Help...My Wife is a Spy

Something Special

Something Special

0After questioning the father and daughter, Halia walked out of the interrogation room feeling slightly emotional. After hearing what Officer Huang did for his daughter, she couldn't help but miss her father a little. It was sad that Officer Huang had chosen the wrong path, but parents sometimes did silly things for their children. Her father had also done many things for her growing up. Especially when he was a single parent. Fortunately, he never did anything illegal.     

Halia suddenly felt a little proud of her father. It mustn't have been easy.     

While she was deep in thought, she turned the corner and almost ran into a person that was leaning against the wall.     

Halia jumped back in surprise and patted herself on the chest. "Ahhh!" she screamed subconsciously.     

She then scanned her eyes up to the person's face and realized it was Morton.     

"Sorry for scaring you," Morton said as he looked at Halia.     

Halia smiled and shook her hands, "It's not your fault. I was just thinking about something and got distracted."     

After Halia finished speaking, there was an awkward silence. That was when she realized, this was the first time she was officially speaking to him as Halia and not as Mars. What was she supposed to say?     

"Have you finished giving your statement?" Halia asked awkwardly.     

Morton nodded his head. "What about you? Have you finished?" he asked back.     

Halia also nodded.     

But, she was a little confused. If he was finished with his statement, why didn't he go home? Why was he still here?     

Was he...waiting for her?     

"I assume you won't be returning to the law firm again...?" Morton asked with slight disappointment in his voice.     

Halia smiled and shook her head, "I've completed my mission."     

Morton looked down. "Does that mean I'll never see you again?" he questioned further.     

Halia patted the man on the shoulder, "We are still friends. If you need anything, you can always contact me on my phone."     

As soon as Morton heard this, he saw a glimpse of hope. He quickly pulled out his phone and showed Halia a phone number, "Will you still be using this number?"     

Halia quickly glanced at Morton's phone and smiled, "Yes, you can contact me anytime."     

Morton held onto his phone and a slight smile appeared on his face, "Should I still call you Mars? Or do you have another name...?"     

Halia hesitated for a second. If Morton had never met Haili Feng, she would have told him her name straight away, but after everything that happened between them, she didn't know how to explain that the heiress of Fengtai Corporation was actually an SPU agent...     

"Promise that you won't tell anyone else about my identity," Halia said as she raised her pinky finger.     

Morton looked at the woman's finger and chuckled. "You can trust me," he said as he hooked his finger around hers.     

"My name isn't Mars Wu...Your suspicions were correct when you saw me at Roy's party...I am Haili Feng."     

Morton's eyes opened wide in surprise, but a smile quickly appeared on his face as he grabbed hold of Halia's hands, "That's great! I think we would make a good match."     

Halia immediately tried to pull her hands away, but Morton held onto them tightly, "Since you don't have to hide your identity around me anymore and you've completed your mission. Would you consider being my girlfriend?"     

Halia sighed. Just as she was about to reject the man, a deep and charming voice said from behind, "I see you've met my fiancee, Lawyer Meng."     

Morton's eyes looked towards the doorway in confusion as Halia turned around with a grin. She recognized the voice. "Jackson, what are you doing here?" she smiled.     

Jackson saw Morton holding onto Halia's hands and frowned. He then walked up to Halia, wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her away, and kissed her on the lips.      

Halia blushed a little. This was the first time they had been so affectionate in public.     

"I heard you completed your mission, so I came to celebrate it with you," Jackson replied lovingly.     

Morton looked at the two and finally realized what was going on. He had almost forgotten that Haili Feng was Jackson Wu's fiancee. Morton felt his heart sink as he looked at Jackson. He had to admit that this man was handsome, rich, and successful.     

But...he wasn't too bad himself. He couldn't just give up. As long as Halia wasn't married, he still stood a chance, right?     

"Haili..." he suddenly said.     

Halia looked at Morton with confusion. What else did this man want? Wasn't Jackson's appearance already an answer to his question? How could she be his girlfriend when she was already engaged to Jackson?     

But, Morton was so confident in himself that he actually thought he stood a chance, "I know you are already engaged, but as long as you aren't married, I won't give up. During these past three weeks, I could feel something special between us, don't tell me that you didn't feel it too. To be honest, Mr. Wu may seem like a great catch, but I have doubts about his identity. I've never even heard of him before he came to the law firm. From what I know, the owners of Golden Dream Casino are Emerson and Jack Wu. Are you sure he's not a swindler? Now that I think about it, did he deliberately come to our law firm so he could make you think he was writing a will with you as the main beneficiary? You need to be careful around him."     

Halia looked at the man and burst into laughter. She knew better than anyone who Jackson was. "You're overthinking it. Jackson came to the law firm to help me."     

At that moment, Jackson pulled Halia into his arms again. "Stop wasting your breath on this delusional fool. We have an appointment to get to," he said coldly. Who was he calling a swindler and how dare he try to get between him and Halia?     

Halia glanced at her fiancee with a puzzled expression, "Appointment?"     

"Didn't I tell you we were having a celebration? People are waiting for us," Jackson said.     

He then started dragging Halia out. But, just before he left, he said one last thing to Morton, "You can send me the bill for your services so far, Lawyer Meng, but Mrs. Wu and I won't be needing your help anymore, I've decided to use my own legal advisor instead."     

Morton looked at the couple in surprise as they left. Mrs. Wu? They weren't even married yet.     

But, as he thought this, Morton suddenly realized something, "Mrs. Wu...Mars Wu?"     

Morton sighed. It seemed, Halia's heart was with Jackson the entire time.     

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