Help...My Wife is a Spy

Meeting Emerson's First Love

Meeting Emerson's First Love

2For the last 7 months, Avaleigh had been flying to Shanghai every single week to film the variety show that she was a part of. Every now and then, they filmed two episodes in one go and she got a week off, but apart from that, the regular filming had become a part of her routine.      4

During this time, Danson became really serious about his role and signed on a few other artists. He even wrote up a proposal and suggested that Emerson rent out a building in Central Hong Kong for him to hire people and scout more artists. Seeing his friend's seriousness and analyzing the potential benefits and risks, Emerson took the suggestion and left the agency in Danson's hands. With assistance from Morton's legal firm and Marissa's PR agency, AE Entertainment quickly became a rising newcomer in the entertainment industry and tripled in profits. Naturally, everyone grew curious about its mysterious CEO.     

However, Emerson kept his identity a secret as he continued to focus on his family's casino business. He simply started the agency for Avaleigh, but he wasn't actually interested in the entertainment industry.     

But, even though the business grew, Emerson did not hire a manager for Avaleigh. He still got Danson to personally support her because he was the only person he could trust to report directly to him. Thus, Danson and Avaleigh grew really close during this time. Every time Avaleigh flew to Shanghai, he would go with her and they would stay in the same apartment together. Of course, Cleo would be there too.     

Between filming, the trio had some interesting conversations. Sometimes, the girls would tease Danson about his love life (while being completely unaware that he was in a secret relationship with his stepmother), and sometimes, Danson would tease them about theirs. Naturally, Emerson's first love was mentioned a few times...     

Avaleigh was too afraid to ask Emerson directly about his first love. She knew he had loved her for a long time and that he had given up on her because she got married, but she was afraid to hear any more details from his mouth. So, she asked Danson about her instead.     

"Her name is Haili Feng, but most people call her Halia. She is the heiress of Fengtai Corporation and she married Emerson's brother, Jackson," Danson explained.     

"Fengtai Corporation?!" Avaleigh exclaimed in shock. That was the baijiu she had been endorsing. From what she knew, Emerson had recommended Fengtai to Danson and that was how Danson signed an endorsement deal for her. Did he do it to help his first love?     

Feeling a little curious but also jealous, she looked up Halia's name online but didn't find many details. Apparently, she was very private and barely appeared in the public eye.     

Left with no choice, her only source of information was Danson.     

"Is she really beautiful? Is that why Emerson loved her for so many years?" she asked cautiously.     

Without holding back, Danson replied, "She's gorgeous! Probably one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She has long legs, a perfect figure, a sweet smile, alluring eyes... Morton was interested in her at one stage too. Emerson has good taste in women, after all."     

He was indirectly praising Avaleigh, but of course, she did not realize this.     

At that moment, Cleo stepped in and heard their conversation. "Who are you guys talking about?" she asked nosily.     

"Haili Feng from Fengtai Corporation," Danson replied.     

"Oh, Halia, she was my neighbor in Beijing. She married one of my boyfriend's best friends!" Cleo smiled. "Not only is she gorgeous, she's also smart, kind, and really badass! I heard she knocked out your stepmother in a boxing match once."     

Danson cleared his throat awkwardly. He wanted to stick up for his woman, but there was nothing he could say. It was true that Halia had knocked her out.     

Avaleigh furrowed her brows. She never knew Cleo was connected to Emerson's first love as well. Was this just a coincidence? Suddenly, she felt a bit like an outsider that had intruded into a circle of friends.     

As Cleo finished speaking, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her gallery to find a picture. Finally, she showed Avaleigh a photo she had taken with Halia and Jackson during their marriage ceremony.     

"Look, I was there when they got married. Isn't she gorgeous?" Cleo said as she pointed to the bride.     

Avaleigh looked at the photo carefully and felt her heart sink. Halia was indeed very beautiful. When she thought Marissa was Emerson's first love, she didn't worry too much because she felt confident compared to her, but now that she realized Halia was actually Emerson's first love, she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. Worst of all, when she zoomed into the photo, she noticed Emerson standing in the background looking brokenhearted. His brokenhearted expression broke her heart.     

Even though Emerson told her he loved her and that he had moved on, seeing and hearing about Halia still made her have doubts. It was only natural. Especially since Halia was so mysterious.     

So, when she returned that day and saw Emerson hugging the woman from Cleo's photo, just outside their apartment, she couldn't help but react in shock. Her suitcase fell out of her hand and her entire body felt weak.     

However, Emerson looked at her and smiled. "Ava, you're back! Let me introduce you to my brother and sister-in-law," he said as he walked over naturally and grabbed her hand.     

Avaleigh felt the man's warm palm wrap around her fingers and gasped as he dragged her forward. There was no sense of awkwardness or guilt as he said proudly, "Haili, this is my girlfriend, Avaleigh Song." He then wrapped his arm around her waist and said dotingly, "Ava, this is Haili Feng, my sister-in-law, childhood friend, and the first love I told you about."     

Avaleigh was surprised by how direct Emerson was. It appeared as though he had absolutely nothing to hide and it gave her the confidence that she needed. Her heart immediately relaxed and a loving smile appeared on her face as she looked into his eyes.     

At that moment, a deep, charming voice said, "Stop referring to her as your first love. Aren't you embarrassed?"     

A tall handsome man that had slightly similar features to Emerson stepped out of the apartment and placed a kiss on Halia's forehead.     

Emerson saw this and followed with a kiss on Avaleigh's forehead. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I am a loyal and devoted person; once I set my heart on someone, I won't change easily. If you ask me, I think that's a great trait."     

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