Help...My Wife is a Spy

Meeting The Team

Meeting The Team

2After the two couples briefly met, Emerson and Avaleigh returned to their apartment. As soon as they walked in through the front door, Emerson wrapped his arms around Avaleigh's waist from behind and whispered beside her ear, "Sorry for not warning you about my brother and sister-in-law's return. You looked a bit surprised earlier."      3

Avaleigh sighed and turned around to face her man. How could she not be surprised? "How would you have felt if you saw me suddenly hugging my first love outside our apartment?"     

Emerson chuckled, "You wouldn't because that guy was a jerk!"     

Avaleigh pouted. That was true. Her first love was a jerk that she never wanted to see again. Unlike Emerson's first love who was smart, beautiful, and kind.     

Emerson understood what Avaleigh was thinking, so he placed a kiss on her lips and explained with seriousness, "It was very last minute. They suddenly told me they were returning 2 days ago, when you had just flown to Shanghai, so I didn't get the chance to tell you. But, you need to trust me, that hug meant nothing. She is my sister now, and the child in her stomach is our future nephew or niece. I was simply happy for her."     

Avaleigh cleared her throat awkwardly and blushed a little; one particular sentence caught her attention, "What do you mean 'our' future nephew or niece?"     

Emerson lifted Avaleigh's chin and looked at her lovingly, "You know exactly what I mean." He then leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers again. This time, it was more passionate than before. This woman had absolutely nothing to worry about.     

As they pulled away from each other, Avaleigh looked into Emerson's eyes and nodded with understanding. She could never be truly mad at him. "Why did they return so suddenly? Is something wrong?" Avaleigh asked with concern.     

Emerson furrowed his brows a little as he thought about Trisha and the men that snuck into his brother's apartment. He knew Jackson and Halia's true identities and had a feeling their return had something to do with Interpol, but he did not want to scare Avaleigh, so he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "They've always been unpredictable like that."     

Avaleigh looked at Emerson with slight suspicion. There had to be more to the story than that. Otherwise, why would a pregnant woman suddenly leave her hometown and business to fly all the way to Hong Kong? She was much too far in her pregnancy to be simply here for a holiday. But, Avaleigh did not question Emerson. Now that they lived next door to each other, she had plenty of time to learn more about this mysterious couple...     


Meanwhile, next door, Jackson led Halia to a locked bedroom at the end of the hall. Apartments in Hong Kong were generally small, but Emerson and Jackson's apartments were big and luxurious with 3 bedrooms each. After all, the two apartments occupied an entire floor in the building. The first two bedrooms in Jackson's apartment were standard. One had a king-sized bed for the couple to share and the other had a double bed for a guest. Only the third one was a little different. Jackson unlocked the door to the third bedroom and said sternly, "This will be your office/command center while you are in Hong Kong. I want your identity to remain a secret as much as possible so don't go wandering around the Interpol headquarters if you don't have to."     

Halia stepped into the room and gasped in surprise. An entire wall was covered in screens and there was a microphone on a desk with a set of headphones. "Trisha set everything up. It should be ready to go."     

At that moment, Jackson walked up to the desk, pressed a power button and all the screens turned on. "Trisha said to log on at 8pm. That's now." Jackson then led his wife to sit down on the seat in front of the microphone and helped her put on her headphones. He also sat next to her and put on a pair as well.     

A moment later, a voice said over the headphones, "Hello, can you hear me?"     

Halia immediately recognized the voice. It was Trisha. "Trisha, is that you?" Halia asked.     

Trisha smiled and quickly replied, "Yes. I'm glad to see that everything works."     

She then asked, "Agents? Are you also connected?"     

Halia looked up and noticed images appear on four of her screens. They were from four different locations. She then heard four voices, "Yes, connected and ready to take orders."     

Halia did not see any faces on her screens but saw four thumbs up. Two clearly looked like women, while the other two looked like men.     

"Good!" Trisha cheered. "Agents, this is your new Captain. You can call her Captain BTA. To keep her identity confidential, you will not be given her real name, but you can trust her with your lives. Captain BTA, these four agents are our first four BTA agents and they will be under your command from now on. They have transferred knowledge from our best fighters and smartest agents. I have left a stack of documents on your desk with their details. You can familiarize yourself with them later. But, in case our communication gets intercepted in any way, they will be using code names from now on. Agents, introduce yourselves."     

A hand suddenly waved on one of the screens and a chirpy voice said, "You can call me Hummingbird, I am currently in Israel following someone that visited one of Boginya's accomplices two days before their attempted escape."     

Right after her, another hand waved and a deep, manly voice said, "I am Sasquatch, I've been investigating people that worked with the officer that helped Boginya in Beijing to see if we have any other moles that work for The Organization."     

On a third screen, a slender male hand lifted a glass of red wine, "I am Wolf. I am currently in Russia, trying to see if I can get any leads on Boginya."     

Finally, a cold, feminine voice said, "I am Orca. I am currently in Mongolia investigating the base."     

Halia looked at the four screens and nodded her head with a pleased expression, "I'm looking forward to taking down The Organization with all of you..."     

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