Help...My Wife is a Spy

Fluttering Pain

Fluttering Pain

4Soon, Mimi and Emerson caught everyone else's attention and the other girls began to gather around as they finished their makeup.      3

"President Wu, you no girlfriend?" Chu asked cheekily with her broken English.     

Emerson looked at the young woman curiously. How did she know?     

Understanding what Emerson was thinking, Mimi turned to Emerson and explained, "Avaleigh lost a bet earlier and she was told to ask you if you were single. I hope you don't mind."     

Emerson smiled awkwardly and shook his head as he glanced at Avaleigh. "A bet?" he whispered to himself. The woman still had her eyes closed and appeared as though she was ignoring him.     

All of a sudden, Emerson began to wonder...was she ignoring him? Or did she just not care?     

He originally thought she asked him about his relationship status because she was developing feelings for him, but it seemed like that was not the case now - she simply asked him because she had lost a bet.      

Was that why she messaged him? Was it also a part of her bet?     

Emerson felt his heart break a little. He had finished work early and rushed all the way to see her because of the message she sent, but it appeared as though he had misunderstood.     

Why did he always misunderstand women? Previously, he had thought Halia went all the way to Macau to look for him, but it turned out she was there for a case. Why didn't he learn from his past mistake? Just because a lot of girls pursued him and called him one of the most eligible bachelors, did that mean every girl liked him? Had he overestimated himself?     

The girls continued to surround him and question him, but Emerson was so deep in thought, he no longer listened to them.     

Before long, the stage director walked into the room and announced that there were 10 minutes until the girls had to be on stage. So, the girls quickly waved at Emerson and began to leave the room. Avaleigh stood up at this moment and avoided Emerson's gaze as she walked out the door. But, as soon as she stepped through the doorway, she suddenly felt her stomach cramp a little.     

She subconsciously gripped her stomach in pain and it quickly disappeared. But, Emerson saw this and couldn't help but grab her arm with concern. "Are you OK?" he asked.     

Avaleigh looked at the man and nodded her head, "I'm fine."     

"Did you have lunch?" Emerson asked with seriousness. Was her stomach hurting because she wasn't being fed properly again?     

Avaleigh nodded again, "We had a salad. It was very filling and nutritious."     

Emerson frowned. Salad again? "I'll prepare dinner for you again tonight so you can have some proper food after the concert," he said domineeringly.     

Avaleigh looked in confusion at the man. She didn't understand the motive behind his actions. One moment, he had his arm hooked with Mimi's, the next minute he was offering to prepare dinner for her.     

Avaleigh gently pulled her arm away and shook her head, "It's OK. I am honestly full. Plus, I'm sure Sue prepared something for me to eat. I don't feel comfortable having you eat it for me again."     

Before Emerson could insist, a voice called across the corridor, "Hurry up, Ava, everyone's waiting for you!"     

Avaleigh immediately nodded and ran to join her members.     

Emerson sighed. He felt it was obvious that this woman did not have feelings for him, so he wanted to leave before he embarrassed himself more, but his legs refused to move. He was certain that Avaleigh looked a little unwell a moment ago. Should he stay around and make sure she was fine?     

Clicking his tongue, he walked out to the front of the stage where Danson's secretary was seated with the press and media. "You can't be saved, Emerson. I guess I'll stick around for the introduction," he told himself as he approached the woman.     

The secretary was surprised to see him. "What are you doing here, President Wu?"     

Emerson sat down in an empty seat and replied, "I've never been to a concert so I thought I'd pop by. I'm only staying for the introduction..."     

The secretary looked at Emerson in surprise and wanted to question him further, but the lights in the auditorium suddenly turned off and the audience began to cheer loudly.     

The concert was starting.     

The press and media immediately ran up to the stage and focused their cameras for the perfect photo. A moment later, music began to play and 7 spotlights lit up the stage. Standing under each spotlight was one of the members of Macaron. And, as usual, Avaleigh stood in the middle.     

"Hello, Hong Kong!" she screamed, signaling her members to begin their dance routine.     

As the audience jumped up and down with excitement, the girls began to dance and sing on the stage. Their songs were lively and addictive, and there were pastel colors all over the stage. But, even with everything happening on stage, Emerson found his eyes focused on one person, and he couldn't tear his eyes away.     

Avaleigh was a really good singer and dancer. Her movements were fluid, her body was flexible and her facial expressions were extremely attractive. Every time she sang, Emerson felt goosebumps all over his body, and every time she moved, he wanted to jump on stage and join her.     

"Emerson, why are you always involved in a one-sided love?" he sighed to himself.     

Meanwhile, on stage, Avaleigh was enjoying the adrenaline from performing in front of a live audience. Everyone was so passionate and excited, it made her want to give her all. The lights were off in the auditorium, so she couldn't quite see the faces below the stage, but after the first song ended, the lights turned on and the girls were given some time to say a few words. That was when she spotted a familiar face amongst the press and media and suddenly felt a little nervous.     

Emerson was watching the concert and he had his eyes on her.     

When the girls performed their second song, the lights stayed on. Avaleigh couldn't stop thinking about the man that was watching her below the stage, so she subconsciously glanced in his direction every now and then to check his reaction.      

His eyes were glued on her and it made her stomach flutter.     

It fluttered so much that she felt herself heat up and her face blush a little. Even when she looked away, it was still fluttering.     

But...the fluttering grew more and more intense. So intense that it began to cramp and hurt.     

No...this wasn't right...why was her stomach beginning to cramp?     

Avaleigh desperately endured the pain as it grew stronger and stronger.      

Emerson looked at the woman and noticed her eyes twitch a little and her eyebrows furrow slightly. Something wasn't right...     

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