Help...My Wife is a Spy

Welcome To Macau

Welcome To Macau

0Hummingbird and Orca carried their backpacks onto the ferry that arrived. Because they were used to being on the road and acting as backpackers, these backpacks usually contained everything they needed. But today, they needed to do some shopping when they arrived at their location. They were attending an important event and they had nothing suitable to wear.      2

Like Hummingbird, Orca had already captured the Super Soldier that she was sent to pursue. About 9 months ago, she had tracked the woman down and found that she was attempting a political assassination! The Super Soldier purchased a sniper rifle from the black market and hid on a rooftop for a week, waiting for her target to appear during an upcoming national parade that he was scheduled to attend. Fortunately, Orca found her and arrested her before anyone was hurt. But, it took her another 9 months to track down the person that had hired the woman.     

Only yesterday did the local authorities sweep in and arrest a high profile politician for the attempted assassination. Orca assumed that everyone was talking about that case in India right at that moment.     

"Congratulations on the arrest. You did a good job," Halia praised Orca over the phone. "Find a safe place to hide in India and I will update you when you are needed again."     

Orca glanced at Hummingbird and replied, "Yes, Captain!" Little did Halia know that Orca had already left India the previous night.     

Halia then said to everyone, "Your Brain Tap updates will be due in a couple of weeks. As usual, Captain Hua and I will be sending some people to meet with you. I will give you more details closer to the date. Until then, stay safe."     

After Orca and Hummingbird hung up their phones, they looked at each other and giggled. Orca then picked up her phone and made another call, "Captain Hua, our ferry is almost arriving. Are you meeting us at the wharf?"     

Trisha checked the timetable on the screen in front of her and nodded her head, "Yes, I'm just outside the arrivals area. I'm here with my fiance. Look for a British man with curly brown hair." As she said this, she looked around and laughed. "He stands out like a sore thumb."     

Oliver glanced at his fiancee as she said this and pinched her nose. Even though he had been living in Hong Kong for over a year now, he still got weird looks every now and then due to his unique appearance. Unlike the typical Westerner with blond hair, he had curly brown hair. Paired with his crystal blue eyes, it was an odd yet extremely attractive combo that one couldn't help but take a second look at.     

10 minutes later, a ferry pulled up at the wharf as scheduled, and two blond women came skipping excitedly towards them. If they didn't know better, Trisha and Oliver would have thought that these two women were a pair of ditzy blond backpackers.     

Trisha smiled at the two women and spread her arms. "Welcome to Macau..." she said.     


Back in Hong Kong, Halia was speaking to Interpol in Europe to see how far they had tracked the fifth Super Soldier.     

"The target was last seen in Warsaw a few days ago, he got drunk and was admitted to the hospital. Captain, we've been following this man for a year now. He doesn't seem to be doing anything suspicious; he's like a typical backpacker. Are you sure we have the right person?" one of the agents asked.     

Halia furrowed her brows. "I'm certain it's him..." As Halia said this, she felt slightly unconfident. There was one thing that bothered her about this fifth Super Soldier. The Brain Tap technology only worked for 3 months, but it had already been a year since they started following him. In theory, he should have completed his mission by now, but her gut told her he was still up to something. Was she right to continue this investigation based on a gut feeling?     

She looked at the information in front of her and checked the man's timeline again. He simply partied every night during the first 3 months and the people he spoke to were indeed normal backpackers. There was no way that he could have met with anyone related to Odin, unless...     

Halia paused on one particular piece of information. 3 months after he left the base in Morocco, he had got into a bar fight in Greece and was admitted to a hospital. At that time, he was simply treated for some bruising by a nurse and was discharged, but now that Halia looked at it, he was in the hospital for almost 5 hours! Wasn't 5 hours too long for such a simple treatment?     

Halia flipped through the man's timeline again. 6 weeks after that, he was admitted to the hospital again for food poisoning in Bulgaria, another 10 weeks later, he was admitted to the hospital in France for tripping during a hike.     

Halia's eyes opened wide, "Check the surveillance cameras from the hospital in Warsaw! How long was he there for and was he in the emergency ward the entire time? Who did he speak to when he was there and what exactly did they do? I want to know every detail about his time in the hospital!"     

The agents immediately accepted the task and got off the phone. After Halia was done, she turned off everything, locked the door to the secret room, and went to get ready for her daughter's first birthday.     

Right at that moment, there was a knock on the door.     

Halia opened it up to find Emerson and Avaleigh standing outside. Emerson was smartly dressed in a white collared shirt with a Champagne-colored vest, and Avaleigh was dressed in a beautiful short Champagne-colored off-shoulder dress that suited him.     

It had been one year since Avaleigh completed her chemotherapy, so her hair had now returned and it was tied into a neat bun. With a smile, she said, "Jackson prepared a dress for you."     

Halia looked at Avaleigh in surprise, but she accepted the dress and quickly changed into it in her bedroom. It was a simple white dress with an elegant lace design on the bodice that highlighted her post-maternity body. After giving birth, Halia's body recovered quickly and she looked just as fit as before. In fact, she had a few extra curves that made her look even more feminine.     

Avaleigh stepped into the bedroom and gasped in surprise. Even as a celebrity, her body wasn't as fit as Halia's. "Come, sit down, let me help you with your hair and makeup," she offered as she helped Halia sit down. Halia looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. It had been a long time since she got dressed up like this, and it was completely worth it for her precious daughter.     

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