Help...My Wife is a Spy

A Serious Matter Of National Security

A Serious Matter Of National Security

0Trisha furrowed her brows and looked at the exhausted young woman in the mirror. It had been one week since she received intel from Halia and one week since the authorities in The Philippines launched a raid on White Pearl Resort. But, it had also been one week since that raid failed miserably.     2

No one could explain how an entire floor of a building disappeared and no one wanted to investigate further.     

To be exact, no one dared to do it.      

After all, White Pearl Resort was owned by a government official from the tourism department and the local authorities didn't want to offend him any further. Moreover, they had already caused a lot of damage by storming into his resort and causing a commotion so they didn't want to push their limits.     

However, Trisha trusted Halia and she trusted the information she provided her. She even watched the videos she recorded multiple times and confirmed that they were real without a doubt. But, Interpol in the Philippines refused to follow the case any further unless she revealed her source. Trisha began to suspect that something wasn't right, so she decided to keep Halia's identity a secret and continue to investigate on her own.     

As a result, she had barely slept for an entire week.     

The day before, she had just finished doing a video interview with Eagle in Korea due to his suspected connection with The Organization and she was currently writing up a report. Although the man denied that he knew anything about The Organization, Halia had already told Trisha everything she knew, including the woman that sent him after her so she knew he was lying.     

"Why did you go after Haili Feng? Was it because of the incident in the Philippines? Did Boginya send you?" Trisha asked straightforwardly.     

The man stared at her and refused to talk, but his eyes twitched a little out of guilt.     

"If you tell me what you know about The Organization, I can help you plead for a shorter sentence," Trisha offered. "Do you know Boginya's real identity or where she is right now?"     

Trisha tried her best to tempt the man into talking, but his lips were sealed.     

In the end, she had no choice but to give up and try again another time.      

"If you decide to talk at a later date, you can always call me. My name is Trisha Hua, I am the Head of Interpol in Hong Kong/Macau."     

Trisha was in the bathroom at that moment trying to wake up a little by splashing water on her face. As she returned to her office with a cup of coffee, she massaged her temples and tried to focus on the work in front of her again. But, just as she did so, she suddenly received a phone call from a number in Seoul.     

"Is this Captain Hua?" a voice asked in a nervous whisper.     

Trisha sat up with curiosity and replied, "Yes, who am I speaking to?"     

The woman on the other end had a strong Korean accent but she managed to say in English, "Officer Kim told me to pass on a message... Boginya is in Beijing..."     

Trisha's eyes opened wide in shock. Officer Kim? Officer Kim was Eagle.     

"Who are you? Why isn't he telling me himself?" Trisha asked with suspicion.     

On the other end, the woman's voice began to tremble, "O-Officer Kim was...killed in a car accident while he was being transferred this morning. I was the paramedic at the scene. Just before he died, he told me to contact you and pass on this message."     

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone in fear. It took a lot of courage for her to call Trisha. Even though she didn't work in forensics, she had arrived at the scene of many car accidents in the past, so she was sure that the 'accident' this morning, was no accident. A truck driver had run his truck straight into the police vehicle that was carrying Eagle as though he was on a suicide mission. There were no skid marks on the ground, the truck aimed directly for Eagle's seat, and the police vehicle was pushed a fair distance before it was crushed against a wall. If the police vehicle wasn't armored and fully enclosed, Eagle would have died instantly.     

Trisha held onto her phone and furrowed her brows. The Organization always shut up members that were caught - she had witnessed it with Trojan in the past - so, she was also sure that Eagle's death was no accident.     

If his dying words were to tell her that Boginya was in Beijing, then something serious was definitely happening there. It wasn't like she was on a holiday. So, without hesitation, Trisha picked up her phone and contacted Captain Tang from the SPU. She had previously worked with him and Halia when they caught Trojan so she knew he could be trusted.     

"The Organization is up to something in Beijing," she warned. "Boginya is there."     

But, to her surprise, Captain Tang slammed his hands on his desk and swore, "F*ck!"     

Trisha sensed something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" she asked cautiously.     

"I think you may be too late," Captain Tang said as he tried to calm down. "Two of our scientists went missing last night and we haven't been able to locate them..."     

That morning, the Chief of the Beijing Police Department had contacted him in a panic telling him that Dr. Li and Dr. Ren did not show up at work. When he called their families to check, their family members said they never returned home the previous night and that they thought they were working overnight.     

Immediately, both men knew something serious had happened. Dr. Li and Dr. Ren had been working on technology that the government had been keeping a secret for years. If someone found out what they had been working on and kidnapped them, it could be a serious matter of national security.     

At first, they weren't sure, but now that Trisha mentioned The Organization, Captain Tang had a bad feeling about the situation.     

Had Dr. Li and Dr. Ren been kidnapped by Boginya?     

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