Help...My Wife is a Spy

Stay The Night

Stay The Night

2Over in Hong Kong, the sun streamed in through Avaleigh's bedroom window. It was the middle of summer so it was already hot in the room even though it was early in the morning.     

In her half-sleeping state, Avaleigh kicked away the blankets and rolled over. But, just as she did so, the blanket was quickly replaced by a strong pair of arms that wrapped lovingly around her body.     

"It's not good to go from hot to cold so suddenly. You might get sick," a deep charming voice said beside her ear.     

Avaleigh's eyes immediately flew open in surprise when she heard this voice and she gasped when she saw a handsome face in front of her.     

Emerson looked at her lovingly and smiled as Avaleigh quickly gathered her thoughts. Why was Emerson there? What was he doing in her bed?     

She subconsciously glanced down at their bodies and realized Emerson was only in his underwear and so was she.     

A moment later, she blushed in embarrassment as she remembered what had happened the previous night.     

After Emerson drove her back from the airport last night, he was planning to go home like he usually did. After all, it was getting late. But, Avaleigh insisted he come up to the apartment so she could cook dinner for him. She knew he had rushed to the airport without finishing his dinner earlier, so she assumed he was still hungry.     

Emerson was indeed hungry so he had no reason to refuse.     

As soon as they entered the apartment, Avaleigh walked over to the fridge and pulled out some ingredients that she found. Like a professional, she quickly grabbed a wok and made some fried rice. It was simple, but it was too late at night for her to buy more ingredients and make something else.     

"It's just a simple bowl of fried rice, but I hope you like it," she said gently as she placed the bowl of food in front of Emerson.     

Emerson smiled and quickly dug into the rice. "As long as you made it, then I like it. I could eat the things you cook for the rest of my life..." he said lovingly as he savored each spoonful of the rice.     

Avaleigh looked at the man and bit her lip as her heart overflowed with emotions. She had never felt this loved by a man before and she felt a bit silly for even doubting him for a moment.     

Emerson was honest about enjoying her food, so it didn't take long for him to finish the entire bowl of rice. As he did so, Avaleigh was both happy and disappointed She was happy that he liked her cooking, but she was disappointed because it meant he would be leaving. If she knew he would eat so fast, she would have taken longer to cook.     

Avaleigh suddenly remembered the thoughts she had as she was rushing back on the plane from Shanghai. At that time, she was determined to make Emerson hers. Even if she didn't take their relationship to the next level, she wanted to at least make him stay the night. But, now that Emerson was in front of her, she was too shy to make a move or ask him to stay.     

In an awkward manner, she suddenly grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. People often said that alcohol was like liquid courage and she needed a bit of courage at that moment. "I passed the audition today and signed a contract for 3 episodes," she smiled. "Let's have a bit of wine to celebrate."     

Emerson's eyes lit up happily. "I knew you could do it," he smiled as he watched her pour out the wine. He had always had faith in his girlfriend. Sure, he had started up an entertainment agency for Avaleigh, but it wasn't just an emotional decision that he made recklessly; he was a smart businessman. At the end of the day, he wouldn't have invested in something unless he was confident about it.     

Not knowing how to react to the man's praise, Avaleigh grabbed one of the wine glasses, raised it shyly, and emptied it down her throat.      

Emerson sipped on his wine charmingly as he watched the woman's actions. By now, he was beginning to realize how nervous she was and it melted his heart. Was there something she wanted to say to him? He could sense her hesitation.     

Avaleigh was dressed in a white summer dress that day and her long hair hung casually over one shoulder. Her lips were pink, but they were now slightly stained by the red wine and her cheeks were a little rosy. She looked cute, yet seductive, and Emerson couldn't take his eyes off her.     

He couldn't believe that this woman was his.     

As he looked at her, he noticed a drop of red wine trickle down the side of her mouth. She had drunk so quickly that she didn't notice this.     

Avaleigh's eyes met Emerson's and her heart began to race. Why was he just staring at her? She quickly fluttered her eyelashes and looked away.     

But, just as she did so, the man suddenly stood up, grabbed her chin, leaned forward, and licked her seductively on the edge of her lips. He could have wiped it off with a tissue or his finger, but he purposely licked it, and he did it in a slow and gentle manner.     

Avaleigh's heart almost exploded when she realized what he had done. She looked at the man speechlessly as he leaned back a little. They were so close that their noses were almost touching.      

"You had some red wine on the side of your lips, I didn't want it to stain your dress," Emerson explained with a cheeky smile.     

Avaleigh felt the man's warm breaths on her lips as he spoke and her body began to heat up. Was he teasing her? Although she had only had one glass of wine, she could see the cheekiness in his smile. Gathering her courage, she bravely grabbed onto his tie before he backed away any further. She couldn't let him get away with teasing her.     

A slightly evil look appeared in Emerson's eyes. "What are you doing?" he asked.      

With an equally evil look in her eyes, Avaleigh smiled and replied, "I want you to stay the night."     

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