasquatch scanned his eyes across the building and saw a fence with some cameras. For the average person, a fence like this would be hard to jump over, but for him, it was a piece of cake. With a sigh, he pulled out a device from his pocket. He had a signal blocker for moments like this. All he had to do was press it and the cameras would go blurry for 30 seconds. Enough time for him to get past without being noticed and to not create a stir.     

He looked left and right to make sure no one was around, and, as soon as the coast was clear, he pressed the blocker and jumped over the fence effortlessly.     

The guards in the security office saw the screen go blurry, but by the time one of them asked, "What's wrong with that camera, should I go check on it?" the screen returned to normal and they simply brushed it off as a glitch.     

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